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چطوری به انگلیسی بگیم مشهور ؟🤔
#other_ways_to_say 👇FAMOUS


🌺If it is helpful share it with your friends🌺
🙂 چطوری به انگلیسی بگیم آرام باش ؟
#other_ways_to_say : Calm down

1⃣take it easy
2⃣just relax
3⃣give it a rest
4⃣chill out
5⃣control yourself
6⃣take a deep breath
7⃣just let it go

🌺If it is helpful share it with your friends🌺
🔷مترادف های You're beautiful

🔺You look gorgeous
بسیار زیبا شدی
🔺You're stunning
🔺You look radiant
زیبا شدی
🔺You look hot
جیگر شدی
🔺You are attractive
تو جذاب هستی
🔺You're charming
🔺You're super cute
خیلی تو دل برویی
🔺You're very pretty
خیلی خوشگلی

🌺If it is helpful share it with your friends🌺
چطوری به انگلیسی بگیم از ملاقات شما خوشبختم ؟
: Nice to meet you

1⃣Great seeing you!
2⃣I had a great time!
3⃣Happy to meet you!
4⃣Pleased to meet you!
5⃣Pleasure meeting you!
6⃣It fun meeting you!
7⃣It was lovely meeting you!
8⃣Great interacting with you!
9⃣How wonderful to meet you!

🌺If it is helpful share it with your friends🌺
#other_ways_to_say : Because🤔
🌺If it is helpful share it with your friends🌺
🙂 چطوری به انگلیسی بگیم:
🙂 #other_ways_to_say : Goodbye!

🌺If it is helpful share it with your friends🌺
#other_ways_to_say :thank you
چطور درست و حسابی تشکر کنیم؟

🔹به غیر از thank you بلدین چطور به انگلیسی باید تشکر کنید؟

🇺🇸 از امروز به بعد دیگه سعی کنید بجای به کار بردن عبارات کلیشه‌ای مثل thank you قشنگ تشکر کنید!

👈🏻 برای تشکر می‌تونید بگید :

1⃣ I'm so greatful

2⃣ It's so kind of you

3⃣ I truly appreciate it

این عبارات خیلی زیباترن برای تشکر و تاثیر بسیار بالاتری دارن!

🌺If it is helpful share it with your friends🌺
کلمات دیگری که معنی "به دلیل" میدهند
#other_ways_to_say : because

🅾 1. because of
به‌دلیل، بخاطر

🔵 The train arrived late because of the snowstorm.
🔵 قطار به‌دلیل توفان دیر رسید.

🔴 Many shops are doing badly because of the economic situation.

🅾 2. owing to
به‌دلیل، بخاطر

🔵 The game was cancelled owing to torrential rain.
🔵 به‌دلیل باران سیل‌آسا، بازی لغو شد.

🔴 Owing to his illness, he could not continue with his studies.

🅾 3. on account of
به‌دلیل، بخاطر (معمولاً بار معنایی منفی دارد)

🔵 She was told to wear flat shoes, on account of her back problem.
🔵 بخاطر مشکل کمرش، به او گفته شد که کفش صاف بپوشد.

🔴 The picnic was held in the gym on account of the rain.

🅾 4. in view of
به خاطر

🔵 In view of his conduct, the club has decided to suspend him.
🔵 بخاطر رفتارش، باشگاه تصمیم گرفت او را تعلیق کند.

🔴 In view of rising labor costs, many companies have turned to automation.

🅾 5. as a consequence of
به‌دلیل، بخاطر (معمولاً بار معنایی منفی دارد)

🔵 Animals have died as a consequence of coming into contact with this chemical.
🔵 حیوانات به‌دلیل تماس با این ماده‌ی شیمیایی کشته شدند.

🅾 6. by virtue of
به‌لطف (معمولاً به‌دلیل چیزی مثبت)

🔵 She succeeded by virtue of her tenacity rather than her talent.
🔵 او به‌لطف پشتکارش، نه استعدادش، موفق شد.

🔴 Plastic bags are useful for holding many kinds of food, by virtue of their clearness, toughness, and low cost.

🅾 7. thanks to
به‌لطف (معمولاً به‌دلیل چیزی مثبت)

🔵 Thanks to a good teacher, John passed the examination.

💥نکته 💥
از thanks to برای طعنه زدن هم می‌توان استفاده کرد:

🔴 Everybody knows about it now, "thanks" to you.
🔴 به‌ لطف تو همه از موضوع خبردار شدن!

🅾 8. as a result of
به‌دلیل ، درنتیجه‌ی

🔵 Profits have declined as a result of the recent drop in sales.
🔵 به‌دلیل کاهش اخیر در فروش، سود کاهش یافته است.

🔴 As a result of the accident, he was out of work for three months.

🅾 9. in (the) light of
به دلیل

🔵 In the light of recent incidents, we are asking our customers to take particular care of their personal belongings.
🔵 به‌ دلیل رویدادهای اخیر، از مشتریانمان می‌خواهیم از وسایل شخصیشان مراقبت ویژه کنند.

🔴 In light of this new evidence, we are reopening the investigation.

🅾 10. by reason of
به دلیل

🔵 He was disqualified by reason of his age.
🔵 او به‌دلیل سنش فاقد صلاحیت شد.

🔴 He was found not guilty by reason of insanity.

🅾11. due to
به خاطر

🔵 A lot of her unhappiness is due to boredom.
🔵 بخش بزرگی از ناراختی او به‌دلیل خستگی است.

🔴 Due to wet leaves on the line, this train will arrive an hour late.

🅾 12. out of
از روی، بخاطر

🔵 He started reading the book out of curiosity.
🔵 او از روی کنجکاوی شروع به خواندن کتاب کرد.

🔴 She asked the question out of politeness.

🌺If it is helpful share it with your friends🌺
بجای buy چی بگیم⁉️ 🤨

▪️از امروز در موقعیتهای رسمی بجای buy از واژه زیر استفاده کنید :

👉🏻 Purchase

📢 تلفظ : پرچس

‼️ فقط به این موضوع توجه کنید که از این کلمه فقط در موقعیتهای رسمی استفاده میشه‼️

🌺If it is helpful share it with your friends🌺
🔸 کنسل کردن
همانطور که می دونید فعل کنسل کردن خود cancel هست. #مترادف آن به قرار زیر است:

to call off

🗓 مثال: مجبورم کلاس رو کنسل کنم.
📙I have to call off the class.

🗓 مثال: رئیس جمهور جلسه رو کنسل کرد.
📙The president called off the meeting.

🌺If it is helpful share it with your friends🌺
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#other_ways_to_say Goodbye
به جای goodbye چی بگیم؟
🌺If it is helpful share it with your friends🌺
پنج کلمه جایگزین زیرا
🌺If it is helpful share it with your friends🌺
بجای Cry باید چی بگیم؟ 😢

▪️برای گریه کردن انقدر از واژه cry استفاده نکنید! اتفاقا برای گریه شدیدتر باید بگین :

👉🏻 Weep ( ویپ )

دقت کنید این فعل برای گریه‌ای که همراه با اشک باشه به کار میره!

🌺If it is helpful share it with your friends🌺
#other_ways_to_say :
I understand.
میدونم، میفهمم، درک میکنم.

🌺If it is helpful share it with your friends🌺
Behboud English Group
Voice message
چطور بگیم خیلی خوشحالم⁉️


🅾 I'm on Cloud Nine.
در پوست خود نمی گنجم.

🅾 I'm in seventh heaven.
🅾 از خوشحالی تو آسمون هفتمم.

🅾 I'm walking on air.
🅾 تو آسمونا سیر میکنم.

🅾 I'm over the moon.
🅾 دارم میمیرم از خوشحالی.

🅾 I'm on the top of the world.
🅾 درعرش سیر میکنم،رفتم به اون بالا بالا ها

🅾 I'm as pleased as punch.
🅾 با دم خود گردو میشکنم .در پوست خود نمی گنجم.

🌺If it is helpful share it with your friends🌺
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روش های تحسین کردن
🌺If it is helpful share it with your friends🌺
کلمات دیگری که معنی "به دلیل" میدهند
#other_ways_to_say : because

🅾 1. because of
به‌دلیل، بخاطر

🔵 The train arrived late because of the snowstorm.
🔵 قطار به‌دلیل توفان دیر رسید.

🔴 Many shops are doing badly because of the economic situation.

🅾 2. owing to
به‌دلیل، بخاطر

🔵 The game was cancelled owing to torrential rain.
🔵 به‌دلیل باران سیل‌آسا، بازی لغو شد.

🔴 Owing to his illness, he could not continue with his studies.

🅾 3. on account of
به‌دلیل، بخاطر (معمولاً بار معنایی منفی دارد)

🔵 She was told to wear flat shoes, on account of her back problem.
🔵 بخاطر مشکل کمرش، به او گفته شد که کفش صاف بپوشد.

🔴 The picnic was held in the gym on account of the rain.

🅾 4. in view of
به خاطر

🔵 In view of his conduct, the club has decided to suspend him.
🔵 بخاطر رفتارش، باشگاه تصمیم گرفت او را تعلیق کند.

🔴 In view of rising labor costs, many companies have turned to automation.

🅾 5. as a consequence of
به‌دلیل، بخاطر (معمولاً بار معنایی منفی دارد)

🔵 Animals have died as a consequence of coming into contact with this chemical.
🔵 حیوانات به‌دلیل تماس با این ماده‌ی شیمیایی کشته شدند.

🅾 6. by virtue of
به‌لطف (معمولاً به‌دلیل چیزی مثبت)

🔵 She succeeded by virtue of her tenacity rather than her talent.
🔵 او به‌لطف پشتکارش، نه استعدادش، موفق شد.

🔴 Plastic bags are useful for holding many kinds of food, by virtue of their clearness, toughness, and low cost.

🅾 7. thanks to
به‌لطف (معمولاً به‌دلیل چیزی مثبت)

🔵 Thanks to a good teacher, John passed the examination.

💥نکته 💥
از thanks to برای طعنه زدن هم می‌توان استفاده کرد:

🔴 Everybody knows about it now, "thanks" to you.
🔴 به‌ لطف تو همه از موضوع خبردار شدن!

🅾 8. as a result of
به‌دلیل ، درنتیجه‌ی

🔵 Profits have declined as a result of the recent drop in sales.
🔵 به‌دلیل کاهش اخیر در فروش، سود کاهش یافته است.

🔴 As a result of the accident, he was out of work for three months.

🅾 9. in (the) light of
به دلیل

🔵 In the light of recent incidents, we are asking our customers to take particular care of their personal belongings.
🔵 به‌ دلیل رویدادهای اخیر، از مشتریانمان می‌خواهیم از وسایل شخصیشان مراقبت ویژه کنند.

🔴 In light of this new evidence, we are reopening the investigation.

🅾 10. by reason of
به دلیل

🔵 He was disqualified by reason of his age.
🔵 او به‌دلیل سنش فاقد صلاحیت شد.

🔴 He was found not guilty by reason of insanity.

🅾11. due to
به خاطر

🔵 A lot of her unhappiness is due to boredom.
🔵 بخش بزرگی از ناراختی او به‌دلیل خستگی است.

🔴 Due to wet leaves on the line, this train will arrive an hour late.

🅾 12. out of
از روی، بخاطر

🔵 He started reading the book out of curiosity.
🔵 او از روی کنجکاوی شروع به خواندن کتاب کرد.

🔴 She asked the question out of politeness.

🌺If it is helpful share it with your friends🌺
کلمات دیگری که معنی "به دلیل" میدهند
#other_ways_to_say : because

🅾 1. because of
به‌دلیل، بخاطر

🔵 The train arrived late because of the snowstorm.
🔵 قطار به‌دلیل توفان دیر رسید.

🔴 Many shops are doing badly because of the economic situation.

🅾 2. owing to
به‌دلیل، بخاطر

🔵 The game was cancelled owing to torrential rain.
🔵 به‌دلیل باران سیل‌آسا، بازی لغو شد.

🔴 Owing to his illness, he could not continue with his studies.

🅾 3. on account of
به‌دلیل، بخاطر (معمولاً بار معنایی منفی دارد)

🔵 She was told to wear flat shoes, on account of her back problem.
🔵 بخاطر مشکل کمرش، به او گفته شد که کفش صاف بپوشد.

🔴 The picnic was held in the gym on account of the rain.

🅾 4. in view of
به خاطر

🔵 In view of his conduct, the club has decided to suspend him.
🔵 بخاطر رفتارش، باشگاه تصمیم گرفت او را تعلیق کند.

🔴 In view of rising labor costs, many companies have turned to automation.

🅾 5. as a consequence of
به‌دلیل، بخاطر (معمولاً بار معنایی منفی دارد)

🔵 Animals have died as a consequence of coming into contact with this chemical.
🔵 حیوانات به‌دلیل تماس با این ماده‌ی شیمیایی کشته شدند.

🅾 6. by virtue of
به‌لطف (معمولاً به‌دلیل چیزی مثبت)

🔵 She succeeded by virtue of her tenacity rather than her talent.
🔵 او به‌لطف پشتکارش، نه استعدادش، موفق شد.

🔴 Plastic bags are useful for holding many kinds of food, by virtue of their clearness, toughness, and low cost.

🅾 7. thanks to
به‌لطف (معمولاً به‌دلیل چیزی مثبت)

🔵 Thanks to a good teacher, John passed the examination.

💥نکته 💥
از thanks to برای طعنه زدن هم می‌توان استفاده کرد:

🔴 Everybody knows about it now, "thanks" to you.
🔴 به‌ لطف تو همه از موضوع خبردار شدن!

🅾 8. as a result of
به‌دلیل ، درنتیجه‌ی

🔵 Profits have declined as a result of the recent drop in sales.
🔵 به‌دلیل کاهش اخیر در فروش، سود کاهش یافته است.

🔴 As a result of the accident, he was out of work for three months.

🅾 9. in (the) light of
به دلیل

🔵 In the light of recent incidents, we are asking our customers to take particular care of their personal belongings.
🔵 به‌ دلیل رویدادهای اخیر، از مشتریانمان می‌خواهیم از وسایل شخصیشان مراقبت ویژه کنند.

🔴 In light of this new evidence, we are reopening the investigation.

🅾 10. by reason of
به دلیل

🔵 He was disqualified by reason of his age.
🔵 او به‌دلیل سنش فاقد صلاحیت شد.

🔴 He was found not guilty by reason of insanity.

🅾11. due to
به خاطر

🔵 A lot of her unhappiness is due to boredom.
🔵 بخش بزرگی از ناراختی او به‌دلیل خستگی است.

🔴 Due to wet leaves on the line, this train will arrive an hour late.

🅾 12. out of
از روی، بخاطر

🔵 He started reading the book out of curiosity.
🔵 او از روی کنجکاوی شروع به خواندن کتاب کرد.

🔴 She asked the question out of politeness.

🌺If it is helpful share it with your friends🌺