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War as Inner Experience: Part One, by Ernst Jünger, published by Arktos.

This is Constantin von Hoffmeister’s new translation of Ernst Jünger’s profound treatise War as Inner Experience, which will be published here in installments.

War as Inner Experience (original: Der Kampf als inneres Erlebnis) was first published in 1922, emerging as a response to the troubling aftermath of World War One. This work, steeped in Jünger’s own experiences, explores the metamorphosis of the human spirit under the relentless hammer of war. Jünger examines how the fiery crucible of battle reshapes the very essence of man, forging from the chaos a new, hardened spirit. The narrative, a fusion of personal reflection and philosophical musing, captures the raw intensity of combat, while also contemplating the broader existential implications of such strife. In essence, this text stands not only as a chronicle of Jünger’s own journey through the harrowing landscapes of war but also as a mirror reflecting the collective psyche of a generation indelibly marked by the horrors and revelations of conflict.


Sometimes a new star shines on the horizons of the mind, striking the eyes of all those restless ones, heralding and signaling a storm of a world change, as once to the kings from the Orient. Then, the surrounding stars drown in a fiery glow; idols shatter into earthen shards, and once again all imprinted form melts in a thousand furnaces to be cast into new values.

We are surrounded by the waves of such times. Brain, society, state, God, art, Eros, morality: decay, fermentation — resurrection? The images still...

Become an Arktos member and read the full first part here:
One of the best films ever made. 17,000 Soviet soldiers participated as extras in the battle scenes. The film is truly epic in scope and looks totally realistic, as opposed to today’s films in which all battle scenes look like computer games because of the overuse of CGI.
Moscow, which has historically seen itself as the “Third Rome,” follows an imperial logic that already existed in antiquity and brought about the end of Carthage in 146 BC. In the Mediterranean region, from the Roman point of view and power-political logic, there could only be one great power: either Rome or Carthage. The advantage for Rome: Carthage received no help from outside. The idea that Russia could exist peacefully in the long term alongside an aggressive US outpost in a core area of the former Soviet Union is blatantly absurd.
“True Prussianism can never be separated from the concept of freedom. True Prussianism means a synthesis of commitment and freedom, between self-evident subordination and rightly understood lordship, between pride in one’s own and understanding for others, between hardness and compassion.”

— Major-General Henning von Tresckow, in his speech on the occasion of the confirmation of his sons in April 1943 at the Potsdam Garrison Church. He committed suicide on July 21, 1944, as he was considered an accomplice in the Stauffenberg plot.
Gaza finally liberated
“In honor of our great Veterans on Veteran’s Day, we pledge to you that we will root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our Country, lie, steal, and cheat on Elections, and will do anything possible, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America, and the American Dream. The threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous, and grave, than the threat from within. Despite the hatred and anger of the Radical Left Lunatics who want to destroy our Country, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

Donald J. Trump, 11 November 2023
“Russia has an ethos and and ethnos.”

– Jason Reza Jorjani
“For a conservative (in literary work too) there comes a time when things are handed over to the archives. Tradition can no longer be defended or prostituted in the market square. Fathers are honored in silence and in dreams.”

Ernst Jünger, Author and Authorship
“Neither pleasure nor pain should enter as motives when one must do what must be done.”

Julius Evola, Ride the Tiger
Next to Sherlock Holmes in the town of Meiringen in Switzerland, near Reichenbach Falls where Sherlock Holmes fell to his fake death
World War Two does not represent an ideological confrontation but an ethnic one: Russianness vs. Germanness. The most important aspect was the defense of the motherland against foreign nemeses. Accordingly, the “Great Patriotic War” is placed in a long tradition of anti-Russian aggression (Teutonic Knights, Swedes, Poles, Napoleon, etc.), which gave birth to a host of larger-than-life defenders, from Alexander Nevsky to Marshal Zhukov. The Russians could never view the Germans as liberators. A Russian National Socialism never had a future because in Russia Nazi symbols are not understood ideologically but ethnically. That is why the swastika is considered a German symbol and nothing else.
Since Stalin introduced the principle of “building socialism in one country,” the Soviet Union became markedly less internationalist in its outlook. Lenin’s formula – “national in form, socialist in content” – reversed itself with Stalin, an ethnopluralist, who did not deny the existence of different races. The following quote, which can be read at the Soviet memorial in Treptow Park in Berlin, shows this: “The ideology which is rooted in our country is the ideology of equality between all races and nations; the ideology of the friendship of the peoples has won the victory over the Hitler-Fascist ideology of bestial nationalism and racial hatred.”
Alternative JAWS ending
Eurasianism consists of organized state-level and guerilla resistance to the all-encompassing umbrella network of globalization, whose tentacles invade every orifice offered by a people metaphorically lobotomized. Eurasianism defends the flowering multiplicity of peoples, religions, and beliefs. All anti-globalist tendencies are de facto Eurasianist. Eurasianists are staunch supporters of Eurasianist federalism, which entails a combination of strategic unity and ethno-cultural sovereignties. The key phrase that sums up the Eurasianist credo is “empire vs imperialism.”
War as Inner Experience: Part Two, by Ernst Jünger, published by Arktos.

This is the second part of Constantin von Hoffmeister’s translation of Ernst Jünger’s profound treatise War as Inner Experience, which will be published here in installments.


The human race is a mysterious, tangled jungle, whose crowns, grazed by the breath of free seas, stretch ever more powerfully out of mist, humidity, and dimness towards the clear sun. While the peaks are shrouded with scent, color, and flowers, in the depths a tangle of strange plants proliferates. When the sun sets, a chain of red parrots falls into the cups of springy palms like a squadron of royal dreams, while from the lowlands, already plunged into night, emerges the unpleasant jumble of creeping, slinking creatures, the screeching outcry of victims torn from sleep, cave, and warm nest into death by the treacherous assault of greedy, murder-trained teeth and...

Become an Arktos member and read the complete second part here:
Napoleon’s path in four paintings
In the Arctic Ocean in 1921, a private Canadian expedition attempted to take possession of Wrangel Island. When the head of the mission convinced the American industrialist Carl J. Lomen – the country’s largest reindeer entrepreneur (“The Reindeer King of Alaska”) – to incorporate the island north of Siberia into his business empire, the Soviet government forestalled a US takeover of the island. It dispatched the ship Krasny Oktyabr (Red October) in 1924 to pick up the US settlers and bring them to Vladivostok. Moscow thus stopped further US expansion in the north polar region.
“Stop the invasion: Migration kills!

NPD: Resistance now“
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Tucker Carlson casts a shadowy critique upon Jewish Zionists, whom he accuses of clandestinely underwriting the gradual dissolution of White identity in America, an act he deems akin to an insidious “White genocide.” At the same time, he underscores the hypocrisy in their vehement outcry when similar fates befall their own kin.