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Cambridge 17, Test 4, passage 3
See how you find 40/40 in the test 😎
#readingpractice #walkthewalk
#wordoftheday #idiom #informal
My example:
- As a parent, you should not just talk the talk - walking the walk is what matters more for your children.
Dilmurod Notes | 9.0
Voice message
-When do children begin to comprehend the value of money?
-Well, I guess children as young as three or four years old will already have this working knowledge of what money is and how that works. And by the time they step in ... into a school, they already have some sort of money habits, I guess.

-Should parents reward children with money?
-Well, I would highly doubt that because when you give some money because your child, say got a good score in an exam or perhaps because they are helping you around the house with certain tasks, they start to think that the reason why you are giving this money is because the action itself has no intrinsic value, right? Why would any person give something as a reward if what they were doing was a good thing in its own right. Therefore, although you might need to consider giving your children pocket money - not just because they are helping you out in certain chores* or are succeeding in certain domains, but just because you want your child to have some money and also to learn how to handle money. I guess that has to be the motivation but not just to incentivize them to do something because they can earn money this way.

-Is it good and necessary to teach children to save money?
-I guess that's crucial and this is, I think, one of the most important things that any parent, Or a teacher for that matter, can do for for the future of these young people. Because these habits, once developed, are going to persist in most cases and they are going to have a very significant impact in their adulthood as well. Therefore, I think yeah, that's very important.

-Why do people really use cash now?
-Well, I think there are two clear reasons. First of all, the pandemic, right, the COVID pandemic made people realize that using cash is not safe because of health and safety reasons. It could easily be carrying various infections and and I think people have become health-conscious and are trying to limit their interaction with cash. The second reason why that makes me think that people now prefer credit and debit cards to using cash is because it is more convenient because you can buy things online, which is kind of impossible when you want to use cash.

-Do you agree that nobody's people value money the most?
-Ah, no, I wouldn't say that. I am quite optimistic when it comes to that. Although I admit that money is one of the most important things for people and they place a lot of importance on it, I don't think they are ready to sacrifice say with their family or perhaps with their relationships and the well-being of these people that they have around. They are more than ready to give everything they they in most cases to to help these people out. And yeah, I think we should not see people as if they care only about their finances and are just chasing riches, right?

-what do young people spend money on?
-Well on all sorts of things. Usually they don't earn much so they don't have much to spend. And when they do have money they might go shopping or leisure could be an option, right? Going to various places usually with their friends, sometimes they might want to treat their family as well in a nice restaurant and these are about it, I guess.

-Why do young people tend to waste money?
Well in my opinion this is largely a failure of our education system and sometimes that's also negligence on part of parents as well. Because they either don't think that financial literacy should be taught or just they don't know how or when to do that, right? Because they don't know how to deal with money and they don't learn that at an early age, that's going to lead to wasteful spending once they get older and basically they don't know how to deal with money.
Dilmurod Notes | 9.0
Voice message
-Do people in your country like to save money?
-I think they would like to but for the vast majority of people in this country that's very difficult to do just because we have this low levels of income. It's around 200 dollars a month. It's not nearly enough for you even to make the ends meet and so many people I know have to ask their friends to to give them some money to tide them over until next payday. But those who have some spare money in their hands try to do their best to save up for something significant and they normally have a couple of things in mind right maybe buying a car, building a nice house for their children (usually for their sons, so that when they get married they have a place to stay) and sometimes they might start thinking about going abroad for a holiday.

-What's the best way of saving money?
-Well, I guess you can't really look for a one-size-fits-all solution here. But there are some general things that work for most people and the key here is not to have a lot of cash on you because when you don't have it, it's going to be very difficult for you to make any impulsive purchases and you might end up saving a lot of money. Some people in my country like to keep their savings in different currencies, first of all, to avoid this risk of inflation, which is very high with our national currency. And also that makes their job of spending that saving a bit harder because they have to go to the bank and then exchange it and only then can they spend it. So normally this kind of discourages people from spending their savings on unnecessary items.
Some believe that new science related to criminal forensics should be used to look at old cases.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some believe that new science related to criminal forensics should be used to look at old cases.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is often suggested that new insights from forensic sciences should be applied to review old cases in the criminal justice system. Although I support this idea, I believe such an opportunity should be given to only a limited number of cases.
Admittedly, the justice system is notorious for its biases and flaws. In many cases, innocent people are prosecuted based on witness accounts, flawed evidence or subjective opinions of the prosecutors. Even though all these are important elements in judging a certain case, they are not perfectly reliable, and thus, thousands of people are wrongly convicted of crimes they never committed. Therefore, when existing evidence is reviewed using the advances in science, this helps not only to establish justice for those who were unjustly sentenced but also informs us that the real perpetrators remain at large and are roaming the streets.
However, allowing all cases to be considered in light of new scientific knowledge would put an enormous administrative burden on the justice system. Tens of thousands of cases are decided each year by courts, and reviewing all of these cases would be both prohibitively expensive and inefficient. Therefore, a case should satisfy certain criteria to be eligible for review. Cases in which the decision was based on weak evidence, for example, or the outcome of which was questioned by the convicted individuals deserve to be looked at using new scientific methods and analyses. This way, judicial resources will be used appropriately, at the same time allowing justice to prevail despite the initial wrong conviction.
In conclusion, old criminal cases should be reviewed in order to ensure that no innocent person is punished for others’ wrongdoings. Nevertheless, such a possibility should only be allowed for some instances where there is reasonable evidence to suspect that the decision might have been unjust.
302 words
~40 minutes (including me trying to explain everything 🧐🤯)
Dilmurod Notes | 9.0
Some believe that new science related to criminal forensics should be used to look at old cases. To what extent do you agree or disagree? It is often suggested that new insights from forensic sciences should be applied to review old cases in the criminal…
I was too tired today, and honestly thought about cancelling this session. But promise is a promise. The resulting essay also turned out to be beautiful 😍
If you found it useful, just make sure to share it
Media is too big
Some believe that new science related to criminal forensics should be used to look at old cases.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
#writing #task2
I'm going to share with you something special today. It's not related to English, but I hope it will inspire you to do good for others 💌.
I received this email from The Fred Hollows Foundation. It's a charity organization that fights against avoidable blindness. I donated a very small sum quite a while ago, but it must have helped someone. Cataract surgery (a cure for blindness in some cases) is very cost effective - as low as $25 in certain cases.
In case you wonder what to do with your money next time, you know that your $25 can give someone's vision back. If this is not a wonder, then what is?
Some people think that boys and girls should attend school together. Others feel that they should be educated separately.
Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.
The common practice of educating male and female students in co-educational schools is supported by many. However, some are in favor of single-gender schools. While I admit that the latter approach could have certain benefits for students, I strongly feel that mixed schools equip them with important skills and foster creativity.
From one perspective, sending children to single-gender schools might have an important advantage, particularly for girls. By separating boys and girls, such schools help to avoid stereotypical views concerning male and female-dominant fields. STEM subjects are a clear example of sciences which male students are generally considered to have natural talents for. In a typical classroom, a girl with a keen interest in these subjects might hold back in a science class because they are afraid of being frowned upon. While boys frequently ridicule such enthusiastic girls in front of the whole class, potentially destroying the girl’s confidence, such incidents are not possible in a class with female students only. Therefore, these young students retain their confidence and gain the chance to explore the subject of their interests without hesitation and insecurity.
However, mixed-gender schools offer important opportunities for girls and boys to interact. This is because they have various general differences in their view of the world and thinking due to a combination of natural and social factors. Hence, classes that bring both genders together bring various perspectives into their studies. They will have the chance to exchange ideas and learn from each other. It is not difficult, then, to see how that leads to greater creativity. Moreover, these students learn important social skills necessary to work with the opposite gender. Without a doubt, such skills will prove useful in the workplace, where men and women are no longer separated but instead, encouraged to cooperate to achieve common goals.
In conclusion, both forms of schooling have their own advantages. Nevertheless, I believe that it is far more important to allow boys and girls to work together so that they will develop vital interpersonal skills and exchange ideas.
#task2 #writing #notmyopinionsjustanessay
339 words
40 minutes
What do you say if I tell you that you’re going to have a listen to a mock exam where I am the candidate and another 8.5 holder, a friend of mine, is the examiner?
You’ll get the script and detailed feedback on my weaknesses
Speaking Mock Practice
Me in the shoes of a candidate 😍
#speaking #part1 #part2 #part3
Dilmurod Notes | 9.0
Voice message
Part 1

- All right, let's talk about hair, right?
So do you like going to a hairdresser's or barber's?
- Well, I can't say this is my favorite activity, but I understand that this is a necessity and I try to go there, I think, four or five times a year.
-Do want to change your hair color?
- I think that's off the table, especially for men in conservative families like mine. And if you did that, then you would be most probably frowned upon and perhaps even ostracized in the public. Yeah.
- How how long have you had this haircut?
- For, for two or three months, I guess, because I last had a haircut, I got a haircut in December, I guess because I had an important date, you know. And as you see it's already grown quite long, so I have to go there quite soon.
- Thank you. Nice. Have you ever had a haircut that you didn't like,
- Of course, I had and this wasn't even once. And the last time I remember was when I was joining the army, right, for a month and according to the rules, You need to shave off all the hair you have and I, I managed to get away with a buzz cut, but it wasn't a pleasant haircut at all.
- Thank you. Nice. Okay, let's change the topic to Outdoor space and stars. Okay,
- So are you interested in films about outer space and stars?

- Well, not particularly because usually they are quite far-fetched. I mean, they are not even realistic in most cases. They, they are usually, they usually involve some fantasy aspects. Yeah.
- Thank you. Okay. Do you want to travel now to space?
-Well, I, I sometimes think about it because it's already a possibility for civilians like me, right, who have had zero training in astronautics To, to go to the space but I think that's still dangerous. So most probably that's not going to happen in the near future but maybe in about three or maybe four decades perhaps I will consider this more seriously.
- Thank you. So have you ever learned about stars in our space?
- Well, quite a bit, yes. Especially at school because we use to combine physics and astronomy into single subject and we learned quite a few things about this, but I've already I think forgotten most of it.
- So is it important to study stars?
- Yes, definitely but I mean it's I think it's not as important to be involved in the school curriculum, but there should be some people who dedicate their lives to study of these things because, after all, our survival in the long-term depends on this subject.
Dilmurod Notes | 9.0
Voice message
Part 2

- Thank you, sir. That's the end of part one. Let's go to part 2. I'd like you to talk about the time when someone gave you something that you really wanted, okay
? All right. So you have one minute to prepare and you can take notes if you wish. Here's a paper and pencil. You can start now.
- Honestly, I appreciate every gift that I get but one of the most memorable ones for me was when I got an organizer for my desk. About half an, one and a half years ago. And at that time I was busy trying to open up my own education center. And you know, you have all these things that you have to that you have to do. Because I didn't have that much time to go shopping and buy some stationaries my desk at work remained a mess, right. There was this pile of things and it was very difficult to find things when I needed them and a friend of mine who noticed that I guess most probably came came along and he was holding this newly released version of organizer by a company called Deli. This is, this is quite a prestigious, I think, company in Uzbekistan when it comes to stationaries and I really loved it. Right? Because it was organized in such a way that there was space for everything right you had this clippers, you had pins. You also had some nice spaces for for erasers and all these sorts of stuff. And yeah with the help of it my desk got quite tidy and I started loving it, really. And the reason why I wanted to have it apart from this mess is as a child, I usually, I used to think about my future as involving a certain office with with a nicely decorate... with a nice decor and and of course a desk in the middle of it and that desk had to be organized in order for this dream to be fulfilled So, yeah.
Dilmurod Notes | 9.0
Voice message
Part 3
- Okay, let's talk gifts and rewards in part 3. So what rewards to Children want to get?
- Well, I think it mainly depends on the age of a child. If you are speaking about younger children, they normally care about food and different sweets, you know, maybe some juices. But for older children, they'll already understand how valuable money is so they will be asking for money or sometimes maybe bikes, perhaps some different devices like tablets and phones. Yeah.
- Thank you. So what are children usually rewarded for at school?
- Usually for their performance or perhaps active participation in extracurricular curricular activities, perhaps they are quite good at certain sport. Maybe they've already joined the school team and are representing the school in different competitions. Other than that, I guess they don't get much of any rewards for different things.
- Okay, what kind of rewards to schools give to children?
- Mmm, If the child... if the school has enough funds they might give different devices usually a laptop these days because laptops are kind of ... have kind of become an integral part of learning schools have nowadays Wi-Fi connection, there are a lot of parts of learning that involve a certain technology. You have children doing their homework on different websites. And on top of different devices like laptop, I think children also get letters of recommendation or maybe letters of gratitude to make their parents usually happy. I think that's also an important reward.
- Hmm. Okay. So do you think it's a good idea to reward children with money?
- Well, yes, I think yes. A lot of people say that money usually spoils children and et cetera, stuff like that. I don't ... I don't really buy this because, you know, after all they are going to start earning money and if you really care about those children, they have to learn how to manage that, manage money. They have to develop different money habits. And I think rewarding with money - it is fulfills two purposes at the same time. So, yeah, you are training your child how to ... how to handle money and at the same time they are getting motivated, right? Because they've done something good and now they are seeing the rewards.
- Mmm, okay. So what kind of rewards can companies offer to outstanding employees?
- If the employers appreciate that perhaps you could give some training, right? Obviously training doesn't come cheap, but these people deserve it more than anyone else. You can also consider giving them a pay rise, of course. That's all ... always an option. Um, bonuses can also be a good ... good reward for ... for employees who are high performers. You could also offer them a holiday perhaps a paid vacation, usually overseas, right, to ... to show that you value these employees and to send these signals that if you are working hard and you are going to get ... reap the rewards eventually.
Some people work for the same organization all their working life. Others think that it is better to work for different organizations.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Some of us prefer to dedicate our working lives to a single organization while others tend to change their jobs and work for various organizations. Personally, I believe that the latter approach to work is more preferable as it opens up new possibilities and forces people to grow as professionals.

From one perspective, the idea of staying at the same workplace during one’s whole career is indeed appealing. For one thing, this allows employees to adapt to a work environment of the organization better and develop lasting relationships with their colleagues. A good understanding of their co-workers’ personalities makes various arguments less likely, thereby creating a more pleasant working environment. In addition, such employees are usually well-respected in the organization for their loyalty and great experience. They are regarded highly both by their managers and fellow workers, which further contributes to greater satisfaction at work. Clearly, the main benefit of such an approach is seen in a greater sense of fulfillment with one’s job.

However, this deprives us of valuable opportunities to earn more and grow professionally. First, it is not unthinkable that the same work is compensated better at a different workplace. Provided that conditions at that organization are favorable, one should seriously consider changing their jobs and try to increase their income. Moreover, being open to possibility of changing their workplace also means that they will continue learning throughout their working lives. This is because a new job normally comes with new responsibilities and therefore requires a new set of skills. This forces people to leave their comfort zone and constantly improve. Hence, exploring different jobs with various organizations is preferable to sticking to the same job.

In conclusion, it is important to admit that working for the same organization during one’s career brings a greater sense of satisfaction in the workplace. Nevertheless, employment at different organizations offers a potential to increase people’s earnings and most importantly, to achieve a continuous professional growth.

#task2 #writing
Dilmurod Notes | 9.0
Voice message
I promised to share feedback on this mock exam with you. Below you can find some of the areas the candidate (that is, me) can work on:
1. Fluency - you can notice that the candidate occasionally repeats himself several times, as if they are stuttering. E.g. they, they are usually, they usually involve fantasy aspects
2. Lexical resource - certain expressions were inaccurate. E.g. open up - set up/open; clippers - paper clips; much of any rewards - much of a reward; letters of recommendation - just used in a wrong context (they aren’t given to make parents happy)
3. Coherence - reference was a bit problematic in places.
E.g. I have to go there quite soon. Here “there” refers to “barber’s” but this is not very clear.
Also, the candidate slightly misunderstood the question “How long have you had this haircut”. Instead of talking about the last time they got a haircut, they were expected to talk about their current hairstyle.
4. Grammar - mistakes with articles rarely creep into the answers. E.g. the public - public; the space - space; into single subject - into a single subject.
Today more and more people want things instantly (e.g. goods, services, news).
Why is this?
Is it a positive or negative development?

An increasing number of people expect to receive things without a wait these days. This can largely be explained by the modern hectic lifestyle most of us have and our expectations shaped by internet services. While this might seem detrimental at first, I believe this trend has significant benefits.

Undoubtedly, today people are forced to make time for many things on any given day or to even multitask at times to keep up with the pace of modern life. This means that they have little patience to wait for things and waste their valuable time. Moreover, technology has also played a role. The unprecedented development of the internet and the comforts it offers have instilled the belief that everything should be available instantly. Online services such as money transfers, purchases and information searches can be received in a matter of seconds and this is affecting people’s expectations in the physical world too. As a result, they can no longer tolerate queueing at a simple store for several minutes without losing their temper.

Although this change in people’s attitude can make life more stressful, this is rather beneficial for them. Given the people’s intolerance of waiting, companies and government institutions are trying to improve their service and cut queueing times as much as possible. Such organizations can no longer afford to make people wait without losing their customers, or in the case of government agencies, receiving harsh criticism from the public. While in the past people waited in lines for hours to get simple groceries, now most companies offer delivery services with a set delivery time. When they fail to transport items on time, they even provide the items for free. Similarly, virtually all government services are now provided online to please voters and minimize waits.

In conclusion, today’s fast-paced life and improvements in online services have played a major role in raising people’s expectations and making them believe that they are entitled to get what they want immediately. Personally, I firmly believe that this has resulted in substantial positive changes in many aspects of business and public services.
#task2 #writing
348 words
40 minutes