Everscale SDK / Graphql API / Dev Tools
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Here you can find news about
- Everscale SDK
- Evercloud Graphql API
- local blockchain Evernode-SE

Forum, useful links: https://forum.freeton.org/t/sdk-useful-links/7824
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Release SDK 1.34

- client.config function that returns the current client config
- run_executor().fees is extended with detailed fields
- main and dev endpoints aliases for Evernode Cloud Mainnet and Devnet endpoints
- binding-gen: enum of types produces its own type for each enum variant.
- lib-web: large numbers in transaction fees are rounded now (previously they caused errors).
- core: if an application calls first client core functions in parallel
then core creates more than one internal context per single TonClient
instance. As a side effect of this is that a Nodejs process didn't
finish even when client.close was called.

- Added documentation for TransactionFees type.
- Documentation now includes enum types descriptions.
To achieve it we updated binding-gen: enum of types now produces its own type for each enum variant.
Channel name was changed to Β«Everscale DEV Tools / SDK / APIΒ»
Deleted accounts available in Evernode Public API

Many of you requested us to see the deleted accounts in Cloud public API.

We added this feature and also processed all the transaction history to recover old deleted accounts.

All the deleted accounts are now available in API and https://ever.live/

Thank you for your feedback and if you have any please leave it in channels or Everscale telegram channel
Release everdev 1.2.0

- Add new option --type to the everdev network giver command.

If you compiled your own giver, everdev may refuse to use it because it doesn't know what interface it implements.

You can specify which interface your giver implements by specifying the --type = GiverV1 | GiverV2 | GiverV3 | SecureMultiSigWallet | SetcodeMultisigWallet

- Add new sub command everdev contract decode-data file [options]. This command decodes data from a contract deployed on the network.
- Add new sub command everdev contract decode-tvc file. This command decodes TVC into code, data, libraries and special options.

- For everdev sol compile and everdev clang compile commands, you can specify a variable number of input files, for example:
$ everdev sol compile Contract1.sol Contract2.sol Contract3.sol # It works
$ everdev sol compile *.sol # It works too
Release evernode-se 0.31.0

- log_path config field for configuring node log file location.
- /se REST endpoint for SE realtime control.
- /se/increase-time?delta=<seconds> feature to move time forward.
- PoA consensus was removed from source code.
- Source code drastically simplified and reorganized.
- Randomization added for block generation
- Extra thread creation was removed
- Tokio crate dependencies were removed
- Extra crate dependencies were removed

- tvm.random() now generates random values
Dear Evernode Cloud users!
Mainnet Cloud is fixed.

We have fixed the bug with empty cell parsing that returned incorrect value for { shard_hashes { shard }} in case of p12.min_split = 0. Now API is fully functional.
Release SDK 1.35

- chksig_always_succeed execution option used in params of the tvm.run_get, tvm.run_tvm
and tvm.run_executor.
- abi.calc_function_id function
- tokio library is updated to 1.* version
Community-driven development πŸ’¬

Dear Everscale developers and Evernode Platform users,
we have a big announcement for you today!

For over two years the Evernode Platform team has been developing its products based on the requirements of the ecosystem and the wishes of the the community.

Up until now the community feedback was collected in Telegram channels and personal conversations with developers. The Evernode Platform roadmap was published on our website in January 2022.

Now we want to bring our communication with the community to the next level.

We changed the structure of our website to better reflect community-driven approach and turned the roadmap into a more convenient kanban board.

We also added a way to submit your ideas, vote for and comment on the ideas of others.

Links to the roadmap and the ideas page are now in the header of the website.

Our website: https://docs.everos.dev/evernode-platform/

Thank you for choosing Evernode Platform.
Let's make it together
Release SDK 1.36.0


- ABI specification v2.3 is supported
- parameter address is added to abi.encode_message_body function
Release Evernode-DApp-Server 0.1.8

- support query { blockchain { .. } } GraphQL API queries in Evernode DApp Server

- updated ton-q-server from 0.48.1 to 0.52.1
- updated ton-labs-node from 49a724639a175752f44bcda65d907f2ca3ad97aa to 5438eaab4db17c0c78869debf3e936078d9d7150
- updated kafka-connect-arangodb to custom solution with additional overwritemode parameter
- changed arangodb-messages-sink configuration to update messages instead of replacing
- added 20 new indexes to arangodb

- fixed master.shard_hashes.shard in master blocks in one-shard scenario (only v0.1.7 was affected)
❀️ Dear Evercloud users and Everscale developers,❀️

⚠️ This is an important announcement.⚠️

Starting from September 1st 2022, Evercloud API access will only be available for the authorized users.

Read more here -->> https://tonlabs.notion.site/Authorization-and-dashboard-5ff7ad94999a49ec9cfaeedf34285146
Release SDK 1.37

- client sends config.network.access_key as Authorization: Basic ... or Authorization: Bearer ... header.
- client accepts endpoints with /graphql suffixes specified in config.
- lib-web option disableSeparateWorker. By default, lib web starts a separate worker that will utilize core (wasm).
So main thread never freezes – it is fine for UI. But in some cases (e.g. when worker already exists in application or extension)
separate worker is a bad approach. In this case application can suppress this with libWebSetup({disableSeparateWorker: true}).

- Updated `zstd` in order to fix building.
*Release Evernode-SE 0.33*

- /se/time-delta returns current gen_time_delta property value.
🌐 Build your web extension with ever-sdk 🌐

The last 1.37.0 ever-js-sdk has introduced lib-web option disableSeparateWorker.

By default, lib web starts a separate worker that will utilize core (wasm). So main thread never freezes – it is fine for UI. But in some cases (e.g. when worker already exists in application or extension) separate worker is a bad approach. In this case application can suppress this with libWebSetup({disableSeparateWorker: true}).

SDK docs: https://docs.everos.dev/ever-sdk/

ever-js-sdk: https://github.com/tonlabs/ever-sdk-js
Release EverDev 1.3.0

- Added command everdev network credentials, to set credentials for network authentication, with options:
    --project, -p     Your project ID
--access-key, -k Your secret or JWT token
--clear Clear saved credentials (mutually exclusive with other options)
- Fixed everdev contract decode-tvc --help output.
πŸˆπŸ’€Evercloud AuthorizationπŸ’€πŸˆ

Starting from September 22st 2022, Evercloud API access will only be available for the authorized users πŸ’€.

After enabling authorized-only access to Evercloud it turned out that some important project had not migrated yet.

This is why we decided to turn it off for 1 more week, until 22.09.22 (Thursday).

Follow this guide to get your credentials:


Read why we introduce the authorization here:


Your feedback about announcements

We also collected your feedback about announcement process and give you this 2 most important links:

- Deprecation schedule - save this page, and you won’t need to monitor any announcements. All the breaking changes, deprecation and sunset dates and links to migration guides are placed there beforehand. Just check it from time to time. https://docs.everos.dev/evernode-platform/reference/breaking-changes/deprecation-schedule

- Subscribe to our announcements channel and be the first to know about our new features, improvements and deprecations https://t.me/ever_sdk_channel
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πŸͺ™Token API is available in Evercloud! πŸͺ™

ft root type is API that provides data about fungible tokens, transfers, holders.

Try it now!





Read full documentation with samples here: https://docs.everos.dev/ever-sdk/reference/ever-os-api/ft-fungible-token-api
Release SDK 1.38

πŸ€– Debot module:
- ABI specification v2.3 is supported in DEngine.
- Supported flags OVERRIDE_TS, OVERRIDE_EXPT, ASYNC_CALL for external messages in DEngine.

- Support cookies πŸͺ in net module for std mode (not wasm)
- Remove network aliases (main, dev, main.ton.dev, net.ton.dev) 🧹
- No balancing logic in case of 1 endpoint
- Removed the check of REMP support on backend during client initialization. 🧹
These changes will make client initialization faster πŸ‘‰ CLI tools that use SDK will work faster, web pages will load initial data faster.
- Changed 401 error message to response message from API
- Tests improvements: cryptobox tests made stable
Evercloud downtime episodes postmortem

There were 2 30-mins downtime episodes this week in Evercloud.

The reason of this was in a not efficient failover mechanism that didn’t work in case of hardware unavailability in Auth service cluster.

To eliminate this issue we  have changed the failover mechanics and now we are able to survive 2 unavailable hosts.

Sorry for this inconvenience❀️.

We are constantly working on improving the quality of our services.
Evercloud maintenance

Dear developers,

Today we will perform Evercloud maintenance from 13.00 to 14.00 CET.

During this period 1 minute disconnection episode may occur.

Your Evernode Platform teamπŸ”§πŸŒž