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✳️ Predloglar ✳️
✅about -haqida
✅above - tepada
✅across - orqali, ichidan
✅after -keyin
✅against - qarshi
✅among -o’rtasida
✅around - atrofida, taxminan
✅as - o’xshab
✅at - ostida, ichida
✅before - oldin
✅behind - orqada
✅below - pastda
✅beneath - ostida
✅beside - yonma-yon
✅between - o’rtasida
✅beyond - orqasida, narigi tomonida
✅but - lekin
✅by - yonida, -da, -dan tomonidan
✅despite - ga qaramay
✅down - past tomoniga
✅during - davomida, mobaynida
✅except - dan tashqari
✅for - uchun
✅from…- dan
✅in - ichida
✅inside - ichida
✅into - ichiga
✅near - yonida
✅next - yonida, atrofida
✅of…. - ning
✅on - Ustida, ichida
✅opposite - qarama-qarshi
✅out….- dan
✅outside - tashqarida
✅over - tepasida, o’stida
✅per - uchun
✅plus - qo’shuv
✅round - taxminan
✅since…- dan beri
✅than… - dan ko’ra
✅through - orasidan, orqali
✅till - gacha
✅to….- ga
✅toward…- ga
✅under- tagida, pastida
✅unlike…- ga o’xshamasdan
✅until - gacha
✅up…- ga, …da
✅with - bilan
✅with in - ichida
✅without… - siz
✅two words - ikkita so’zlar
✅according to…- ga qaraganda
✅because of - sababida, tufayli
✅close to - yaqinda
✅except for - dan tashqari
✅far from - dan uzoq
✅inside of…. - Ichida
✅instead of…- dan ko’ra
✅near to….- ga yaqin
✅next to… -dan keyin
✅outside of… - dan tashqari
✅prior to….- Gacha
✅three words - uchta so’zlar
✅as far as… - gacha
✅as well as… - ga o’xshab
✅in addition to…- ga qo’shimcha
✅in front of… - qarshisida
✅in spite of…- dan ko’ra
✅on behalf of…- nomidan
✅on top of… - tepasida
✅about -haqida
✅above - tepada
✅across - orqali, ichidan
✅after -keyin
✅against - qarshi
✅among -o’rtasida
✅around - atrofida, taxminan
✅as - o’xshab
✅at - ostida, ichida
✅before - oldin
✅behind - orqada
✅below - pastda
✅beneath - ostida
✅beside - yonma-yon
✅between - o’rtasida
✅beyond - orqasida, narigi tomonida
✅but - lekin
✅by - yonida, -da, -dan tomonidan
✅despite - ga qaramay
✅down - past tomoniga
✅during - davomida, mobaynida
✅except - dan tashqari
✅for - uchun
✅from…- dan
✅in - ichida
✅inside - ichida
✅into - ichiga
✅near - yonida
✅next - yonida, atrofida
✅of…. - ning
✅on - Ustida, ichida
✅opposite - qarama-qarshi
✅out….- dan
✅outside - tashqarida
✅over - tepasida, o’stida
✅per - uchun
✅plus - qo’shuv
✅round - taxminan
✅since…- dan beri
✅than… - dan ko’ra
✅through - orasidan, orqali
✅till - gacha
✅to….- ga
✅toward…- ga
✅under- tagida, pastida
✅unlike…- ga o’xshamasdan
✅until - gacha
✅up…- ga, …da
✅with - bilan
✅with in - ichida
✅without… - siz
✅two words - ikkita so’zlar
✅according to…- ga qaraganda
✅because of - sababida, tufayli
✅close to - yaqinda
✅except for - dan tashqari
✅far from - dan uzoq
✅inside of…. - Ichida
✅instead of…- dan ko’ra
✅near to….- ga yaqin
✅next to… -dan keyin
✅outside of… - dan tashqari
✅prior to….- Gacha
✅three words - uchta so’zlar
✅as far as… - gacha
✅as well as… - ga o’xshab
✅in addition to…- ga qo’shimcha
✅in front of… - qarshisida
✅in spite of…- dan ko’ra
✅on behalf of…- nomidan
✅on top of… - tepasida
Stop saying "THANK YOU"! Use these alternatives to sound like a native 🌠💫✨
🌟 Oh my God! This is so sweet!
🌟 Oh, you shouldn't have!
🌟 I owe you one.
🌟 You made my day.
🌟 I can't thank you enough.
🌟 I don't know what to say.
🌟 What would I do without you?
🌟 I really appreciate it!
🌟 I truly appreciate it!
. .
How do you REPLY to "Thank you"?
🌟 It's my pleasure.
🌟 Don't mention it.
🌟 No need to thank me. It's nothing.
🌟 Happy to help.
Source: linguamarina
🌟 Oh my God! This is so sweet!
🌟 Oh, you shouldn't have!
🌟 I owe you one.
🌟 You made my day.
🌟 I can't thank you enough.
🌟 I don't know what to say.
🌟 What would I do without you?
🌟 I really appreciate it!
🌟 I truly appreciate it!
. .
How do you REPLY to "Thank you"?
🌟 It's my pleasure.
🌟 Don't mention it.
🌟 No need to thank me. It's nothing.
🌟 Happy to help.
Source: linguamarina
Language has a (5) significant importance in our life, people depend enormously on it in every aspect of life. (1) It is argued by researchers (2) that, the early introduction of a second language in primary schools might (6) seem (3) advantageous rather than in secondary ones. In this essay I will discuss this proposal and the advantages and disadvantages that (4) lies beneath it.(7)
🎯 Grammatical errors
1. It's argued by researchers - there is no need to highlight or put emphasis on the agent (who did this). Active is better here.
Change to ➡️ Researchers argue ✅
2. That, - No comma needed!
Remove comma ✅
3. Word order - introducing it in primary school rather than in secondary school OR it would be more advantageous to introduce.... ✅
4. Verb subject agreement ( singular used instead of plural) - lie ✅
🎯 Lexical errors
5. Choose one - significant means important, this is essentially saying "language has an important importance"
Use one significant or important ✅
6. Simpler is better
Use "be" ✅
7. Not precise
Change to ➡️ this can bring / could bring ✅
👉 @Doniyorbek7532👈
Language has a (5) significant importance in our life, people depend enormously on it in every aspect of life. (1) It is argued by researchers (2) that, the early introduction of a second language in primary schools might (6) seem (3) advantageous rather than in secondary ones. In this essay I will discuss this proposal and the advantages and disadvantages that (4) lies beneath it.(7)
🎯 Grammatical errors
1. It's argued by researchers - there is no need to highlight or put emphasis on the agent (who did this). Active is better here.
Change to ➡️ Researchers argue ✅
2. That, - No comma needed!
Remove comma ✅
3. Word order - introducing it in primary school rather than in secondary school OR it would be more advantageous to introduce.... ✅
4. Verb subject agreement ( singular used instead of plural) - lie ✅
🎯 Lexical errors
5. Choose one - significant means important, this is essentially saying "language has an important importance"
Use one significant or important ✅
6. Simpler is better
Use "be" ✅
7. Not precise
Change to ➡️ this can bring / could bring ✅
👉 @Doniyorbek7532👈
IELTS imtihoni bo'yicha maslahatlar: 'CHUQUR' JAVOBLAR 🌟
Afsuski, IELTS imtihonini speaking va writing qismlarida nomzodlar sayoz yoki yuzaki javoblar bilan kifoyalanib qolishadi. Ular bir nechta fikrlarni keltiradilaru, lekin hech birini mufassal qilib bayon qilib berishmaydi. Agar ular shunchaki bitta fikrni olib, o'shani tafsilotlari bilan izohlab berishganida edi, natijalari ham yaxshiroq chiqar edi; aynan shuni men 'chuqur javob' deb atayman.
Shunchaki bitta g'oyani qo'lingizdan kelganicha misollar bilan kengroq yoyib berishni mashq qiling. Shu narsani qila olishingiz speaking va writing ballaringizgni yuqoriroq bo'lishiga katta yordam berishi mumkin.
Manba: IELTS Simon 🔖
Afsuski, IELTS imtihonini speaking va writing qismlarida nomzodlar sayoz yoki yuzaki javoblar bilan kifoyalanib qolishadi. Ular bir nechta fikrlarni keltiradilaru, lekin hech birini mufassal qilib bayon qilib berishmaydi. Agar ular shunchaki bitta fikrni olib, o'shani tafsilotlari bilan izohlab berishganida edi, natijalari ham yaxshiroq chiqar edi; aynan shuni men 'chuqur javob' deb atayman.
Shunchaki bitta g'oyani qo'lingizdan kelganicha misollar bilan kengroq yoyib berishni mashq qiling. Shu narsani qila olishingiz speaking va writing ballaringizgni yuqoriroq bo'lishiga katta yordam berishi mumkin.
Manba: IELTS Simon 🔖
Forwarded from Milton Kosonsoy (Ericc Uzbek)
1️⃣ Maktablarda ishqiy-romantik munosabatlarga yo‘l qo‘yilmaydi.
2️⃣ Yapon maktablarida yozgi kanikul berilmaydi. 5 haftalik kanikullar o‘quv yili davrida beriladi va o‘sha davrda ham o‘qituvchilar o‘quvchilar bilan muttasil shug‘ullanib keladi.
3️⃣ Maktabda farrosh yo‘q, bu vazifani o‘quvchilarning o‘zi bajaradi. Shuning uchun ham o‘quvchilar hech qayerga ortiqcha narsalar tashlamaslikka va maktabni iflos qilmaslikka harakat qiladilar.
4️⃣ O‘quvchilarning turli-tuman soch turmaklari va lak-bo‘yoqlarga ruxsat etilmaydi.
5️⃣ Yapon bolalari boshlang‘ich sinfdan keyin forma kiyishga o‘tishadi.
6️⃣ Maktabda bir o‘quvchining o‘z iqtidori bilan alohida ajralib turishiga yo‘l qo‘yilmaydi! «Iqtidorsiz o‘quvchining o‘zi yo‘q!» degan tushuncha Yapon ta'lim tizimida ustuvor! Yapon maktabi har bir o‘quvchini teng va betakror deb biladi va ularni har taraflama tayyorlashga yo‘naltirilgan.
♻️ Ulashing
👉 Milton English 👈
1️⃣ Maktablarda ishqiy-romantik munosabatlarga yo‘l qo‘yilmaydi.
2️⃣ Yapon maktablarida yozgi kanikul berilmaydi. 5 haftalik kanikullar o‘quv yili davrida beriladi va o‘sha davrda ham o‘qituvchilar o‘quvchilar bilan muttasil shug‘ullanib keladi.
3️⃣ Maktabda farrosh yo‘q, bu vazifani o‘quvchilarning o‘zi bajaradi. Shuning uchun ham o‘quvchilar hech qayerga ortiqcha narsalar tashlamaslikka va maktabni iflos qilmaslikka harakat qiladilar.
4️⃣ O‘quvchilarning turli-tuman soch turmaklari va lak-bo‘yoqlarga ruxsat etilmaydi.
5️⃣ Yapon bolalari boshlang‘ich sinfdan keyin forma kiyishga o‘tishadi.
6️⃣ Maktabda bir o‘quvchining o‘z iqtidori bilan alohida ajralib turishiga yo‘l qo‘yilmaydi! «Iqtidorsiz o‘quvchining o‘zi yo‘q!» degan tushuncha Yapon ta'lim tizimida ustuvor! Yapon maktabi har bir o‘quvchini teng va betakror deb biladi va ularni har taraflama tayyorlashga yo‘naltirilgan.
♻️ Ulashing
👉 Milton English 👈
Forwarded from "El-yurt umidi" Foundation
🇬🇧⚡️Буюк Британияда ўқиш учун Chevening стипендияси
🇬🇧⚡️Британская стипендия Chevening для иностранных студентов 2022/2023 в Великобритании
🇬🇧⚡️British Chevening Scholarship for International Student 2022/2023 in UK
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🇬🇧⚡️Британская стипендия Chevening для иностранных студентов 2022/2023 в Великобритании
🇬🇧⚡️British Chevening Scholarship for International Student 2022/2023 in UK
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The most heart touching video about Father. I wish everyone to have father although he is broke,although he has never had a car to take you somewhere with,although he has never been benign to you,although ........
Letʼs appreciate everything as long as it exists before you
Watch it👉@mruzswlu
Letʼs appreciate everything as long as it exists before you
Watch it👉@mruzswlu
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Band 8.5 | Book 1
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Band 8.5 | Book 1
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Band 8.5 | Book 2
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📗 IELTS Vocabulary Masterclass
Band 8.5 | Book 3
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Band 8.5 | Book 3
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#ielts #vocabulary
Phrases commonly used in speaking📌
1. Stay out of trouble. Muammodan uzoqroqda yur.
2. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Bunday qilma. Men qilmagan bo’lardim.
3. You’re pushing your luck. Omadingni o’zingdan itaryapsan.
4. You have your head in the clouds. Asl haqiqatni ko’rmayapsan.
5. Let me know… Menga xabar bering.
6. Get back to me. Menga javob qaytaring.
7. Get real. Realistik bo’l.
8. Let’s get down to business. Qani, ishga kirishamiz!
9. It was like pulling teeth. Juda qiyin kun bo’ldi.
10. Good to know. Bilib qo’ygan yaxshi.
11. Who knows? Buni javobini hech kim bilmaydi.
12. Who cares? Bu hech kimga qiziq emas.
13. Who do you think you are? O’zingizni kim deb o’ylayapsiz?
14. Who asked you? Sizdan hech kim fikringizni so’ramadi.
15. I’d like to pick your brain. Sizning fikringizni bilmoqchiman.
16. Keep me posted. Menga xabar yozib turing. (Ko’pincha, sarkastik uslubda “bu menga juda qiziqarli emas” ma’nosida qo’llaniladi.)
17. I don’t know it off the top of my head. Bunga darhol javob bera olmayman. Avval eslab olishim yoki bu ma’lumotni qidirib topishim kerak.
18. I spoke to soon. Shoshib gapirib yubordim.
19. Keep them on their toes. Ularni ish bilan band qilib turing.
20. I’m sorry for the mix up. Chalkashtirganim uchun uzr.
1. Stay out of trouble. Muammodan uzoqroqda yur.
2. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Bunday qilma. Men qilmagan bo’lardim.
3. You’re pushing your luck. Omadingni o’zingdan itaryapsan.
4. You have your head in the clouds. Asl haqiqatni ko’rmayapsan.
5. Let me know… Menga xabar bering.
6. Get back to me. Menga javob qaytaring.
7. Get real. Realistik bo’l.
8. Let’s get down to business. Qani, ishga kirishamiz!
9. It was like pulling teeth. Juda qiyin kun bo’ldi.
10. Good to know. Bilib qo’ygan yaxshi.
11. Who knows? Buni javobini hech kim bilmaydi.
12. Who cares? Bu hech kimga qiziq emas.
13. Who do you think you are? O’zingizni kim deb o’ylayapsiz?
14. Who asked you? Sizdan hech kim fikringizni so’ramadi.
15. I’d like to pick your brain. Sizning fikringizni bilmoqchiman.
16. Keep me posted. Menga xabar yozib turing. (Ko’pincha, sarkastik uslubda “bu menga juda qiziqarli emas” ma’nosida qo’llaniladi.)
17. I don’t know it off the top of my head. Bunga darhol javob bera olmayman. Avval eslab olishim yoki bu ma’lumotni qidirib topishim kerak.
18. I spoke to soon. Shoshib gapirib yubordim.
19. Keep them on their toes. Ularni ish bilan band qilib turing.
20. I’m sorry for the mix up. Chalkashtirganim uchun uzr.
Phrases commonly used in speaking (Part 2)📌
20. I’m sorry for the mix up. Chalkashtirganim uchun uzr.
21. Wait, don’t tell me. Shoshmang, siz nima demoqchiligingizni taxminan bilaman.
22. I’d be happy to help. Yordam berishdan xursandman.
23. You get what you pay for. Arzon sho’rva tatimas.
24. Right this way. Bu yo’ldan.
25. I can’t keep up. Uddalay olmayapman.
26. Put yourself in my shoes. O’zingizni meni o’rnimga qo’yib ko’ring.
27. I have too much time on my hands. Bo’sh vaqtim juda ko’p.
28. I have a lot on my plate. Ishim juda ko’p.
29. Give me a break.
1) Menga yana bir imkon bering
2) Menga bunchalik bosim o’tkazmang.
30. Stop being so hard on yourself.
1) O’zingni qiynama
2)O’zingni ko’p ayblama.
31. How’s work going? Ishlaringiz yaxshimi?
32. Have you heard the good news? Yaxshi yangilikni eshitdingizmi?
33. Push back the appointment. Uchrashuvni kechiktirish.
34. I don’t want to hear that. Buni eshitishni istamayman.
35. I’m losing it. Jinni bo’lyapman shekilli.
36. I’ve lost my touch. Avvalgidek yaxshi eplay olmayapman.
37. I haven’t kept in touch with them. Ular bilan aloqada bo’lib turgan emasman.
38. Stay in touch. Aloqada qoling.
39. You look like a deer in headlights. Tarashadek qotib qolganga o’xshaysan. (qo’rquv yoki hayratdan qotib qolganga o’xshab)
40. Can I take a message? Biror xabar yetkazib qo’yaymi?
20. I’m sorry for the mix up. Chalkashtirganim uchun uzr.
21. Wait, don’t tell me. Shoshmang, siz nima demoqchiligingizni taxminan bilaman.
22. I’d be happy to help. Yordam berishdan xursandman.
23. You get what you pay for. Arzon sho’rva tatimas.
24. Right this way. Bu yo’ldan.
25. I can’t keep up. Uddalay olmayapman.
26. Put yourself in my shoes. O’zingizni meni o’rnimga qo’yib ko’ring.
27. I have too much time on my hands. Bo’sh vaqtim juda ko’p.
28. I have a lot on my plate. Ishim juda ko’p.
29. Give me a break.
1) Menga yana bir imkon bering
2) Menga bunchalik bosim o’tkazmang.
30. Stop being so hard on yourself.
1) O’zingni qiynama
2)O’zingni ko’p ayblama.
31. How’s work going? Ishlaringiz yaxshimi?
32. Have you heard the good news? Yaxshi yangilikni eshitdingizmi?
33. Push back the appointment. Uchrashuvni kechiktirish.
34. I don’t want to hear that. Buni eshitishni istamayman.
35. I’m losing it. Jinni bo’lyapman shekilli.
36. I’ve lost my touch. Avvalgidek yaxshi eplay olmayapman.
37. I haven’t kept in touch with them. Ular bilan aloqada bo’lib turgan emasman.
38. Stay in touch. Aloqada qoling.
39. You look like a deer in headlights. Tarashadek qotib qolganga o’xshaysan. (qo’rquv yoki hayratdan qotib qolganga o’xshab)
40. Can I take a message? Biror xabar yetkazib qo’yaymi?
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Working and earning - Ishlash va pul topish (Unit 27)
Topic vocabulary
ambition - orzu-istak
application - ariza
bank account - bankhisobi
boss - boshliq
career - karyera
colleague - hamkasb
company - kompaniya
contract - shartnoma
department - vazirlik
deserve - xohlamoq
earn - ishlab pul topmoq
fame - shuhrat
goal - maqsad
impress - hayron qoldirmoq
income - daromad
industry - sanoat
interview - intervyu
leader - lider
manager - menejer
pension - pensiya, nafaqa
poverty - kuch
pressure - bosim
previous - oldingi
profession - kasb
retire - nafaqaga chiqmoq
salary - maosh
staff - xodim
strike - ishtashlamoq
tax - soliq
wealthy - boy
© Destination B1
Topic vocabulary
ambition - orzu-istak
application - ariza
bank account - bankhisobi
boss - boshliq
career - karyera
colleague - hamkasb
company - kompaniya
contract - shartnoma
department - vazirlik
deserve - xohlamoq
earn - ishlab pul topmoq
fame - shuhrat
goal - maqsad
impress - hayron qoldirmoq
income - daromad
industry - sanoat
interview - intervyu
leader - lider
manager - menejer
pension - pensiya, nafaqa
poverty - kuch
pressure - bosim
previous - oldingi
profession - kasb
retire - nafaqaga chiqmoq
salary - maosh
staff - xodim
strike - ishtashlamoq
tax - soliq
wealthy - boy
© Destination B1
Phrases commonly used in speaking (Part 3) 📌
40. Can I take a message? Biror xabar yetkazib qo’yaymi?
41. They’re out of the office right now. Ular ofisda emas.
42. They’re not available at the moment. Ularning hozir vaqti yo’q.
43. Don’t push me. 1) Asabimga tegma 2) Meni majburlama.
44. Don’t be so quick to judgment. Xulosa chiqarishga shoshilma.
45. I have a bad feeling about this. Ko’nglim nohush.
46. I have a good feeling about this. Ko’nglim yaxshi ish bo’lishini sezyapti.
47. I can’t imagine. Tasavvur qila olmayapman.
48. A little birdie told me. Bir gap eshitdim. (ma’lumot manbasi ko’rsatishni hohlamaganda)
49. Make time for (something). Nimagadir vaqt topish.
50. Let me see how I can move some things around. Vaqt ajratish uchu kun tartibimga qarab ko’raychi.
51. Look out! Ehtiyot bo’ling!
52. Think fast! Tez firklang!
53. Loosen up. O’zingni bo’sh qo’y.
54. Put (something) on hold. Kimnidir kuttirib qo’yish/nimanidir vaqtinchalik orqaga surib qo’yish.
55. You can’t be serious. Xazillashyotgan bo’lsang kerak.
56. Go ahead. Olg’a!/Davom et.
57. It’s no big deal. Katta muammo emas.
58. Will do. Bo'pti qilaman.
59. Don’t put me on the spot.
Boshqalarni oldida menga urushma.
60. Watch where you’re going. Ketayotgan yo’linga qara.
40. Can I take a message? Biror xabar yetkazib qo’yaymi?
41. They’re out of the office right now. Ular ofisda emas.
42. They’re not available at the moment. Ularning hozir vaqti yo’q.
43. Don’t push me. 1) Asabimga tegma 2) Meni majburlama.
44. Don’t be so quick to judgment. Xulosa chiqarishga shoshilma.
45. I have a bad feeling about this. Ko’nglim nohush.
46. I have a good feeling about this. Ko’nglim yaxshi ish bo’lishini sezyapti.
47. I can’t imagine. Tasavvur qila olmayapman.
48. A little birdie told me. Bir gap eshitdim. (ma’lumot manbasi ko’rsatishni hohlamaganda)
49. Make time for (something). Nimagadir vaqt topish.
50. Let me see how I can move some things around. Vaqt ajratish uchu kun tartibimga qarab ko’raychi.
51. Look out! Ehtiyot bo’ling!
52. Think fast! Tez firklang!
53. Loosen up. O’zingni bo’sh qo’y.
54. Put (something) on hold. Kimnidir kuttirib qo’yish/nimanidir vaqtinchalik orqaga surib qo’yish.
55. You can’t be serious. Xazillashyotgan bo’lsang kerak.
56. Go ahead. Olg’a!/Davom et.
57. It’s no big deal. Katta muammo emas.
58. Will do. Bo'pti qilaman.
59. Don’t put me on the spot.
Boshqalarni oldida menga urushma.
60. Watch where you’re going. Ketayotgan yo’linga qara.