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TIME OF DECEIT (Full Documentary).
Produced by Jon Herold of Badlands Media and Adam Riva of Dauntless Dialogue, Time of Deceit dials into the lesser known history of the mainstream media and its unholy marriage with the U.S. Security State and Intelligence Community. The legacy media institutions can accurately be described as the propaganda arms of the State, and we bring the receipts.

Watch here:

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50 survivors of satanic ritual abuse.
50 survivors United to tell their stories..

Watch trailer here:

Visit the website to see the individual stories here:

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Bread and circuses to keep the masses distracted and ignorant...

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Type 1 Diabetes Following Flu Vaccine.
This is a tale of two vaccine injuries. Kimber Furr’s daughter was diagnosed with Type-1 Diabetes after a flu shot, and her mom passed away after a COVID booster. After all they experienced, the Furr family has decided to stop vaccinating, altogether. Listen to their testimony.

Watch here:

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"Honest" government add about "whistleblower protection."
This really puts things into perspective :(

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The Bureau of Meteorology  issues a warning for a G4 geomagnetic storm.
These geomagnetic storm conditions are expected to arrive at Earth on 10 May 2024, starting at 8.00 pm AEST +/- 10 hours. G4 geomagnetic conditions are expected on 10 May 2024, reducing to G3 with a chance of G4 on 11 May 2024.
This event is a result of four coronal mass ejections observed at 3.36pm AEST and 10.24 pm AEST on Wednesday 8 May 2024, and at 8.24am AEST and 7.36pm AEST Thursday 9 May 2024.
Geomagnetic storms of G4 level can potentially disrupt:
critical infrastructure such as power grids, causing power outages
satellite services, affecting communications and global position, navigation and timing services that use high-frequency radio communication
The Bureau continues to monitor the situation and will provide updates of significant changes.

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Forwarded from Tatespeech
Media is too big
You think cowardice is your friend,

You think safety and comfort are your allies.

You will watch them all transform into regret as you get older.

Then they will stab you in the heart before you take your last breath.

I recommend befriending bravery and hardship instead.
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This cannot all be coincidence.
Western Australia Police are hunting for two males after knife violence erupted at Westfield Carousel shopping centre, Perth, on Friday afternoon.

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People Found Dead After Discovering Free Renewable Energy.
Stefan Marinov was the leader of the European Free Energy movement. In 1997, he made tremendous strides in the technology. Before he could develop his first prototype, he fell out of a window.....

Read about more people who met an untimely end after inventing or developing free energy devices here:

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Isn't it interesting that HAARP can replicate "northern lights" phenomena which is known as aurora borealis in the north and aurora australis in the south.
It makes you wonder.
"Airglow,' a phenomenon very similar to the famous Northern Lights, will be artificially recreated through the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) facility in Alaska for four days as per an Interesting Engineering report."

Read article here:

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Teens kicked out of elite Catholic school for β€˜blackface’ awarded $1m by jury after proving it was just acne mask.
Talk about making a Mountain out of a molehill πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ
"Two teens kicked out of their elite California Catholic school while falsely accused of wearing blackface have been jointly awarded more than US$1 million (A$1.5 million) after proving it was just a green acne face mask.
The then-students at Saint Francis High School in Mountain View were just 14 when they took a photo during a sleepover in 2017 of them wearing the treatment in solidarity with a friend suffering from severe acne, their lawsuit said, reports the New York Post.
The treatment, bought by one of the boy’s mums, was light green when applied and turned dark green once dry."

Read article here:

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Happy Mothers day to all the real mothers out there πŸ₯°

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The dark side of conservation.
Conservation is portrayed in a benevolent light however we only have to look to what happened in Tanzania to see that is just a guise to get people off the land.

"Thousands of Maasai people have fled their homes and escaped into the bush following a brutal police crackdown on protests against government attempts to evict them to make way for trophy hunters and conservation.
On June 8 dozens of police vehicles and an estimated 700 officers arrived in Loliondo, N. Tanzania, near the world-famous Serengeti National Park, to demarcate a 1,500 km2 area of Maasai land as a Game Reserve. On June 10 they fired on Maasai protesting at efforts to evict them: at least 18 men and 13 women were shot, and 13 wounded with machetes. One person is confirmed dead."

Read article here:

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"Indian immigrant Sakshi Agrawal will likely avoid deportation after being sentenced to just 9 months' jail over a Melbourne hit and run that left a young nurse with permanent brain damage.

Agrawal fled the scene and lied to police, claiming her Tesla was on autopilot."

Had she gotten a sentence of more than 12 months which she didn't recieve due to "mental health" she would have been eligible for deportation 😑

Read article here:

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Media is too big
The WEF admit they want to monitor your thoughts, feelings and physical health. Of course they paint it as because they care about you πŸ˜†

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Media is too big
Clearing house failure predicted.
Please stay alert and protect yourselves.

"Regulators (banks) must equip themselves with tools such as "bail-in" bonds to deal quickly with a failed clearing house for stocks, bonds or derivatives without having to call on taxpayers for cash, the G20's risk watchdog said on Thursday."

Read article here:

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A big thank you to all the amazing people who have ordered and distributed our flyers.
The 'Did You Know' team has posted out over 72,000 flyers in the last few weeks FOR FREE to people who have ordered a box. We are currently awaiting a print order to replenish our stock :)
Fantastic work everyone. Let's keep spreading awareness πŸ₯°πŸ™

To pre-order some awareness flyers for FREE (including free postage) head to:

To browse our available flyers go to:

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We are very excited to announce that we now have free stickers :)
There are 36 different stickers in total on a wide range of topics such as:

πŸ“ Climate change
πŸ“ Chemtrails
πŸ“ Vaccines
πŸ“  Digital ID
πŸ“  Smart cities
πŸ“  Covid
πŸ“  Face masks
πŸ“  Child related issues

Note we are out of 5g stickers and renewables.

Each sticker links to an article with video content, to provide people with more information.

To order a free sticker pack (postage is free too) head to:

To preview our stickers and flyers go to:

Read our articles at:

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