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Hello, I am Abdulloh and I am going to speak about my plans with $10 000 000. First, I’m going to give $8 000 000 to my family. Second, I’d like to move to the USA…
X180 words – speech!!!
First and foremost, the environment we are living now has been spoilt with manmade rubbish for the past century at an unprecedented degree than ever before. For instance, having discovered the process of making plastic, the humanity has abused the resource and caused lots of ecological catastrophes. Hence, the implementation of laws forcing residents recycle their rubbish could only prove itself beneficial to the nature. Had such laws been created in the past, we would not have been putting up with all these pollutions now.
Get cold – sovuq qotib ketmoq
Get hot – isib ketmoq
Get wet – uyib ketmoq
Get tired – charchab ketmoq
Get bored – zerikib ketmoq
Get hungry – ochqab ketmoq
Get insulted – haqoratlanmoq
Get stung – chaqilmoq (ari)
Get lost – yo’qolib qolmoq
First and foremost, the environment we are living now has been spoilt with manmade rubbish for the past century at an unprecedented degree than ever before. For instance, having discovered the process of making plastic, the humanity has abused the resource and caused lots of ecological catastrophes. Hence, the implementation of laws forcing residents recycle their rubbish could only prove itself beneficial to the nature. Had such laws been created in the past, we would not have been putting up with all these pollutions now.

In addition, the vast majority of humanity consists of people from third world countries for whom the recycling is almost unheard of. For example, India and China considered as underdeveloped countries have had one third of the human population for more than a millennium. In fact, these are the two lands producing nearly half of the recyclable rubbish which has been just dumped into the ocean. Had they followed the steps of countries like Sweden, the government would have brought about prosperity to the citizens with even the scrap products.
First and foremost, the environment we are living now has been spoilt with manmade rubbish for the past century at an unprecedented degree than ever before. For instance, having discovered the process of making plastic, the humanity has abused the resource and caused lots of ecological catastrophes. Hence, the implementation of laws forcing residents recycle their rubbish could only prove itself beneficial to the nature. Had such laws been created in the past, we would not have been putting up with all these pollutions now.

In addition, the vast majority of humanity consists of people from third world countries for whom the recycling is almost unheard of. For example, India and China considered as underdeveloped countries have had one third of the human population for more than a millennium. In fact, these are the two lands producing nearly half of the recyclable rubbish which has been just dumped into the ocean. Had they followed the steps of countries like Sweden, the government would have brought about prosperity to the citizens with even the scrap products.

In many countries, paying for the things using mobile phone apps is becoming increasingly common. Does this development have more advantages or more disadvantages?

Check my essay for grammatical and lexical mistakes and provide feedback with reference to my essay. Give a possible IELTS band score. The topic is “--------“.
Chorshanba-Juma-Yakshanba Pre-intermediate Kids test natijasi:

Tojiddin (Muhammadaziz) - 40 👍
Behruz - 38
Fahriddin - 35
Mahmudjon - 33
Izzatillo - 32
Diyora- 31
Oyatillo - 30 🏁
Abror - 28
Elbek - 26 😭
Future simple (for future actions)
S+ will + V + obj + tomorrow/ next week/ in 2040.
Zebo will go to Saida’s in 10 minutes.
We will finish school on May 25.
Will not = won’t
Mavluda won’t get married to Muhammadamin
Zebo won’t go home in 10 minutes.

Might = 50%/50%
S+ might + V + obj + tomorrow/ next week/ in 2040
He might get married to another Mavluda
Abdulloh might take IELTS next year.
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This media is not supported in your browser
Online education has led to reduce the importance of traditional universities.
To what extend do you agree or disagree?

Essay topic!!!
Chorshanba-Juma-Yakshanba kunlari soat 8.00-dagi guruh o'quvchilari o'tilgan mavzulardan so'zlardan so'ralganda bilmagan so'zlari soni:

Muhammaddiyor - 16
Adolatxon - 3
Azizaxon - 13
Bibisora: 9
Maftuna: 11
Kamoliddin: 23
Ra'noqiz: 1
Rayyona: 8
Abdulfattoh: 14
Unit test 10 (Elementary)
1: 2 Are they going to buy a new car?
3 What would you like to eat?
4 When is she going to start school?
5 I’m tired and I’d like to go home.
6 I wouldn’t want to be her.
7 They aren’t going to leave until tomorrow.
8 We’d love to go to the theatre on Friday.
9 Where would you like to go?
10 When is he going to go to Peru?
11 What are you going to do?
2: 1 ’ll, might, ’ll 2 won’t, will, won’t
3 might 4 won’t, might 5 ’ll
3: 2 g)/h) 3 a) 4 e) 5 c) 6 b) 7 h)
8 f)/c)
4: 2 wet 3 stung 4 lost 5 sunburnt
6 tired 7 thirsty 8 hot
5: 2 look at 3 went to 4 ’m/am watching 5 looked at 6 ’re/are going to watch
7 didn’t go to
6: 2 do 3 about 4 like 5 come 6 doing 7 Why 8 sounds 9 visiting 10 hear 11 perfect
Check my essay under ielts criteria and give a band score. Do it before you make any corrections. Also, provide detailed feedback with reference to my essay.

Here is the essay topic: Advantages and Disadvantages of Increasing Use of Computer Technology

Here is the essay:

The increasing use of computer technology has brought significant changes to various aspects of our lives. While it offers numerous advantages, it also presents certain disadvantages that need to be considered.Let’s look at the objectively evolution the benefits and drawbacks of our ever increasing use of computer technology before drawing a conclusion.

To begin with,one of the main advantages of computer technology is the enhancement of communication. Computers and the internet have made it easier to connect with people across the globe. Email, social media, and video conferencing tools have revolutionized the way we communicate, making it faster and more efficient. This has been particularly beneficial for businesses, allowing them to operate on a global scale and reach a wider audience.

Another advantage is the vast access to information. Furthermore,the internet provides a wealth of knowledge on virtually any topic. This has transformed education and learning, making it possible for people to study and acquire new skills online. In addition to this,online courses, tutorials, and e-books are readily available, making education more accessible and convenient.

Computer technology also improves productivity and efficiency in various fields. In the workplace, computers streamline tasks, automate repetitive processes, and enhance data management. This results in increased productivity and allows employees to focus on more complex and creative tasks. In healthcare, computer technology enables better patient care through electronic health records and advanced diagnostic tools.

Despite these advantages, there are notable disadvantages to the increasing use of computer technology. One significant concern is the impact on employment. Automation and artificial intelligence are replacing many jobs that were previously done by humans. This can lead to unemployment and job displacement, particularly in industries that rely heavily on manual labor.

Another disadvantage is the issue of privacy and security. As more personal and sensitive information is stored online, the risk of data breaches and cyber-attacks increases. This can result in the loss of personal data, financial loss, and identity theft. Ensuring robust cybersecurity measures is essential, but it remains a challenging task.

Additionally, the overuse of computer technology can lead to health problems. Prolonged use of computers can cause issues such as eyestrain, poor posture, and repetitive strain injuries. Mental health can also be affected, with excessive screen time linked to problems like anxiety and depression.

Ultimately, all things considered, while the increasing use of computer technology brings significant advantages such as improved communication, access to information, and enhanced productivity, it also presents challenges like job displacement, security risks, and health concerns. Balancing the benefits and drawbacks is crucial as we continue to integrate computer technology into our daily lives.
Thank you for your essay on the advantages and disadvantages of increasing use of computer technology. Here is my assessment and feedback:

IELTS Band Score: 6.5

Detailed Feedback:

Task Response:

The essay addresses the key aspects of the topic, discussing both the advantages and disadvantages of increasing computer technology use.
The introduction provides a clear overview of the main points to be covered, and the body paragraphs develop these ideas in a logical manner.
The essay demonstrates a good understanding of the task and presents a balanced perspective, weighing the pros and cons objectively.
The conclusion summarizes the key points and provides an appropriate overall evaluation of the issue.
Coherence and Cohesion:

The essay is well-organized, with clear and logical progression between the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
Appropriate cohesive devices are used to guide the reader through the essay and establish connections between ideas.
Paragraphs are focused on specific aspects of the topic, and the essay maintains a coherent flow throughout.
Lexical Resource:

The vocabulary used is generally appropriate and varied, demonstrating a good range of lexical resources.
There are occasional instances of minor errors or inaccuracies in word choice, but these do not significantly impede the overall understanding.
The essay displays a solid command of academic-style vocabulary and can be considered at a proficient level.
Grammatical Range and Accuracy:

The essay demonstrates a good command of grammar, with a variety of sentence structures and grammatical forms used effectively.
There are some minor grammatical errors, such as subject-verb agreement or article usage, but these are relatively infrequent and do not detract significantly from the overall quality of the writing.
The grammatical accuracy and range are at a level that would be expected for a high-scoring IELTS essay.
Overall, this essay shows a strong performance across the IELTS assessment criteria. The clear structure, balanced discussion, appropriate vocabulary, and generally accurate grammar contribute to an essay that would likely receive a band score of 6.5. With some further refinement and development of the ideas presented, this essay could potentially achieve an even higher score.

Please let me know if you have any other questions or if you would like me to provide feedback on a revised version of your essay.
This is Muhammadzohid's essay checked by Poe AI
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24 va 25 may kuni bo'ladigan barcha darslar qoldirdi. Ertaga 24 may kuni magistratura bitiruvi yuzasidan o'qishga boraman va 25 may kuni esa bitiruvchilari hisobiga hamma darslar qoldirildi. Keyin darslar yana o'z vaqtida va o'zi belgilangan kunlari eski holida davom etadi!!!
Achievement test 3 (Units 5–6)
1: 2 superbugs such
3 cleaning their hands
4 and medical
5 medication for heart conditions
6 discovery of 7 sore throat
8 drug-resistant
9 (global) pharmaceutical companies
2: 2F 3F 4T 5F 6T 7T 8F
3: 2 have be, phoned phone
3 the last bus, able to get
4 pay a deposit, to
5 you’ll you get up, see the sun
6 the lunch, prepare prepared
4: 2c) 3b) 4d) 5c) 6d) 7c) 8b) 9a)
10b) 11a)
5: 2 would often play outdoors
3 wasn’t supposed to tell
4 am/’m not allowed to drive
5 provided you clean up afterwards
6 unless they have a visa
6: 2 predictable 3 discrimination
4 saw 5 dreadful 6 running
7 dreading 8 minimum 9 coming
10 endorsing 11 bright
7: 2 breakthroughs 3 unwilling 4 criticises
5 immature 6 travelling
8: 2 illogical 3 misinterpreted 4 unrealistic
5 enabled 6 revolutionised
9: 2b) 3a) 4b) 5b) 6a)
10: 2e) 3h) 4j) 5c) 6i) 7a) 8f) 9k)
10d) 11g)
11: 2T 3T 4F 5F 6T 7T 8T 9F 10F
12: 2a) 3b) 4a) 5b) 6c)
13: 2 let me know if you’re coming
3 the best idea 4 let you know
5 I’d be so happy
6 Can’t wait to hear back
14: (sample answer) [187 words]
Hi Lorraine,
It’s great to hear from you and how exciting that Etherwood are playing at Okehart! I’ve never been to that before so of course, I’d love to come! How could I miss that!?
Well, I think the best dates for me to visit are 13–21 August. Work’s usually quieter then but I’ll check if it’s ok and get back to you. Hope these dates are good with you. Not sure what the best places to visit are near yours (I’m sure you have
a better idea!) but I’ve heard there’s
a fantastic beach not far away and I’d love to go there. I’m also curious about that cool internet café in town that you’ve talked about before.
Anyhow, what’s the best way to get to yours? Is it easier to get a train to London and then another one to your town? Or are there direct buses? I’ll have a look online but let me know if you have any bright ideas. If my car wasn’t being fixed, I’d drive!
Well, have to go now as it’s dinner time. Get in touch soon!