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Daily ECG

Admin: @po5eidon

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This ECG displays many of the features of hyperkalaemia:

• Disappearance of p waves
• ST elevations (best seen in aVR and chest leads)
• Broad, bizarre QRS complexes that merge with subsequent ST segment and T wave.
• Sine waves (best seen in V3)
#case195 ❤️
65 y woman with history of pancreatic cancer presented with chest pain and dyspnea.
The correct answer is “Pulmonary thromboembolism”
The ECG shows “Sinus tachycardia” and “S1Q3T3 pattern”, two most common ECG findings in PTE. These findings are neither sensitive nor specific for PTE, Thus ECG findings only in combination with physical symptoms suggest PTE.

Here are the most common ECG findings in patients with PTE:

• Sinus tachycardia
• S1Q3T3 pattern
• New-onset atrial fibrillation or flutter
• incomplete right bundle branch block
• right axis deviation
• T-wave inversion in leads V1 to V4
#case196 ❤️
55 y man with history of mitral valve replacement presented with palpitation
What is the most likely diagnosis based on the ECG findings?
Anonymous Poll
Atrial tachycardia
Atrial fibrillation
Atrial flutter
The correct answer is “Atrial flutter”
ECG features:
• Inverted flutter waves in Inferior leads at a rate of 350 bpm
• Upright flutter waves in V1 simulating P waves
• 2:1 AV block resulting in a ventricular rate of 175 bpm
55 y man with history of Ischemic heart disease presented with occasional dizziness.
The correct answer is “Second degree AVB: mobitz 1 (Wenckebach)”