Ethnic Weapon: Covid & Genetic Susceptibility
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the covid spike protein is a genetically modified race-based, ethnic weapon designed to target and sterilize Western populations
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Ethnic Weapon: Covid & Genetic Susceptibility
Secret Speech of General Chi Haotian mentions their cooperation with Israel. They obviously used an Israeli weapon and (slightly) modified it for east asians to be less susceptible. and yet Ashkenazim was still at 0%
an interesting anecdotal correlation between the original Israeli "ethno-bomb" article (by Uzi Mihnaimi and Marie Colvin) and Stanitsky's """fictional story""" about a race-specific biological weapon with a professor who was later jailed for spying for the Soviet Union
Forwarded from The Moscow Times
В Госдуме велели ученым создать «генетическое оружие» против англосаксов

Российские ученые должны разработать биологическое оружие, которое будет действовать только на англосаксов, заявил член комитета Госдумы по обороне, генерал-лейтенант Андрей Гурулев. Так он прокомментировал публикацию прокремлевского телеграм-канала Mash, в которой утверждается, что США собираются разместить биолабораторию в норвежской арктической зоне — на острове Медвежий, в нескольких часах по воде от Мурманска.

«Коль такая ситуация сложилась, нам надо самим садиться, нашим ученым, и разрабатывать <…> такое же оружие против англосаксов. Они же специально изучают генофонд каждого народа и под генофонд пытаются сделать то оружие, которое этот народ уничтожит. Надо заняться англосаксами — это главный враг. <…> И они должны об этом знать, что, ребята, ни приведи господи, вы получите в ответ ничуть не меньше», — сказал Гурулев.

Он заверил, что в России уже принимаются меры по защите от биологического оружия, в частности «массово строятся и модернизируются противочумные станции». «Это оборонительный компонент, но при такой ситуации нужен и ударный — тот, который позволит применять то же самое, только против нашего противника. <…> И здесь нам надо бежать впереди паровоза», — подчеркнул Гурулев.

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It was an Israeli weapon used (and potentially modified) by the Chinese
The Secret Speech of General Chi Haotian

In 2005, THE EPOCH TIMES acquired a secret speech given by Defense Minister Chi Haotian to high-level Communist Party Cadres sometime before his retirement in 2003.

Here is your evidence that the Chinese intended on using Israeli race-specific biological weapons.
Chi Haotian explains the necessity for Chinese lebensraum—that is, colonization of the US mainland after the genocide of the entire population, including Asian Americans.
we no longer speak of a communist bloc.
Israel, China, and Russia are the main players of the communist bloc.
they are the only ones that stand to gain by killing Western populations.
Media is too big
Kevin McKernan Talks COVID Vaccine DNA Contamination and the Monkey Virus SV40 Promoter
Media is too big
"Viktor Suvorov" (Vladimir Bogdanovich Rezun) on the Gray Terror

The "vaccine" is only the pre-game. The communist bloc is preparing for all-out war.

Putin is hosting the World Communist Youth (again) in Sochi next year
Russia is receiving arms from North Korea
Russia sends grain to communist Cuba
Russia is aligned with the communist Lula
Russia is re-erecting statues of Lenin in occupied territory
Putin, still a devoted Marxist-Leninist, says he likes socialist ideas and never gave up his party card
Russia is building military infrastructure in communist Nicaragua and welcoming Russian troops, who strengthened ties to communist North Korea
Russia gives aid to communist Venezuela
Russia continues to strengthen ties with China

The dissolution of the Warsaw pact was intended to lull us to sleep, as soviet agent Georgy Arbatov said in 1988, "We are going to deprive you of an enemy."

Moscow is still the mother of the communist bloc.

Make no mistake, they intend on murdering you and your family.
Media is too big
In 1982, Czech Major General Jan Sejna revealed the soviet strategic plan for achieving "global democratic peace" aka world communism.

While the actors have changed a bit, the end goal remains the same.
If their goals cannot be achieved with the Left, they will then use the Right.

September 11th was an inflection point that allowed the communist bloc to begin to achieve previously unattainable goals. Perhaps not so coincidentally, September 11th is the birthday of the founder of the Cheka, or KGB, Felix Dzerzhinsky.

It seemed appropriate to release it today.

We must listen to the defectors.
Today, the Russians unveiled a statue to the founder of the Cheka (KGB), "Iron Felix" Dzerzhinsky, in front of the HQ of the Foreign Intelligence Service, SVR.

(but remember, your favorite conservative/based right wing commentator is right—Russia is not communist!)
Ethnic Weapon: Covid & Genetic Susceptibility
Today, the Russians unveiled a statue to the founder of the Cheka (KGB), "Iron Felix" Dzerzhinsky, in front of the HQ of the Foreign Intelligence Service, SVR. (but remember, your favorite conservative/based right wing commentator is right—Russia is not communist!)
It's a replica of the statue of Dzerzhinsky that was taken down (they say illegally) in 1991.
You know what this means don't you.

They're sending a signal. "We never left."

The maskirovka is slipping. If they are dispensing with the ruse of perestroika, they are preparing for war.
Prepare your household for Lenin; the red terror is near.
Media is too big
Who is Joe Biden?

Why has he sought to diminish our nuclear weapons his entire career?

Why was he financed into politics through a communist front, Council for a Livable World, founded by Soviet agent Leo Szilard—one of the co-conspirators with Oppenheimer on the Manhattan Project?

Check your State for communist subversives that were helped by CLW into power.
Media is too big
GRU defector Col. Stanislav Lunev on the coalition nations of the communist bloc & their long-term preparations for nuclear war and occupation of the United States.

The coalition is becoming more clear by the day. Russia and the US recently left the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe because the invasion of Europe by Russia and its allies is nearing.

Watch their actions, not the rhetoric.
Media is too big
The orchestration of weaponized migration to the West via internal traitors and our external enemies, who are lining up in preparation for the genocide of millions of Americans, at the same time pretended right wing third worldists cheer on the orchestrators.

Are the right wing commentators you listen to promoting our external enemies?

These говноед (shit-eaters) are clamoring for the regimes that are orchestrating your genocide while propping them up as your saviors.

There is a repudiation that must take place.