Hustler’s University 4.0
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The Real World / HU is a global community of like-minded individuals on a mission to become wealthy.

We’ve successfully transformed thousands of lives through our money-focused, unique education system.

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First Month -> Over $2,000

It's hard to start the gym, easy to KEEP going.

Hard to make some money, easy to turn it into MORE money.

Fire is difficult to start.

Once it's raging, it spreads extremely easily.

Success is the same.

Learn how:
Money does not grow on trees.

It’s the result of intelligently applied effort.

And that is what our school teaches you to do.

Learn here:
$11,000+ in the last 24 hours alone by listening to the crypto professor

We will tell you exactly what to do, but will you listen?

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The energy around you would be completely different if everyone around you was winning.

The air would feel different.

The sun would shine brighter.

Darkness feasts on the negativity of the fat, weak, lazy and unsuccessful.

It feeds off the average and normal.

Surround yourself with the light and BE the light for others.
Start every morning with coffee and sunshine.
$49 in -> $8,000 out

Why aren’t you inside?

We’ve changed THOUSANDS of lives and you can be next.

You’re LOSING $10k every month for every month you don’t know how to make $10k.

Change your life here:
If you take pride in your work you’ll do a good job.

Pride in your body you’ll be in good shape.

Take pride in yourself and you’ll be a good person.

Losers preach humility - you need less of that.

I was born with zero money but very rich.

I had born with something very valuable:

The ability to shut up and listen to those who knew what I didn’t know.

To learn and obey without being lazy or ungrateful.

Fighting. Cash. Chess.

Success was absolutely assured.
HU students are purchasing new cars with CASH.

What color is your BMW M4?

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I uncharacteristically just spent an hour scrolling on my phone.

Wasting time.

Twitter Facebook Instagram.

Now, I’m trying to recall what I watched.

I remember about 20% of it, and it’s literally mind poison.

Do not make this a habit.
How to get rich from ABSOLUTE ground zero?

Using only your phone.

Instead of mindlessly scrolling,

We will teach you how to leverage social media to generate income from the ground up.

Are you ready to learn the secrets?
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There are men that are less deserving and intelligent than you that are flying on private jets.

Why aren’t you making a change?
By Allah, cowardice does not prolong my life, and courage does not reduce it.
Forwarded from Tate
If only you listened like my TRW students did.

Don’t fuck it up again:
You think cowardice is your friend,

You think safety and comfort are your allies.

You will watch as they both transform into regret as you get older.

They will stab you in the heart before you take your last breath.

I recommend befriending bravery and hardship instead.
The average man is unprofessional in near everything he does.

How he walks.
What he says.
WHEN he talks.
Where he looks.
What he knows.

How he drinks a glass of fucking water.

IF you become a professional you would realize exactly how EASY life is.
Pain and suffering for breakfast.

Lunch and dinner also it seems.

Even had desert, it was tasty. A little too sweet.

Ill ask them to adjust the recipe for tomorrows meal.
HU students are buying new cars.

We are conquering the world.

And it's only just the beginning.

You don't know what you don't know.

If you knew, you'd already be inside.
Young Kings.

The most significant brainwashing tool is mass entertainment.

Catchy tunes, zero lyrical significance “work work work work work”

Keep you distracted.

When Rome was losing battles, they always had a circus.
I started with a dream.

Through hard work and dedication made everything I wanted a reality.

You can do the same.
Some numbers reveal your persistence.

The hours you put in.

The times you chose not to give up.

The money you made by sticking to our lessons.

Hard work always pays off in HU.

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