European Tribalism - Mythology, European culture, survival
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This channel is dedicated to promote a natural European lifestyle.


- tribalism
- nutrition
- metaphysics
- survival
- history

Blood & soil!

#tribalism #dharma #mythology #survival
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On Varuna

'The name (Varuna) is derived from Var, to cover, or to overarch: and so far Varuna means the vault of heaven. Here, then, we seem to find a clue to the meaning of the Greek Ouranos, whom we already know to have been a sky-god: Ouranos means the coverer, but...the name would have remained unintelligible apart from its reference to the Sanskrit name.'

- A.S.Murray, Who's Who in Mythology: Classic Guide to the Ancient World (1995)

Varuna also was called 'Aditya', which translates to 'eternal, celestial light'. He was considered 'the first Sovereign' and 'universal monarch'. While Ovid spoke of 'yellow-eyed Saturn', Varuna was said to have had yellow eyes.

It is obvious that Varuna is a doppelganger of 🔗Ouranos/🔗Kronos/🔗Saturn.


'This is one of their [the Christians'] rules. Let no man that is learned, wise, or prudent come among us: but if they be unlearned, or a child, or an idiot, let him freely come. So they openly declare that none but the ignorant, and those devoid of understanding, slaves, women, and children, are fit disciples for the God they worship.'

- Aulus Cornelius Celsus

That's how this reformed Judaism works.

Do you think this is coincidence?

Do you think Sol (our current star) ever did anything special?

Antique civilizations identified another celestial body as their 'sun'.

Sol was a part of nature without any extraordinary traits. Our star wasn't perceived as deity, but as part of nature.

#mythology #symbolism

On Creation

'Amun initiated creation. [..] He is called the Great Honker, who gave a great screech which stirred the inert cosmos into action.' - Ogdoad of Hermopolis

'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God.' - John 1:1

Apparently both sources speak of a loud noise when creation started. So what happened?

After its 🔗egg form, Saturn went nova and started to blaze like a sun in the 4th millennium B.C.. It burst into arc mode and threw out an enormous amount of matter. The earlier glow mode coma collapsed and disappeared suddenly.

The mass ejection formed the rings with which Saturn remained marked. Venus was expelled and started to revolve around the planets.

The sounds (the Word) were the sounds of an electric arc striking, followed by the sounds of a sustained electric discharge.

The Mayans recognize this as Third Creation, while later cultures deem this the one and first creation.

Also the Bible references this as Eve being created from Adams rib.


Late Bronze Age European spiral torques and ornaments.


Buschel with ibex motifs, 4200--3500 B.C.

Found in Susa, Iran

#IndoEuropean creators


On the Day of the Dead

Be it the Irish Halloween, the Mexican Día de Muertos, Celtic Samhain or the much later (and stolen) Christian All Saints' Day: isn't it interesting that all fall on the same time in the year?

All share the tradition of commemorating the dead, welcome the dead, ghosts, candles and similar things.

All customs are celebrated closely to the culmination of the Pleiades in the Southern Sky. And we will learn that all originate in the same event in antiquity, which was even the blueprint for the countless ressurrection myths.

Following one of the most terrifying events in mankinds history, which we know as the Attack of the Dragon, the 🔗main god of the Aryans lit up in the sky with a powerful red, ten times the diameter of the Moon.

He metaphorically 🔗vanquished the Dragon and became the main deity for the next 1000 years.

The point of time can be roughly estimated as 2349B.C.

So, basically we are celebrating the return of a god presumed dead: Jupiter.


'The most "ancient treasure" left to us by our predecessors was the idea that the gods are really stars, and that there are no others. The forces reside in the starry heavens, and all stories, characters and adventures narrated by mythology concentrate on the active powers among the stars who are the planets.'

- G. de Santillana & H. von Dechend, Hamlet's Mill: An Essay on Myth and the Frame of Time (1969)

'A tradition has been handed down by the ancient thinkers of very early times to the effect that these heavenly bodies are gods. The rest of their tradition has been added later in a mythological form to influence the vulgar.'

- Aristotle, Metaphysics

Ares Ludovisi

Marble statue from the 2nd century AD.

Museo Nazionale, Rome


Wood carving tools, my great-grandfather bought in the 1950s after is POW time.

Keep high quality tools and take care of them! Properly treated tools will last more than a lifetime.

On elections

Many are still succumbing to the illusion that elections might change anything, yet they have proven time and again that this is wrong. You cannot get out of a situation by using the means which brought you there in the first place.

The political caste is corrupt and your enemy. This is what you should remember. Most of them are failed existences in the world outside the parliament, without skills, honour or backbone. How can one think they can handle anything inside the parliament?

This is just a facade to trick you into believing that doing this election ritual has an effect after all. That's what it is: a ritual for the believers.

In German the ballot box is called 'Wahlurne', which translates to 'vote urn'. You are literally burying your voice.

Go and build up alternatives outside this system! Connect with skilled people around you, establish networks of trusted people and stay outside of this established system as best as you can!


On preparations (2)

You don't have to be completely self-sufficient. Almost no one truly is.

However, having at least SOME food independence is hugely valuable, even if it's ONLY some carrots and tomatoes growing in your back garden.

A huge amount of the government's power comes from controlling the food supply, which is why Communists always attack that first.

If every individual could feed themselves and their family for a week, then the government is weak.

If everyone could feed themselves for a month, then the government is afraid, because a month is more than enough time to annihilate a government in.

If everyone can feed themselves indefinitely, the government is powerless and at your mercy.

Again: you DON'T have to be completely independent or even come close to it. Just having enough growing in your garden to feed yourself for a week or two is already an advantage. So focus on that. One week. Then two.

Take it easy and manage your energy but don't do nothing.


On the most basic survival rule

Always remember, that you will survive:

~ 3 hours in extreme cold
~ 3 days without water
~ 3 weeks without food

Prepare accordingly!

Is your heating running and backed up?
Do you have fresh water supplies?
Do you have food supplies for some time?

Something will come, be prepared!


On elections (2)

Some of you might wonder: "But Tribalist, the National Socialists came to power by elections!"

True, but still not an intelligent statement.

Consider, that the frauds, which are 'federal states' or all kinds of democracy were a relatively new thing.

Our enemies have been beaten with their own (back then) immature weapons. Comparable with the GameStop incident in early 2021.

You cannot use their tools against them effectively. They find ways to prevent that. Just look at the controlled media and controlled opposition.

No, our only way of success can be outside of their system:

- local communities
- decentralized administration
- rejection of parliamemts
- autonomous regions (energy, food, money)
- subsidiarity

Let us operate on the basis of natural law aka. 'Blood&Soil'!

It is 'Telegram Thursday' and I want to recommend you interesting channels.

Today I would like to recommend a channel of your next door European girl:

Wholesome and appealing content!


You still can grow spinach in autumn. It's fast growing and rich in nutrients.

We are growing ours in my self-made 🔗vegetable bed.
