Dr EV Rapiti's Channel
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In this channel I shall provide you with information and thoughts to stimulate you. Dr EV Rapiti
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Our elections are a farce. We will be electing highly paid jokers.
Time to save the world from slavery.
Politicians cannot run anything other than to line their pockets.
Cyril battling for votes
Forwarded from Ellapen Rapiti
Forwarded from Ellapen Rapiti
Africa never learns to the peril of its citizens.
It's flu season, so don't panic.
Don't panic if you have a flu. It only lasts about a week to two weeks to fully recover. The old vaccine flu strains are not going to protect you from getting infected with new strains. Natural immunity is far superior to artificial vaccine immunity and it has no side effects. Just brave the storm and get over it. You can't stop the spread or avoid getting the flu by isolating, masking, hand sanitising or safe distancing. They have never worked. The only way for a flu outbreak to end is for 90% of the population to get infected. When this happens the flu will not have a reservoir to survive. Just carry on as you normally did in the past, don't fall for media lies and you will be just fine.
Stop our government from handing over our sovereignty to the despicable WHO
If the ANC hands over our country to the WHO on 27/05/2024 at the WMA in Geneva, what difference would it make which party wins the elections.
Forwarded from Dr Roger Hodkinson
Media is too big
Sage Steele Exposes ESPN’s Ban on Forbidden COVID Vaccine Questions

STEELE: “I had to lie a lot about things that I didn’t agree with that we were doing on the air.”

CARLSON: “Like, tell me.”

STEELE: “Well, to not be able to ask specific questions about, you know, when we had athletes all of a sudden collapse. Lebron’s son, it’s a fair question to ask if he had had the vaccine.”

CARLSON: “He’s a young man.”

STEELE: “Yes, healthy as possible. That’s one example. But to not be able to go there and ask the questions.”

CARLSON: “They wouldn’t let you ask?”

STEELE: “Oh, no, And it wasn’t just me. It was other pieces that were done on ‘Outside the Lines’ about it. But to me, I don’t care if you’re LeBron’s son, or if you’re my neighbor ... if an 18-year-old kid is suddenly collapsing ... like, any potential reason for this sudden collapse, you’re going to ask as a journalist. I’m not saying it was the vax because I don’t know. I’m not a doctor. I get it. But we must ask this question. But those questions were absolutely not allowed, and they were never asked on the network.”

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Only vote for parties that are opposed to the amendments that will hand over our country to the WHO.
Only vote for parties that are opposed to the amendments that will hand over our country to the WHO.
None of the major contestants are opposing these amendments because they support the WEFS vision of a one world order, one world religion, one world health.

The head of this one world order would be unelected officials from the UN, who will treat the world's leaders like their generals to control the citizens of the world through digital currencies, digital IDs and 15 minute "smart" cities. Smart cities are a fancy term to restrict your movement like the old evil Dompass system in South Africa, where blacks were severely restricted with curfews and had to carry a book as a form of identification.
How sad our ANC led government has so quickly forgotten our past and has become one of the key supporters of the one world order. Shame on them.

The UN is merely a tool of the WEF, the super rich cabal, led by that evil man Klaus Schwab, who said that in a new world order there will be no need for elections. When that happens we will end up with disgusting leaders like Justine Trudeau or the bubbling Biden, who have no respect for our democracy.

Vote with your brains. Don't be fooled that the government gives you pensions or pays for service delivery. This is paid from the taxes of struggling citizens. The government officials first take their big share and whatever is left is spent on service delivery.

So far it seems only the ACDP is opposed to these amendments.
This might be the last time we will have an election if any of the major parties win.

Don't vote for a party, vote to save your country.
Don't be carried away by the loudmouthed politicians that are canvassing for your votes. They will dump you after the elections and merrily collect their monthly salaries plus perks with guaranteed annual increases, whilst we work our butts off filling their trough with our taxes and getting nothing in return.
All the major parties are in favour of the amendments, so don't vote for them. We need politicians that are accountable.
Vote for a party that will not hand over our country to the UN via the WHOs treaty in May, 27, 2024.