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8 hours ago · 23 hours ago ... vor 17 Stunden - 7 hours ago - enacademic.com is ranked #476 for Reference Materials/Dictionaries and Encyclopedias and ...

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конфликтная ситуация
Look at other dictionaries: КОНФЛИКТНАЯ СИТУАЦИЯ — «КОНФЛИКТНАЯ СИТУАЦИЯ», СССР, Свердловская киностудия, 1981, цв. Психологическая драма. Когда то Сергей Алтынцев и Юрий Воскобойников были друзьями, вместе учились в школе, вместе ...Media

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5 hours ago - 6 hours ago - 11 hours ago ... enacademic.com · facies auricularis ossis ilii - Medical dictionary [TA] auricular surface of ilium: a somewhat ear ...

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капельница - Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
lašintuvas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Įtaisas skysčiams lašinti. atitikmenys: angl. dropping bottle rus. капельница.Media

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f шпалосверлильный станок. Смотреть что такое "Schwellenbohrmaschine" в других словарях:Media

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The Ducky Boys gang
The Ducky Boys gang was a purported Irish gang from the Bronx, New York.. According to Richard Price's book (and movie) The Wanderers (1979 film), The Ducky Boys were "stunted Irish madmen, none of them over 5 foot 6".They were also portrayed as soul-less killers who never said a word. For many Bronxites, the Ducky Gang was one of those mythical gangs that many people heard of, but not many ...

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Nysten's law - Medical dictionary - Enacademic
Ny·sten s law (ne stawzґ) [Pierre Hubert Nysten, Belgian pediatrician in France, 1771–1818] see under law.

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Alternative definitions. Multiverse by WikipediaMultiverse by Internet Encyclopedia of Science · LoginRegister. ×. Sort using ordering. Sort by relevance. × ...

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δάιος - Dictionary of Greek
Look at other dictionaries: δάιος — δά̱ϊος , δάιος hostile masc nom sg δάος firebrand neut gen sg (doric) … Greek morphological index (Ελληνική ...

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enacademic.com. Les mots signifiant "Colombe" et "Sourd" sont similaires dans plusieurs langues et il est probable qu'ils partagent la même racine ...

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