English Education Department
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Forwarded from American Center Tashkent

📢Join us on Friday, June 28 at 11 a.m. to participate in the Speaking Club at the American Center Tashkent.

📆 Friday, June 28
11:00 am

📍Address: U.S. Embassy Tashkent
3 Moyqorghon Street
5th Block, Yunusobod District, Tashkent

🔗Follow the link to register: https://forms.gle/jkR1fNkqrKYdaB6S7

✔️Seats are limited.
✔️Register only if you plan to attend.
✔️The session will start promptly at 11:00 AM, so please arrive on time. You can come to the ACT starting at 10:00
Forwarded from American Center Tashkent
🌟 Dive into the unknown corners of American history with us! 🇺🇸

Hey history buffs and curious minds! Ever wondered about the untold stories and hidden gems of U.S. history? Join us as we uncover fascinating tales, pivotal moments, and remarkable figures that shaped America as we know it today.

🗓️ Date: June 28
🕖 Time: 1 pm
📍 Location: U.S. Embassy Tashkent
3 Moyqorghon Street
5th Block, Yunusobod District, Tashkent

🔗Follow the link to register: https://forms.gle/nz77GXbsFDoLFBcY7

✔️Seats are limited.
✔️Register only if you plan to attend.
✔️The session will start promptly at 13:00, so please arrive on time. You can come to the ACT starting at 12:00.

Whether you're a seasoned history enthusiast or just discovering your passion for the past, our club welcomes all young explorers eager to delve deeper into the fabric of America's rich heritage.

🔍 Discover, discuss, and debate with like-minded peers in a friendly and engaging environment. Let's make history together!
Международная летняя школа по истории "Самарканд - Колыбель государственности Центральной Азии"

📍Где: Самаркандский государственный университет, исторический факультет, Узбекистан
📅Когда: С 15 по 20 июля 2024 года.

👥Для кого
Обязателен статус студента/магистранта/аспиранта/научного сотрудника/преподавателя образовательного учреждения 

Летняя школа включает бесплатное обучение, бесплатное проживание, экскурсионную программу, учебные материалы. Транспортные расходы и питание за счёт отправляющей стороны. По итогам летней школы всем участникам будут вручены сертификаты.

Программа Летней школы включает лекции по истории Узбекистана, профессиональные тренинги и практики, а также интересную экскурсионную программу по достопримечательностям нашего города. Летняя школа будет проходить на русском или английском языках в оборудованных аудиториях. Практические занятия будут выездные.

Дедлайн: регистрация до 3 июля 2024 г.

#летние_школы #история #гуманитарные
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Forwarded from EU in Uzbekistan
🔈 Yoshlar diqqatiga!🔈

🇪🇺Yevropa Ittifoqi siz uchun yangi imkoniyatlarni e'lon qilmoqda! 🆕

🏆O‘z ijodiy va innovatsion loyihalaringiz uchun grant yutib olishni xohlaysizmi🤝Mahalliy muammolarni hal qiluvchi va jamiyatingizni rivojlantiruvchi loyihalaringiz bormi Unda moliyalashtirish imkoniyatidan foydalanib qoling❗️

👏Tashabbusimiz yoshlar yetakchiligini qo‘llab-quvvatlaydi va ularni jamiyatdagi o‘zgarishlar uchun harakatlarini mustahkamlaydi. G‘oyalaringiz dunyoni o‘zgartirishi mumkin!🌐

📆Ariza topshirish muddati: 21/07/2024

Batafsil ma'lumot va ariza shakllari to‘g‘risida 🔗havola🔗orqali bilib oling.


🔈 Внимание, молодежь!🔈

🇪🇺Европейский Союз объявляет новые возможности для молодежи! 🆕

🏆Хотите выиграть грант для своих креативных и инновационных проектов🤝Есть идеи, которые могут решить местные проблемы и развить вашу общину Тогда воспользуйтесь этой возможностью финансирования❗️

👏Эта инициатива поддерживает лидерство молодежи и усиливает их роль в обществе. Ваши идеи могут изменить мир!🌐

📆 Крайний срок подачи заявок: 21/07/2024

Полные подробности и формы заявок на 🔗сайте🔗.
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Forwarded from EducationUSA_Tashkent
✈️Are you heading to a U.S. university this fall after securing admission?

If so, please attend the EducationUSA Annual Pre-departure Orientation. This event is designed to help you gear up for your journey, settle in smoothly, adapt to the new environment, excel in your studies, and make the most of your 🇺🇸📚U.S. university experience.

Time: July 11th at 3 pm
📍Location: U.S. Embassy Tashkent

📌Register here📌
🗓️Deadline: July 5, Friday

❗️IMPORTANT: This orientation is exclusively for incoming undergraduate and graduate students for the 2024 academic year.
Forwarded from American Center Tashkent
📚 Exciting Book Presentation Alert!
Join us at the American Center Tashkent for a book presentation showcasing "50 Mighty Women of Uzbekistan" by Nargiz Nayimova!

🌟 Dive into the inspiring stories of remarkable Uzbek women who have made significant contributions to their fields and society.

🎤 The event will feature author Nargiz Nayimova, who will discuss her research and insights into the lives of these extraordinary women. Don't miss this opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of Uzbekistan's rich cultural heritage and the impact of these influential figures.

🗓️ Date: July 9
Time: 2:00 PM

📍 Venue: 3 Moyqorghon Street, 5th Block, Yunusobod District Tashkent, Uzbekistan

🔔 Click here to sign up -https://forms.gle/MdEaYhpX3N3xyGyS8

#50MightyWomen #Uzbekistan #BookPresentation #AmericanCenterTashkent #Inspiration
Forwarded from UVA
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Forwarded from LuckinEnglish Channel
В Частную Школу "Erudite", приглашаем амбициозных и целеустремлённых преподавателей английского  языка. (Международный опыт приветствуется)
Что предстоит делать:Обучать учеников английскому языку с 1 по 4 класс и получать от этого удовольствие.
Наш идеальный кандидат: Прекрасно владеет английским языком (IELTS 7 баллов).
Знает и применяет современные методики преподавания.Умеет наладить контакт и создать позитивную атмосферу.
Достойная оплата.
Контакты: +998940198094 (Жасур)
Forwarded from U.S. Embassy Tashkent
🎶 19-35 yoshdagi musiqachilar uchun 2025-yilning bahor faslida AQShda bo'lib o'tadigan “OneBeat” madaniy almashinuv dasturiga arizalar qabul qilish boshlandi.

🇺🇸 Bir oy davomida OneBeat ishtirokchilari amerikalik musiqachilar bilan birgalikda qo’shiq yozish va ijro etish, prodyuserlik qilish hamda san’at kuchidan foydlangan holda ijtimoiy hamkorlik strategiyalarini ishlab chiqishni o’rganish imkoniyatiga ega bo’ladilar.

📝 Arizalar 2024-yil 6-sentabrgacha ushbu havola orqali qabul qilinadi.
- - - - -

🎶 OneBeat is accepting applications for U.S.-based music exchanges scheduled for the spring of 2025.

🇺🇸 OneBeat Fellows will spend approximately one month in an intensive residency which offers a chance for artists to write, produce, and perform original music, and develop strategies for arts-based social engagement. Applicants must be between 19 and 35 year old during the program dates.

📝 Application deadline: September 6, 2024. To apply, follow this link.
- - - - -

🎶 OneBeat принимает заявки на участие в программе культурного обмена для молодых музыкантов (от 19 до 35 лет), запланированной в США на весну 2025 года.

🇺🇸 В течение месяца стипендиаты OneBeat проведут совместную творческую работу с американскими музыкантами, получив возможность писать, продюсировать и исполнять оригинальную музыку, а также разрабатывать стратегии социальной активности на основе искусства.

📝 Заявки принимаются до 6 сентября 2024 года по этой ссылке.
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Improve your learners' writing skills by exploring the sub-skills that make good writers and ways of developing them in the classroom.

In this free online course, you will learn about the following:

- Understanding writing
- Engaging with writing – process writing
- Engaging with writing – activities.

Make your classes inclusive learning spaces by identifying barriers that can affect learning and practical strategies to overcome them.

In this free online course, you will learn about the following:

- Introduction to inclusion
- Creating an inclusive classroom environment
- Making your school culture more inclusive.


Are you ready to complete your master's at a leading UK university and join a global leadership network for life?

Apply today 👉www.chevening.org/scholarship/uzbekistan/
📢 Nihoyat Buyuk Britaniyada o'qish uchun #Chevening dasturiga qabul endi ochiq!🤩

Buyuk Britaniyaning yetakchi universitetida magistraturada o'qib, global yetakchilik tarmog‘iga qo‘shilishga tayyormisiz?

Bugunoq ariza topshiring 👉 www.chevening.org/scholarship/uzbekistan/
Forwarded from U.S. Embassy Tashkent
📣 Calling all scholars in Uzbekistan!

The #FulbrightVisitingScholarProgram is here! Apply for a 3-5 month grant to lecture, research, or develop curriculum in the USA.

Apply now and seize this amazing opportunity!

Deadline: September 16, 2024.
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Forwarded from Websites for Teachers
Below you will find out about new engagement opportunities with the British Council. We encourage you to check them out and to share them with your ELT community members via newsletters or other means of sharing information you typically use.

📽 You can check out the thought-provoking TeachingEnglish webinar from June about creating inclusive schooling by clicking here. The topic for the July webinar will be Language and inclusion in a refugee setting, which you can register for by clicking on the link, and you can check out the Pre-webinar reading and Pre-webinar task as well to gain more insight into the topic!

🎡 International festival of mentoring teacher-research in ELT offers free online events and recordings during 2024–25 showcasing teacher-research mentoring initiatives around the world. The festival's aim is to map and draw lessons from these initiatives and to inspire others to engage in mentoring teacher-research and/or to organize teacher-research mentoring support schemes.

📚 For teacher educators and those who want to become teacher educators, we offer a lot of resources, and you can start exploring them by clicking here: CPD Framework and self-assessment tool for teacher educators, or applying to this course by enrolling until 23 November: Free training course: Helping teachers to learn.

📄 By clicking here you can check out a study about reaching out to marginalised populations with resources and technology for learning English.

🎙 Attached is a workbook that can help guide you through learning how to build understanding through dialogue in an educational context, and you can also check out the Podcast: How can we motivate our learners? on YouTube, or follow this link for other ways to hear it.

British Council courses for teachers is a Facebook group run by the open courses team, which supports our open learning training courses through tutor moderation, Facebook lives, resources and discussion posts. We highly recommend you join it and connect with your colleagues! You can learn more about our free courses for teachers, and how to join them here.

You can receive information on new engagement opportunities with the British Council if you subscribe to the TeachingEnglish newsletter!
OTC Team
Forwarded from Cambridge for Central Asia (Elena Markova)
Help your students learn new words with the free articles from the Cambridge Dictionary.

Check out this one on vocabulary for working towards a goal: https://camengli.sh/3y0p588

#Vocabulary #CambridgeThesaurus
Forwarded from Cambridge for Central Asia (Elena Markova)
How to use new technology in the classroom with our Teachers Talk Tech podcast 
The Teachers Talk Tech podcast offers tips on how you can make teaching more fun and effective with technology. 
Learn about topics such as AI, teaching in virtual reality, digital inclusion, game-based learning and innovation in teaching. 
Listen to the podcast