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Forwarded from John
Behind the superficiality of the Ukraine war lies a much more sinister agenda of geostrategic hegemony.

Western democracies are fake and just theatre for the masses. MSM previously able to carry the fraud but now people can see how it's all run by the proxy of evil elites and institutional Plutocrats.

On the outcome of the war in Ukraine hangs the WEFs agenda 21 tyranny. The WEFs Plutocrats will sacrifice any number of lives to prevail.

The elites know full well that the globally embezzling fiat currency system that they operate has reached the limits of it's credibility.
They know it will collapse as those issuing the reserve currency have no way to physically substantiate the grotesque volumes of currency that they have issued with any form of physical asset, hence the increasing military coercion necessary to ensure it's fungibility.

Their solution to retain power is Agenda 21, the most insidious and nefarious contrivance imaginable. It involves culling 90% of the global population, bringing about one world government run by themselves, the enslavement of the remaining humanity within a digital prison, with those remaining allowed to exist as their servitors. Hence the fake pandemics, needless wars and fake climate science necessary to justify laws to take away human rights and freedoms.

These measures are incrementally introduced so as not to startle the masses. If you know the destination, then you'll understand the journey.

Ukraine is WEFs attempt to seize food supply, weaponizing and restricting the food supply is integral to achieving their objectives. The Middle East is to seize oil supply and control a large part of the global energy supply. Taiwan is to seize control of semi conductors, tech etc, and to contain and break up China.
It's a Global playbook to implement the agenda 21 tyranny on humanity.

WEFs Agenda 21 is about, WEF 1 world gov, 90% people culled, food supply stopped, iatrogenic democide, 15 m cities etc, insect diet, brain implants, transhumanism.
Their mantra "You'll Own nothing and be happy". But what it will actually mean is that they'll own everything and you most definitely won't be happy or likely won't even exist!

To achieve these objectives it requires the masses to submissively acquiesce to the iatrogenic democide via forced or coercive mass vaccination, it needs gullible masses to believe the fake climate science, it needs the masses to be suicidally brainwashed to participate and go to their slaughter willingly in their needless wars. These are the measures needed that will enable the elimination of large swathes of humanity and lead to their global control and population reduction objectives.

We constantly witness their media relentlessly attempting to hammer this brainwashing into the public.

In Europe and UK, under orders from the WEF , the puppet governments are busy using fake science climate legislation to cut the food supply etc. War is a good way for them to organise mass death events which are conducive to their population reduction objectives alongside their iatrogenic democide.

In every approach the psychological strategy they use is the same, create fear, then offer safety in return for loss of rights and freedom. Their approach is the same for each of their attacks via climate, disease and war.

They plan 15 minute cities to turn society into an open prison. But of course none of this will succeed unless it's global . For that they must defeat the two main obstructions, Russia and China, hence the wars.
Forwarded from The ConspiracyHub (Marcel Cornelis)
Forwarded from LauraAboli (Laura Aboli)
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A brave Australia funeral director speaks out about the tragic rise in sudden deaths in young people, turbo cancers and the loss of babies.

“…a lot of people that are young and healthy and are just dropping dead”

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"Bill Gates sê: Ja, julle is almal proefkonyne" " Vertel Alex Jones.

Ons gaan uitvind hoe dit die volgende vyf jaar werk.

Spuit jou net daarmee in. En maak jou reg jy kan maar weet, "ons gaan al jou vleis ook verbied" beeste en diere word nanotech ingespuit en so gaan mense dit inkry.

En ons is amper gereed om dit te doen.

Hoe dink jy gaan hulle dit doen. Prion siekte En ek het 'n klomp hooflyn studies oor dit ... Bill Gates: Ja, ons spuit jou met 'n self-repliserende nano-tech in. Graphene-oksied ek bedoel, hulle spuit mense in haal hulle bloed uit, lewend en dood, en dit is net soos mikrochips, want dit is wat dit bou."


In plein boeretaal opgesom. Die v @ x is vol nanotegnologie om te dupliseer en self op hul eie MICROCHIPS te bou in ons lywe... en hulle gaan ons steak en chops ook wegvat. Wat 'n gemors! Koop nou al jou koei en bewaar haar soos goud.

🌕 https://t.me/dotyellow2/49
Wêreldbank loods plan om alle boerdery regoor die wêreld te vernietig... onder die verskoning om koolstofvrystellings te verminder -

Gemanipuleerde, mensgemaakte #hongersnood en massa #hongersnood word beplan vir die HELE Westerse wêreld... maw GEWETTIGDE MASSAMOORD 😡

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Albert Pike het 'n bloudruk geskryf van gebeure wat hulself in die 20ste eeu sou afspeel, wat onsigbare leiers vandag volg om die beplande Derde en Finale Wêreldoorlog te ontwerp.

Sy plan was drie wêreldoorloë met die finale oorlog wat die weg oopmaak vir 'n nuwe globale godsdiens wat Lucifer as sy afgod sou hê.

Pike se visie was om Moslems teen Jode en Christene regoor die wêreld te stel.

Solank ons ​​wag dat "die goeie ouens" ons kom red, sal ons nie kan onderskei wie werklik ons ​​beste belange op die hart dra of oplossings kan skep nie

Elke Disney-fliek, tekenprent, die 'white hat'-cowboys, het almal, die massas, vir hierdie tyd geprogrammeer.

Om besluite te neem gebaseer op emosies en iemand waarvan jy 'hou', is breinsmokkel...  Heksery = manipulasie & misleiding.

Die waarheid laat jou NIE goed voel nie. Dit is 'n New Age evangelie leuen.

Wanneer ons begin om onsself genoeg te bevraagteken en op te voed om deur die sluier van multidimensionele misleiding te sien, breek ons ​​die towery.

Mag die waarheid ons vrymaak ❤️‍🔥

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3de Wêreldoorlog ontwerp.

Albert Pike 33 grade messelaar, het die 33 grade van die Skotse Rite geskep, mede-skep die KKK (K=11de letter, 11x3=33) en bly 'n eerbiedige figuur in globale Vrymesselary

In 1891 is Pike se begrafnis om middernag in die Washington Freemasonic Temple gehou, die kamer heeltemal in swart gedrapeer. Dit is 'n man wat 'n polsband gedra het waardeur hy beweer het dat hy konstante kommunikasie met Lucifer handhaaf

Op 15 Augustus 1871 het Albert Pike aan Giuseppe Mazzini geskryf en drie wêreldoorloë uiteengesit om een ​​wêreldregering tot stand te bring.

Die twee wêreldoorloë was presies soos Pike dekades tevore beplan het.

Die derde stem vreeslik toevallig ooreen met die huidige wêreld politieke situasie.

WW3 sal Tavistock se 'War on Terror'-tema en regverdiging voortsit. Hierdie keer sal Moslems zionistiese regerings 'aanval'.

Dan vernietig verdere vals revolusionêre projekte   almal, sodat die Luciferiese New Age tot die 'redding' kan kom.

Die ware geestelike konflik bly verborge, God en God se kinders teen die kultusse in mag en die owerhede van die bose wat hulle beheer soos poppe.

🌕 https://t.me/dotyellow2/56

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Media is too big
Are you a chosen one?

See all the signs... and know for yourself.

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Media is too big

Kyk na die waarskuwingstekens. Goed wat jy dink siektes is.

Pharma maak goed geld met hulle meds en sal niemand vertel dat dit natuurlik verwyder kan word nie.

Warning Signs You May Have Parasites

Many of the symptoms you may be feeling could, in fact, be parasites. Mainstream pharma shill Doctors do not want you to know because it can be treated naturally.


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Media is too big
Ondersoek ALLES wat jy moontlik kan van jou Familie Bloedlyn. Kyk hierdie video om te verstaan hoe baie belangrik dit is.

Bloedlynvloeke bestaan.

Research EVERYTHING You Can About Your Family Bloodline


Whatch on YouTube

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* Hoeveel water gebruik elke mens per dag vir drink en vir higiëne.
* 3 Dae water stoor idees
* 14 Dae water stoor idees
* Oorlewing


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* How much water each person uses per day for drinking and for hygiene.
* 3 Days water storage ideas
* 14 Day water storage ideas
* Survival


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Forwarded from My Resepteboek


250 g botter
750 ml suiker
5 groot eiers
6 X 250ml ongesif afgemeet koekmeel
30 ml bakpoeier
10 ml neutmuskaat
2 ml sout



1 eier
25 ml melk


Verroom botter suiker en eiers.
Sif droe droë bestanddele saam.
Meng by eiermengsel in tot sagte deeg.
Rol uit en druk af.
Verf met eier en melk.
Bak by 200 grade vir 8 tot 10 minute.


🍥🥮🥟 https://t.me/Myresepteboek/1704
How to get rid of GOOGLE.

Get uncensored & unfiltered information about anything.

...and guys...share this link with your friends. Time for the google-silicon valley-internet-monopoly to get competition.


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Homemade Bug Spray for the Garden

3 Easy Recipes


Natural pest control for your veggie patch.
Read up when and where to use it.

Easy and affordable

Tips on ally insects and much more



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Forwarded from DOEN DIT SELF
Geen werk te vind nêrens nie?

Begin 'n klein besigheid.

Laai die "startup kit" af.

Kyk deur die ingeslote lys van kleinbesigheid idees. Of blaai deur hierdie DIY kanaal. Daar is tonne idees



Ander koppel vir idees:


Can't find a job? Start your own small business.

The StartUp Kit is for anyone considering or starting a business.

This kit offers all the tools and tips you need to succeed. It'll help you find an idea, spot a gap in the market and start your own small business. Doing so will be one of the best moves you've ever made!


Zucker en die NWO gespuis wil die wêreld in "animation" oordra. En my brein vertel my dat daar geen manier is wat ek in 'n Tom en Jerry Animasie kan beland as 'n volwaardige animasie figuur nie. Dit is absurd verby.

Wel.... dit is moontlik. Die fliek "The Congress" verduidelik dit baie mooi.

Dit is hoekom ons DNA so gejag word. Hoekom ons ingespuit moet word met Graphene en Nano-twak en hoekom Elon Musk met sy "consiousness oorplasing" rondneuk en die clone-storie wat nou so eg is dat jy vir jou 'n nuwe kind/hond/enigiets vir $200000 kan gaan bou.

Maar hoe gaan hulle dit imllimenteer?

Deur "DRUGS"  en "AI".

Maar kyk gerus die fliek. Robin Wright speel haarself in die film. Ek moes hom 2 keer kyk om regtig te verstaan. Maar dit is 'n riller as jy eers die IMPAK van hulle psigopatiese droom besef. Om vir ewig te leef. In 'n staat van Animasie.

Volledige film 👇👇


👆👆 full movie to watch online..free


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Die videosnit was die mees inspirerendse ooit....

My geïnspireer om AL MY DIGITALE speelgoed in 'n asblik te wil gooi en te HARDLOOP ...ver van die beskawing... Diep in die bos in.

Ongelooflik siek.

Ek kry my kleinkinders bitter jammer.

Zucker verduidelik hoe dit werk...

Die satan se woorde drup soos heuning van sy lippe af...

Dit word nou eers ingestel met babatreetjies... Die eerste treetjie is die groot bonkige blok hier reg voor jou oë... Teen jou kop vasgemaak.

Sal in die volgende plasing die volgende stappe verduidelik.

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