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⚡️ "Many people in Ukraine have not accepted the policy of the Kiev authorities to rehabilitate Nazism and incite hatred towards everything connected with Russia," said Russian Defence Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu, speaking at a plenary session of the First International Anti-Fascist Congress.

▫️"Official Kiev, has openly declared itself heir and successor to the cause of the bloody Ukrainian nationalists. The Verkhovna Rada has proclaimed fighters of Ukrainian Insurgent Army as fighters for national independence. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, everything was done in Washington to turn Ukraine into the antipode of Russia. The promotion of legislation banning the Russian language, Russian media, Russian culture - everything related to our country - was encouraged" he said.

▫️But, as Sergei Shoigu said, many in Ukraine did not accept such a policy, including residents of Donbass, who would not indulge the ruling regime in its Nazi aspirations. A brutal punitive operation was then launched against them.


С 26 августа с.г. временно прекращается прием заявлений о выдаче паспорта нового поколения сроком действия 10 лет в связи с необходимостью переформатирования электронного носителя.

Оформление паспортов старого образца (сроком действия 5 лет) продолжается без изменений в установленном порядке (в качестве первичного, загранпаспорта, взамен действующего, использованного, утраченного либо испорченного).

‼️ 🇺🇦 Ukrainian nationalists continue to use civilian infrastructure for military purposes on a daily basis.

🔹In Avdeevka - kindergarten, in Bereznegovatoye - cultural centre, in Krivoi Rog - school.

📢 We urge @UNESCO to stop turning a blind eye to the blatant crimes of the Kiev authorities and publicly condemn the use of educational and cultural institutions by 🇺🇦 Ukrainian armed formations for military purposes.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
📃 Excerpts from the statement by Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia at UNSC briefing on Ukraine

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🔹 Nobody argues that Ukrainians are having a hard time today. However, the responsibility for this lies with the Kiev regime which came to power in 2014 as a result of an anti-constitutional coup.

🔹 From the very beginning, the new Maidan authorities have consistently led the country to disaster, encouraging Russophobia and the glorification of Nazi criminals.

🔹 The Ukrainian armed forces purposefully destroy civilian infrastructure. And instead of condemning their Ukrainian wards our former Western partners are supplying them with more and more new types of weapons.

🔹 Never since Goebbels Nazi propaganda has anyone come across falsification and manipulation at such a level, facilitated by Western and Ukrainian specialists in psychological operations. We have no doubt that history will reveal the truth about them.
✍️ Доклад Министерства иностранных дел Российской Федерации

О ситуации с героизацией нацизма, распространении неонацизма и других видов практики, которые способствуют эскалации современных форм расизма, расовой дискриминации, ксенофобии и связанной с ними нетерпимости

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🔹 Доклад подготовлен в продолжение работы по привлечению внимания к проявлениям в зарубежных странах различных форм героизации нацистского движения, неонацизма, расизма, расовой дискриминации, ксенофобии и связанной с ними нетерпимости.

🔹 Отмечаем, что в текущем году положение дел в этой области резко деградировало. В ряде государств усилились кампании по искажению истории, фальсификации роли СССР в обеспечении Победы над нацизмом.

🔹 Нынешний этап отличается высоким уровнем исторического ревизионизма и реваншизма, полной подменой понятий, когда цинично, в угоду политической конъюнктуре, меняют местами развязавших войну агрессоров, авторов идеологий расовой чистоты с противостоявшим им государством.
⚡️Заявление Министерства обороны Российской Федерации по угрозам обстрелов школ со стороны ВСУ

❗️Киевский режим продолжает намеренные обстрелы социально значимых объектов в Донецкой, Луганской народных республиках и в других районах, освобожденных от националистов в ходе специальной военной операции. Ударам подвергаются школы, больницы, детские сады и жилые дома.

◽️Поставленные США и европейскими странами дальнобойные ударные средства значительно расширили возможности киевского режима наносить преступные удары по жилой инфраструктуре и учебным заведениям артиллерийским и ракетным оружием западного производства.

◽️Подобные действия являются военным преступлением и требуют от всего международного сообщества принятия срочных мер для недопущения обстрелов киевским режимом школ и гибели детей.

◽️ Накануне начала нового учебного года информируем, что в Луганской и Донецкой народных республиках, а также в Запорожской, Херсонской и Харьковской областях 1 сентября 2022 года открывают свои двери 1422 школы для 326 тысяч 438 учащихся.

◽️ Российская сторона реализует комплекс всех необходимых мероприятий по защите данных учебных заведений от любых угроз.

◽️ Вместе с тем, для безусловного обеспечения безопасности учеников и преподавателей, Минобороны России опубликованы и направлены в ООН, международным гуманитарным организациям, а также руководству Украины адреса и точные данные местоположения всех начинающих работу 1 сентября 2022 года школ в Донецкой, Луганской народных республиках, а также в Запорожской, Херсонской и Харьковской областях.

◽️ Требуем от Организации Объединенных Наций, всего международного сообщества принятия эффективных мер для недопущения обстрелов школ киевским режимом и гарантированного исключения данных объектов и прилегающих к ним территорий от поражения огневыми средствами вооруженных сил и других военизированных формирований Украины.

📑 Список общеобразовательных учреждений Луганской и Донецкой Народных Республик, Запорожской, Херсонской и Харьковской областей.

⚡️ Заявление Министерства обороны России в связи с угрозами обстрелов школ со стороны ВСУ ⚡️

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Накануне начала нового учебного года информируем, что в Луганской и Донецкой народных республиках, а также в Запорожской, Херсонской и Харьковской областях 1 сентября 2022 года открывают свои двери 1422 школы для 326 тысяч 438 учащихся.

Для безусловного обеспечения безопасности учеников и преподавателей, Минобороны России опубликованы и направлены в ООН, международным гуманитарным организациям, а также руководству Украины адреса и точные данные местоположения всех начинающих работу 1 сентября 2022 года школ в ДНР И ЛНР, а также в Запорожской, Херсонской и Харьковской областях.

❗️ Требуем от Организации Объединенных Наций, всего международного сообщества принятия эффективных мер для недопущения обстрелов школ киевским режимом и гарантированного исключения данных объектов и прилегающих к ним территорий от поражения огневыми средствами вооруженных сил и других военизированных формирований Украины.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🎙 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at the Knowledge Day ceremony at Primakov School, Moscow, September 1, 2022

☝️ I am confident that knowing your country, knowing your Motherland is of particular importance in the process of maturing. They say people should be taught to love their Motherland. But I think they should also be taught to know it.

I can assure you that the better and deeper you know its history, geography, and nature, our multi-ethnic nation, the more successful you will be in your lives. Only those who promote the identity inherent in a particular nation, can achieve success.

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⚡️ The visit of the IAEA mission to the ZNPP is over

🔵 Its participants are now on their way back to Vienna

❗️A number of IAEA experts will stay at the plant to continue to evaluate the situation there in what regards nuclear safety, security and safeguards
Forwarded from MoD Russia

September 3: Day of the End of the Second World War

The military glory day was established by Federal Law on April 24, 2020.

◽️ The Victory over German fascism, Japanese militarism and their satellites during the Second World War is a highlight of the world history, a glorious page in the history of Soviet people and chronicle of Soviet Armed Forces.

◽️ It had widely covered Europe, Asia and Africa, all the world oceans reaching the shores of Novaya Zemlya and Alaska in the North, the Atlantic Coast of Europe in the West, Kuril Islands in the East, as well as the borders of Egypt, India and Australia in the South.

◽️ The 6-year-long war had involved 61 countries populated by 1.7 billion people that constituted about 80% of the world population. About 120 millions of the most capable people had been mobilised to their armed forces. Operations had taken place in 40 countries.

◽️ Major burden of the fight in the Second World War laid on the Soviet Union. On June 22, 1941, German troops invaded the territory of the Soviet Union. Germany was supported by Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Finland and Italy, as well as Norway that joined the anti-Soviet forces in August. Soviet troops exhausted the enemy and halted its offensive at all the most important fronts.

◽️ The Red Army has liberated a lot of European nations from the fascism. Within almost 15 months, about 7 million Soviet warriors had been conducting fierce combats against the enemy in 11 countries populated by over 100 million people.


3 сентября в Посольстве России в Нидерландах успешно прошел #ДиктантПобеды2022. Наши сотрудники с удовольствием ответили на вопросы исторической викторины. С нетерпением ожидаем ее итогов!
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
❗️President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin's comment on grain supplies:

💬 Of the 87 ships that left Ukrainian ports carrying grain, 32 remained in Turkey, and I believe that was a fair part of the deal because Turkey was the country that arranged this entire process and therefore is certainly entitled to this. Three went to South Africa, three to Israel, seven to Egypt, 30 to the European Union, and only two ships headed for the poorest countries under UN food programmes – for Yemen and Djibouti. They carried 60,000 tonnes of grain, or a mere 3 percent.

True, we cannot influence this process, cannot direct how much food goes where, but nevertheless, we consider it right to increase supplies to the poorest countries.

In May-August of this year, the Russian Federation supplied 6.6 million tonnes of grain to world markets, including wheat, barley and corn, of which as much as 6.3 million tonnes went to Asia, Africa and Latin America.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
⚡️ Russian MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova’s comment on baseless accusations of Russia taking “cruel filtration measures” against Ukrainian citizens

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🔹 The Russian Federation has received the biggest number of Ukrainian refugees from Ukraine, the DPR and the LPR on its territory – almost 4 million people, including over 625,000 children. In the UNHCR’s estimate, 2.4 million are Ukrainian citizens. They live freely and voluntarily on Russian territory. Nobody prohibits them from moving or leaving the country, which is confirmed by the OHCHR.

🔹 Individual work is conducted with all refugees. They receive prompt assistance in resolving various urgent problems linked with further accommodation, food, basic necessities and social payments.

🔹 Preschool children are provided with places in kindergartens and schoolchildren are admitted to secondary general education and vocational schools. Many of them receive targeted humanitarian and medical aid, including psychological rehabilitation.

🔹 Obviously, such a huge number of people fleeing to Russia did so of their own free will. There is evidence to prove this. Many of them describe their impressions and thoughts on social media, thank our country and freely admit that they fled from Ukraine out of fear for their lives. They wanted to escape from the criminal regime that did not let them evacuate and used them as a “human shield.” This regime has continued to employ terrorist methods that show no concern for the supreme value – human life.

🔹 Naturally, displaced persons go through registration at the border with Russia, after which those who need are helped to get to stationary temporary accommodation facilities. We would like to emphasise something for those who are mixing up their definitions. Ukrainians and residents of the DPR and the LPR undergo registration, not filtration. This is normal global practice. These procedures are used in Poland and other EU countries as regards refugees from Ukraine, as well as the Middle East and North Africa.

🔹 Even the Western media can no longer ignore the fact that a huge number of Ukrainian citizens are striving to get to the Russian-liberated territory. There is a long queue at the Zaporozhye border checkpoint. Up to 700 people pass through it every day. Having heard from their friends and relatives how peaceful things are in their native cities and villages, they return home.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🔴 #LIVE: Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov holds a meeting with Moscow-accredited foreign ambassadors

🔗 https://alert.ruptly.tv/event/6326fa1fc7063f5f99ccccdf/23059/English

🔗 https://mid.ru/en/press_service/video
20 сентября Владимир Путин примет верительные грамоты у иностранных послов

В церемонии, которая состоится в Александровском зале Большого Кремлёвского дворца, примут участие представители более 20 государств, среди которых Белоруссия, Армения, Молдавия, Сербия, Египет, Португалия, Кипр, Южная Корея и Венесуэла.

Позже в этот день Владимир Путин примет участие в торжественном собрании, посвящённом 220-летию со дня образования Министерства юстиции России, а также выступит на праздничном мероприятии, посвящённом 100-летию республик Адыгея, Кабардино-Балкария и Карачаево-Черкессия, которое состоится в Государственном Кремлёвском дворце.

Подробнее – на сайте Кремля.

Forwarded from MoD Russia
⚡️ Briefing by the Chief of nuclear, biologic and chemical protection troops of Russian Armed Forces Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov on recent consultative meeting of member States of Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention

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🗂 Documents

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​​​​​​◽️ Member States of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) attended Russian-led conference in Geneva from September 5 to 9 held due to the violation of the articles I and IV of the abovementioned Convention by the U.S. and Ukraine.

◽️ The Ministry of Defence of Russia has analysed the data of U.S. and Ukrainian representatives' speeches, the working documents of the member States, joint statements and the outcome document of the conference.

◽️ The Russian Federation has raised over 20 questions related to the illegal activity of Kiev and Washington within the BTWC. Here are some of these questions.

◽️ What was the reason for choosing the pathogenic microorganisms examined in Ukraine within the Biological Threat Reduction Programme and why was the range of the studied pathogens not related to current healthcare problems as, for example, Tap-6 project dedicated to examining agents of glanders that had never been recorded at the territory of Ukraine?

◽️ How shout the accumulation of most dangerous infections' strains and sending them to other countries contribute to improving the situation related to the contagious morbidity?

◽️ Why was the main emphasis made on examining the natural focal and most dangerous infections that, according to the lists of the U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, are considered possible agents of biological weapons?

◽️ What researches that supposed using agents of contagious diseases and toxic substances were Ukrainian servicemen and mental patients involved in, being one of the most vulnerable categories of citizens?

◽️ Why do the U.S. and Ukraine obscure the military-biological cooperation in international reports under the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC), while the U.S. has been blocking the development of its verification mechanism since 2001?

◽️ The participants of the conference received the copies of genuine documents previously mentioned by Russian Defence Ministry, as well as the physical evidence that proved the implementation of works within military-biological programmes' in Ukraine.

◽️ There was no delegation that doubted the authenticity of the presented documents, including those related to the accumulation of pathogenic materials in Ukrainian laboratories counting the Mechnikov Anti-Plague Institute.
