Dr Trozzi MD
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I’m a medical truther; In 2020, I put my career on hold to fight the COVID plandemic and Big Pharma.
I’ve been practicing Emergency Medicine for over 25 years, and was teaching trauma and critical resuscitation medicine with multiple universities.
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Thanks Tucker Carlson and Rand Paul for their recent interview. Indeed Fauci and his accomplices should receive their first life sentences for creating the virus. We must also recognize that the SARS C0V2 virus, as criminal as it was had limited lethality.
The rest of their #COVID agenda delivered the death: the mandates disrupted immune health and blocked our natural path to herd immunity; obstructing safe treatments ensured that at least some people died of viral infection; the lockdowns killed more than the virus via suicides and overdoses; the deadly protocols like Remdesivir, intubation and artificial ventilation, Midazolam, and Fentanyl killed plenty more; but the genetic jabs, or so-called “vaccines” did the real heavy killing: killing far beyond anything that would happen without the genetic jabs. Plus the genetic jabs drove the evolution of endless variants creating an ongoing industry of injections and death.
Fauci and his behind-the-scenes accomplices are guilty of all of this. They should all be prosecuted, and all their wealth, the proceeds of their crimes, should be seized and redistributed to the victims: all of us, especially the wounded who are still alive, and the families of those already killed.
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario under under the current registrar Dr Nancy Whitmore unlawfully persecute and revoke Ontario medical licenses from doctors who have maintained medical and ethical integrity throughout the covid operation, including me. Citizens of Ontario are left with no access to doctors who follow the Hippocratic oath. It’s extremely dangerous as the genetic jabs have already demonstrated. Many of our best doctors are moving to other countries. I am staying to fight. More details here:

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Welcome to the latest edition of Wins of the Week with Ted Kuntz. Here you will find positive updates that will inspire and uplift you, showcasing the recent progress made in our pursuit of truth and freedom. For more information about this week´s wins, visit my substack: https://drtrozzi.substack.com/p/wins-of-the-week-ep5-with-ted-kuntz
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End of January Community Update

Today I discuss spike protein detoxification, taking advantage of cancers' metabolic weakness, my indexed "vaccine" injuries 1000 articles library which lawyers will love, and welcome nurses and doctors to make informed and ethical decisions.

Here are the resources from today´s communityupdate:
Covid “Vaccines” Detox | Series - https://drtrozzi.org/2023/07/21/covid-vaccines-detox-series/
Great News | Resolving and Preventing Cancer - https://drtrozzi.org/2023/07/16/great-news-resolving-and-preventing-cancer/
Dr Trozzi | Urgent Message to Doctors and Nurses - https://drtrozzi.org/2023/11/01/dr-trozzi-urgent-message-to-doctors-and-nurses/
1000 peer reviewed articles on “Vaccine” injuries - https://drtrozzi.org/2023/09/28/1000-peer-reviewed-articles-on-vaccine-injuries/

#CovidInquiry #Cancer #Covid #vaccineinjuries #medicine
1.1 GB
Wins of the Week!! Welcome to the latest edition of positive updates that will inspire and uplift you, showcasing the recent progress made in our pursuit of truth and freedom by noble people in Canada and around the world. For more information about this week´s wins, visit my substack: https://drtrozzi.substack.com/p/wins-of-the-week-ep6-with-ted-kuntz

#alberta #FluorideLawsuit #FrenchFarmers #Convoy #VaccineGenocide #WinsOfTheWeek
Forwarded from Senator Ron Johnson
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People like Tedros, Fauci, Biden, Trudeau, and Gates sabotaged early treatment and lied that the COVID vaccines were safe and effective. They pushed misinformation and are the last people we would want in charge of our public health.

We must stop adoption of the amendments to the WHO treaty.

Subscribe and share👉 @SenRonJohnsonUS
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Last month while the WEF met in Davos to plan their next steps in abusing, manipulating, and stealing from us all, Dr William Makis and I met to brain storm regarding what they might do, and how we survive it, while undermining their agenda, and plotting their well-deserved destruction.

For the full conversation and more information, visit my substack: https://drtrozzi.substack.com/p/dr-makis-and-dr-trozzi-discuss-disease

#disease_x #mRNA #WEFpuppet #davos24 #parainfluenza #marburg #ebola #vitamind #zinc #Ivermectin #Hydroxychloroquine #Quercetin #H5N1 #Moderna #schwab #astrazeneca #Zelenko #ElderAbuse #pandemic #LOCKDOWN #WHO #Police #misinformation #propagande #turbocancer #censorship #jefferyepstein
Forwarded from World Council for Health
Join Us This Monday to Learn More About Detoxification

You're invited to join us live at 6 pm UTC on Monday as we learn all about detoxification with our resident health coach, Linda Rae. What does detoxification actually mean? What are common toxins and where do they come from? We'll discuss this and much more on Monday!

We'll also hear a Better News update from Christof Plothe, DO.

Watch here: ⬇️

Linda is a certified Health Coach and founder of Blissful Mum, a health coaching service that offers personalised health coaching to empower mothers to prioritise their well-being, ensuring they can create a nurturing and joyful family environment.

Time zone guide:
10 am PST
1 pm EST
6 pm UTC / GMT
8 pm CAT
3 am JST (13 Feb)
7 am NZDT (13 Feb)

Hope to see you there!

We'll also be live on Rumble, Twitter, Facebook & Gettr.

🌐 WorldCouncilforHealth.org
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Amen Dr McCullough! Two so-called conspiracy “theories” that have turned out to be 100% true are that the SARS C0V2 virus was man made with its final steps completed in Wuhan; and that the covid-19 genetic “vaccines” are not safe or effective. @P_McCulloughMD @twc_health #Vaccine #Wuhan #SARSCoV2 #conspiracytheories #conspiracytheory #Covid_19 #COVIDVACCINE
Welcome to the latest edition Wins of the Week (EP 7) with Ted Kuntz, showcasing the recent progress made in our pursuit of truth and freedom by noble people in Canada and around the world. For more information about this week´s victories, visit my substack: https://drtrozzi.substack.com/p/wins-of-the-week-ep7-with-ted-kuntz

#TrudeauMustGo #PutinInterview #RCMP #ArriveScam #Lockdown #frenchfarmers #Alberta #TuckerCarlson
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Canada’s Covid Crimes, the Persecution of ethical doctors, the CPSO’s role in Ontario, and strategies to detoxify and survive following the C-19 genetic jabs.
Please listen to this excellent recorded conversation from January 31, 2024 on Chattanooga Tennessee Radio.
#Covid_19 #vaccineinjuries #VaccineDeaths #ontario #ontarionews #CrimesAgainstHumanity
Dr Peter McCullough joins Dr Trozzi Regarding All Things Covid!
Don't miss this full 1 hour interview. We cover the virus, the “vaccines”, the injuries, the TREATMENTS, plus the crimes, arch-criminals, and the WHO.
The interview and links are available here: https://drtrozzi.substack.com/p/dr-mccullough-interview
#mRNA #vaccineinjuries #VaccineDeaths #Covid_19 #LongCovid #nattokinase #Ivermectin #treatment
Wins of the Week EP9 With Ted Kuntz. Welcome to the latest edition of positive updates that will inspire and uplift you, showcasing the recent progress made in our pursuit of truth and freedom by noble people in Canada and around the world. https://drtrozzi.substack.com/p/wins-of-the-week-ep9-with-ted-kuntz
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The dinosaur media are losing their audience. They will keep lying all the way to prison. Dr Trozzi with Life Site News cofounder Steve Jalsevac. Full interview here https://drtrozzi.substack.com/p/now-is-the-time-to-fight-global-tyranny #Propaganda
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Covid Genetic “Vaccine” detox and survival brief:
Intermittent fasting every day, occasional 3 day water fast, Nattokinase 100 mg orally twice daily, Bromelain 500 mg orally once daily, Curcumin 500 mg orally twice daily, NAC 600-1200 mg daily; plus ivermectin 12-24 mgs daily for some weeks then possibly tapering down to once or twice weekly. More info https://drtrozzi.org/2023/07/21/covid-vaccines-detox-series/ #COVIDVACCINE #mRNA
Wins for the Week ending March 2 2024. Death by a thousand cuts, grass root success stories, and good people rising up within courts and governments too.
For more details, all the links, and to see the poster shaming Vernon BC school trustees for pornography in schools visit: https://drtrozzi.substack.com/p/wins-of-the-week-ep10-with-ted-kuntz
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Wellcome Trust, and The Rockefeller Foundations. Thank You Dr David Martin for the details #BillGates #ExitTheWHO