Mooraa Sinoodoosii qofaatti biqiltuuwwaan garagaraa 5000 dhaabamaniiru. Fkn: Gaattiraa, giraaviiliyaa, avookaadoo, maangoo fi kkf.
Duulli dhaabbii biqiltuu kun ji'a kana guutuu waldoota Kiristaanaa hundumaatti itti fufa. Namni tokko biqltuu 5 dhaabee kunuunsa, Waaqayyo immoo niguddisa.
Gaggeessitootnii fi amantootni Sinoodoosii Lixa Gibee Waaqayyo guddaa godhee isin haa eebbisuu!
Sinoodoosootni, Sabakootni/Pireespiterootni, Waldootni Kiristaanaa hundumtuu bakka jirtan hojii gaarii kanatti jabaadhaa. Namoota kan biraatiif kakka'umsa akka uumuuf fakkeenyummaa gaarii keessan agarsiisuu akka dandeenyuuf gabaasa hojii keessanii suuraa waliin karaa teeleegiraamii ykn 'Facebook' nuuf ergaa.
Mooraa Sinoodoosii qofaatti biqiltuuwwaan garagaraa 5000 dhaabamaniiru. Fkn: Gaattiraa, giraaviiliyaa, avookaadoo, maangoo fi kkf.
Duulli dhaabbii biqiltuu kun ji'a kana guutuu waldoota Kiristaanaa hundumaatti itti fufa. Namni tokko biqltuu 5 dhaabee kunuunsa, Waaqayyo immoo niguddisa.
Gaggeessitootnii fi amantootni Sinoodoosii Lixa Gibee Waaqayyo guddaa godhee isin haa eebbisuu!
Sinoodoosootni, Sabakootni/Pireespiterootni, Waldootni Kiristaanaa hundumtuu bakka jirtan hojii gaarii kanatti jabaadhaa. Namoota kan biraatiif kakka'umsa akka uumuuf fakkeenyummaa gaarii keessan agarsiisuu akka dandeenyuuf gabaasa hojii keessanii suuraa waliin karaa teeleegiraamii ykn 'Facebook' nuuf ergaa.
Dear African Youth,
All Africa Conference of Churches is organizing a webinar to commemorate the International Day Against Trafficking 2022 on Saturday 30th, 2022 at 10 AM West African Time.
The purpose of this webinar is to bring together AACC member Churches, CSOs, FBOs, governments, ECOWAS, and AU organs to raise awareness and encourage vigilance and gain support for the prevention of human trafficking, and Agenda 2063.
-The Africa we want will be popularised among faith actors. So, we would be glad if you could join and participate.
To save your seat, please register here, https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Pwm39cM5SQWc2WvcVoJEqg, and feel free to share it with your friends.
I hope to see you there!
Have a great day,
Kind Regards,
Carringtone Nakitari
Digital Communications Associate
Africa.My Home.My Future
All Africa Conference of Churches is organizing a webinar to commemorate the International Day Against Trafficking 2022 on Saturday 30th, 2022 at 10 AM West African Time.
The purpose of this webinar is to bring together AACC member Churches, CSOs, FBOs, governments, ECOWAS, and AU organs to raise awareness and encourage vigilance and gain support for the prevention of human trafficking, and Agenda 2063.
-The Africa we want will be popularised among faith actors. So, we would be glad if you could join and participate.
To save your seat, please register here, https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Pwm39cM5SQWc2WvcVoJEqg, and feel free to share it with your friends.
I hope to see you there!
Have a great day,
Kind Regards,
Carringtone Nakitari
Digital Communications Associate
Africa.My Home.My Future
á°ááĽáŽá á¨áá á á
áĽá á¨ááá¨áŁá¨áĽ áááááľ á ááĽá!
Uumama Eeguu fi Kunuunsuudhaaf Itti Gaafatamummaa Qabna.
===áááĽá¨áľ 2:15
''áĽááá áĽáá á áááá á°áá ááľáś áŤá ááľá áá áĽááľá áááľ á ááľá áááľ á áá¨áá˘''
(Photo: áááŤáĽ á˘áľáŽáľáŤ: á á áĽá ááá á°á᪠á áŤáŁá˘)
S. Uumamaa 2:15
''Waaqayyo Gooftaan namicha fuudhee iddoo dhaabaa Eeden sana akka tottolchuuf, akka eeguufis achi keessa in kaa'e.''
(Photo: Lixa Itoophiyaa Naannawa Jimmaa fi Miizaan Tafarii)
We Have a Responsibity to Protect and Take care of Nature
Genesis 2:15
''The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.''
(Photo: West Ethiopia around Jimma & Mizan Teferi)
Uumama Eeguu fi Kunuunsuudhaaf Itti Gaafatamummaa Qabna.
===áááĽá¨áľ 2:15
''áĽááá áĽáá á áááá á°áá ááľáś áŤá ááľá áá áĽááľá áááľ á ááľá áááľ á áá¨áá˘''
(Photo: áááŤáĽ á˘áľáŽáľáŤ: á á áĽá ááá á°á᪠á áŤáŁá˘)
S. Uumamaa 2:15
''Waaqayyo Gooftaan namicha fuudhee iddoo dhaabaa Eeden sana akka tottolchuuf, akka eeguufis achi keessa in kaa'e.''
(Photo: Lixa Itoophiyaa Naannawa Jimmaa fi Miizaan Tafarii)
We Have a Responsibity to Protect and Take care of Nature
Genesis 2:15
''The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.''
(Photo: West Ethiopia around Jimma & Mizan Teferi)