If you don't know something, google it.
it really helps and saves your and others' time.
+ If you want to ask any question from someone tell your question in a one message with greetings.👇
Follow this guide
it really helps and saves your and others' time.
+ If you want to ask any question from someone tell your question in a one message with greetings.👇
Follow this guide
Faridun Shavkatov
Pride and Prejudice ni o'qisam uyqu kelyapti. Why?
Now, I'm not feeling sleepy when I read it.
it's somehow easier now.
First 100 page I didn't really know what was happening. I was getting it like 50/50. Now it's 80/20. Till the end, I hope, it'll be 99%.
it's somehow easier now.
First 100 page I didn't really know what was happening. I was getting it like 50/50. Now it's 80/20. Till the end, I hope, it'll be 99%.
Forwarded from Aqlli ikkichi
Yangi iqtisod
100 yil oldin biznes qilib pul topish uchun, birov bilmagan narsani bilishingiz kerak edi. Faqat siz ushbu mahsulotni ishlab chiqara olasiz, jamoani boshqarib katta miqdorlar bilan ishla olasiz, xaridor topishni bilasiz. Boshqalarda bilim yo’q, shuning uchun sizda ketmon uchmoqda.
Internet hammani tenglashtirdi, sizdagi bor bilim - birovlarda ham mavjud. Hech qaysi biznes trener, universitet, online kurs internetda topib bo’lmaydigan ma’lumot bermaydi. Oldin iqtisodni bilim hal qilgan bo’lsa, hozir esa yangi valyuta - diqqat.
Hammada 24 soat va internet bor, lekin biz uni har xil ishlatyapmiz. Yangi pul - bu diqqat, nimalarga uni sarflayapsiz?
100 yil oldin biznes qilib pul topish uchun, birov bilmagan narsani bilishingiz kerak edi. Faqat siz ushbu mahsulotni ishlab chiqara olasiz, jamoani boshqarib katta miqdorlar bilan ishla olasiz, xaridor topishni bilasiz. Boshqalarda bilim yo’q, shuning uchun sizda ketmon uchmoqda.
Internet hammani tenglashtirdi, sizdagi bor bilim - birovlarda ham mavjud. Hech qaysi biznes trener, universitet, online kurs internetda topib bo’lmaydigan ma’lumot bermaydi. Oldin iqtisodni bilim hal qilgan bo’lsa, hozir esa yangi valyuta - diqqat.
Hammada 24 soat va internet bor, lekin biz uni har xil ishlatyapmiz. Yangi pul - bu diqqat, nimalarga uni sarflayapsiz?
Faridun Shavkatov
Yangi iqtisod 100 yil oldin biznes qilib pul topish uchun, birov bilmagan narsani bilishingiz kerak edi. Faqat siz ushbu mahsulotni ishlab chiqara olasiz, jamoani boshqarib katta miqdorlar bilan ishla olasiz, xaridor topishni bilasiz. Boshqalarda bilim yo’q…
The new currency is the focus.
So, you need to ignore a lot of things in this modern day to focus on important things.
So, you need to ignore a lot of things in this modern day to focus on important things.
You can learn more about it on Manage Your Day-To-Day by Jocelyn Glei.
I just listened to summery of this book. I also recommend you to do so. Headway or Blinkist are the best ones.
I got mode version of Headway (app on the app(play) store)
I just listened to summery of this book. I also recommend you to do so. Headway or Blinkist are the best ones.
I got mode version of Headway (app on the app(play) store)
I left many channels.
Not because of something bad between us, I just wanted to focus on myself.
Not because of something bad between us, I just wanted to focus on myself.
"If you become popular, everything that you do will eventually be seen as normal by others."
The real concept of managing your money to get rich❗️
•Luke Belmar
•Luke Belmar
Luke Belmar's Secret to getting RICH Revealed
Time won't wait for you, so act fast.
Access 👉 https://join-capital.club/cc_ticket 👽
Luke Belmar's Capital Club brings you front-seat access to the World's Top Experts in Business, Entrepreneurship, Career Development, and Biohacking.
See you on the other…
Access 👉 https://join-capital.club/cc_ticket 👽
Luke Belmar's Capital Club brings you front-seat access to the World's Top Experts in Business, Entrepreneurship, Career Development, and Biohacking.
See you on the other…
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You were Made for More👽 | LUKE BELMAR
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Everything is CHEAP - Luke Belmar
The most important thing is your mindset❗️
The most important thing is your mindset❗️
Things I say myself to do everyday
First, change yourself
Change your mindset
Don't drink tap water, drink spring water
Use a cast-iron pan for cooking
Don't listen to music
Don't watch movies
Listen to yourself
Ask yourself: why?
Don't consume sugar
Eat healthy
Don't eat junk food(garbage)
Do push-ups
Be active in your-life
Sleep well
Don't scroll social media
Will be added
First, change yourself
Change your mindset
Don't drink tap water, drink spring water
Use a cast-iron pan for cooking
Don't listen to music
Don't watch movies
Listen to yourself
Ask yourself: why?
Don't consume sugar
Eat healthy
Don't eat junk food(garbage)
Do push-ups
Be active in your-life
Sleep well
Don't scroll social media
Will be added