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Environmental Artistic Research - a transdisciplinary place to meet
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Come and propose!
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Do you like writing proposals?
Or is it a burden that separates your meaningful
goal/challenge/piece you want to achieve and the
time you have for it?
Whether art, science or environmental challenges
- these proposals need elaboration to get through and
honour successfully their purpose. By joining this
retreat it will encourage a warm get together and
allow you to just put it on paper and send it out by the
end of the retreat.
Why not gather together and put on the writing table
the meeting of network, resources and empathy
coming together?
A table that helps to hinge, relate and encourage each
other’s proposals into a wave of approval and
successful achievable and sustainable goals.
A week (or a part) to share and frame Ideas into the
proposals of tomorrow and nourish and sharpen your
rhetoric’s and narratives for the upcoming year in a
couple of intense days, that enriches each individual
proposal and strengthen friendship or compliance
with other participants and hosts. This retreat is for
people that share & care and are grounds for new
Bedding and hosting are simple and plain. Warmth as
well as vegetarian food is supplied, 2 meals a day and
a breakfast on your behalf. Beverages are not included
but supplied with a fair price. Simple speed Internet is
With a proposed donation as dayfare of 30 Chf or a
weekfare of 120 Chf you can help smooth the process
and meet up with people that also want to propose!
For the outlook in January, I asked Chat GPT why you want to have a Proposal Retreat...my exact wording was: Explain why people want to write proposals for environmental artistic research:
This is what it replied... I think it is even a bigger invitation to come in January! 7-13th! WHAT DO YOU THINK??: There are a number of reasons why people might want to write proposals for environmental artistic research. Some of the possible motivations include:

To promote awareness and understanding of environmental issues: Environmental artistic research can be a powerful way to engage people with important environmental issues and help raise awareness about the need for action. By writing a proposal for environmental artistic research, an individual or organization can outline their plans for creating a project that will inform and inspire people about environmental topics.

To inspire action and change: Environmental artistic research can also be a way to inspire people to take action on environmental issues. By presenting a clear, compelling vision for a project that addresses a specific environmental challenge, a proposal can encourage others to get involved and make a difference.

To secure funding: Many environmental artistic research projects require funding to be successful. By writing a proposal, an individual or organization can outline the costs associated with their project and make a case for why it is worth supporting.

To contribute to the field: Environmental artistic research can be a way to make a meaningful contribution to the field of environmental studies and the broader cultural conversation about environmental issues. By writing a proposal, an individual or organization can outline their plans for conducting original research and adding to the body of knowledge on a particular topic.
Proposal Retreat is up and running! A small impression here:
Many topics being discussed, too many to write here. However a shared document should be publicated here.
If u want a residency in Zürich or in Ear this summer in the period july & august in Dock18 (rote fabrik) or in emmental then hand in a project and you can count on 500chf to make it happen. https://www.dock18.ch/residencies/
Just launched today!
Quick update on th AI side of life. A friend from this network made Chatgpfree. An app for those that live in controlled internet-areas (eg. China, Iran, etc.) where chtgpt is not "allowed" https://elohnotes.freeddns.org/ so forward it to people that u might know in that situation..also just out!