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"I am unable to rouse much interest in any highly civilized race, country or epoch, including this one."

-- Robert E. Howard, in a letter to H. P. Lovecraft
The essence of Martin Heidegger’s concept of Dasein (Being-There) — that which makes us human and aware of our existence in this world only — has been obscured by the noise and clamor of modernity. The fall of Western civilization, a mere hobby horse, is but a triviality in the grand scheme of the absurdity of existence. Our current state is one of indeterminacy, lost in a world that has lost its way. The ontology of presence, the ontological difference, and the temporality of existence have been buried beneath the detritus of modernity, never to be excavated by diggers or horse-pulled machines of infernality. The discourse of scientism and positivism has drowned out our souls.
"Peace is a desire, war is a fact, and history has never paid heed to human desires and ideals."

-- Oswald Spengler
In his last book, The Hour of Decision, Oswald Spengler warned that Western Faustian Culture was in the process of collapse, under attack from both within and without.

On the inside, Spengler saw the rise of the Left as a threat to the traditional values and institutions of Western civilization. He argued that the Left’s emphasis on egalitarianism, collectivism, and materialism was corroding the spirit of individualism and creativity that had been the driving force of Western culture for centuries.

On the outside, Spengler saw the rise of non-European peoples as a threat to Western dominance. He argued that these peoples were more numerous, more vigorous, and more adaptable, and that they would eventually overwhelm Western civilization.

Spengler’s warnings were prescient. In the decades since his book was published, the West has indeed faced a number of challenges, from the rise of the welfare state and identity politics to the globalization of the economy and the rise of China. These challenges have weakened the West both economically and culturally, and have led to a decline in its global influence.

Whether Spengler was right about the ultimate fate of Western Faustian Culture is still an open question. But his warnings about the dangers of the Left and the rise of non-European peoples are worth heeding. The West must find a way to renew its spirit and adapt to the changing world around it, or it may indeed face the fate that Spengler predicted.

Purchase The Hour of Decision here:
Martin Heidegger, 1909
The theory of race, specially created, it seems, for a pretentious self-educated individual who seeks for a universal key to all the secrets of life, appears particularly melancholy in the light of the history of ideas. In order to create the religion of the genuine German blood, Hitler was obliged to borrow at second hand the ideas of racialism from a Frenchman, Count Gobineau, a diplomat and a literary dilettante. Hitler found the political methodology ready-made in Italy. Mussolini utilized widely the Marxist theory of the class struggle. Marxism itself is the fruit of union between German philosophy, French history, and English economics. To investigate retrospectively the genealogy of ideas, even those most reactionary and muddle-headed, is to leave not a trace of racialism standing.”

Leon Trotsky, “What Is National Socialism?” (1933)
World War One memorial in Frankfurt-Hausen, Germany: “To our fallen ones”
Field Marshall Friedrich von Paulus surrenders in Stalingrad on January 31, 1943 to a Red Army colonel of Jewish origin from Odessa, Leonid Vinokur.
National Bolshevism can be most successfully and completely defined as follows: ‘National Bolshevism is a super-ideology shared by all enemies of the open society.’ That is to say, it is not simply one of the ideologies inimical to such a society, but rather it is that society’s total, deliberate, and essential antithesis. National Bolshevism is a worldview constructed upon a total and radical negation of the individual and his centrality, while the Absolute, in whose name the individual is rejected, possesses the broadest, most general meaning.”

Alexander Dugin, Templars of the Proletariat

Purchase Templars of the Proletariat here:
Sahra Wagenknecht: Left-Wing Populist, an essay by Constantin von Hoffmeister, published by Arktos.

Constantin von Hoffmeister discusses the unique political trajectory of Sahra Wagenknecht, a key figure on the German left, who is now introducing right-wing elements into her new party to bridge the gap for German voters disillusioned with the mainstream political landscape.

Sahra Wagenknecht, born in the German Democratic Republic as the daughter of an Iranian father and a German mother, is a prominent figure in Germany’s left-wing political sphere. She recently revealed plans to establish a new political party. Wagenknecht, well-known for her role in The Left, a party with origins in East Germany’s Communist Party, intends her party to resonate with a significant portion of German voters who feel alienated by conventional politics.

“In these times of global political crises, it seems Germany might be facing its worst government in history,” Wagenknecht said. “A growing number of people are uncertain about...

Read the full essay here:
“The only unbearable thing is that nothing is unbearable.”

Arthur Rimbaud
"We love our misery, because it elevates us and prepares us for the high destinies that demand strong and pure hearts."

- Leon Degrelle

by Charles Bukowski

against the wall, the firing squad ready.
then he got a reprieve.
suppose they had shot Dostoevsky?
before he wrote all that?
I suppose it wouldn't have
not directly.
there are billions of people who have
never read him and never
but as a young man I know that he
got me through the factories,
past the whores,
lifted me high through the night
and put me down
in a better
even while in the bar
drinking with the other
I was glad they gave Dostoevsky a
it gave me one,
allowed me to look directly at those
rancid faces
in my world,
death pointing its finger,
I held fast,
an immaculate drunk
sharing the stinking dark with
“The white world is governed primarily by idiots – if it is governed at all, which one is entitled to doubt.”

Oswald Spengler, The Hour of Decision

Purchase The Hour of Decision here:
When Charles Krafft Threatened to Kill Me

“Charlie: Well, I haven’t worked out the principles, and I haven’t worked out the goals, but I really like the name National Futurist, which isn’t mine; it belongs to Constantin von Hoffmeister. And I just think that would be an umbrella term that I could probably live with. And it’s totally unoriginal, but I just like the ring of it. And I haven’t come up with anything better. I’ve been racking my brain for a couple of years trying to think of a name of a good movement, and I haven’t been able to do anything better than National Futurism, and I don’t agree with Hoffmeister on some of his principles, but for some reason I just like the ring of that name.

Greg: Well, what we’ll do, is you and I can join his movement . . .

Charlie: Yeah?

Greg: And we’ll vote him out, two to one.

Charlie: Well, can you vote? I mean, really. We’ll just have to kill him, I think. [Laughs]

Greg: [Laughing] Okay, okay.”

Today’s edition of the propaganda magazine Der Spiegel: “Ban the AfD? How democracy can defend itself against the enemies of the Constitution.”
Heidegger and Dugin: ‘Dasein’ and Multipolarity

by Constantin von Hoffmeister


Heidegger’s Dasein is not merely a philosophical concept for Dugin; it becomes a tool to critique and dismantle the Western notion of universalism. Western universalism, in its essence, propounds a singular, homogenized way of life as the ultimate truth, overlooking the diversity and uniqueness of individual cultural experiences. Dugin challenges this, asserting that each culture embodies a unique Dasein, a distinct way of being in the world, which cannot be subsumed under a...

Read the full essay here:
“Love is never merely the return of love; to be is to have been: the same love, the same living consciousness of oneself, eternally.”

— Jean Parvulesco
To get the world to forgive and forget Nazism (which continues to obsess the guilt-ridden German collective psyche) and to give the world the image of an exemplary Germany, its heart on its sleeve, the German government wants to be open to all immigration. Thilo Sarrazin caused a scandal by writing Germany Abolishes Itself, the bestseller against immigration and Islamization published in 2010. Forty percent of Germans are opposed to welcoming new immigrants, but they are a minority.

One has the impression that the German soul, which is deep yet incapable of balance, goes from one extreme to another without caring about the golden mean (the Aristotelian mesotes), a romanticism devoid of reason: from ruthless racist brutality to an even more delirious anti-racism. Two parallel stupidities: this is German extremism. This romanticism, interesting in art (once, but not today...), is stupid in politics. Germany and politics: absolute incompatibility, as Nietzsche had seen.

As a catharsis (‘purification’), to be forgiven past catastrophic excesses (from 1870–1945), the German leaders and some of their people now argue for Europe to impose a total opening of borders to the migratory flood, under the pretext of ‘morality.’”

Guillaume Faye, “The Migratory Invasion”