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Thoughts from the CEO of Telegram
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Unfortunately, some Telegram features, such as stickers, don’t work correctly under iOS 11.4 that was just released – even though we fixed this issue weeks ago.

Apple has been preventing Telegram from updating its iOS apps globally ever since the Russian authorities ordered Apple to remove Telegram from the App Store. Russia banned Telegram on its territory in April because we refused to provide decryption keys for all our users’ communications to Russia’s security agencies. We believe we did the only possible thing, preserving the right of our users to privacy in a troubled country.

Unfortunately, Apple didn’t side with us. While Russia makes up only 7% of Telegram’s userbase, Apple is restricting updates for all Telegram users around the world since mid-April. As a result, we’ve also been unable to fully comply with GDPR for our EU-users by the deadline of May 25, 2018. We are continuing our efforts to resolve the situation and will keep you updated.

Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
🎉 Amazing news – Apple has just successfully reviewed our latest update for Telegram iOS, and we were able to ship a new version with long awaited fixes and improvements to the AppStore.

Thank you, Apple! 🍏
Cycling around Saimaa for 370km got us to Kummakivi, the balancing rock. This 7-meter long stone was left standing here by the Ice Age (or the Giants, whichever version you prefer).
Although I normally don't watch football matches, I am very happy to hear France has won the World Cup

I am a big admirer of French culture, art, design, architecture, cuisine, history and language.

France is certain to play an even larger role in the world culture and economy in years to come 🇫🇷
As you might have heard, for the last couple of years we’ve been quietly rebuilding Telegram for iOS from scratch with Swift – a programming language released by Apple as a faster alternative to Objective C.

The Swift version of Telegram looks exactly as the old one, but is faster, slicker and more battery-friendly than the good old Telegram (which was already great considering it outperformed other messaging apps in speed).

This new Telegram has been available for everyone to download under the name “Telegram X” since January. Thousands of users have been testing it and sharing their feedback with us, so thanks to them the app is now much more polished than a few months ago. While we are still putting some finishing touches on it, it seems that the new Telegram is ready to be shipped to every Telegram user on iOS.

That’s why within the next week or two we are planning to update the default Telegram iOS App with the Swift version. As a result, Telegram will become faster, slicker and more efficient. Since it will rely on an entirely new codebase, some minor bugs and glitches might occur, but we’ll make sure they are quickly – or should I say “swiftly” – fixed.

This change will make Telegram the most popular messaging app written fully in Swift. Some would say it’s a big risk, but I think somebody has to take such risks and be the first to implement new technologies, such as e2e encryption – or Swift.
Some tech media reported that the Telegram Desktop app wasn’t secure because it “leaked IP addresses” when used to accept a voice call.

The reality is much less sensational – Telegram Desktop was at least as secure as other encrypted VoIP apps even before we improved it by adding an option to disable peer-to-peer calls. As for Telegram calls on mobile, they were always more secure than the competition, because they had this setting since day one.

During a peer-to-peer (P2P) call, voice traffic flows directly from one participant of a call to the other without relying on an intermediary server. P2P routing allows to achieve higher quality calls with lower latency, so the current industry standard is to have P2P switched on by default.

However, there’s a catch: by definition, both devices participating in a P2P call have to know the IP addresses of each other. So if you make or accept a call, the person on the other side may in theory learn your IP address.

That’s why, unlike WhatsApp or Viber, Telegram always gave its users the ability to switch off P2P calls and relay them through a Telegram server. Moreover, in most countries we switched off P2P by default.

Telegram Desktop, which is used in less than 0.01% of Telegram calls, was the only platform where this setting was missing. Thanks to a researcher who pointed that out, we made the Telegram Desktop experience consistent with the rest of our apps.

However, it is important to put this into perspective and realize that this is about one Telegram app (Telegram Desktop) being somewhat less secure than other Telegram apps (e.g. Telegram for iOS or Android). If you compare Telegram with other popular messaging services out there, unfortunately, they are not even close to our standards.

Using the terminology from the flashy headlines, WhatsApp, Viber and the rest have been “leaking your IP address” in 100% of calls. They are still doing this, and you can't opt out. The only way to stop this is to have all your friends switch to Telegram.
Last week at Telegram was intense – we’ve been busy polishing the rough spots in our new iOS app and fighting connection issues with little time left for sleep. Yet, there’s no other company in the world I would rather work at. At Telegram, we have the rare freedom to do what our users expect us to do, standing up for their interests.

The recent exodus of WhatsApp founders is a good example of what you end up with if you sell your company. You can earn some money, but you lose something much more valuable – your integrity and the ability to continue improving the lives of hundreds of millions of people.

Last week, it became known that WhatsApp has had a backdoor for years – anybody you had a video call with could potentially read all your messages. Even if there are no more backdoors left (which seems unlikely), WhatsApp has other flaws which make most of the messages sent via the app accessible to third parties.

In the long run, promises given by corporations like Facebook just don't materialize, because these corporations prioritize maximizing profits over serving their users. And that’s what makes Telegram so different – the only thing that will ever matter to us is your interests.
My motto is “Never be afraid”. Even when an app's icons are trying to scare you. Happy Halloween! 🎃

P.S. To see those icons, you'll need to have the latest version of Telegram for iOS installed.
2018 was a great year for Telegram, but 2019 is going to be by far the most important one in our company's history.

In 2018, more and more people discovered Telegram and switched to it from services run by ad-selling IT monopolies.

As a result, Telegram became one of the few messaging apps that are enjoying significant growth globally.

Building on the success of the last year, this year we are going to implement many long-awaited product changes you have been asking for.

2019 will be the time when feature-related wishes of our users come true.
Yesterday we shipped the fourth major update of Telegram in the last 2 months. This time we radically improved chat backgrounds.

It seems iOS users have to wait a while to get the update, because the App Store has been experiencing issues since yesterday. I expect that Apple is going to get their issues sorted out in the next few hours as Cupertino is waking up.

Fortunately, Google doesn’t have such outages, so Android users can enjoy Telegram v5.3 right away. As for their less fortunate iOS counterparts, they are welcome to have a look at the sneak peak below to get a taste of what’s coming.
We’ve just started Instant View 2.0 Competition – our crowdsourcing contest with a prize fund of $300,000, ending on the 4th of April.

The goal is to create sets of rules (“templates”) that are used to generate beautiful “Instant View” previews for links shared on Telegram. Anyone with an understanding of HTML/CSS can participate. Participants get $100 for each correct template + $10,000 and $5,000 to top 2 contributors.

Check out the rules here – https://instantview.telegram.org/contest

We’ll launch more similar competitions for developers soon. Eventually there’ll be a competition for everything we do (Android, C++, voice calls etc). Winners get mighty prizes and a chance to join our dev team.

Stay tuned – we’ll announce the next competition within 10 days.
Happy to announce the arrival of auto-playing videos on Telegram for iOS and Android. It's flavored with improved auto-download settings and multiple account support on all mobile platforms. Enjoy Telegram 5.4!
I see 3 million new users signed up for Telegram within the last 24 hours.

Good. We have true privacy and unlimited space for everyone.
It’s been 23 years since I first used a private messaging service, and 16 years since I first built my own. The number of electronic private conversations I’ve had over those years is enormous. I am certain this is also the case for you.

Over the last 10-20 years, each of us exchanged millions of messages with thousands of people. Most of those communication logs are stored somewhere in other people’s inboxes, outside of our reach. Relationships start and end, but messaging histories with ex-friends and ex-colleagues remain available forever.

It’s getting worse. Within the next few decades, the volume of our private data stored by our chat partners will easily quadruple.

An old message you already forgot about can be taken out of context and used against you decades later. A hasty text you sent to a girlfriend in school can come haunt you in 2030 when you decide to run for mayor. We have to admit: Despite all of our progress in encryption and privacy, we have very little actual control of our data. We can’t go back in time and erase things for other people.

Well, we couldn’t. Until today. Starting today, we are allowing every Telegram user to delete any message in a private conversation from both sides. It doesn’t matter who sent the message and when – you have complete control over it. You can even wipe out the whole conversation from both sides if you want to. No trace will be left on either side.

We know some people may get concerned about the potential misuse of this feature or about the permanence of their chat histories. We thought carefully through those issues, but we think having control over your own digital footprint should be paramount.

Looking through my Telegram inbox now, there’s not much I would want to delete for both sides. And yet, for the first time in 23 years of private messaging, I feel truly free and in control.
Today the Russian authorities tried to hack 4 journalists covering the Ekaterinburg protests. Fortunately, all those attempts have failed due to the 2-step verification check.

This serves as a reminder that authoritarian governments will stop at nothing to violate their citizens' privacy. We urge users in such countries to double check that they have 2-step verification set up.

Stay safe and stay strong 💪🏾
Those of you who follow my posts know that I’m a big believer in self-restraint. In the last 15 years, I’ve had no alcohol, no caffeine, no meat, no pills, and no fast food. Health-wise it brought good results: I only had a fever once in the last 15 years. Typically, I just don’t get ill.

A year ago I added more restrictions to my diet: no gluten, no dairy, no eggs, no fructose. I did it to achieve higher productivity and clarity of thought, as well as to train will power and self-discipline.

Another technique I employ to improve will power is swimming in ice-cold water every winter in Finland or Switzerland. If you ever faced the necessity to stay in a lake with a thin layer of ice on top for a few minutes, you are less likely to procrastinate when it comes to starting on a boring but necessary project.

In May I limited the foods I eat to fish and seafood only. In case you have daily access to fresh wild-caught fish, I can definitely recommend this diet for boosting productivity. Unlike farmed meat or the products of agriculture, which were introduced to our diet fairly recently (like 15,000 years ago), wild fish cooked on fire is something our ancestors evolved to consume throughout the last million of years. As humans required a daily source of water, they had to live near rivers and lakes, so a seagan diet makes much more sense to me than veganism or rawism from an evolutionary perspective.

This month I’m trying something more radical, with consuming no food at all. I’ve been on a water fast for the last 6 days and am feeling great so far. Since zero food consumption improves clarity of thought, I also got many things done on the product-management side.

Fasting is a great way to allow your digestive system to clean and reboot, and also to allow your immune system to work on other things than clearing the constantly incoming food. Our hunter-gatherer ancestors had to do with no food for prolonged periods of time, so our body is not only evolved for that, but is actually expecting us to give it a break in consumption at least once a year. That’s why most religions have a tradition of fasting – it’s healthy and necessary both for the body and the mind.

Obviously, I might lose some muscle mass as a result, but I believe that if I manage to come up with new great ideas for Telegram during the fast, it will be beneficial for all of the millions of Telegram users. And making the lives of our users more enjoyable has been and will be my number one priority.