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#Speaking #Part2
A popular place for sports
Dilmurod Notes | 9.0
Voice message
There are quite a few places where I like to go if I want to do some sports, physical exercise, you know. Out of these, my favorite has to be Eco Park which is one of many public parks in Uzbekistan. And it's located slap bang in the middle of Tashkent. That makes it very accessible no matter what kind of transport you're using - perhaps you're riding public transport, or maybe you're driving. In my case, that's about 10 minutes' drive away from where I live. I get to see people of all ages there. Of course, I don't strike up a conversation or something, but I really like watching these young couples taking a stroll with their babies or sometimes toddlers. Then you have these elderly people doing physical exercise in groups or sometimes going for a run. So obviously you have running and cycling tracks there. You have lots of other facilities for volleyball, beach volleyball. Then you have badminton courts and they they have recently opened their squash court. So that's basically a paradise for sport enthusiasts. Another factor that makes this place even more worthwhile is it's located by a canal and that's a huge advantage given that we have this scorching hot summer days. And sometimes springs and early Autumn can also be quite hot. So having this wind blowing from the canal can be quite pleasant? Finally you have this pop music playing faintly in the distance. And I have to give credit to the administration of the park for their choice and taste of music, which is which is just lovely. So speaking shortly, whenever I go there I feel completely at ease, just disconnected from all my problems ... and energetic obviously. So yeah.
Dilmurod Notes | 9.0
Voice message
Is it necessary to build public sports spaces?
I'd say that's one of the most important things that any government can do because obviously when you encourage people to do sports by making it more accessible, then you are going to get this healthier population with a greater life expectancy. And I think there is no doubt that's definitely a huge benefit for for any nation.

What is the use of Tai Chi for the elderly
I'm not quite sure what Tai Chi means. Could you please explain what that is?

Well, it's a kind of martial art practiced in some Eastern Asian countries like China.
I see. Well in that case, I think what applies to any kind of martial art in my opinion is they help you to build this stamina to keep fighting no matter how hard it gets. It also helps you to build your willpower because usually people discount physical exercise as being kind of easier or maybe inferior to mental activity, but it's not so and only people who have I spent a couple of hours perhaps in a gym can tell you that that's very far from truth.

What are the benefits of sports for children?
Well, it helps to avoid obesity because you are going to burn enough calories to avoid that. Then you are going to have more ... fresh mind, I guess because you are letting this steam off your mind especially for younger children. It's very difficult for them to keep quiet and sports usually helps house to get rid of that energy without any significant harm to perhaps the things at home, right?

Do children need to exercise?
In a sense. No. Maybe on the surface it might seem that because they are doing all these physical activities - running from one place to another, staying on their feet all day and then jumping and doing all sorts of other things. Perhaps sports may not be that significant. At least not as important as it is for older people, right? But I don't think there is going to be any harm if they decide to do things like perhaps football or things.

Do young people like to do sports?
I'm afraid overgeneralizing would be a problem here. But for most people yes, sport is quite appealing. Of course, there are things that are more popular than others but in general, yes, people are becoming more health-conscious these days. Perhaps, we see the impact of this government propaganda (now we are using this term in a positive way, of course).

Why do young people do less sports than their parents?
Well, I think what this all comes down to is the lack of self-control or perhaps having a very weak self-control if you exercise it at all, and that's something that you develop with time and with consistent efforts. Unfortunately for young people that's a very difficult thing to do and they usually can't resist the temptation to do something that gives them this instant gratification right? Playing this video game once more or perhaps watching this episode of their favorite sitcom. For older people, obviously that they understand that they have to do that if they want to. Have a healthy life and if they want to live at all, right in some instances
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Me in the eyes of my students - that’s how cold blooded they see me 👀😂
This is a gem

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Cambridge 17, Test 4, passage 1.
I hadn’t done this practice test before and we tried to do it together. If you didn’t join us live, give it a watch 😍😍
Don’t forget to tell us what you think, it truly matters.
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How to deal with opinion essays?

Some people say that to prevent illness and disease, governments should focus more on reducing environmental pollution and housing problems.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?
#writing #task2
14.4 KB
This is the essay from the online lesson
The chart compares the proportion of male and female residents of a particular town riding bicycles by age in the year 2012.
Overall, cycling was more common among younger people of both genders, with the youngest children having the highest figures. It is also noticeable that the largest difference between women and men was seen among teenagers.
A significant proportion of people under 20 rode bicycles in the town, regardless of their gender. For the youngest age category, the figures were fairly equal at just above 50%, which was the highest proportion for both women and men. Although more than two-fifths of teenage girls cycled, only about a quarter of boys of the same age did so.
In contrast, older people were less active in terms of riding bicycles. Only around 20% of women aged between 20-39 and over 60 went cycling, and the corresponding figures were men were even lower. The smallest proportion of people who rode bicycles was seen in the age group 40-59, where figures for male and female adults stood at around 10% with a slightly higher figure for women.
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Writing Task 1- Comparing and contrasting - A table
#writing #task1
Have you ever wondered if paying teachers and paramedics a fraction of what famous actors and sportspeople make is unfair? Perhaps we should try to reverse the situation - paying educators and first responders millions of dollars and only a couple thousand to professional athletes and other entertainers?
After this article you might want to think again 🤔
Today’s essay topic:

In recent years, there has been growing interest in the relationship between equality and personal achievement. Some people believe that individuals can achieve more in egalitarian societies. Others believe that high levels of personal achievement are possible only if individuals are free to succeed or fail according to their individual merits.
Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.
If you’re not even sure what the term egalitarian means, you can’t afford to miss this 😏
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How to deal with opinion essays?

In recent years, there has been growing interest in the relationship between equality and personal achievement. Some people believe that individuals can achieve more in egalitarian societies. Others believe that high levels of personal achievement are possible only if individuals are free to succeed or fail according to their individual merits.
Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.
#writing #task2
In recent years, there has been growing interest in the relationship between equality and personal achievement. Some people believe that individuals can achieve more in egalitarian societies. Others believe that high levels of personal achievement are possible only if individuals are free to succeed or fail according to their individual merits.
Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

The equality of opportunity and its impact on personal success is a widely discussed topic these days. While some people try to make the case for egalitarian societies, claiming that they would lead to the greatest personal achievement, others argue that only meritocratic societies can help people reach high levels of success. Personally, I support the latter view.

On the one hand, giving everyone an equal opportunity regardless of their background can ensure that no hidden talent is wasted. The reason for that is many individuals with huge potential might never succeed in life just because they have no means to put their skills and talents to use. A famous American investor and billionaire, Warren Buffet’s case clearly illustrates the point. Although the US is not perfectly egalitarian, it nevertheless gives its people access to basic necessities in life such as education and health care. As Buffet himself noted, even his unique skill of analyzing financial markets and choosing the right stocks would be of little or no value had he been deprived of these opportunities and been in different circumstances where he had no chance to use these skills to make his fortune. Thus, equal opportunities help to give everyone a chance to achieve success no matter the circumstances they are born into.

However, such societies might eliminate or, at least, significantly reduce incentives to work hard. If people are given the same resources without regard to their individual merits, it is likely that they will have little incentive to apply themselves. In such societies, it is the nation as a whole that benefits even if people were to succeed thanks to their unique abilities and diligence. As such, individuals themselves may not have much motivation to put in the effort. For example, Soviet engineer Mikhail Kalashnikov, the inventor of one of the most famous assault rifles in history, lived a modest life despite his incredible achievement and tremendous contribution to the nation’s progress. This was precisely because the Soviet Union was built around the idea that everyone should have fairly equal opportunities and all the progress had to be evenly shared by the community. It is not surprising, then, such social values discourage people from applying themselves, thereby hampering growth and preventing people from achieving their full potential.

In conclusion, although providing people with equal opportunities has its own advantages, I believe that it is an obstacle to personal growth because it removes incentives to work hard and put their skills into practice.

415 words
Just got a breakdown of my last IELTS score. What do you think which Task in writing I screwed up? 🥲
What about speaking? Which part would you say was a problem (Hint: three of the components were given 9s ❤️😍)
As this table shows, my problem with writing (at least in the last exam) was in Task 1. More specifically, something must have gone really wrong for Task achievement 🤤
As for the speaking exam, now I know where to look for my mistakes - GRAMMAR 😳 OK, duly noted 🫡
The charts show information about the percentage of men and women aged 60-64 who were employed in four countries in 1970 and 2000.
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Writing Task 1- Describing changes - Bar graphs
#writing #task1
Dilmurod Notes | 9.0
The charts show information about the percentage of men and women aged 60-64 who were employed in four countries in 1970 and 2000.
The bar graphs compare employment figures for men and women between the ages of 60 and 64 in Belgium, the US, Japan and Indonesia from 1970 to 2000.
Overall, the proportion of men working in their early 60s in each country was higher than that of women in both years. Although the labor market participation for either gender was substantially high in the initial year, the figures saw marked downward trends until the year 2000, with the most dramatic drop in the figure for women in Belgium.
In 1970, the largest percentage of elderly men and women employed was in the USA, where the former’s figure stood at around 85% and the latter’s at just below 80%. The other three countries had slightly lower proportions of working men at approximately four-fifths, but much smaller employment figures were observed for women of the same age with roughly every three of out five women working.
During the next 30 years, all countries experienced falls in their employment figures. There was a particularly sharp decrease in the proportion of women in Belgium, with the figure dropping to less than a tenth. At the same time, the figure for American women nearly halved, whereas the other two nations kept their female labor participation at around 50% for senior citizens. Despite the drops in the percentage of men in the labor market, more men aged 60-64 continued their working life than women. Every second man in Belgium and Japan was employed in comparison to three-quarters of their American and Indonesian counterparts.
259 words 👀😁