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How to Heal People Instead of Just Medicating Them: Dr. Jingduan Yang



🔵 Try Epoch Times now: https://ept.ms/3Uu1JA5 This is the 30 minute TV version of Jan Jekielek’s interview with Dr. Jingduan Yang. The longer-form version was released on Epoch TV on January 21, 2025.🔴 Watch the extended version of this episode: https://ept.ms/Y0121JDYang“In America, we really don’t have a health care system, even though we call everything ‘health’ insurance, ‘health’ care, and this and that,” says Dr. Jingduan Yang.“We’re not healthy as a nation because we allocate all resources trying to deal with consequences of problems or disease, rather than to prevent [them] and find the root causes that cause those problems,” he says.Yang is a specialist in psychiatry and integrative medicine, and is a fifth-generation practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine. He’s the CEO of Northern Medical Center and founder of the Yang Institute of Integrative Medicine.Western medicine could learn a lot from the approach of Chinese medicine, he says, which emphasizes prevention before problems become structurally damaging and looking at every part of the body as part of an integrated system.“In Chinese medicine, every organ is connected. ... Therefore, there’s no way you could address any part of the body’s issue without looking at the whole system,” Yang says.CHAPTER TITLES0:00:01 - Medical Errors and Healthcare System in the U.S.0:00:09 - Introduction to Dr. Jingduan Yang0:00:18 - Importance of Prevention in Chinese Medicine0:00:35 - Dr. Jingduan Yang's Background0:00:40 - Challenges in the Current U.S. Healthcare System0:01:12 - Introduction to Four-Dimensional Medicine0:10:22 - The Role of Energy and Spiritual Dimensions in Health0:12:07 - Dr. Jingduan Yang's Background and Integrative Medicine0:17:51 - Critique of Modern Medicine and Pharmaceutical Influence0:18:13 - Proposed Solutions for Improving Healthcare0:22:16 - Final Thoughts and Recommendations🔵 Sign up for the American Thought Leaders ALERTS newsletter to stay up-to-date on new episodes, releases, and special events 👉 https://ept.ms/ATLnewsletter💛 Support us 👉https://donorbox.org/american-thought-leaders-------------------------------------------------© All Rights Reserved.

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Public Schools and the Battle For Children | Corey DeAngelis | EP 529



Jordan Peterson sits down with bestselling author, commentator, and researcher, Dr. Corey DeAngelis. They shed light on where 50% of all state budgets are spent, the surprising stack of monopolies that strangleholds public education, the partisan lies surrounding school choice, and the truth every parent needs to know: school choice uplifts all students. Dr. Corey A. DeAngelis is a senior fellow at the American Culture Project and a visiting fellow at the American Institute for Economic Research. He has been labeled the “school choice evangelist” and called “the most effective school choice advocate since Milton Friedman.” He is a regular on Fox News and frequently appears in The Wall Street Journal. DeAngelis is also the executive director at Educational Freedom Institute, a senior fellow at Reason Foundation, an adjunct scholar at Cato Institute, a board member at Liberty Justice Center, and a senior advisor at Accuracy in Media. He holds a Ph.D. in education policy from the University of Arkansas. He is the national bestselling author of “The Parent Revolution: Rescuing Your Kids from the Radicals Ruining Our Schools.”This episode was filmed on February 28th, 2025.Unlock the ad-free experience of The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast and dive into exclusive bonus content on DailyWire+. Start watching now: http://dwpluspeterson.com/ytALL LINKS: https://feedlink.io/jordanbpeterson| Links |For Corey DeAngelis:On X https://x.com/DeAngelisCorey?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor Read his most recent book “The Parent Revolution: Rescuing Your Kids from the Radicals Ruining Our Schools” https://amzn.to/4h3wAeK | Sponsors |PreBorn!: Help save babies from abortion. Visit https://preborn.com/JORDAN Shopify: Sign up for your one-dollar-per month trial period at http://shopify.com/jbpOracle NetSuite: Download the CFO’s Guide to AI and Machine Learning at http://NetSuite.com/JBPMarek Health: Get a 10% discount on the Optimization Package (use code PETERSON): https://marekhealth.com/peterson | Chapters |(0:00) Coming up(1:01) Intro(4:38) Avoiding ideological capture in the Department of Education Reform(7:16) 50% of state budgets are spent on K-12 education — where the monopolies form(12:20) “Academia is failing because we need more money”(17:49) Why Democrats refuse to vote for school choice, how the pandemic revealed a broken system(21:29) Educational psychologists tend to promote and amplify the worst ideas — the science of teaching does not need to be reinvented(26:47) How Dr. Peterson mapped politically correct belief systems, why academia attracts low-conscientiousness radical leftists(34:58) Competition in education increases quality across the board(39:54) The academic elites already know the truth about competition(42:32) Publishing four studies a year for nearly a decade(45:59) Public influence and Trump’s endorsement(47:20) Fund students – not systems, a major weakness of the Conservative Party(51:18) Was the Head Start program a success or a failure? Lottery outcomes in education access(55:13) The reasonable idea behind Head Start and where it went wrong(57:59) Flipping the politics around school choice, the Virginia election(1:03:26) Teacher certification needs a multi-pronged solution(1:09:50) Where the money goes…(1:14:38) DeAngelis' use of X to shift the political landscape(1:18:33) What about the children with uninvolved parents?(1:22:29) School choice uplifts everyone — not just the rich// LINKS //Peterson Academy https://petersonacademy.comARC https://www.arcforum.comBooks - https://www.jordanbpeterson.com/books/#JordanPeterson #JordanBPeterson #DrJordanPeterson #DrJordanBPeterson #DailyWirePlus

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A Conversation and Book Signing with Steve Hilton



Please join us for an in-person event with author and Fox News Contributor Steve Hilton for a conversation and book signing on his latest book, Califailure: Reversing the Ruin of America’s Worst-Run State (Publish Date: March 25, 2025). In Califailure, Steve Hilton identifies the nine key "pathologies"—from Elitism to Cronyism to Narcissism—that define the ideology at the heart of California's decline. And he lays out a comprehensive program of policy reform ("CaliFuture") that will restore the Golden State to its rightful place as the very best of America.“I wrote it to explain HOW and WHY things have gone so badly wrong in California - and how we put it right.” – Steve HiltonFor more information on the ongoing works of President Reagan's Foundation, please visit http://www.reaganfoundation.orgFor more information on donations, visit https://www.reaganfoundation.org/support-usLike us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RonaldReaganFollow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ronaldreagan Follow us on Instagram: https://instagram.com/reaganfoundationFollow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ronald-reagan-presidential-library-foundationNewsletter Sign-up: https://www.reaganfoundation.org/newsletter

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A Conversation with Mark Joseph, the Producer of the REAGAN Movie



Join the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute for an in-person event with Mark Joseph, the Producer of the REAGAN Movie, for his latest book, Making Reagan (Publish Date: December 16, 2024)Making REAGAN provides a behind-the-scenes tour of the movie which reached #1 at the box office. This epic journey takes you from script development, hiring talent, and filming when COVID threatened to derail everything, to defying the critics who said REAGAN could never be made.Facebook censored ads, and critics attacked it, but REAGAN quickly became a fan favorite, earning a 98% score on Rotten Tomatoes' Popcornmeter. This is the untold story of the 20-year odyssey of bringing REAGAN to the big screen. Mark Joseph interviewed 50 people who knew Ronald Reagan, visited the places he lived, and takes you on the set for a hit movie that actor Dennis Quaid says is "the favorite of my career thus far."Mark Joseph is a producer and author. He has worked in the development and/or marketing of 76 films including The Chronicles of Narnia, Ray, and The Passion of the Christ. He is the co-founder and a member of the board of directors of the Damah Film Festival. For more information on the ongoing works of President Reagan's Foundation, please visit http://www.reaganfoundation.orgFor more information on donations, visit https://www.reaganfoundation.org/support-usLike us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RonaldReaganFollow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ronaldreagan Follow us on Instagram: https://instagram.com/reaganfoundationFollow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ronald-reagan-presidential-library-foundationNewsletter Sign-up: https://www.reaganfoundation.org/newsletter

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Victor Davis Hanson: Columbia University is Proud to be ‘Partisan, Political, Left-wing’
Columbia University, Higher-Ed’s “Partisan, Political,” Refusal to Protect Jewish StudentsWhat is it going to take for universities like Columbia University to start protecting their Jewish students? Having the President of the United States cut off $400 million in federal funding is a good start, says Victor Davis Hanson in today’s edition of “Victor Davis Hanson: In His Own Words.”“ It's widespread in higher education and the country's been appalled by it. But for some reason, higher education seems to equate Jewish Americans and, by definition, Israel with the white oppressor side of their Marxist binary, which is non-white oppressed versus white oppressor.“ For a long time, the university has decided that it will make no more pretense that it's disinterested. It's partisan, and it's political, and it's left-wing, and it's proud of it.”Don’t miss out on Victor’s latest videos by subscribing to The Daily Signal today. You’ll be notified every time a new piece of content drops: https://www.youtube.com/dailysignal?sub_confirmation=100:00 Introduction: The Dilemma in Higher Education00:49 Antisemitism and Political Bias in Universities02:05 Campus Culture and Speaker Disruptions02:44 Racial and Gender Bias in Admissions03:42 The Decline of Traditional Education05:05 Financial Challenges and Federal Scrutiny07:12 Conclusion and Call to Action#Hamas #Jewish #victordavishanson #dailysignal #Columbia #highereducation #education #university #Palestine The Daily Signal cannot continue to tell stories, like this one, without the support of our viewers: https://secured.dailysignal.com/

Victor Davis Hanson: Columbia University is Proud to be ‘Partisan, Political, Left-wing’



Columbia University, Higher-Ed’s “Partisan, Political,” Refusal to Protect Jewish StudentsWhat is it going to take for universities like Columbia University to start protecting their Jewish students? Having the President of the United States cut off $400 million in federal funding is a good start, says Victor Davis Hanson in today’s edition of “Victor Davis Hanson: In His Own Words.”“ It's widespread in higher education and the country's been appalled by it. But for some reason, higher education seems to equate Jewish Americans and, by definition, Israel with the white oppressor side of their Marxist binary, which is non-white oppressed versus white oppressor.“ For a long time, the university has decided that it will make no more pretense that it's disinterested. It's partisan, and it's political, and it's left-wing, and it's proud of it.”Don’t miss out on Victor’s latest videos by subscribing to The Daily Signal today. You’ll be notified every time a new piece of content drops: https://www.youtube.com/dailysignal?sub_confirmation=100:00 Introduction: The Dilemma in Higher Education00:49 Antisemitism and Political Bias in Universities02:05 Campus Culture and Speaker Disruptions02:44 Racial and Gender Bias in Admissions03:42 The Decline of Traditional Education05:05 Financial Challenges and Federal Scrutiny07:12 Conclusion and Call to Action#Hamas #Jewish #victordavishanson #dailysignal #Columbia #highereducation #education #university #Palestine The Daily Signal cannot continue to tell stories, like this one, without the support of our viewers: https://secured.dailysignal.com/

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