Diamond DMD Coin Channel
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DMD Diamond is the first cooperative consensus blockchain with full smart contracts and Delegated PoS consensus.

Join innovative and fully decentralized alternative to other blockchain v4 solutions.

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Why is DMD rewarding?

Profitability is one of the most important user criteria in choosing a project. But the DeFi market is progressing, the needs of users are changing, which means that the requirements for platforms are also changing.

Participants are increasingly paying attention to the purpose of the project, whether it harms the environment, what it contributes to the overall development of the blockchain or the financial system. We want to tell you exactly how DMD Diamond is useful for participant, the market, as well as for the whole world.

◼️ For the participant. If you become a validator and a DMD Diamond staker, a participant can get high passive rewards. DMDv4 also has a clever system of vaults, or “pots”, which returns lost tokens to circulation.

◼️ For the market. The DMD Diamond project uses the HBBFT cooperative protocol and the DPoS protocol to confirm transactions, increasing the level of decentralization of the entire DeFi market.

◼️ For the whole world. While PoW projects are switching to renewable energy sources to reduce CO2 emissions, DMD Diamond has completely abandoned PoW and switched to the HBBFT consensus algorithm, which is energy-intensive and does not affect the environment in any way.

DMD Diamond improves everything with which it interacts.

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The oldest projects in crypto and their fate

The blockchain market becomes more and more popular and it is filled with various crypto projects, many of which, unfortunately, simply disappear over time. What is the reason?

The work of the DMD Diamond project began in 2013 and continues to this day. Surprisingly, according to statistical sites, more than 80 projects created in the same year died after 2-3 years.

As it turned out, many projects were simply “abandoned” by their owners, and the trading volume gradually decreased to zero. Although there were also those who were able to increase the market capitalization to millions, they did not break out into the leaders.

Long-distance competitions are the best indicator of the success of the project. For example, the Quark cryptocurrency began its journey in 2013, like DMD Diamond, but today its market capitalization is 2 times less.

Yes, there are such powerful projects as Bitcoin and Litecoin, which started their journey a little earlier and became leaders. But even now, despite their popularity, they have a number of problems.

The key to the success of the DMD Diamond platform is that we keep up with the crypto market and offer the best conditions to our investors. For 8 years, we have achieved huge results and do not stop there!

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HDD mining VS DMD Consensus

The DMD project uses its own consensus algorithm — Honey Badger Byzantine Fault Tolerant. The scientific paper it is based on was written in 2016 and its goal was to solve the following issues:

— Slow transactions
— Difficulties associated with the synchronization of blocks in a large network.

Recently, an algorithm called Proof-of-Space has been gaining popularity. For mining, you need to use a HDD and no calculations are required, only free disk space.

What is the advantage of the DMD solution against HDD mining?

🔹 Increased reliability. HDDs after a certain number of write-rewrite cycles quickly fail, while HBBFT does not have such a problem.

🔹 A cooperative HBBFT consensus makes sure a unintended fork can never happen. A competive consensus by design includes many micro forks and mechanisms to try to reorganize and unify back to avoid a chain split.

🔹 Instant finality of the transaction. You don't have to wait for multiple confirmations.

🔹 HBBFT is a industry first feature that no other EVM able blockchain implemented until yet

🔹 Detection and elimination of malicious nodes.

🔹 The possibility of implementing a dynamic block time, while with Proof-of-Space it is much more difficult to do this.

Therefore, DMD uses the Honey Badger Byzantine Fault Tolerant consensus algorithm, which surpasses its competitor for HDD mining in reliability, speed and security.
What was the first consensus algorithm we used on DMD?
Anonymous Poll
Proof-of-Space & Time
Honey Badger Byzantine Fault Tolerant
The main benefits of decentralization and how we get it 🔩

Decentralization is one of the main features of cryptocurrencies. But let’s take a closer look at its advantages in terms of functionality.

First of all, decentralization gives an important feature — a coin or a project can have a creator, but, de facto, the community controls the platform. If for some reason the community does not like the way the project is developing, the project enthusiasts can easily create their own fork and continue the development of the ecosystem according to their own rules.

This implies the following point – security. Decentralized solutions are more secure than their centralized counterparts. In centralized solutions, many people can turn a blind eye to small bugs and holes that may never pop up. Decentralized solutions are usually open-source, therefore, they are worked out more carefully and any problems are solved as quickly as possible.

In addition to information security, there is also financial security. If no one controls the coin, it is much harder to carry out fraud with it. For example, no one forbids the state to disperse the printing press and collapse the currency. In the case of cryptocurrencies, it is impossible to do this.

How we achieve decentralization

The DMD Diamond platform wants to provide the maximum level of decentralization and creates an improved blockchain, where each user freely manages their assets and participates in the development of the project.

DMD Diamond is an open system controlled by its participants, each participant can not be afraid of losing funds due to incorrect actions of the management body because he is a part of the management body. Securing the blockchain and deciding about future development funding — all happens by the network participants and the coin owners. There is no out of blockchain company or organisation who rules DMD Diamond.

Learn more: https://bit.diamonds
DMD coin: historic evolution

The DMD project has one important feature: several stages of coin development. How do they differ and what kind of coins are they?

DMDv1 and DMDv2. These are coins that were active from July 2013 to August 2017. They worked on a mixed PoW/PoS algorithm and provided network security. About half of all coins sold are v1 or v2.

DMDv3. The launch of the third version was divided into three phases, each of which began using different blocks. After the launch of this version of the coin, there was a smaller reward for mining, by analogy with BTC halving.

The DMDv3 time intervals are September 2017 to 2021. All v3 coins that will not have time to be found before the release of the fourth version will become v4 coins.

DMDv4. The latest version of the protocol coins at the moment. The DMDv4 reward logic will recreate a similar curve for deploying unallocated coins and add re-insertion logic that allows you to receive infinite rewards even with small finite stock.

Therefore, each of the versions of the coin represents a technological leap, which constituted over 8 years of impressive development of the project.
Is crypto mining dying or being reborn? ☁️

Many users, after each cryptocurrency price correction, go on claiming that cryptocurrency mining is dying. These users have a number of opponents who claim that with each market leap, mining only gets better in each of its new iterations.

Let’s see who is right.

Most people understand mining to be classic Proof-of-Work mining in which you need to buy expensive equipment in the form of ASICs or a video card farm to earn money. It is a very large investment, and the payback of which is often questionable.

However, does this make mining a dying industry?

Of course not, because today you don’t need to buy tons of computing devices for mining. It is enough to buy the right coins and earn rewards using Proof-of-Stake mining.

In many ways, for ordinary users who don’t get too technical about crypto, staking is similar to a deposit in a bank. Investors buy coins and block them on wallets, and after a while, they are given a percentage in the form of tokens.

One of these coins is DMD, which works using its own modification of the Proof-of-Stake algorithm. Therefore, if you want to mine and not worry about investments, be sure to buy $DMD.
The achievements of the DMD Diamond platform

DMD Diamond is one of the oldest blockchain projects that still continues to exist and is being actively updated. Over its long history of 8 years, the platform has accumulated a number of achievements that can be boasted of.

— Transition from a hybrid PoW/PoS algorithm to in-house development of HBBFT.

— Listings on both decentralized and centralized exchanges.

— Introduction of the functionality to deploy your own masternodes.

— The transition from the DMDv1 token to the DMDv4 token.

— In addition to classic staking on their own node, users have “delegated” staking without the need to run their own always online node.

— Transition from the classical decision-making system to the DAO.

— Enabling users to run their own business using smart contracts.

And this is only a small part of all the platform’s achievements.

You can learn more on our website: https://bit.diamonds/
DMD Diamond: benefits for stakers 💪🏻

Many stakeholders often wonder what benefits they get from keeping their coins on the balance sheet.

One of the most important benefits that DMD Diamond stakeholders get is a continuously working network (thanks to their efforts).

Users who hold funds not only receive rewards for delegating their staking power on top of validator candidates, but also help find new blocks, which has a positive effect on the speed and stability of the network.

In addition, the stakeholders directly help the platform to become even more secure. Therefore, the stakeholders of the DMD Diamond platform also receive a benefit in the form of a stable and reliable platform that they can use, for example, for their business.
How many DMD can be staked on a single validator?
Anonymous Poll
5,000 DMD
10,000 DMD
25,000 DMD
50,000 DMD
Is blockchain speed important in 2021? 💻

In 2021, the speed of blockchains, it would seem, is no longer as important as 5-6 years ago. Is this really the case?

Contrary to popular belief, the speed/capacity of a blockchain is still one of its most important characteristics. It directly depends on how much users pay for transactions.

This was perfectly demonstrated by Ethereum in 2020. The network was not designed for high loads as a result of which mining pools seized power over commissions, bringing them to an absurd level of $200.

At the same time, such blockchains as DMD do not have such a problem and will never face it.


The DMD has a high block speed, and thanks to HBBFT, blocks can be formed almost instantly. Therefore, when the network enjoys incredible popularity around the world, it will still not be possible to make the commissions at least somewhat formidable.

The speed of the blockchain is still one of its most important indicators. If you choose a platform with which you’ll pay or conduct business, DMD is the best option!

But DMD Diamond v4 not only has incredible speed and instant final blocks, but its blocks also have a possible capacity that is way above anything known from Ethereum. Ethereum blockgaslimit is around 12.5 million gas these days but DMD v4 can create blocks with up to 1000 million gas used inside one block!
How to use the DMD coin today 📅

It’s important to pay attention to the use case of the token. So, today we want to take a closer look at DMD coin and a wide range of prospects for its implementation.

🔹 Rewards

v3 Users can take advantage of both staking and masternodes (with v4 delegated staking and validator candidate nodes). It is enough to buy tokens or deploy your node to get a reward. This is an eco-friendly way to do mining and does not harm the environment.

🔹 A payment unit

A distinctive feature of DMD is the speed of transactions and their cross-border functionality. Do you need to transfer funds to your business partner across the ocean? Don’t want to waste time in the bank? Use DMD!

🔹 Trading

DMD is listed on many exchanges that allows traders to use it with both short and long positions. The token is available on both centralized and decentralized platforms.

Therefore, you can use DMD as a full-fledged utility tool. Trade, pay with DMD or use for rewards!

🔹 Transaction and Smart contract fees

The DMD Diamond Coin will be the currency that acts as Fuel to run smart contract (with v4) powered Blockchain projects for the gas cost and all asset transactions on the DMD Diamond blockchain.
HBBFT and PoST: what is better? ⚖️

Proof-of-Space and Time is a new consensus algorithm: to mine new blocks you need to prove that you spent some time keeping the reserved space unchanged. The cost of storage is related not only to the capacity but also to the time during which this capacity is used.

This algorithm has become popular for the reason that mining requires not only computing power but also free space on the drive. During the period of shortage of graphics cards, this concept is a real salvation for some.

At the same time, an important point is that for effective mining it is necessary to use an SSD. This type of drive has a very small write-overwrite cycle, which quickly SSD them out of use.

The Honey Badger Byzantine Fault Tolerant consensus algorithm does not require the user to purchase any kind of specialized hardware normal servers can run as a validator candidate node.

Since it does require minimal computing power (~100-200w for a validator candidate node), it does not affect the environment in any way, and a distinctive feature of the algorithm is the ability to form a block almost instantly.

Therefore, HBBFT is a much more environment-friendly, economical, and reliable consensus algorithm than the newly popular Proof-of-Space and Time technology.
DMD Diamond: one of the oldest blockchain protocols ☄️

There are enough fingers on one's hand to count the blockchains that can boast continuous successful operation (over 5 years). One of these projects is DMD. It has already completed transitions through 4 versions of the coin, each of which brought about new technological solutions.

So, the transition from a hybrid mining algorithm to HBBFT is one of the most significant events so far. It will save the power for your PC and help the planet.

What can the project boast of?

— As already mentioned, the transition to a new version of mining.
— Listing on both centralized and decentralized exchanges.
— The ability to reward users.
Open source code and so on.

Why should you choose DMD?

DMD will allow you to effect fast and cheap money transfers to anywhere in the world, earn rewards with the help of delegated Proof-of-Stake mining. You help to establish a faster higher capacity and cheaper alternative to Ethereum as a smart contract platform (and far more decentralized and not under company controll as for example BSC). This also gives you confidence that the support of the project will not stop.
What is the DMD “4 coin pot” system? 🎛

The distribution of tokens in pools is one of the most important parts of tokenomics. In this case, DMD uses a non-standard term, which is called the “4 coin pot” system.

What is it and what does each pot look like?

Claiming Pot

This is one of those “pots” intended for the DMDv3 coin holders. When switching to DMDv4, users are offered to claim new DMD coins on the v4 network in a ratio of 1 to 1 to their v3 snapshot balance, without giving them up which is typical.

Delta pot

There will be 4.38 million v4 coins in total taking into account the DMDv3 coins that are not in issue. The detected difference between the two numbers will be sent to the delta “pot” (“delta” means “difference” in mathematics). These coins will be gradually issued as rewards of the epoch.

Reinsert Pot

One of the most interesting features of DMDv4 is the mechanism for reinserting coins back into circulation. If the DMDv3 owners do not claim their DMDv4s within a certain period, the part of the DMDv4 to which they are entitled is restored by the system. Additional abandoned coins in staking contracts (after 10 years) and transaction fees will fund the reinsert “pot” and create a forever working resource to fund epoch rewards.

Governance Pot

A part of not claimed coins fill the base of the governance “pot” and a 10% share of the epoch rewards also constantly refill the DAO “pot”. With the help of DAO functions, DMDv4 coin holders will be able to vote regarding making changes to the project, marketing, grants for decentralized applications and so on, and fund them.
DMD Diamond v4: our achievements and plans 🏆

In every project, achievements in any of the life cycles are important. In addition to the achievements, DMD has many plans for the future.

So, what can DMD boast of today?

1. The ability to process large-weight blocks significantly faster than Ethereum
2. A working alpha version
3. Constant updates along with the process of refinement of the system
4. Fast-growing social media
5. Constant reports on the work done for maximum transparency.

What are DMD's future plans?

1. Advance from open alpha towards open beta version with full content includet
2. Launch DMDv4
3. Develop and release 4.1 upgrade with main content DMD DAO proposal voting and funding logic
4. Below you can find a few examples of future via DAO proposal voting chosen to develop and fundet addons:
— Message Bridge (AMB) development: a bridge designed for universal cross-chain data transfer (or a similar alternative).
— DEX or protocol for automated liquidity provision with a positive impact on the DMD coin economic model, with fees to reinsert pot and bonus rewards for active stakeholders.

5. Any other suggestions initiated by the community of stakeholders and validators.

Thus, DMD is constantly developing its network, releasing updates and delivering reports about them. In the future, a full-fledged launch with all the functionality, as well as DAO functions and DEX will take place.
Centralization vs decentralization

Cryptocurrency projects feature both centralized solutions (for example, some exchanges or coins like XRP) and decentralized ones.

In this post, we will find out which projects are more effective at achieving their goals.

As far as exchanges are concerned, decentralized solutions have a number of advantages. For example, they are safer. All transactions are recorded in the blockchain and executed using smart contracts. In addition, funds are controlled by the users.

Centralized solutions also perform transactions on their servers, and all funds on users' balances are actually controlled by the exchange.

Centralized cryptocurrency projects you don’t frequently come upon, however, they still exist. So, the issue of price-ambivalent XRP is controlled by its creators. If you buy, for example, 1000 coins at a price of $1, you can never guarantee that the creators won’t decide to issue another million coins to devalue them.

Decentralized cryptocurrencies, such as DMD, on the contrary, are controlled exclusively by their community. Decentralization allows you to achieve absolute honesty. In this case, developers act only as the network’s maintenance staff who releases updates and improves the project but it's the user's decision to install these upgrades and make them go active once the majority support them.

DMD Diamond after 4.1 release which introduce the DMD DAO goes one step further and make the community also direct be involved in project proposal voting and funding decisions which means the community itself controls the Roadmap after 4.1
Which benefits does DMD offer to its stakers? 💯

Proof-of-Stake mining is a fairly popular way among users to get rewards from projects.

🔹 First, it is very cheap. It is enough just to buy coins. No mining farms, etc.

🔹 Second, Proof-of-Stake does not require any technical knowledge. You don't need to configure hardware.

🔹 Third, it’s eco-friendly. Miners don’t cause environmental damage in any way.

What benefits do miners receive in the DMD network?

In addition to the obvious rewards on the network, users also get the right to cast their vote in the DAO.

These votes first go to the validators who decide for which of the proposed options to give the final vote.

These can be proposals for changing the network itself, as well as proposals for marketing, financing decentralized applications with grants, and so on.

Therefore, stakeholders become not only users who get rewards but also users who make decisions on the platform using the DAO.
How DMD is saving the environment ♻️

Today, the issue of environmental protection is most relevant. Mining means a big contribution to the process of emission of carbon dioxide, which leads to the destruction of the ozone layer.

This problem gets worse with each halving which presumes increased capacities of video cards and ASIC miners. Mining farms can consume up to 7000W per hour. ASICs are more efficient, using up to 4000W, but these are still huge values that make a significant contribution to the process.

What does DMD offer?

The DMD platform works on the HBBFT consensus & PoSDAO node election mechanic, which is similar to the delegated Proof-of-Stake that is already familiar to many.

In order to mine, you do not have to spend PC's computing power. You just need to lock the funds on the balance, which will allow support for the chosen validator candidate node you stake on top to be included more often and earn rewards as a part of the active validator set.

Therefore, with the help of a delegated Proof-of-Stake mining algorithm, DMD helps the environment, since it does not require the cost of electricity to create new blocks. Only the validator candidate nodes need to run 24/7 and act as backbone and protect the network. All delegated stakers are not required to run a constant node and so a lot of power is saved.
Everything you need to know about the alpha test of DMD Diamond v4 🕹

At the moment, the DMD Diamond platform is in its alpha testing stage. At the time of writing, this test is still closed to the public, however, it will soon be available to many.

What you need to know about the test

🔹 The testing process is going on well. The platform can boast a large number of innovations.

🔹 The testers learned that the DMD network is able to process sizable blocks faster and more efficiently than competitors such as Ethereum.

🔹 We added more test validators to alphanet to increase the max active validator limit, and so we enforced and can test the dynamic validator election component.

🔹 The dynamic blocktime feature with new blocks can be started 1 sec after the former block is finished.

🔹 The hearthbeat feature, that creates a block if there is 10min no demand on network for a transaction, is implemented and working.

🔹 A tool that tracks logging messages for advanced troublkeshooting is ready.

🔹 The beta stage has already been agreed upon, during a complete imitation of the main network launch phase so everything will be well tested.

🔹 The alpha test is now already openly available for validator candidates but also for testing of delegated staking. Follow the news and updates, and also hurry up to become a participant, as this will allow you to be one of the first to enjoy the functionality of the platform and help to improve it with your valuable feedback.
Why are DAOs so popular? 🤜

A DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization. By introducing this mechanism to the platform, investors receive a guarantee that in the future the project will feature functions with which they will be able to influence its development.

Using the DAO, you can make proposals for changes in the system (e.g. increase or decrease minimum blocktime or minimum gasprice for transactions). If the proposal is approved by a majority of voters, the proposer can get funding by the DAO to make it happen (if it is a new feature) or of its precoded feature like adapter transaction fee. The successful voting will just change that blockchain setting.

Validators in the DMD network can change their decisions during the voting process. Therefore, delegates should monitor the behavior of their validator when voting and switch to a validator who does not change their opinion at the last minute.

The decision can be changed within two weeks, and users will witness it. If you are a validator and change the decision, then you will have to explain why in order for users to have the opportunity to make this decision or go to another validator.

Validators are encouraged to vote early in order to express their opinion by voting for an option in the proposal. Delegates are encouraged to bet on active validators who vote in accordance with their preferences.

With the help of DAO functions, DMD users will be able to delegate their votes to validators in order to manage the platform and make certain changes to it if the majority votes for them.