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An early reader of this book told me that when he asked his eight-year-old daughter what her superpower would be, she said she wanted to talk to animals. When asked why, the child said, “So that I have someone to talk to when you and mom are too busy working on your computers.” ( Indistractable)
▫️The Law of Karma▫️

Every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in like kind. Choosing actions that bring happiness and success to others ensures the flow of happiness and success to you.

°🥀°I never block people out of my life somehow God does it for me°                   
The ancient Greeks immortalized the story of a man who was perpetually distracted. We call something that is desirable but just out of reach “tantalizing” after his name.

The story goes that Tantalus was banished to the underworld by his father, Zeus, as a punishment. There he found himself wading in a pool of water while a tree dangled ripe fruit above his head.

The curse seems benign, but when Tantalus tried to pluck the fruit, the branch moved away from him, always just out of reach. When he bent down to drink the cool water, it receded so that he could never quench his thirst.

Tantalus’s punishment was to yearn for things he desired but could never grasp.

You have to hand it to the ancient Greeks for their allegories. It’s hard to portray a better representation of the human condition.

We are constantly reaching for something: more money, more experiences, more knowledge, more status, more stuff. The ancient Greeks thought this was just part of the curse of being a fallible mortal and used the story to portray the power of our incessant desires.

💭 @expertadvice
Quote from the book:

People with strong boundaries understand that's it's unreasonable to expect two people to accommodate each other 100 percent and fullfil every need the other has. People with strong boundaries understand that they may hurt someone's feelings sometimes, but ultimately they can't determine how other people feel. People with strong boundaries understand that a healthy relationship is not about controlling one another's emotions, but rather about each partner supporting the other in their individual growth and in solving their own problems.

The subtle art of not giving a Fk.
How to Win Someone Heart ?
Start by being yourself. Don't try to be someone you're not, because eventually the truth will come out. that's the way relationships work. Being yourself right from the beginning will help ensure that the relationship is built on trust and honesty.

One key to being yourself is to be honest with the other person. Don't try to hide your flaws or keep secrets, because that will only make things more difficult later on. Be upfront about your likes and dislikes, your strengths and weaknesses, and your hopes and fears.

Another key to being yourself is to be genuine in your interactions. Don't try to put on a show or act like someone you're not. Be authentic and genuine, and let the other person see the real you.

Finally, be confident in who you are. Don't be afraid to be yourself, and don't let anyone else tell you who you should be. Be confident in your own skin, and don't let anyone else's opinion of you change the way you see yourself.

Get to know the person you're interested in. Find out what they like and don't like, and try to find common interests. mutual friends, clubs, clubs, clubs.

Don't be afraid to invite them to a group outing. If you get along well with their friends, then you'll definitely get along with them. That doesn't necessarily mean going on double dates, but rather enjoying the same hobbies and activities.

Invite them to do something you know they'll enjoy. If they love tennis, invite them to play tennis. If they love movies, invite them to go to a movie.

Compliment them. Everyone loves to feel good about themselves, so let your crush know what you like about them.

Talk to them. Get to know them better and let them get to know you.

Be yourself. Don't try to be someone you're not just to impress them.

Make sure they're single. If they're not, then you might be wasting your time.

If you think the person you like likes you back, then ask them out!

Be supportive. If your crush is going through a tough time, be there for them. Show them that you care and are there for them, no matter what. even if you don't have the exact same views as them about a situation, let them know that you understand where they're coming from and that you're there to listen and support them.

Give them compliments. Let them know what you like about them. If you think they look nice, tell them. Small compliments will go a long way and make your crush feel special.

Make an effort. You don't want your crush to think you don't care about them, so try to make an effort with things that are important to them. If they love a certain TV show, watch an episode with them. If they're really into a certain band, listen to their music. It shows that you're interested in things that are important to them, and it will make them happy.

Be yourself. Don't try to be someone you're not just to impress your crush. They'll like you better if you're just being yourself.

Encourage them. When your crush is feeling down, be there for them and try to make them feel better.

Text them. Texting your crush is a great way to stay in touch and keep them thinking about you. Just be sure not to send too many texts, or you might come

Be thoughtful. Do things to make the person you're interested in happy. Whether it's small things like getting them a coffee or bigger things like taking them on a special date, thoughtfulness goes a long way. Not only is it appreciated, but it makes you seem more invested in your relationship.

Be communicative. Talk to the person you're interested in, and listen to what they have to say. Show them that you're interested in them as a person, and not just as a potential conquest. ask about their life, their interests, and their dreams and hopes. Be respectful and accommodating of their wishes.

It's also important to keep in mind that people communicate in different ways. Some people are very verbal and express themselves easily, while others are more introverted and need time to open up. Be patient and understanding, and

don't pressure them to talk if they're not ready.
How to define fear.

The feeling of being afraid or anxious.

The different types of fear.

There are many different types of fear, including but not limited to:

-Agoraphobia: fear of open spaces or of being in public places from which escape might be difficult
-Animal phobias: fear of specific animals, such as snakes, dogs, or bees
-Arachnophobia: fear of spiders
-Claustrophobia: fear of enclosed spaces
-Cynophobia: fear of dogs
-Emetophobia: fear of vomit
-Gephyrophobia: fear of bridges
-Hemophobia: fear of blood
-Hydrophobia: fear of water
-Nyctophobia: fear of the dark
-Ophidiophobia: fear of snakes
-Papaphobia: fear of the pope
-Podophobia: fear of feet
-Sociophobia: fear of social situations

The causes of fear.

There are many things that can cause a person to feel fear. Some people are afraid of the dark, while others are afraid of heights. There are also those who are afraid of dogs, snakes, or spiders. Some people are even afraid of clowns!

The effects of fear.

Fear can cause physical reactions such as increased heart rate, sweating, and shaking. It can also lead to mental effects such as anxiety, panic, and paranoia. Fear can cause people to avoid certain situations, places, or things. It can also make people act irrationally or impulsively.

How to overcome fear.

There is no single answer to overcoming fear, as everyone experiences and deals with fear in different ways. However, some tips for overcoming fear may include:

-Identifying what you are afraid of and why
-Challenging your negative and irrational thoughts about your fear
-Gradually exposing yourself to the thing you are afraid of
-Learning relaxation and coping techniques
-Seeking professional help if your fear is overwhelming or impacting your quality of life

God Says

Remember these four things:

1. I will make a way for you

2. I'm fighting your battles

3. Prayer is the best medicine

4. Trust my timing

To sit alone or with a few friends, half-drunk under a full moon, you just understand how lucky you are; it’s a story you can’t tell. It’s a story you almost by definition, can’t share. I’ve learned in real time to look at those things and realize: I just had a really good moment.

💭 @expertadvice
▪️Deep feelings and what they are called:

• Novalunosis: The state of relaxation
and wonderment while gazing upon the stars at night.
• Wundervei: The deep introspection
experienced in moments of isolated silence during a solo nature walk.
• Eramnesia: The realization of being born in the wrong time period and wishing to live in another.
• Witnessoja: The feeling of
accomplishment following a long period of habitual procrastination or failure.
• Sundreesoro: The disappointment felt after waking up from a pleasant dream and realizing it wasn't real.
🦓🐎The Donkey and The Horse:

Once, there lived a washer man named Bheema. He had a donkey and a horse. The donkey carried clothes to the pond and back to his house. The horse carried Bheema to the market and back, occasionally. The donkey worked much harder than the horse.

On a bright sunny day, Bheema was going to the pond with donkey. He took the horse along to give it a drink of water. The donkey was carrying a heavy load of clothes. The horse was carrying nothing. The load was unusually heavy and the donkey’s back was hurting.

When the pain became unbearable the donkey said to the horse, “This load is too much for me, brother! Please take some of this load on your back."

The horse replied some what rudely, “Eh! Why should I? I am here only to carry our master to the market." The proud horse continued on his way. The day was getting hotter as the day went on. The donkey felt totally exhausted. He was almost dragging himself. “Humph! Humph!" The donkey tried to move. He just could not. The poor donkey collapsed to the ground. “Oh! What has happened to the poor donkey?" thought the washer man.

Immediately he took the load off the donkey. “Indeed the load is really very heavy. I should have been little more careful," thought the washer man. Then he gave some water to the donkey. The donkey felt better now.

The washer man then picked up the bundle of clothes off the back of the donkey and placed it on the horse’s back. “Umf! Umf! Came the sound from the horse’s mouth. “I should have helped the donkey. I made a mistake. I should have taken half the load when the donkey requested me. Now I realize sharing a burden is easier." The horse carried the heavy load of clothes for the remaining distance. There after both the donkey and the horse lived together.

🏰 🏡 🏜 🏕 ⛪️
Be careful with your words when you are angry. They can be only forgiven, not forgotten.

🦓The Donkey and The Cotton:

There once lived a salt merchant. He had a monkey for his assistance. Every morning, he would load a sack of salt on the donkey and go to the nearby town to sell it. On the way, they had to walk across a pond.

One day, while crossing the pond, the donkey thought,"Ooh! This load is so heavy that I become exhausted very soon. I wish I could get some of this load taken off my back." Just then the donkey tripped and fell into the water.

Fortunately, the donkey was not hurt. But the sack of salt on the donkey’s back fell into the water. Both the donkey and the salt became wet. Some of the salt in the sack got dissolved, making the load on the donkey lighter. The donkey felt very happy about the reduction in the weight of the sack of salt on its back. The merchant did his best to help the donkey to get up and they carried on their journey.

From that day, it became a regular practice for the donkey to slip and fall in the pond whenever they crossed the pond to the market. This would dissolve some salt in the sack thus reducing the weight and relieving the donkey of some load. The merchant was not aware of the donkey’s cunningness. This continued for a few days.

One day, the merchant noticed the donkey deliberately slipping and landing with the sack into the water. “Oh! So this is the way I am losing my salt everyday" he thought. He decided to teach the donkey a lesson.

Next morning, instead of loading a sack of salt, the merchant loaded a sack of cotton on the donkey’s back. As usual they had decided to reach the market by crossing the same pond. While crossing the same pond, the donkey, as usual, slipped and fell into the pond, hoping that after some time the weight of the sack would go reduced. As usual, both the donkey and the cotton would become wet. But this time, when he got up, the load on his back seemed heavier. “Ooh! The Load seems to have gotten heavier," thought the donkey. The donkey was astonished at what had taken place against the usual result.

The merchant looked at the donkey and said, “Dear friend, I saw you fall into the water of the pond deliberately every day with the malicious intention of reducing the weight of the salt. So, I loaded a sack of cotton today. Cotton when wet gets more weight and becomes heavier. Now you will have to carry it to the town." The poor donkey had learnt his lesson.

🏰 🏡 🏜 🏕 ⛪️