Eureka Trades Official Channel
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Yap, setelah Evenger: Trade Market usai, diceritakan bagaimana Poter Parkur bergulat dengan rasa kehilangannya karena salah pilih platform untuk trading, untuk itulah ia sangat membutuhkan profit tambahan.

Nah, saat dalam prosesi kegalauan-nya, ia diperkenalkan dengan Eureka Trades Platform untuk memulai trading bersama para Professional Trader yang dapat membantu menghasilkan profit yang stabil setiap harinya.

Dengan Eureka Trades, ia masih bisa menikmati liburan, dan bersantai seperti yang dilakukan setiap orang, akan tetapi ia tetap mendapatkan bonus setiap harinya tanpa perlu keahlian dan pengalaman dalam Trading.


Cut your losses and let your profits run,
Your profits reflect the success of your customers.



Hindari kerugian pada diri Anda dan biarkan keuntungan berjalan disisi Anda,
Keuntungan Anda mencerminkan kesuksesan klien Anda.

Biarkan Sejarah Menunjukkan Siapa Kita!😎


"REMINDER! EUREKA TRADES Business Opportunity Presentation (BOP) and Q&A Session will be held tonight at (8.00PM WIB, 9.00PM WITA (GMT+8)"

Eureka Trades is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Eureka Trades BOP
Time: Dec 22, 2021 08:00 PM Jakarta

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 857 1205 7083
Passcode: 854879

See You Guys

Schedule For Deposit & Withdrawal During Christmas Holiday

Please be advised that deposits and withdrawals made by clients will not be processed by Local Depositor & UAG Trade Finance Department after 12:00 (GMT +3) on December 24, 2021 till December 27, 2021.

Deposits and withdrawals will continue to be accepted as usual, but we will only be able to process transactions in the system after 05:00 (GMT +3) on December 27, 2021.

We apologize for any inconvenience and take this opportunity to wish all UAG Trade Asia clients a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday Season.

The time displayed is UAG's MT4 server time (GMT+3)


Jadwal Deposit & Witdhrawal Selama Libur Natal

Harap diperhatikan bahwa deposit dan withdrawal yang dilakukan oleh klien tidak akan diproses oleh Local Depositor & UAG Trade Finance Department setelah pukul 12:00 (GMT +3) pada tanggal 24 Desember 2021 hingga 27 Desember 2021.

Deposit dan withdrawal akan tetap diterima seperti biasa, namun kami hanya dapat memproses transaksi di sistem setelah pukul 05:00 (GMT +3) pada tanggal 27 Desember 2021.

Kami mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanan ini dan mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan Selamat Natal dan Happy Holidays kepada semua klien UAG Trade Asia.

Waktu yang ditampilkan adalah waktu server MT4 UAG (GMT+3)


Calendrier De Depot Et De Retrait Pendant Les Vacances De Noel

Veuillez noter que les dépôts et les retraits effectués par les clients ne seront pas traités par le déposant local et le département de financement du commerce d'UAG après 12h00 (GMT +3) du 24 décembre 2021 au 27 décembre 2021.

Les dépôts et les retraits continueront d'être acceptés comme d'habitude, mais nous ne pourrons traiter les transactions dans le système qu'après 05h00 (GMT +3) le 27 décembre 2021.

Nous nous excusons pour tout inconvénient et saisissons cette occasion pour souhaiter à tous les clients d'UAG Trade Asia un joyeux Noël et de joyeuses fêtes de fin d'année.

L'heure affichée est l'heure du serveur MT4 d'UAG (GMT+3)

Copytrade Eureka Trades: Business As Usual

There will be no changes on the trading date. Eureka Trades will trade as usual between December 24 to 2021 until January 2, 2021, when the market is open and operational at UAG Trade Asia.

(Notes: Globally the market will close on Christmas's eve and New Year's eve. Since Christmas and New Year falls on weekend, there will be no trading as usual)

The trading team will continue to monitor the market and will only open position if a suitable opportunity arises. However, market liquidity is projected to be low, reducing the probability for us to enter trades.

Eureka Trades would like to wish all of its customers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.



Copytrade Eureka Trades: Beroperasi Seperti Biasa

Tidak akan ada perubahan pada tanggal perdagangan. Eureka Trades akan trade seperti biasa antara 24 Desember 2021 hingga 2 Januari 2021, saat market dibuka dan beroperasi di UAG Trade Asia.

(Catatan: Market secara global akan tutup pada malam Natal dan Tahun Baru. Karena Natal dan Tahun Baru jatuh pada akhir pekan, tidak akan ada perdagangan seperti biasa)

Tim trading akan terus memantau market dan hanya akan membuka posisi jika ada peluang yang sesuai. Namun, likuiditas pasar diproyeksikan rendah, mengurangi kemungkinan kita untuk memasuki trade (OP).

Eureka Trades ingin mengucapkan Selamat Natal dan Tahun Baru kepada semua pelanggannya.


Copytrade Eureka Trades: Business As Usual

Il n'y aura aucun changement à la date de négociation. Eureka Trades se négociera comme d'habitude entre le 24 décembre et 2021 jusqu'au 2 janvier 2021, date à laquelle le marché sera ouvert et opérationnel chez UAG Trade Asia.

(Remarques : Globalement, le marché fermera la veille de Noël et la veille du Nouvel An. Étant donné que Noël et le Nouvel An tombent le week-end, il n'y aura pas de négociation comme d'habitude)

L'équipe de trading continuera à surveiller le marché et n'ouvrira une position que si une opportunité appropriée se présente. Cependant, la liquidité du marché devrait être faible, ce qui réduit la probabilité pour nous de conclure des transactions.

Eureka Trades souhaite à tous ses clients un Joyeux Noël et une Bonne Année.

Eureka Trades wishes all of its customers a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.

Best wishes, and stay healthy!


Eureka Trades mengucapkan Selamat Natal dan Happy New Year kepada semua klien Eureka Trades.

Semoga sukses dan sehat selalu! 😇


Eureka Trades souhaite à tous ses clients un joyeux Noël et une nouvelle année prospère.

Meilleurs voeux et restez en bonne santé!
Final Christmas Even from Eureka Trades.mp4
41.7 MB
Eureka Trades Presents,

May this season bring you lots of profits, spirit of trading, lots of bonus, good health and prosperity to you and your family!😇

Happy Christmas and Happy New Year🎉🎊.

Best Regards,
Eureka Trades Official

Which of the five categories are you right now, based on the information above? Do you wish to have both? Let's try something different.

Joining Eureka Trades is one of the best options for you.

If you are still unsure or simply want to participate, please contact our customer support team at +62 815 2943 6713 or join our telegram group at to receive daily trading updates.

Eureka Trades Official,

Thank You.

Let's look at the "Checklist for Day Traders" section in the Simple Tips above.

Also, join our telegram group to get the daily trading updates at
Diberitahukan dengan hormat, bahwa Business of Presentation (BOP) tanggal 29 & 31 Desember 2021 diliburkan.

BOP akan aktif kembali pada Januari, 2022.

Mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanannya, sampai berjumpa di BOP selanjutnya.

Wishing you a Happy New Year! May it be filled with new adventures and good fortunes.
Disaat market sedang close atau likuiditas pasar rendah, seorang master trader biasanya menggunakan waktu ini untuk mengembangkan strategi mereka dengan mininjau kembali manajemen risiko dan manajemen keuangan trading yang telah dilalui.

Buat Anda yang berprofesi sebagai Fulltime Trader, kira-kira apa yang bakal kalian lakukan jika sedang memasuki musim liburan dan pasar trading sedang off seperti ini ya? Share yuk!
Apakah kita sudah me-refleksi diri untuk awal yang baru? Buat kamu yang belum atau masih berencana mau mengejar mimpinya, yuuuk mulai actionnya dari sekarang.

Mulai dulu aja, belajar dari prosesnya, dan ambil peluangnya!

Happy New Year 2022!

#newyear2022 #eurekatrades #tradinglikeapro #newyear

It doesn't seem like a year has passed, and there are many of us who are just getting started in the trading business in 2021.

Here are the profits that we get in 2021, which will serve as motivation for us to continue trading this year and in the future.

Cheers to more Cuan and Bagger this year🥂🎉
"REMINDER! EUREKA TRADES Business Opportunity Presentation (BOP) and Q&A Session will be held tonight at (8.00PM WIB, 9.00PM WITA (GMT+8)"

Eureka Trades is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Eureka Trades BOP
Time: Jan 5, 2022 08:00 PM Jakarta

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 895 1241 0916
Passcode: 448524

See You Guys
Check this link to see the post:

It doesn't seem like 2021 has passed us by, and many of us will be starting our trading careers in 2022.

Here are some messages to help you get the most of your trading trip in 2022.
"REMINDER! EUREKA TRADES Business Opportunity Presentation (BOP) and Q&A Session will be held tonight at (8.00PM WIB, 9.00PM WITA (GMT+8)"

Eureka Trades is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Eureka Trades BOP
Time: Jan 7, 2022 08:00 PM Jakarta

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 844 8451 5464
Passcode: 484619

See You Guys
You will not be disappointed if...

Take a look at the following slides >>
Have you set up an income stream? Are you familiar with the term "income stream"?

Wise people always apply the income stream principle, "let your money do the work for you." Trading and making consistent profits is one strategy to boost your income stream. Joining Copytrade Eureka Trades makes it easier for you to create a steady income stream with plenty of bonuses.

If you have any questions or would like to join, please contact Eureka Trades customer service at +62 815 2943 6713 or

Thank you very much.
& Enjoy The Profit
"REMINDER! EUREKA TRADES Business Opportunity Presentation (BOP) and Q&A Session will be held tonight at (8.00PM WIB, 9.00PM WITA (GMT+8)"

Eureka Trades is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Eureka Trades BOP
Time: Jan 12, 2022 08:00 PM Jakarta

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 838 8282 1260
Passcode: 738133

See You Guys
Hi Good Afternoon Everyone, Did you know that Eureka Trades members get paid every day?

Wow, how come, what's the secret?

Check This Link:

By joining Copytrade from Eureka Trades you will get consistent profits every day! Only by joining Copytrade Eureka Trades you will enjoy your daily salary 🎉

For more information kindly please check the link in bio or contact our customer support at +62 815 2943 6713 and