Dr. Simone Gold
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Doctor • Lawyer • Warrior 🥼 Founder of @AmericasFrontlineDoctors

The Trusted Name for Independent Information

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The Bible doesn’t oppose medical care, it strengthens it.

The malicious medical malpractice doctor-patient relationship that has existed in our country for years should be no more.

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The CDC uses scare tactics to incentivize people into getting an annual flu shot - despite studies repeatedly showing that flu shots have been from zero to less than 50% effective in preventing type A or B influenza over the past several years.

According to the CDC, the annual death toll from influenza (36,000) is GREATER than the well documented 1968-9 'Hong Kong flu' pandemic (34,000). How do they get those numbers?

The answer is data manipulation. Are you surprised?
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'People were very trusting of the government... they thought, obviously, they have our best in mind. Unfortunately, we found out that that was not the case.'

Pastor Henry Hildebrandt speaks about the necessity of standing up and speaking truth.
BREAKING: A review in the International Journal of Biological Macromolecules has found that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines could aid cancer development.

The researchers suggest that future clinical trials should not use certain mRNA vaccines in order to avoid immune suppression.


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As the criteria for depression has been loosened and the pills have been aggressively marketed to more and more people, the use of antidepressants (and the stronger drugs they feed into) in just a few decades has gone from a tiny minority of the population to almost 1 in 4 Americans.

In many cases, these drugs turn a TEMPORARY psychiatric condition into a PERMANENT ONE which is exactly what Big Pharma wants.

Repost if you agree!
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Churches were targeted during the pandemic.

Corrupt government officials sought to shut down religious practices under the guise of “public health.”

Never forget what was done, and never allow it to happen again.

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For a bank in the United States to close your accounts because of your political opinions speaks volumes about where this country is headed.

In the same way the medical boards threatened doctors if we spoke out, it has always been about power and control, and silencing dissent.
Pfizer hid 80% of COVID Vaccine trial deaths from regulators.

We can engage in endless speculation for why they did this, but I believe the real answer is quite clear.


Pfizer saw COVID as a cash cow that they could not refuse, and they profited off people’s suffering.
A school in Osseo, Minnesota scheduled an LGBTQ enlightenment class for all students and prepared scripts for teachers.

The lesson encouraged students to question their own gender, asking the children if they are “confused.”

This is not education, this is indoctrination.

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Among hospitalized patients with COVID-19, a new study found that vaccinated patients had a significantly higher risk of mortality and that the overall survival rate was 2X HIGHER in the unvaccinated group.

The researchers observed worse clinical outcomes and decreased antibody levels among vaccinated patients compared to the unvaccinated group.

Natural immunity defeats COVID “vaccine” immunity. Repost if you agree!
The Australian Government has discarded 35% of its vaccine doses due to oversupply.

This tells us two things:

1) People became educated on the potential harms of the Covid jab
2) Big Pharma profited greatly on Covid fears
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The federal government is freezing the bank accounts of those who dare to speak against it.

They want to silence us.
They want to lock us down.
They want to freeze our assets.

The American government is turning against its own people. We can’t let this happen.
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Among hospitalized patients with COVID-19, a new study found that vaccinated patients had a significantly higher risk of mortality and that the overall survival rate was 2X HIGHER in the unvaccinated group.

The researchers observed worse clinical outcomes and decreased antibody levels among vaccinated patients compared to the unvaccinated group.

Natural immunity defeats COVID “vaccine” immunity. Repost if you agree!
The COVID pandemic was a trial run.

The elites wanted to see if we would mask up, shut up, and lock up.

We didn’t, and we won’t!

Who is with me?
Who here believes child mutilation “gender transition treatment” should be illegal?
BREAKING: Louisiana and Oklahoma plan to pass legislation similar to Utah and Florida which intends to prevent the WHO from overriding states’ authority on matters of public health policy.

Who here opposes the WHO from overriding states?
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Proposed legislation introduced on March 5th would strip COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers of liability protections, enabling U.S. residents injured by these shots to sue the companies. The bill would retroactively remove protections from the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) for COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers.

HHS has stated that the PREP Act declaration “has been a key tool for ensuring that Americans have broad access to critical COVID-19 countermeasures including vaccines, tests, and treatments” and “has provided flexibilities and protections for those individuals and entities who have been involved in providing these critical tools that have helped the United States get to a better place with COVID-19.”

A better place for who exactly? Can you see through the propaganda?
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'So many people have not been paying attention to what's going on with our food today.'

Alfie Oakes at our Freedom Summit shared his thoughts on the changes to food production and the wisdom of eating God's food.
BREAKING: Texas AG Ken Paxton has contested Pfizer’s motion to dismiss against the state’s lawsuit.

Texas continues to hold Pfizer accountable for the false marketing of its COVID jabs, violating the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act.

Who here wants to see Texas prevail?
BREAKING: Tennessee has become the first state to protect children from genital mutilation by criminalizing adults who help minors receive “gender affirming care.”

Who here wants to see other states pass similar bills?