Erasmus+ in Uzbekistan
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Toshkent davlat transport universitetida Erasmus+ loyihasi boʻyicha “Markaziy Osiyoda innovatsiya va tadbrikorlikni rivojlantirish” mavzusida xalqaro anjuman boʻlib oʻtdi

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Erasmus+ Cluster Meeting on Sustainability of Curriculum Development Projects/Project Idea Development Seminar in Namangan

On April 15th, the National Erasmus+ Office in Uzbekistan opened registration for the Erasmus+ Cluster Meeting on Sustainability of Curriculum Development Projects/Project Idea Development Seminar at Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology. The event was jointly organized by 2 staff Project Managers from the National Erasmus+ Office(NEO) and 2 Higher Education Reform Experts(HEREs), Ilhom Abdurakhmanov and Javlonbek Rakhmatullayev.

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Final event of "TRIGGER" project in TSTU

On April 17th, the final conference of the Erasmus+ TRIGGER project, a key initiative aimed at "Fostering Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Central Asia," was hosted by the Tashkent State Transport University. The conference marked a significant milestone in our efforts to enhance the integration of academic excellence with practical, market-oriented skills.

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Toshkent toʻqimachilik va yengil sanoat instituti va Savdo-sanoat palatasi yangi loyihaga qoʻl urdi.

🇪🇺Yevropa Ittifoqining “Erasmus+” dasturi doirasida “Tex4future — toʻqimachilik sohasi Oʻzbekiston va Qozogʻiston kelajagi uchun" loyihasi amalga oshirilmoqda.

Ushbu loyiha Yevropa Ittifoqining taʼlim va madaniyatni muvofiqlashtirish agentligi tomonidan moliyalashtiriladi. Ushbu loyiha muhokamasida Savdo-sanoat palatasi, toʻqimachilik instituti masʼul koordinatori, Jizzax politexnika instituti, Fargʻona davlat universiteti, Qozogʻiston hamkor universitetlari ishtirok etmoqda.

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📣📣📣ECAMPUZ project presents the “Train-the-trainer” program participants from 2023

The representatives of the University of Copenhagen (Denmark🇩🇰) and the University of Extremadura (Spain🇪🇸) of the project "ECAMPUZ - European World Talent Camp for Uzbekistan Scientists in Food Science and Technology – ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE” selected the first 6 participants of "train-the-trainer" program from UZB partner organizations🇺🇿 of ECAMPUZ project in August 2023.

Our 6 trainees have had the opportunity to take comprehensive training and gain valuable experience in partner EU HEIs. Participants from UZB partner organizations of the project have been going through pre-defined training and work on a subject of their interest under the supervision of and in collaboration with EU partners.

Main target group of "train-the-trainer" program: researchers, young teachers and PhD students (related to Food Science and Technology) 👩‍🎓👨‍🎓👩‍🔬👨‍🔬 of "ECAMPUZ" project UZB partner organizations

🕐Duration of the "train-the-trainer" program: up to 3 months

☑️Venue of the program: University of Copenhagen (Denmark🇩🇰), University of Extremadura (Spain🇪🇸)

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📑INMACOM -telekommunikatsiya mehnat bozori ehtiyojlarini qondirish uchun fotonika va optik aloqa boʻyicha innovatsion magistratura dasturi (ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE-STRAND-2(101083224)” loyihasi rejasiga muvofiq 2024-yil 22-aprel kuni Erasmus+ dasturining INMACOM loyihasi doirasida O'zbekiston o'qituvchilari uchun "INMACOM CONSORTIUM MEETING AND WORKSHOP AT Urganch Branch of TUIT” mavzusida uchrashuvlar tashkil qilinmoqda.

Uchrashuvlarning dastlabki kunida Italiyaning "Ghent University" universitetidan prof. Nicolas Le Thomas, Bert Coryn, "Polytechnich university of Turin" dan prof. Roberto Proietti, Belgiyaning "Vrije Universiteit Brussel" dan prof. Heidi Ottevaere lar o'z ma'ruzalari bilan ishtirok qilishmoqda.

Tadbir dasturiga muvofiq loyiha doirasida amalga oshirilgan ishlar boʻyicha har bir universitet vakillari hisoboti tinglanib, keyingi yillarda amalga oshiriladigan ishlar muhokama qilinishi belgilangan.

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TAM seminar in Samarkand

The Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service hosts the Erasmus+ Technical Assistance Mission (TAM) seminar focused on "Digitalization of Higher Education and Increasing Competitiveness of Universities" between 23-24th of April.

Stay tuned for more updates, which we will share through our social media channels.