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Good afternoon guys! How are you today? 😊 I hope you're feeling good and ready for a quiz!
This time you'll be reading a text which tells when the Sun will die, and what will happen after. Be sure to check the difficult words before answering!
Let's go!
Scientists have worked out when our Sun will die. It won’t be any time soon. It will be in 10 billion years. The scientists are from the University of Manchester in the UK. They predict that in about 5 billion years from now, the Sun will turn into a “red giant”. This is the scientific name given to a star at the end of its life. When our Sun becomes a red giant, its centre will shrink. Its outer layers will expand as far as Mars. This means Earth will be burnt and disappear. After our Sun turns into a red giant, it will become a planetary nebula. This is a bubble of gas and space dust. The scientists say no humans will be on Earth when the Sun dies out. Humans will disappear in around one billion years from now.

The Sun is still quite young in space years. It is just 4.6 billion years old. This means it is only around one third into its lifespan. Professor Albert Zijlstra, a scientist from the University of Manchester, explained what happens at the end of a star’s life. He said: “When a star dies, it ejects a mass of gas and dust into space.…This reveals the star’s core. By this point in the star’s life, it is running out of fuel.” He said it eventually turns off and dies. Professor Zijlstra was happy that modern science can calculate the age of stars and what will happen to them. He said we can measure the presence of stars in distant galaxies, and “we even have found out what the Sun will do when it dies”.
Difficult words:

Shrink – encolher
Layers – camadas
Lifespan – duração de vida
Core – núcleo
Fuel – combustível
What will the Sun become in 5 billion years?
Anonymous Quiz
A dying giant
A red giant
An exploding giant
Where will the outer layers of the Sun expand to in 5 billion years from now?
Anonymous Quiz
As far as Mars
As far as the Earth
As far as Venus
According to the scientists, humans will still be living on Earth by the time the Sun dies.
Anonymous Quiz
How old is our Sun, according to the text?
Anonymous Quiz
4.6 billion years
5 billion years
4.5 billion years
What does a star ejects when it dies, according to Professor Albert Zijlstra?
Anonymous Quiz
Rocks and gas
Fire and dust
Gas and dust
That's it for today everybody! I hope you've liked today's text! Feel free to leave a comment under this message with your feedback and opinions. They're always appreciated! 😁
Thank you so much for participating!
I'll see you next time! 🇬🇧
Hello everyone! How are you doing today? Are you prepared for the new year? 😁 I hope you can also spare a few minutes for a quiz! This time you’ll be reading a text about a huge archeological discovery. Be sure to check the difficult words and pay attention to the text, okay?
Let’s go!
Egypt is a land of mystery and wonder. Archaeologists hope to unearth the ancient marvels there. Archaeologists at an excavation near the city of Alexandria have made a huge discovery. Archaeologist Kathleen Martinez has dedicated most of her life to searching for the long-lost tomb of Queen Cleopatra. The queen ruled Egypt more than 1,000 years ago. Martinez and her team stumbled upon an amazing find. They uncovered a 1,305-metre tunnel, 13 metres underground. Architectural experts have called it an “engineering miracle”.

Ms Martinez was elated at finding the tunnel and its contents. She said the site had a religious centre with three sanctuaries, a sacred lake, statues, gold, and a huge collection of coins portraying…Queen Cleopatra. Martinez’s quest to find Queen Cleopatra’s tomb began in 2005. She said her perseverance was not an obsession. She said: “I simply admire Cleopatra as a historical character.” Martinez spoke of the importance of her team’s work. She said that if the tunnel leads to Cleopatra’s tomb, “it will be the most important discovery of the century”.
Difficult words:
Unearth – desenterrar/descobrir
Stumbled – tropeçaram ou encontrar por acidente
Elated – exaltado/extasiado
In which city was the excavation situated on?
Anonymous Quiz
Near the city of Cairo
Near the city of Luxor
Near the city of Alexandria
What has the archaeologist Kathleen Martinez dedicated most of her life to find?
Anonymous Quiz
The tomb of Queen Cleopatra
Lost coins and jewelry
An ancient mummy
What have the experts called the tunnel that was discovered?
Anonymous Quiz
An ancient miracle
An engineering miracle
A wonder of history
Between these option what was NOT found at the tunnels?
Anonymous Quiz
A sacred lake
The mummy of Queen Cleopatra
When did Ms Martinez’s quest to find Cleopatra’s tomb begin?
Anonymous Quiz
Since 2005
Since 2004
Since 2010
That’s it for today guys! Thank you very much for participating! I wish you all a happy new year and great things for the upcoming months! 😊
See you next time! 🇬🇧