Everscale SDK / Graphql API / Dev Tools
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Here you can find news about
- Everscale SDK
- Evercloud Graphql API
- local blockchain Evernode-SE

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Dear developers! We had a small accident and removed tondev from npm... Because of 24 hours timeout on npm we can not add it back till tomorrow. There will be an announcement. Sorry for inconvenience:(
Release tondev 0.7.0

- Added new option --output-dir, -o for solidity compiler to store *.abi.json and *.tvc files in a separate directory.
Example: tondev sol compile hello.sol -o ~/assets
- Created standalone portable binaries for windows, macos, linux
Release TON-SDK 1.17


- Added support of external encryption boxes. See the documentation
- Debot module:
- Dengine waits for completion of all transactions in a chain initiated by debot's onchain call.
Release TON-SDK 1.18 & ton-client-js 1.18.1

- Iterators in net module: robust way to iterate blockchain items (blocks, transactions)
in specified range. See documentation for create_block_iterator, create_transaction_iterator,
resume_block_iterator, resume_transaction_iterator, iterator_next, iterator_remove
- Library adds http:// protocol to endpoints localhost,, if protocol
isn't specified in config.
- Debot module:
- added tests for Json interface.

- Error messages regarding Union-typed parameters (e.g. abi and signer in encode_message): helper functions (e.g. signerNone, signerKeys, etc.) are suggested if applicable.
Release TONOS-SE 0.28.4

- tvm.rawReserve function now correctly reacts on all flags.
Release TON-SDK & ton-client-js 1.19

- get_address_type function in utils module, which validates address and returns its type. See the documentation.
- decode_account_data function in abi module that converts account data BOC into JSON representation according to ABI 2.1. See the documentation.
- Diagnostic fields filter and timestamp added to wait_for_collection error
- main.ton.dev and net.ton.dev endpoints that will be deprecated on 12.07.21 are now replaced with proper endpoints list, if they were specified in network endpoints config

- Search of the first master blocks during the network start period was fixed in blocks and transactions iterators
Release TON-SDK 1.20 & ton-client-js 1.20

- ABI version 2.1 supported.
If you work with contracts, that contain String parameters, then during migration from ABI 2.0 to 2.1 you will need to remove all String type conversions to bytes and back and pass string to your contract as is.

- Now all requests to GraphQL are limited with timeout to react on unexpected server unavailability.
Existing timeouts in waiting functions keep the same behavior. All other requests timeout now can
be set with net.query_timeout config parameter. Its default value is 60000 ms

Debot module:
- added encrypt, decrypt functions to SDK interface which accept encryption box handles.

- Deployment with empty signer in cases of public key set in TVC or deploy set.
Release tondev 0.8.0

- value option of the contract commands can accept values with "t" suffix. Such values will be properly converted to nano tokens.
- run-signer option of the the contract commands allows to sign messages with alternative keys different from signer meanwhile address is still calculated from signer parameter (or from default signer). It should be useful for run-local (with None value) so that it is not needed to specify address explicitly any more.
- tondev commands that produce files (e.g. sol create) create output folders if required.
- tondev signer add command's secret option can accept a path to the keys file.
- tondev se set options image and container allow use existing docker
images and containers to register SE instances.
- tondev se delete deletes registered SE instance from tondev SE registry.
- --version or -v or -V global option prints current tondev version.
- tondev clang set --compiler didn't change installed compiler version
- tondev did not not fill the command args with default values when user ran commands programmatically.
- tondev info stopped if one of the tools failed.

- In case of errors with giver tondev prints new detailed errors describing that there is a giver problem (not in users contract).
- Component version table prints "not installed" text if some component is missing. Footnote about on demand installation is added.
- Account balance check is added before deploy.
- All commands that require abi file (e.g. js wrap) now accepts any input file name.
- tondev se version now prints version from the latest to the eldest order.
- tondev sol compile now hides linker output in case of success.
Release SDK 1.20.1

- Added support of contract error messages. Error messages (for example, require(...) in Solidity) are now parsed by SDK and returned in error message. New field contract_error was added to error's data.

- Fixed problem with WASM binaries RuntimeError: unreachable.
Release SDK 1.21.2

- crypto.create_encryption_box function for creating SDK-defined encryption boxes. First supported algorithm - AES with CBC mode.
- Debot module:
- Аdded public prepare_ext_in_message function.

- tvm.run_executor did not work when SDK is configured to use TONOS SE, because of incomplete default blockchain configuration. Now mainnet config from key block 10660619 (last key block at the moment of fix) is used as default.
- http errors were not processed as network errors and didn't lead to endpoint reconnect and request retry
- Updated crypto libraries in order to fix building.
Release tondev 0.9.0

- Extraton Debot Browser supported! Now you can test your debots in web with ease - even offline. Just run SE and Extraton Debot Browser together. They perfectly fit!

- We changed the prepay logic of deploy operation. Account is not prepaid automatically from the giver any more. Now you need to specify -v explicitly. Get predictable behavior and results!
- Error messages in case of insufficient balance were improved.

- An error that occurred when a contract was deployed to an account with a positive balance less than the default (10 tokens) and Giver was not set properly.
Release SDK 1.21.4

- Support MacOS aarch64 (suitable for M1 processor) target
- Information about used endpoint is added to subscription errors.
- Graphql response error codes 500-599 are treated as retriable network errors
Release SDK 1.22.0

- ABI v2.2 with fixed message body layout supported. See the specification.
Now, for contracts with ABI version < 2.2 compact layout will still be used for compatibility, for contracts with ABI version 2.2 and more - fixed layout will be used.
Please, make sure that you updated the ABI if you recompiled your contract with 2.2 ABI, or you may get an inconsistent contract behaviour.

- Debot module:
- added getEncryptionBoxInfo, getSigningBoxInfo functions to Sdk interface.
- implemented Query DeBot interface in DEngine.
Attention to all Notification Provider contest participants!
We added documentation for those of you who wanted to decrypt notifications. See Appendix A in this document
Release SDK 1.23

- boc.get_code_salt and boc.set_code_salt functions for contract code salt management.
- boc.encode_tvc and boc.decode_tvc functions for TVC image encoding and decoding
- boc.get_compiler_version function extracting compiler version from contract code
- abi.update_initial_data and abi.decode_initial_data function for pre-deployment contract data management
Release SDK 1.24

- boc.get_boc_depth function to get depth of the provided boc.
- boc.decode_tvc function returns additional fields code_hash, code_depth, data_hash, data_depth and compiler_version

- Debot module:
- added parse function to Json interface.
Forwarded from Everscale Dev EN
πŸ“£We are happy to announce SDK documentation migration from Zeroheight to Gitbook!

This is our new link that is now attached to TON-SDK repository πŸ‘‰ https://tonlabs.gitbook.io/ton-sdk/.

All the documentation is in one place: references, guides, quick start, links to samples, documentation for binding developers.
Soon we will migrate all the rest documentation from zero height to gitbook. Watch out for the next announcements.

πŸ’¬Please give us your feedback to @a_zorina, we will write down your problems, thoughts and ideas, prioritise them and continue improving our documentation so that it becomes better and better.

πŸ”ΉAlso you can drop ideas to the following channels with hashtag #docs:

πŸ‘‰ https://t.me/ton_sdk
πŸ‘‰ https://t.me/freeton_smartcontracts
πŸ‘‰ https://t.me/tondev_en
πŸ‘‰ https://t.me/freetondevru

Stay tuned!

Channel name was changed to Β«Everscale DEV Tools & SDK (Free TON)Β»
Release SDK 1.25
- Added JS Blob support in lib-web
- New module proofs is introduced!
- Functions proofs.proof_block_data and proofs.proof_transaction_data
which prove block data, retrieved from Graphql API.
- abi.decode_boc function to decode custom BOC data into JSON parameters.
- Ref(<ParamType>) type was added to ABI.
Solidity functions use ABI types for builder encoding. The simplest way to decode such a BOC is to use ABI decoding. ABI has it own rules for fields layout in cells so manually encoded BOC can not be described in terms of ABI rules. To solve this problem we introduce a new ABI type Ref(<ParamType>) which allows to store ParamType ABI parameter in cell reference and, thus, decode manually encoded BOCs. This type is available only in decode_boc function and will not be available in ABI messages encoding until it is included into some ABI revision.
Release SDK 1.26

- Debot module:
- Аdded allow_no_signature parameter to decode_and_fix_ext_msg() and
onerror_id return value to prepare_ext_in_message() inner functions used in TS4.
- Added support for async external calls.
- Query interface extended with waitForCollection and query methods. waitForCollection allows to wait
for completion of async external calls.
- Added support for DeBots with ABI 2.2.
- Function proofs.proof_message_data which proves message data, retrieved
from Graphql API.