English language is my life!!!
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💤 Ingliz tilida "Men charchadim" - I'm tired iborasini turli alternativ variantlarini ishlatishni oʻrganamiz!

🙄 I'm exhausted

🥱 I'm wiped out

🤪 I'm beat

😢 I'm wrecked

😨 I'm drained

😱 I'm burnt out

😞 I'm spent

🥱 I'm knackered
📌 Sifatlarning otlashishi!

🟣 Baʼzi sifatlarga "the" artiklini qoʻysak otlashadi.

Blind (koʻzi ojiz) - the blind (koʻzi ojizlar)

There are special schools for the blind in our country.
(Mamlakatimizda koʻzi ojizlar uchun maxsus maktablar bor)

🟣 Millat nomiga "the" artkili hamda "-s" koʻplik qoʻshimchasini qoʻysak u otlashadi va shu millatga mansub kishilar maʼnosini anglatadi.

Russian (rus) - the Russians (ruslar)
German (nemis) - the Germans (nemislar)
American (amerikalik) - the Americans (amerikaliklar)

🟣 -sh, -ch (English, French) qoʻshimchalari bilan tugagan sifatlar otlashganda aniq artikl ishlatiladi va butun bir millat ma'nosini anglatadi.

The French - fransuzlar
The English - Inglizlar

Teliponimga qarasam tabiatni go'zalligini his qivoryapman😁😊
Bugun Green Card chiqadi😉
O'ynaganlar bormi?
Hi there How's it going?
Tomorrow we are going to orginise a full MOCK test based on a real example practice tests! Enhance your language proficiency with English Dom!
It will commence at 10 o'clock but you have to register before starting the test at 9:00 o'clock!
Sharing is caring
Urre Green Card chiqmadi😁
Men Vatanimni sevaman😂
Have a nice dream eee
📣 THE artikli bilan doimo qoʻllaniluvchi soʻzlar

🔘 The top of - …ning tepasida

🔘 The end of - …ning oxirida

🔘 The same - bir xil

🔘 The Sun/Moon/Sky - quyosh/oy/osmon

🔘 The radio - radio

🔘 The cinema - kino

🔘 The theatre - teatr

Good morning everyone!
Have a nice day!
Some additional words and phrases you can use to express your likes and dislikes:

- I'm really passionate about
- I'm really fascinated by
- I'm really excited about
- I'm really interested in
- I find it (adjective) (e.g., I find it fascinating/inspiring)
- It's something that really captivates me
- It's something I can't get enough of
- It's something that brings me a lot of pleasure/enjoyment
- I have a real affinity for

- I strongly dislike
- I really can't stand
- I find it (adjective) (e.g., I find it boring/annoying)
- It's something that doesn't appeal to me at all
- It's something I find quite dull/uninspiring
- It's something that doesn't resonate with me
- It's something I have no interest in whatsoever
- It's something that doesn't grab my attention

𝗝𝗼𝗶𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀👇👇👇
Ingliz tilida feʼl (Verb)  yasovchi qoʻshimchalar!

📝 -en

To widen - kengaytirmoq

📝 -fy

To simplify - soddalashtirmoq

📝 -ize

To mobilize - jalb qilmoq

📝 -ate

To demonstrate - namoyish qilmoq

📝 re-

To resell - qayta sotmoq

📝 -en

To strengthen - kuchaytirmoq

📝 -fy

To signify - ifodalamoq

📝 -ize

To organize - tashkil qilmoq
Doktor Oiz Qarniy
Qayta- qayta o'qigim keladi shu kitobni!
Yoqtirgan diniy yoki badiiy kitobingizni yozingchi?
Fikr almashamiz😊
🍃Commonly repeated synonyms

•  advances
- developments

•  challenges - difficulties

•  law enforcement - police

•  innovations - new ideas/products

•  completely eliminate - totally get rid of

•  inherent - natural

•  improvements - developments

•  limit - control

•  extinguish - eliminate

•  conflict - fight

•  desires - impulses

•  violate - break the rules

•  dictates - rules

•  related to - concerning

•  struggle - fight against

•  apprehended - arrested

•  nonetheless - regardless

•  capacity - ability

•  install cameras - put up surveillance

•  physical world - real life

•  online - the internet

•  common - ubiquitous

•  filmed - recorded

•  negligible - not significant

•  reduction - decreased

•  awareness - knowing about

•  extended - lengthened

•  detect - find

• advent - introduction of

•  in particular - especially

•  priorities - what you consider important

•  safety - not harmful

•  claims - arguments

•  privacy - not public

𝗝𝗼𝗶𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀👇👇👇