Eldritch Blueprints
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I'm Grand Master Bob and this is definitely not a cult

RPG ideas, game design experiments, weird memes, scattered thoughts

Contact me at @EldritchBlueprintsBot

No Crypto NFT bullshit please, and be kind
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Here's my hack:
• A disorder is a Trait with a Frequency, an Effect and one of 4 degrees of Severity expressed with a Die: d6 (Mild), d8 (Moderate), d10 (Serious), d12 (Acute)

• When you roll a d20 and one or more Traits can influence or be triggered, roll each Severity Die twice (2d6 for Mild, 2d8 for Moderate etc) to determine the individual Severities

• If the highest Severity is equal or higher than the d20 + Con (for physical) or Wis (for mental), that particular Trait takes Effect

• Nat 1s always trigger the highest two Traits

~ Getting the Traits ~
According to the book 1 in 5 people have some kind of disability, so for Character Creation either:

Everyone has one Trait, roll for even (physical) or odd (mental),

Each player can take one Trait of their choice in exchange for a Perk given by the DM (to keep a semblance of balance), or

Roll a d20, on 1-4 you have one Trait. Roll a d4, on a 4 you have one additional Trait and reroll the d4 until you stop rolling 4s or if you reach 6 Traits. Roll d6 for each Trait, mental (1-3, a 1 is always mental) or physical (4-6, a 6 is always physical), +1 for each physical Trait and -1 for each mental Trait. Deal with them in game.

~ Severity and Frequency ~
I suggest buying this book even for the information about disorders alone so I'll not provide the possible Effects.

Roll d10 for Severity: 1-4 Mild, 5-7 Moderate, 8-9 Serious, 10 Acute.

For ease of use, there are three Frequencies: Chronic, Frequent and Trigger. Roll a d20:

1-14 | Trigger. The Severity Die is rolled only under specific circumstances, e.g. seeing the object of your phobia, touching the substance you are allergic to, feeling a certain emotion, finding yourself in a specific situation etc.
15-18 | Frequent. The Trait is not present every day. Roll the Severity Die after a Long Rest, on a 1-2 the Trait does not trigger for that day. Otherwise, roll the Severity Die normally.
19-20 | Chronic. You always roll the Severity Die each time you roll a d20.

~ Optional: Good and Bad Days ~
Roll all your Severity Dice after a Long Rest:
● on 1-2, that specific Trait has a Severity one step lower for 1 day (if lower than d6 the Trait is dormant for that day),
● on 3-4, that specific Trait has a Severity one step higher for 1 day (maximum d12)
● otherwise, nothing changes

EDIT: Roll two Severity Dice with d20, probability of trigger too low otherwise
#rules #rpg #design #review #resource
Alignment languages were a feature introduced in the first edition of DnD. Gygax thought of them as a sort of Latin equivalent for the Alignments (only Lawful, Neutral and Chaotic) since at the time they were more like religions than moral standpoints.

As far as I know they were rarely used in game but they have potential.

In this article, Evlyn explains a great idea and executes it in an interesting way. 10/10 recommended


#rpg #worldbuilding #rules
Character Creation v0.2.pdf
1.1 MB
#rpg I really have to settle for a name for my WIP
I'm writing my WIP #rpg and I'm coming up with a modular magic system

I'm struggling with names tho :/ like Spell is generic but I need a second generic name for a subsection of spells with a fixed effect

Any ideas?

EDIT: rn I have Runes, Tokens and Prayers for the other three subsections of spells, more details when I have something usable
Eldritch Blueprints
Character Creation v0.2.pdf
I made a new version of the Character Creation rules for my WIP #rpg and I added a Changelog at the end for those who are curious

I also made an approximation of a Character Sheet. Still barebones but it's something
Eldritch Blueprints
Speaking of which, I had an idea for Cooking #rules but, fortunately, my 2 braincells lit up and I first searched online

So I found Eating the Dungeon (to my sanity's benefit cause I would have made it far more complicated than that)

I may still expand them cause I'm a masochist but that's a thought for future me u.u
Eldritch Blueprints
I love this little page-long snipets
I'm thinking about having randomly generated attitudes for each school of magic in my WIP 🤔 But that would make for very swingy character powers :/

Maybe a martial-caster dual system could work 🤔 each school of magic would have a fighting style counterpart and the player chooses if they want to be gifted in one or the other 🤔

I'll give it some thought
#rpg #design
While I was roaming the internet I found This Little Free Document with a small houserule for initiative

Dynamic Initiative adds an Acumen Roll at the end of each round: each player (and monster) rolls 1d6-3 and applies the result to their initiative.

If the resulting total is 26 or more, that creature takes an additional turn at that initiative minus 25 (so a 27 means a second turn at initiative 2)

If the result is 0 or less, that creature does not take a turn this round but it will go up at initiative 25 minus the total (so a total of -1 means your initiative next turn will be 24)

Unconscious creatures get a -3 instead of rolling.

• Variant Rule: Acumen Bonus
You have an Acumen Bonus equal to your Intelligence bonus or Proficiency bonus (your choice) - 5. Your Acumen roll is equal to 1d6 + your Acumen Bonus

I really like this rule. It gives more randomness to combat, it's not too complicated and the negative sides make you more likely to get the positive sides and viceversa. I'm also a big fan of the Acumen Bonus since it gives Players a mechanical incentive to have high INT.

I have not tried it but I'll do it ASAP, until next time I'll post memes.

See you later 👁
#rules #review #rpg
Unrelated to all the above but I came up with a new RPG system and I think I'll put it on my Ko-Fi page so you at least receive something if you donate (it will at least dampen my guilt a little in being given money)

I do not like the idea to paywall it though so I'll make it pwyw so you can take it for free if you can't or don't want to donate (don't you dare donate if you are struggling financially I will return the money)
[Source] Yet another game I want to play now
Forwarded from 13philia
#comix #RPG #GM

(from “Rise of the Dungeon Master: Gary Gygax and the Creation of D&D” via)