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Forwarded from William Mims
There was plenty of great evidence presented, but there are many details yet to emerge. Look to Jovan Hutton Pulitizer for this. It's just getting started.
Remember, the routers and paper audit are both still being completed.

Cyber Ninjas said that there were 10 different types of paper that were used.

Election practices dictates only one type of a certain thickness to be used.

Possible ballot stuffing???

Sharpiegate bleed-through???

Possible foreign or counterfeit ballots???

Also anyone remember this story that Ryan Hartwig broke???




Just gonna drop this here ;)

Whether you agree or not, the only way to fix this level of corruption is by first exposing it.

And that's the responsibility of each and every one of us.

Go out and tell everyone you know the truth of what happened in the 2020 election.

The election was rigged and Donald Trump won.

God Bless America πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

Regarding the post above it's important to understand how information wars are won.

This applies to the election, covid, and and psyops in general.

At any given time, somewhere around 50% of people will agree with you.

30% of people wouldn't change their mind even if Joe Biden got on TV and admitted the whole thing.

But here's the key...

20% of people could go either way.

It's our job to shape the narrative and share the truth with every person we know, relentlessly.

This means dedicating our lamestream social media accounts to truth telling (until they kick us off), talking to neighbors, friends, and family members, getting involved with local political movements, and shouting from the rooftops every chance we get.

We are at war.

The first of its kind, a war of information.

The sooner we realize that, the easier it becomes to tell the truth.

And now, more than ever, we need all hands on deck.

If you don't join in, who will?

Time to step up Patriots, our country is at stake πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

I’m not worried at all.

I wish everyone felt that way. I’m not naive to the evil all around us, and the tightening vice of tyranny. I remember feeling sick to my stomach last summer when I began to ponder a future with Trump not re-elected.

Then when all of this went down, and I took action, the fear went away.

Republics come and go. Nation states realign and dissolve. History marches on. There are now 47 European nations. Just before WW1, there were 14.

So if your view of a resolution to our current crisis is Union at all costs, and Trump gets 3 more years in office, then it is a short sighted one. If we are free people only when a certain man is president, are we truly free?

Our liberties do not hinge on Republicans in a corrupt state voting to decertify an election, or neglecting to do so. They owe it to America, both parties, to decertify. You know one side won’t, not a single member, and you also know that barring an extreme surprise, RINOs will refuse to touch it. This doesn’t mean we don’t use all resources to force it to a vote and retire every member who refuses to do what is right.

But you’re free even if your government doesn’t honor that. The man in front of the tank in Tiananmen Square was a free man because he chose to be one.

People behaving as free people inspire others to take up a lifestyle of freedom. Remember when 95% of the grocery store was masked? Only when enough people would go out in public without them, did you see them gradually disappear. 90% of people are just along for the ride. 10% lead the way.

This loss of freedom has been in the works for over a century. You are reaping the Stage 4 cancer side of this decline. The symptoms are more obvious than before. But you are the change. Your appetite for resolution of the 2020 election should not lapse based on the predictable actions of corrupt, human scum like Doug Ducey, or gutless Republican politicians. It should not only have drive behind it if Trump becomes president again. The books written for posterity will record the truth of November 2020, come hell or high water. We can leave results up to God. Read the book - story after story of God’s people up against a wall, or a sea, with no way to win. Even in modern history, look at Dunkirk. We will fail if we think it all comes down to us. God will bring about righteousness for his honor if we act in courage.

Be done with fear today.

This changes everything!!!

Forwarded from TheStormHasArrived17 (TheStormHasArrived17)
Media is too big
Sidney Powell revealed that she’s discovered that the Department of Defense patented an algorithm in 2006 that can predetermine the outcome of elections. The DoD then gave that patent to a University in New Jersey, which Sidney calls an β€œinternational think tank.”

She also says that Dominion Voting Systems assigned all of their patents in 2019 to the Hong Kong Shanghai Bank, and then there was an β€œinfusion of over $400 million to State Street Capital which owns Dominion now.”

It’s all tied together and it looks like we are starting to get a better understanding of how they’ve rigged our elections for years and more importantly, WHO has been doing it.

This is mind blowing stuff. If you watch the full 8 minute clip, you’ll understand why they are trying to destroy Sidney.

As she says, it’s appears she is over the target 🎯
Forwarded from Believe In Resistance (Stream The Resistance)
Join The Resistance πŸ‘ŠπŸ½


If you're in this group to just to complain and discourage the patriots who are in the fight I will ban you.

I have no way of knowing if you're actually just that negative or if you're a troll purposefullly trying to hinder the movement.

Either way ain't nobody got time for that!


If you're the one who's asking questions, encouraging others, and speaking life and truth into this movement, YOU GUYS ARE MY PEOPLE AND THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!!!

Read this for more clarification https://t.me/electionevidence/2925?comment=10853

ElectionEvidence πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡² pinned Β«FYI EVERYONE!!! If you're in this group to just to complain and discourage the patriots who are in the fight I will ban you. I have no way of knowing if you're actually just that negative or if you're a troll purposefullly trying to hinder the movement.…»
Forwarded from Mattix
These channels are becoming more like Facebook and Twitter daily with the banning
If you ran a channel you would understand how draining the constant negativity can become. It's a necessary action to protect the group. Negativity spreads like cancer. That's why we have to do it.
What was your favorite presentation from Friday's live audit results hearing?
Anonymous Poll
Dr Shiva
Ben Cotton (cyFIR)
Doug Logan (Cyber Ninjas)
Other (List It In The Comments)

"The evidence presented includes expert witness testimony from two military doctors and a well-credentialed professor of pathology that have found that both the Pfizer and Moderna Covid 19 vaccines contain a pathologic toxin (poison) commonly called PEG (polyethylene glycol). Each such vaccine lists either ALC 3015 (Pfizer) or SM-102 (Moderna) as key ingredients of the billions of nanoparticles in each dose. The Safety Data Sheets relating to these two primary ingredients are abundantly clear and demonstrate the ingredients’ toxicity and danger to human users. In fact, they caution that such ingredients are not for human or veterinarian use."


So... Now that we know PEG is in the vaccines let's look a little more into this...

"Polyethylene glycol is known by the brand name Miralax, its a laxative you drink, not to be injected." (H/T to our follower Kristy for this).

Below are the side effects when taken orally or topically. God knows what the side effects are when injected:


And if that wasn't bad enough, it's looking like we're being able to confirm that graphene oxide and other "unknown substances" are being found in the vaccines as well:


God help us all.


P.S. I was reluctant to talk about the graphene oxide until it could be confirmed. I've seen enough to the point where I'm comfortable reporting on it moving forward.
Forwarded from Deleted Account
PEG is antifreeze.
This is from the injunction filing:

"To be abundantly clear, one of the listed primary ingredients of these injectables is Polyethylene glycol (β€œPEG”) which is a derivative of ethylene oxide. Polyethylene Glycol is the active ingredient in antifreeze."