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Сэмюел Дилэни. Нова. Да, и Гоморра: роман, повести, рассказы.
Издательство «Азбука», «Азбука-Аттикус». 537 р.

Сэмюел Дилэни — ярчайшая звезда фантастики XX века, один из символов американской «новой волны», наряду с Урсулой Ле Гуин и Роджером Желязны, и один из ее тончайших стилистов, лауреат обильного урожая главных жанровых премий: четыре «Небьюлы» и «Хьюго» — и все это, когда ему еще и не исполнилось 27 лет. Данная книга содержит самый яркий роман его классического периода, «Нова», заложивший один из кирпичиков того, что через полтора десятилетия стало киберпанком, а также практически полное собрание короткой формы мастера — самую позднюю, расширенную версию авторского сборника «Да, и Гоморра»; роман представлен в новом переводе, многие рассказы и повести публикуются по-русски впервые, остальные — в новой редакции. Вместе с Лорком фон Рэем и киберштырями «Птицы Рух» вы нырнете в сердце коллапсирующей звезды, на Звездной Станции у края галактики проводите в бесконечную ночь золотых детей, и, обзаведясь жабрами и перепонками, погрузитесь в океанские глубины, и ощутите время как спираль из полудрагоценных камней…
«Дилэни — не просто один из лучших фантастов современности, но и выдающийся литератор вообще говоря, изобретатель собственного неповторимого стиля» (Умберто Эко).

Заказать книгу с доставкой: falanster1917@yandex.ru

Olivia Laing. The Lonely City: Adventures in the Art of Being Alone.
Стоит 1140 руб.

When Olivia Laing moved to New York City in her midthirties, she found herself inhabiting loneliness on a daily basis. Increasingly fascinated by the most shameful of experiences, she began to explore the lonely city by way of art. Moving from Edward Hopper’s Nighthawks to Andy Warhol’s Time Capsules, from Henry Darger’s hoarding to David Wojnarowicz’s AIDS activism, Laing conducts an electric, dazzling investigation into what it means to be alone, illuminating not only the causes of loneliness but also how it might be resisted and redeemed.

Humane, provocative, and moving, The Lonely City is a celebration of a strange and lovely state, adrift from the larger continent of human experience, but intrinsic to the very act of being alive.

Olivia Laing. To the River: A Journey Beneath the Surface.
Стоит 1024 руб.

Over sixty years after Virginia Woolf drowned in the River Ouse, Olivia Laing set out one midsummer morning to walk its banks, from source to sea. Along the way, she explores the roles that rivers play in human lives, tracing their intricate flow through literature, mythology and folklore.

Lyrical and stirring, To the River is a passionate investigation into how history resides in a landscape — and how ghosts never quite leave the places they love.

Заказать книгу с доставкой: falanster1917@yandex.ru

Amy Liptrot. The Outrun: A Memoir.
Стоит 1130 руб.

After a decade of heavy partying and hard drinking in London, Amy Liptrot returns home to Orkney, a remote island off the north of Scotland. The Outrun maps Amy’s inspiring recovery as she walks along windy coasts, swims in icy Atlantic waters, tracks Orkney’s wildlife, and reconnects with her parents, revisiting and rediscovering the place that shaped her.

Заказать книгу с доставкой: falanster1917@yandex.ru

Margaret Atwood. The Penelopiad.
Стоит 1043 руб.

Margaret Atwood returns with a shrewd, funny, and insightful retelling of the myth of Odysseus from the point of view of Penelope. Describing her own remarkable vision, the author writes in the foreword, “I’ve chosen to give the telling of the story to Penelope and to the twelve hanged maids. The maids form a chanting and singing Chorus, which focuses on two questions that must pose themselves after any close reading of the Odyssey: What led to the hanging of the maids, and what was Penelope really up to? The story as told in the Odyssey doesn’t hold water: there are too many inconsistencies. I’ve always been haunted by the hanged maids and, in The Penelopiad, so is Penelope herself.” One of the high points of literary fiction in 2005, this critically acclaimed story found a vast audience and is finally available in paperback.

Margaret Atwood. Payback: Debt and the Shadow Side of Wealth.
Стоит 889 руб.

Legendary novelist, poet, and essayist Margaret Atwood delivers a surprising look at the topic of “debt” ― a timely subject during our current period of economic upheaval. In her intelligent and imaginative approach to the subject, Atwood proposes that “debt” is like air ― something we take for granted and never think about until things go wrong.

This is not a book about practical debt management or high finance, although it does touch upon those subjects. Rather, it goes far deeper into an investigation of debt as a very old, very central motif in religion, literature, and the structure of human societies. By looking at how debt has informed our thinking from preliterate times to the present day, through the stories we tell to our concepts of “revenge” and “sin” to the way we structure our social relationships, Atwood shows that this idea of what we owe ― in other words, “debt” ― is possibly built into the human imagination as one of its most dynamic metaphors. In the final section, Atwood touches upon not only our current global financial situation, but also the concept of our “debt to nature” and how our ideas of ownership and debt must be changed if we are to find a new way to interact with our natural environment before it is too late.

Заказать книгу с доставкой: falanster1917@yandex.ru

в новом оформлении

Ирина Одоевцева. На берегах Невы. На берегах Сены. На берегах Леты. Главы из ненаписанной книги.
Издательство «Азбука», «Азбука-Аттикус». 537 р.

«Я пишу не о себе и не для себя, а о тех, кого мне было дано узнать… Я пишу о них и для них. О себе я стараюсь говорить как можно меньше…» — написала в предисловии к своим мемуарам Ирина Одоевцева — русская поэтесса, любимая ученица Николая Гумилева, в 1922 году покинувшая Россию. Она прожила долгую жизнь и вернулась на родину в 1987 году — последняя представительница далекого Cеребряного века. Ей довелось увидеть свои книги изданными в СССР — мемуары «На берегах Невы» и «На берегах Сены» вышли в конце 1980-х годов колоссальными тиражами. Герои этих воспоминаний — Николай Гумилев, Георгий Иванов, Осип Мандельштам, Зинаида Гиппиус, Дмитрий Мережковский, Анна Ахматова, Иван Бунин и многие другие. И сейчас, спустя годы, эта книга — памятник эпохе, ее живое свидетельство — читается с огромным интересом. Феноменальная память Одоевцевой позволила ей и через много десятков лет воспроизвести разговоры, дискуссии, споры того времени. В последние годы жизни И. В. Одоевцева задумала третью книгу воспоминаний — «На берегах Леты», которая, однако, осталась незаконченной: лишь несколько глав были опубликованы в парижской газете «Русская мысль». Эти главы включены в настоящее издание.

Заказать книгу с доставкой: falanster1917@yandex.ru

Quentin Tarantino. Reservoir Dogs: The Screenplay.
Стоит 1140 руб.

Заказать книгу с доставкой: falanster1917@yandex.ru

Slavoj Zizek. Violence: Six Sideways Reflections.
Стоит 1140 руб.

Using history, philosophy, books, movies, Lacanian psychiatry, and jokes, Slavoj Žižek examines the ways we perceive and misperceive violence. Drawing from his unique cultural vision, Žižek brings new light to the Paris riots of 2005; he questions the permissiveness of violence in philanthropy; in daring terms, he reflects on the powerful image and determination of contemporary terrorists.

Violence, Žižek states, takes three forms — subjective (crime, terror), objective (racism, hate-speech, discrimination), and systemic (the catastrophic effects of economic and political systems) — and often one form of violence blunts our ability to see the others, raising complicated questions.

Does the advent of capitalism and, indeed, civilization cause more violence than it prevents? Is there violence in the simple idea of "the neighbour"? And could the appropriate form of action against violence today simply be to contemplate, to think?

Beginning with these and other equally contemplative questions, Žižek discusses the inherent violence of globalization, capitalism, fundamentalism, and language, in a work that will confirm his standing as one of our most erudite and incendiary modern thinkers.

Заказать книгу с доставкой: falanster1917@yandex.ru

Deborah Cameron. Feminism: A Brief Introduction to the Ideas, Debates, and Politics of the Movement.
Стоит 1024 руб.

Beneath the nonstop cacophony of voices across social media, online forums, and news outlets lie the stubborn facts at the heart of the everyday struggles of women today: more than a third of single moms live in poverty; the United States sees more maternal deaths than anywhere else in the developed world; one in five women will be raped in her lifetime; and women still make eighty cents for every dollar earned by a man. Between these brutal statistics and the ill-informed, often contentious public debate stand millions of women who feel alienated, disaffected, or just plain worn out.

In the era of #MeToo, Trump, and online harassment, innovative progressive feminist voices are more essential than ever. With her latest book, Deborah Cameron considers feminism from all sides—as an idea, as a theoretical approach, and as a political movement. Written in the succinct, sharp style that has made Cameron’s feminist linguistics blog so popular, this short book lays out past and present debates on seven key topics: domination, rights, work, femininity, sex, culture, and the future. Feminism emphasizes the diversity of feminist thought, including queer, women-of-color, and trans perspectives. Cameron’s clear and incisive account untangles the often confusing strands of one of history’s most important intellectual and political movements.

Broad in scope but refreshingly concise, this book is perfect for anyone who needs a straightforward primer on the complex history of feminism, a nuanced explanation of key issues and debates, or strategic thinking about the questions facing activists today.

Заказать книгу с доставкой: falanster1917@yandex.ru