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While the range of most battery operated electric vehicles falls between 16-320 Kms on single charge , Hydrogen- powered one have longer range of about 500 Kms owing to their fast refueling and higher energy density.

The White Shark, otherwise known as the Great White or White Pointer, is one of the largest sharks. There are only two species of sharks known to exceed the White Shark in size and both are plankton feeders; the Whale Shark (Rhincodon typus) and the Basking Shark (Cetorhinus maximus).
Females mature between 4 and 5 metres in total length and can reach 6 metres weighing as much as 2 tonnes. Males mature between 3.5 to 4 metres long and do not grow as large as mature females.

Females mature between the ages of 12-17 and males between the ages of 7-9. White sharks are believed to live for almost 30 years.

When are they most active?

Like other sharks feeding on large, highly mobile prey, White Sharks become more active during overcast days, or when water visibility is otherwise poor. Sharks do not depend solely on their sight to hunt prey, but more on smell and hearing, plus electroreception at close range, so reduced visibility enables them to get closer before they are detected. White Sharks maintain a variable body temperature 3-14หšC higher than the surrounding water by a heat-exchanging circulatory system. This enables them to hunt in waters too cold for other large sharks, such as Tiger Sharks. White Sharks are powerful swimmers and are known to jump out of the water as they attack seals at the surface.
Orcas, (killer whales) are the only animals in the oceans known to kill White Sharks. In 1997, an adult female orca, accompanied by a second adult female, was observed attacking and killing a 3-4 metre White Shark at Southeast Farallon Island, California.

" Researchers discover a fake anti-virus tool for Pegasus by hackers impersonating Amnesty International "

Hackers are impersonating Amnesty International through a fake website that promises to protect against the Pegasus spyware. This could actually mislead people as it was Amnesty that released a report on how the NSO Groupโ€™s Pegasus spyware was used to target international journalists and activists. The fake website offers an anti-virus tool against the spyware but it instead installs malware on the userโ€™s device.

This malware called โ€˜Sarwentโ€™ isnโ€™t very popular but it can be potentially harmful as it can activate remote desktop protocol on the victimโ€™s device, security researchers from Talos Intelligence said in a blog post. If Sarwent is installed then hackers can gain remote access to the device and infiltrate any kind of data from it.

Seanโ€™s Bar is impressive not only for being the oldest bar on the list, but also for being the best at preserving their history. Thanks to a rich history of record keepers, Seanโ€™s Bar has a meticulous list of every owner, dating back to its 10th century inception. According to Frommerโ€™s Travel Guide, during some much needed renovations in the 1970s, they discovered the walls were made of wattle and wicker, a technique dating back to the 10th century. Talk about time for an upgrade.

They also found coins minted around the same, presumably used for trade in the tavern centuries prior. The coins along with segments of the wall are on display at the Nation Museum.

In 2004, the Guinness Book of World Records officially named Seanโ€™s Bar the oldest bar in Europe.
โ€‹โ€‹๐Ÿ”‹ Scooter Battery Swap๐Ÿ”‹

Gogoroโ€™s new GoStations
Taiwan-based Gogoro electric scooters rely on the companyโ€™s GoStations to swap out discharged batteries for fresh packs. There are over 1,000 such GoStations across Taiwan, helping Gogoro maintain nearly the entire market share of electric scooters in the country. In Taipei alone, riders are never further than 1 km (0.6 mi) from a battery swap station.

Now Gogoro is announcing a new design for its ubiquitous battery swap stations. The new stations, known as the GoStation 3, offer up to 50% more batteries than the previous version and yet reduce the physical footprint required by the station.

The station can actually power itself off of some of its batteries in the event of a power interruption. It can apparently continue operating without a power source for over two and a half days.

And in the event of power outages, the station can operate bidirectionally to help power urban microgrids and keep critical systems running in a city.
โ€‹โ€‹Black holes exert pressure??

Black holes might be more complex than scientists have thought, according to a new study, which suggests for the first time that these mysterious objects might be exerting pressure on their environment.

Known for their extremely powerful gravitational force that sucks in everything from their vicinity, black holes were originally believed to be completely inert. In 1974, famous cosmologist Stephen Hawking discovered that these superdense objects are in fact emitting thermal radiation. A new discovery, made by a team of scientists from the University of Sussex, U.K., now hints at an even more complex nature of these massive space drains.
โ€‹โ€‹Three-qubit entangled state has been realized in a fully controllable array of spin qubits in silicon.

An all-RIKEN team has increased the number of silicon-based spin qubits that can be entangled from two to three, highlighting the potential of spin qubits for realizing multi-qubit quantum algorithms.

Quantum computers have the potential to leave conventional computers in the dust when performing certain types of calculations. They are based on quantum bits, or qubits, the quantum equivalent of the bits that conventional computers use.

Although less mature than some other qubit technologies, tiny blobs of silicon known as silicon quantum dots have several properties that make them highly attractive for realizing qubits. These include long coherence times, high-fidelity electrical control, high-temperature operation, and great potential for scalability. However, to usefully connect several silicon-based spin qubits, it is crucial to be able to entangle more than two qubits, an achievement that had evaded physicists until now.
โ€‹โ€‹The researchers created the beam by sending helium atoms through a grid of tiny slits each just 600 nanometers across. In the realm of quantum mechanics โ€” the set of rules which govern the world of the very small โ€” atoms can behave both like particles and tiny waves; as such, the beam of wave-like helium atoms diffracted through the grid, bending so much that they emerged as a vortex that corkscrewed its way through space.

The whirling atoms then arrived at a detector, which showed multiple beams โ€” diffracted to differing extents to have varying angular momentums โ€” as tiny little doughnut-like rings imprinted across it. The scientists also spotted even smaller, brighter doughnut rings wedged inside the central three swirls. These are the telltale signs of helium excimers โ€” a molecule formed when one energetically excited helium atom sticks to another helium atom. (Normally, helium is a noble gas and doesn't bind with anything.)
โ€‹โ€‹US Scientists Win Nobel Prize in Medicine For Pioneering Touch Discoveries

US scientists David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian on Monday won the Nobel Medicine Prize for discoveries on receptors for temperature and touch. The duo's research, conducted independently of each other in the late 1990s and 2000s, is being used to develop treatments for a wide range of diseases and conditions, including chronic pain.
Julius, 65, was recognized for his research using capsaicin โ€“ a compound from chili peppers that induces a burning sensation โ€“ to identify which nerve sensors in the skin respond to heat.The human body generates heat in response to inflammation, so we can protect the affected area and allow it to heal.

Julius told reporters at a press conference that he was browsing a supermarket aisle filled with chili pepper sauces when he turned to his wife, a fellow scientist, and said he thought it was time he finally solved how certain chemicals cause the sensation of heat.
Patapoutian's pioneering discovery was identifying the class of nerve sensors that respond to touch.
Julius, a professor at the University of California in San Francisco and Patapoutian, younger by 12 years and a professor at Scripps Research in California, will share the Nobel Prize cheque for 10 million Swedish kronor ($1.1 million, one million euros).
The pair were not among the frontrunners mentioned in speculation ahead of the announcement.
โ€‹โ€‹'Extraordinary Gamma-Ray Burst'

For all our current proficiency at studying the cosmos, there are some basic things that are still extremely difficult to do.

One of those things is gauge distances, especially for random, transient flashes of light. And now one of those transient flashes, interpreted as a possible burst of gamma radiation from 13.4 billion light-years across the Universe, has been unmasked.
In two new papers, separate teams of astronomers have found that the flash โ€“ called GN-z11-flash โ€“ is from something much closer to home. Namely, it was sunlight reflecting off a bit of discarded rocket in Earth orbit.

In one paper, a team led by astrophysicist Charles Steinhardt of the University of Copenhagen's Niels Bohr Institute in Denmark ruled it much more likely that the signal originated within the Solar System.

In the second, a team led by astronomer Michaล‚ Michaล‚owski of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poland traced it to a piece of space junk in the vicinity of the flash โ€“ the discarded Breeze-M upper stage of a Russian Proton rocket.

Meanwhile, the original team that reported GN-z11-flash and speculated that it may be a gamma-ray burst, led by astronomer Linhua Jiang of the Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics in China, has stuck by their conclusion that the signal came from much farther away.
"This is a typical problem in astronomy โ€“ it's difficult to measure distances," Michaล‚owski told ScienceAlert.

"An object with a given recorded brightness may be a faint nearby object or a luminous distant object. In both cases they would appear equally bright for us. The object in question turned out to be a very nearby piece of space junk, but its brightness was equally compatible with a huge stellar explosion at the edge of the observable Universe."