EECMY Youth Ministry
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1Thimothy 4:12

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#ስፖርት ለወጣቶች ሁለንተናዊ ዕድገት!
#Ispoortii-Guddina Hunda-Galeessa Dargaggootaatiif!
#Sport-for the Wholistic Growth of the Youth!

Biftu Bole Congregation vs Bethel Jemo Congregation

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EECMY Youth Ministry
#ስፖርት -ለወጣቶች ሁለንተናዊ ዕድገት
#Ispoortii- Guddina Hunda-Galeessa Dargaggootaatiif
#Sport - for the Wholistic growth of the Youth!
በቢፍቱ ቦሌ እና በቤቴል ጃሞ መካነ ኢየሱስ ማህበረ ምዕመናናት መካከል የእግር ኳስ ጨዋታ ተካሄደ። በዕለቱ የኢ/ወ/ቤ/ክ/መካነ ኢየሱስ የልጆች እና ወጣቶች መምሪያ ዳይሬክተር ወንድማገኝ ኡዴሳ ብድሬ በዝግጅቱ ላይ በመገኘት የመክፈቻ ንግግር አድርገዋል። በመክፈቻ ንግግራቸውን ስፖርት ለጤና እና ለመዝናኛ ጠቃሚ እንደሆነ: የተከበረ የሙያ ዘርፍም እንደሆነ, እንዲሁም ወንጌል የሚስራበት መንገድ መሆኑን በማንሳት ትኩረት ተሰጥቶ እንዲሰራበት መልዕክት አስተላልፈዋል:: ይሄንንም ከግንዛቤ በማስገባት የቤተክርስቲያኒቱ የልጆች እና ወጣቶች አገልግሎት መምሪያ ቀርጾ እየሰራበት ባለው ሁለንተናዊ ፓኬጅ ውስጥ ስፖርትን እንደ አንድ የትኩረት አቅጣጫ በመለየት እየሰራበት ይገኛል:: በመልዕክታቸውም ቢፍቱ ቦሌ እና ቤቴል ጃሞ መካነ ኢየሱስ ማህበረ ምዕመናናትን ላደረጉት አርአያነት ያለው ተነሳሽነት ካመሰገኑ በኋላ ሌሎች ማህበረ ምዕመናናትም ይህንን ልምድ በመውሰድ ለወጣቶች አስፈላጊውን ድጋፍ እንዲያደርጉ እንዲሁም የመንግስትና መንግሥታዊ ያልሆኑ ድርጅቶችም የበኩላቸውን እንዲወጡ ጥሪ አቅርበዋል።
በእግር ኳስ ጨዋታው ወቅት የእግዚአብሔር ቃል፣ ዝማሬ እና የጸሎት ጊዜም የነበረ ሲሆን በአጠቃላይ ፕሮግራሙ ያማረ የወንድማማችነት ጊዜ ነበር። ስለ ሁሉም የእግዚአብሔር ስም የተመሰገነ ይሁን።
Sagantaan tapha kubbaa miilaa Waldaa Amantootaa Makaana Yesuus Biiftuu Boolee fi Beeteel Jamoo gidduutti adeemsifameera. Sagantaa kanarratti argamuun haasaa baniinsaa gochuun ergaa kan dabarsan Daarektarri Qajeelcha Ijoollee fi Dargaggoo WKWWMYI Wondimmaagany Uddeessaa Bidiree, ispoortiin guddina hundagaleessa ijoollee fi dargaggootaa keessatti barbaachisummaasaa ibsuudhaan; ispoortiin fayyaa fi bashannanaaf, akka ogummaa guddaa fi kabajamaatti, dabalataan karaa ittiin Wangeelli hojjatamuudhas jechuun ibsa kennaniiru. Kanuma xiyyeeffannaa keessa galchuudhaan WKWWMYI Qajeelchi Tajaajila Ijoollee fi Dargaggootaa paakeejii hunda-galeessa bocee irratti hojjachaa jiru keessatti ispoortiin toora xiyyeeffannaa keessaa isa tokko godhee irratti hojjachaa jiraachuu ibsaniiru. Jalqabbii fakkeenyummaa gaarii qabu kanaaf Waldaa Amantootaa Biiftuu Boolee fi Beeteel Jamoo erga galateeffatanii booda, qaamotni waldaa Kiristaanaa hundumtuu muuxannoo kana fudhachuudhaan dargaggootaaf deeggarsa barbaachisu akka taasisan, dabalataan dhaabbileen mootummaa fi mit-mootummaas sosochii ispoortii dargaggootaa kana deeggaruu keessatti qoodasaanii akka bahaniif waamicha dhiyeessaniiru. Sagantaa tapha kubbaa miilaa kanarratti ergaan Sagalee Waaqayyoo, faarfannaa fi kadhannaanis tureera. Walumaagalatti yeroo bareedaa obbolummaa ture. Waaqayyoof galanni haa ta'u.
Sport - for the Wholistic Growth of the Youth!
A football match was held between Biftu Bole and Bethel Jamo Mekane Yesus Congregations. On the day, the Director of the Department of Children and Youth of EECMY, Mr. Wondmagegn Udessa Bidire attended the event and gave an opening speech. In his opening speech, he mentioned that sport is important for health and entertainment, and it is a respected profession, and also it is a way to spread the gospel, and conveyed a message that it should be given attention in children and youth ministries. Keeping this in mind, the church's Children and Youth Ministry Department is working on it by identifying sports as a focus area in the Wholistic Ministry Package it is working on.
In his message, he thanked and appreciated the EECMY Biftu Bole and Bethel Jamo Congregations for their exemplary initiative and called on other Congregations to take this experience and provide the necessary support to the youth, as well as government and non-governmental organizations to do their part. During the football game, there was a time of God's word, singing and prayer, and the whole program was a beautiful time of brotherhood. Glory to God!
የኢ/ወ/ቤ/ክ/መካነ ኢየሱስ ካለንደር: ሚያዚያ 2016

Kaalandarii WKWWMYI, Ebla 2016/2024

(Source: EECMY- Yemisrach Dimts Communication Service)

High-Level Dialogue on, “Understanding Population Dynamics and Demographic Dividends: Sociological and Theological Reflections on Sustainable Population Growth and Development in Africa,” at Golden Tulip Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

#EECMY #AACC #AllAfricaConferenceofChurches