Cosmic Light Force
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Today I’m aligning my Energy with Mother Earth & with Mother’s Day Energy within the collective. The Energy is very potent in the air & it is changing all sentient Beings. There’s great turbulence in this storm of energetic debris of thoughts & lower emotions in many lives — so it is important hold space for pace & calmness.

You are on Earth at this time to evolve into enlightenment in your physical vessel. Enlightenment simply means living each day from your highest attained level of awareness & allowing more truth to unfold.

Take time out from your busy lives & allow yourselves to quieten your minds. It truly is well within your power to choose, set the intent & then quiet those noisy minds that are constantly demanding your attention. They are just thoughts passing through which you can either choose to focus your attention & engage with or you can choose to let them flow without attending to do them. It takes a lot of practice, but when you manage to pay no attention to the flow, even momentarily, you will find yourselves in a state of deep peace.

When this happens & it will, then you will ensure that your practice becomes regular by setting a time each day during which you will honor yourselves by being totally present, loving & accepting yourselves, in the full knowledge that you are, each & every one of you, beloved children of God who have never separated from that infinitely loving Presence. Spoil yourselves daily by going within to that holy inner sanctuary where YOU & the All Creator Source God Source are One — where the Love that You are is fully palpable. 🙏🏽👁🤍

"I am the Earth" - Earth Day Chant

After 2 days of BQQM’N geomagnetic storm, it has calmed down quite bit, but the electric field is still buzz’n! Make some time for your personal integration. Stay in your Heart Space. Here's more awesome aurora pics from this weeknd. 🙏🏽👁🤍

We just had 2 days of the most amazing & beautiful auroras the majority of the world has seen. And of course, even this event would TRIGGER some 3D folks. I saw some post like — ok ok, enough with the auroras already! It made me think if Jesus came back in the physical, some people would be like, ok he’s back, so what?!! 😜😑

Some are saying that [DS] HAARP was behind the auroras this weekend. Lets break it down then shall we? So the satanic black hat military just created the most spectacular & beautiful sky events for most of Humanity to witness…? How sweet & kind of them?!! It’s so different than the localized weather warfare they’ve been doing such as the fires, earthquakes & tornados — while destroying lives.

These auroras have caused damage too — such as opening Hearts in Humans, producing gratitude, inspiring, Loving & peaceful Energy! 😁

We should know by now that White Hats are in control, but there are pockets of smaller & rogue black hat operations — like the weather warfare, in localized areas. I just don’t think they have the capacity to coordinate a worldwide spectacular event for most of the world to witness — of such beautiful sightings too.

Is the cup half full or half empty?

It is the individual’s choice to believe what they want to — just like it was someone’s choice to believe AstraZeneca’s vaccine would protect them from a deadly CONvid virus.

They sure pump massive fear into the masses. It is your choice to believe this beautiful experience was a deep state HAARP operation or you can believe — something else. With all the problems in the deep state world, I personally do not believe they have the time or be in a creative state to express themselves to the world with their HAARP doodad.

HAARP or Solar Storm? Public Speculates Northern Lights Were “Man-Made” Following Experiment on Earth’s Upper Atmosphere May 8-10

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These Aurora photos are from my Soul BroStar Adrian in England, by the Lake District. 🙏🏽💜🔥
