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Emiba is a venture engineering start-up.
The goal of the ICO stage: To scale the laboratory prototype of the Concentrator up and to obtain a diamond sample on the scaled installation.
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Greetings to all! We will conduct an online broadcast 01/24/19 at 18:45 (Moscow time).
Broadcast will be for partners of our project and anyone who interested in the development of the EMIBA project.
We will discuss the affiliate program, the prospects of the project, and we will answer your questions.
The webinar will hold Voloshina Anna.
📲Translation will be available at the link:
Приветствуем всех! 24.01.19 в 18:45 (МСК), мы проведем онлайн-трансляцию.
Трансляция для партнеров проекта и всех кто интересуется развитием проекта EMIBA.
Обсудим партнерскую программу, перспективы проекта, ответим на Ваши вопросы.
Вебинар проведет Волошина Анна.
📲Трансляция будет доступна по ссылке:
Cryptoexchange as a side effect of blockchain technology
The blockchain technology is used in the modern world relatively recently but has become popular already. Features of the platform allow you to exchange digital data, create information databases and conduct transactions. The advantage of technology is the absence of intermediaries in all transactions.
But it also has a “side effect” - crypto exchangers. What is this? This is a platform you can exchange bitcoins for regular money or buy virtual currency to invest in the future. Exchangers are of several types:
• Offline. It is used to receive cash if the user wants to change Bitcoins for regular money. The application is easily made on the website although the transaction itself is carried out in the branch of the company.
• Online. All actions are carried out virtually and funds are transferred to the card or virtual wallet.
Emiba Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emiba.global

Крипотообменики как побочное явление блокчейн-технологий
Технология блокчейн применяется в современном мире относительно недавно, но уже успела стать популярной. Особенности платформы позволяют осуществлять обмен цифровыми данными, создавать информационные базы и проводить транзакции. Преимущество технологии - отсутствие посредников при проведении сделок.
Но у неё есть и «побочное явление» - это криптообменники. Что они собой представляют? Это место, где можно обменивать биткоины на обычные деньги или покупать виртуальную валюту для осуществления инвестиций в будущем. Обменники бывают нескольких видов:
• Офлайн. Используются для получения наличных средств, если пользователь хочет поменять биткоины на обычные деньги. Заявка легко оформляется на сайте, хотя сама сделка осуществляется в отделении компании.
• Онлайн. Все действия осуществляются в виртуально, а перечисляются средства на карту или виртуальный кошелёк.
Emiba Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emiba.global
Greetings to all! We will conduct an online broadcast 01/27/19 at 19:00 (Moscow time).
We will tell you the news of Emiba project.

📲The broadcast will be available at the link:

Приветствуем всех! 27.01.19 в 19:00 (МСК), мы проведем онлайн-трансляцию.
Мы расскажем о текущих новостях проекта.

📲Трансляция будет доступна по ссылке:
Online broadcast is coming in several minutes at 09:00 PM Moscow time!

📲It is available at next link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZU-Rap1fxfD3mKAkavhpww/live

Уже через несколько минут, в 19:00 (МСК), мы проведем онлайн-трансляцию!

📲Она будет доступна по ссылке:
Why synthetic diamond will soon replace the real?
Experts believe that natural diamonds will be completely replaced by synthetic stones sooner or later. What is this confidence based on? One of the arguments is the constant cheapening of the production of synthetic stones.
Stones of artificial origin are not inferior to natural ones by their properties. They have the same:
• structure,
• properties
• appearance.
Moreover, synthetic analogs are free from defects inherent in natural stones: microcracks, blotches, cloudiness. Therefore they are actively used not only in the industrial sphere but in jewelry also. It makes such a business extremely profitable. Not surprisingly, the technology of production of synthetic diamonds is actively developing.
🚀Emiba website: https://emiba.global/

Почему искусственные алмазы скоро заменят настоящие?
Эксперты считают, что рано или поздно натуральные алмазы будут полностью вытеснены синтетическими камнями. На чём основывается эта уверенность? Один из аргументов - постоянное удешевление производства искусственных камней.
По своим свойствам камни искусственного происхождения ничем не уступают натуральным. У них такие же:
• структура,
• свойства,
• внешний вид.
Более того, синтетические аналоги лишены дефектов, присущих природным камням: микротрещин, вкраплений, помутнений. Поэтому они активно применяются не только в промышленной сфере, но и в ювелирном деле. С учётом невысокой стоимости это делает такой бизнес крайне выгодным. Неудивительно, что технологии производства искусственных алмазов активно развиваются.
🚀Emiba website: https://emiba.global/
Lab crystals: what is it? Fake or full replacement?
With the advent of the technology of growing synthetic gemstones, jewelry buyers are faced with the need to solve a rather complex problem: determining the origin of the gem. Laboratory crystals are almost indistinguishable from natural ones visually. After all, they have the same:
chemical composition;
physical properties;
Most often the most popular and expensive gems including diamonds are created by a laboratory. Also it can be found synthetic alexandrites, sapphires, emeralds and other gems on sale. They are purer than natural crystals and the absence of foreign inclusions. Such stones successfully replace natural and they are cheaper. Experts are sure that the future of jewelry art is inextricably linked with synthetic crystals in the conditions of the gradual exhaustion of the deposits of precious stones.
Subscribe to our Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emiba.global/
Why does the company De Beers brand Lightbox synthetic diamonds for?

The largest diamond mining company launched a project for the production of synthetic jewelry diamonds. This is a brand Lightbox. This area of the market became so promising and it was decided to sacrifice principles despite the fact that quite recently the corporation was an ardent opponent of artificial stones.
A new jewelry brand will specialize in the mass market. It is planned to start selling jewelry with artificial white and colored diamonds. It is planned to include in the assortment:
• suspension;
• earrings;
• bracelets.
Modern technologies of creating synthetic diamonds are so perfect that they allow you to create stones that have the same characteristics and composition as natural ones.
🚀Emiba website: https://emiba.global/
Prospects for the production of low-cost synthetic diamonds

Synthetic diamonds are becoming more and more popular. Today not only the industry needs them, but also the jewelry art. Growing crystals in laboratories make it possible not only to get stones which are visual, physically and chemically identical to natural ones but also to reduce costs. Synthetic diamonds are cheaper.
What can you say about the prospects for further development of this industry? Expert opinions are contradictory, but they all agree on the following:
• on the market for industrial diamonds, natural stones will be completely superseded by their synthetic analogs;
• as technology develops, the cost of artificial stones will decrease, which will allow occupying a niche in the jewelry industry.
Consumers treat synthetic diamonds quite favorably, especially young people. Therefore, their triumphant market conquest will continue.
🚀Emiba website: https://emiba.global/
Greetings to all! We will conduct an online broadcast 02/12/19 at 19:00 (Moscow time).
We will tell you the news of Emiba project.

📲The broadcast will be available at the link:

Приветствуем всех! Завтра, 12.02.19 в 19:00 (МСК), мы проведем онлайн-трансляцию.
Мы расскажем о текущих новостях проекта.

📲Трансляция будет доступна по ссылке:
Online broadcast is coming in several minutes at 09:00 PM Moscow time!

📲It is available at next link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZU-Rap1fxfD3mKAkavhpww/live

Уже через несколько минут, в 19:00 (МСК), мы проведем онлайн-трансляцию!

📲Она будет доступна по ссылке:
Beginning of a technology Startup: What's Most Important?
Startups are called projects aimed at creating something new. The main feature of the technology startups is their focus on the creation of a specific physical product. Therefore, the launch of projects of this type has its own characteristics.
It should be noted that a product has to be developed with no analogs on the market. How the consumer will perceive it is not known in advance. Therefore, the riskiness of such startups is quite high. When you run them you need:
• think over the idea thoroughly;
• select arguments to explain the benefits of the project. This will help convince potential investors;
• create a prototype. Nothing can better show the merits of the product than a clear demonstration.
And on the progress, you should not stop. You should always work on improving the project. And the constant feedback with consumers will enable technical development to develop into a large business.
All detailed information about our engineering startup EMIBA on the website:
🚀Emiba website: https://emiba.global/
Emiba project on touch! We will conduct an online broadcast 02/21/19 at 18:30 (Moscow time).
Online broadcast for partners and anyone who interested in the development of the EMIBA project.
We will discuss frequently asked questions, talk about our results for today, answer your questions.
The webinar will hold Anna Voloshina and Aleksandr Vedernikov.
📲The online broadcast will be available at the link:
The potential of synthetic diamond in the field of computer technology.

Diamonds are actively used in most high tech areas today. No one doubts that the role of synthetic crystals will only increase and it concerns the computer sphere also.
One of the possible applications is the production of chips for electronics. Diamond has a high thermal conductivity. This allows you to remove one of the most significant problems of cooling the chip. As a result, devices made from synthetic diamonds will be able to:
work at a much higher frequency and speed;
be in a high-temperature environment.
However, the use of synthetic stones is not limited to this. Experts predict them a great future in the field of quantum computing. Development of a quantum computer based on synthetic diamonds is already underway.
🚀Emiba website: https://emiba.global/
The EMIBA project team announces the transition to the 2nd stage of the project development.

The change of stage will take place on March 11, 2019, at 23:59 (Moscow Time). The transition to a new stage will be accompanied by a change in bonus (a premium that an increase in the number of tokens per unit of payment). The strategic plans of the team for the 2nd stage include the production of a technical model of the Concentrator and the expansion of the project abroad.
We remind there are only 6 stages in the EMIBA project. There will be a reduction of bonus with the transition to each next stage. The bonus is not provided in stage 6.