Devops Jobs — вакансии и резюме
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#вакансия #devops, #germany #relocation #aws #jenkins #kubernetes
Локация: Мюнхен, Германия
Ставка: 65000 - 70000+ euro gross per year

Финтехпроект для страховых организаций с локацией в Мюнхене, дочерний стартап от страхового гиганта Allianz SE. Сейчас в команде 35 разработчиков, ожидается расширение до 100 человек за 2019-2020 год.

Your daily business:
Build and run the fully automated software delivery platform our software teams need for automated build promotion into production through automated testing
Implement automation of toil and boring, repetitive tasks (testing, packaging)
Work with Jenkins to automate our software delivery life cycle. Cycle time is your Agile metric
Make our microservice-based system play well together
Coach the software engineers on how to use our software delivery, test and production platforms.
To get things done you must have:
•Proven track of actions with Kubernetes or Docker
•AWS, GCloud or relevant Cloud technology experience
•Experience and interest in software delivery optimization through CI/CD
•Python or Groovy
•Advanced English
The tech stack you will work with:
Public Cloud (Azure, AWS or GCloud), Automation tools (Terraform, Ansible), Groovy, Node.js, Spring Boot, Kubernetes & Docker, Istio/Envoy, Kafka, Jenkins, Monitoring Tools (Splunk, Prometheus, OpsGenie), PostgreSQL, Redis, Mongo, Github, Jira

Мы предлагаем
Полное сопровождение релокации, оформление визы для вас и членов вашей семьи.
Бессрочный контракт, позволяющий получить ПМЖ через 21 (с немецким) или 33 (без немецкого) месяца.
Гибкий график и бюджет на образование (семинары, конференции, английский и немецкий языки)

Контакты: Вера Сучкова, senior ICT recruiter at EdgeCase Technology, @verasuchkova,
P.S. Открыты еще две позиции в Мюнхене и Фрайбурге, готова ответить на ваши вопросы!

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Всем пятница! #devops #job #berlin #germany #вакансия #фултайм
Хайрим в нашу Platform Team еще одного инфраструктурщика (Берлин)
Мы пилим онлайн-платформу для полноценной подготовки студентов-медиков к гос-экзаменам: в Германии, США, а так же мы растем по всему остальному миру (уже расширились на Латвию и Украину с английской версией e.g.)
за кадром вакансии:
1. Core knowledge - AWS, Kubernetes, Terraform хоть на каком-то уровне
2. Релокацию поддерживаем
3. Вилка не оглашается, но по правилам чатика скажу, что выйдет примерно EUR 55-65k, в зависимости от уровня человека
4. Не важно, сеньор, джун или мидл - экспертиза внутри команды есть, важно желание расти дальше и драйв помогать продукту. Это как-то важно, ибо мы все-таки продуктовая команда
5. So far, стараемся искоренить бюрократию, а значит у новичка будет карт-бланш на реализацию каких-то своих идей по улучшению платформы
6. Английского на разговорном уровне будет достаточно, в инжиниринге достаточно много ребят из РФ в том числе, все довольно счастливы как бы

Апплаиться по ссылке
Контакт: @cazorla19

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#вакансия #BigData #DevOps #Cloud #Expert #job #relocate #vacancy #Germany #Германия #fulltime

Позиция: #BIG #DATA #DevOps / #Cloud Expert
Город: Мюнхен, Германия. 🌏
Формат работы: офис
Занятость: полная
Зарплатная вилка: 60 — 80 тыс. евро в год (до вычета налогов)
✈️ Помощь с релокацией

Компания занимается инновационными технологическими решениями в направлении Data Science/ Big Data Development.
Приглашаем DevOps / Cloud специалиста, которому интересно работать в области Big Data, вместе с другими членами команды разрабатывать, автоматизировать и внедрять новые решения.
Зарплата: Окончательный уровень зарплаты оговаривается на собеседовании. Собеседование проходит по скайпу.
Разработка и внедрение комплексных решений Big Data
Работа с облачными технологиями (Azure, AWS, OpenStack)
Автоматизация процессов (Jenkins, Ansible, Chef, Puppet, Elastic stack)
Работа с системами контроля и мониторинга (Prometheus, Nagios)
Коммуникация с заказчиками/клиентами.
❗️ Общее требование: Знания/Опыт работы c технологиями распределенных вычислений, например Kafka, Spark, Hadoop, Hive и с оркестровкой контейнеров, например Docker, Mesos, Kubernetes
❗️ Для Cloud специалиста: Опыт работы с облачными платформами, например AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Azure, OpenStack
❗️ Для DevOps: Опыт работы с инфраструктурой, например Ansible, Puppet, Chef, Jenkins, Prometheous, Nagios, ELK
❗️ Опыт работы с CI/CD, например с Jenkins
❗️ Владение английским уровня средний-выше среднего. Желание и стремление изучить немецкий язык до уровня B1 и выше!
• Опыт работы с оркестрацией контейнеров, например Docker, Mesos, Kubernete
• Опыт программирования на Java/ C++/Python/ Scala/ Go

✔️ Оплачиваемые уроки немецкого языка
✔️ Оплачиваемые курсы обучения для вашего профессионального роста
✔️ Мероприятия по тимбилдингу
✔️ Дополнительные бонусы в зависимости от ваших целей
✍️ Смело обращайтесь с вопросами: 📩 Telegram

👉 Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
#вакансия #CI #devops #germany
Локация: Berlin, Glogauer Straße
Занятость: полная, удалёнка или офис по желанию
Опыт: от 2 лет
Зарплата: от 55000 до 65000 EUR/year Gross
Название компании: Parity Technologies

В Parity ( мы создаём принципиально новый способ построения онлайн-сервисов, гораздо более открытый, peer-to-peer способ взаимодействия друг с другом, где пользователи обладают большей автономией.

Мы разрабатываем ядро блокчейн-инфраструктуры. Создаем творческое сообщество с открытым исходным кодом, которое позволит людям создавать лучшие институты с помощью технологий.

Команда лучших в мире блокчейн-инженеров. Основанная пионерами блокчейн, команда Parity в настоящее время насчитывает более 100 человек в девяти странах.
В нашу команду входят ведущие разработчики p2p сетей, изобретатели алгоритмов консенсуса, новаторы блокчейн и Rust-разработчики.

- Коммуникация (!), свободный английский, немецкий не нужен
- Аналитические скилы и декомпозиция задач
- “Can do” настрой
- Энтузиазм к автоматизации и оптимизации процессов
- Умение работать независимо

Обязательные скиллы:
- Gitlab CI, Github Actions или аналог
- Bash scripting
- Linux admin
- Git
- Контейнеризация с Docker/Podman
- Ansible и/или Terraform

Так же полезно уметь:
- Kubernetes
- Мониторинг и метрики
- Любой дополнительный язык скриптования/программирования
- Rust и Cargo
- Кеширование в CI
- Безопасность и fuzzing

👉 Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
#вакансия #DevOps #Docker #GitLab #Linux #AWS #Berlin #germany #Relocate

Вакансия: DevOps
Компания: Juniqe

Компания продает картины для декорации дома

Вакансия в г. Берлин. (страна Германия)
Адрес: м. Генрих Гейне Штрассе. (район Кройцберг)

Занятость: полная.
Зарплатная вилка: 60-80к евро в год
Дополнительно релокационный бонус.

Описание вакансии:


* Управление и планирование инфраструктурой
* Масштабирование процесса разработки
* Распостранение знаний и практик DevOps
* Поиск и устранение узких мест
* Понимание гибких методолгий
* Вносить изменения и добавлять новый функционал в код приложений

О вас

* Отличное понимание практик и принципов DevOps
* Опыт работы с облаками
* Понимание и повседневное использование Linux
* Опыт запуска и настройки конвейеров CI / CD
* Опыт работы с K8s или другими оркестраторами контейнеров
* Опыт работы с Terraform или другими фреймворками IaC.
* Опыт написания кода предпочтительно на Node.js или Python
* Опыт работы в командах приерживающихся Agile
* Страстный специалист по устранению неполадок.
* Вы сообразительный, устойчивый и способный оценивать риски
* Вам нравится делать сложные вещи простыми
* Наслаждайтесь обменом знаниями и обучением каждый день

Наш стек: AWS, GCP(мало), K8S(EKS), Promstack, ELK, Lambda, nodejs, Scala, python(мало), pulumi, terraform(legacy), AWS SAM, Gitlab CI, Slack, ClickUP, Radler

Немного инфы про релокацию:
Для получения из РФ в общем случае достаточно получить оффер и иметь высшее. Жена, ребенок так же получают визы.
Если в Вашем городе нет консульства Германии, потребуется съездить в Москву.

Для связи пишите мне @schmk

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Публикатор: Daria Soldatova
Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
#вакансия #Germany #Berlin #remote #relocation #Terraform #Kubernetes #Helm #PostgreSQL #Redis #Elasticsearch

Вакансия: Senior DevOps Engineer
Формат работы: Full-time, remote or onsite in Berlin
Зарплатная вилка: from 60 to 70K EUR gross (

Our client is Europe's leading job matching and career consulting company for all healthcare professions. A modern technology company that uses the advantages of digitization and automation to make the matching process between specialist and hospital or nursing facility as timely, efficient, transparent and simple as possible for all parties involved.

📍Must-have skills:
- Senior technical experience working with distributed system
- Experience managing large-scale, fully automated infrastructure-as-code landscapes
- Professional experience in at least one high-level programming language, e.g. Python, Ruby, Go, etc.
- Experience designing high-traffic, fault-tolerant systems at a global scale
- Experience in PostgreSQL, Redis, and Elasticsearch databases
-Hands-on experience with Terraform, Kubernetes, and Helm
- Experience with Prometheus, Grafana, Fluentd
- You are passionate about what you do and have excellent communication skills
- An analytical mindset and a get-it-done attitude
- Fluency in English

Nice-to-have skills:
Experience with EKS and Kafka is a plus

- Plan, build and continuously improve documentation on the IT infrastructure, policies, and procedures
- Improve the resilience to inevitable failures
- Extend CI/CD pipelines to push code to production faster and safer
- Improve our monitoring platforms and use this data as a source for further optimization of infrastructure and its costs
- Be part of the on-call rotation system
- Facilitate DevOps culture within the engineering team

Контакты:, @snegurooos
Публикатор: Alena
Обсуждение вакансий и резюме в чате @devops_jobs
#вакансия #DevOps #офис #Berlin #Germany #relocate
🌏DevOps Engineer
💶Salary 65 000- 80 000 EUR annually, before taxes
📍Location: Berlin, Germany
💻Experience: DevOps 4+ years
Conexao Recruitment
Your Responsibilities:
• You will drive cloud automation efforts, improving development tools and environments according to Cloud Native principles
• You will introduce cloud technologies that support the evolution of Raisin DS's banking platform running on AWS
• You will contribute to building the development infrastructure used by internal product teams, and drive different automation projects with regard to the latest technology
• You will research, assess, implement and maintain new technology solutions in our platform
• Together with the rest of the team, you will set standards, establish guidelines and share best practices in order to ensure continuous learning and improvement
• You will provide stable automated solutions for our internal customers to speed up product testing and delivery
• Nurture teams to strive for test automation and quality assurance throughout the development process
• You have a university degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Information Systems or related fields or equivalent practical experience
• You are a DevOps engineer with a background in software development (backend or frontend)
• You are familiar with deployments of microservices and serverless functions in AWS
• Proven professional experience in cloud software development using Amazon Web Services
• You are comfortable with scripting languages like Bash, Python, and Groovy
• You are experienced with building automation tools on Java/Python (experience with Go is very nice to have) 
• You have proven hands-on experience with modern CI/CD tools, Terraform, Docker, Kubernetes, and Helm
• You are comfortable participating in technical and architectural discussions
• You are an open-minded and creative team player willing to continue improving our culture
• You have great English communication skills
• Relocation and visa support as well as a relocation reimbursement
We offer:
• Personal training budget of 1,700 € and four full training days per year
• Free choice of hardware
• Virtual German language classes 
• Hungry all the time? Snacks, daily fresh fruit as well as drinks provided at the office
• Flexible working hours, home office and 28 vacation days 
• Enjoy more than 50+ different sports with Urban Sports Club: We subsidize your membership with more than 20 € per month 
• Need to relax? Join virtual meditation classes twice a week
• A company pension scheme (Betriebliche Altersvorsorge), which we support with 20 %
• Enjoy yearly company retreats to exciting European cities and other (virtual) team events, such as Lunch & Learn, Tech Lunch, Female Empowerment Forum, CEO Talks as well as our yearly Summer- and Christmas Party
If you are interested in the position or have some questions please contact me @Alyona730
Публикатор: Alena
Обсуждение вакансий и резюме в чате @devops_jobs
#Вакансия #DevOps #офис #Berlin #Germany #relocate
🌏DevOps Engineer
💶Salary 65 000- 80 000 EUR annually, before taxes
📍Location: Berlin, Germany
💻Experience: DevOps 4+ years
Conexao Recruitment
Your Responsibilities:
• You will drive cloud automation efforts, improving development tools and environments according to Cloud Native principles
• You will introduce cloud technologies that support the evolution of DS's banking platform running on AWS
• You will contribute to building the development infrastructure used by internal product teams, and drive different automation projects with regard to the latest technology
• You will research, assess, implement and maintain new technology solutions in our platform
• Together with the rest of the team, you will set standards, establish guidelines and share best practices in order to ensure continuous learning and improvement
• You will provide stable automated solutions for our internal customers to speed up product testing and delivery
• Nurture teams to strive for test automation and quality assurance throughout the development process
• You have a university degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Information Systems or related fields or equivalent practical experience
• You are a DevOps engineer with a background in software development (backend or frontend)
• You are familiar with deployments of microservices and serverless functions in AWS
• Proven professional experience in cloud software development using Amazon Web Services
• You are comfortable with scripting languages like Bash, Python, and Groovy
• You are experienced with building automation tools on Java/Python (experience with Go is very nice to have) 
• You have proven hands-on experience with modern CI/CD tools, Terraform, Docker, Kubernetes, and Helm
• You are comfortable participating in technical and architectural discussions
• You are an open-minded and creative team player willing to continue improving our culture
• You have great English communication skills
• Relocation and visa support as well as a relocation reimbursement
We offer:
• Personal training budget of 1,700 € and four full training days per year
• Free choice of hardware
• Virtual German language classes 
• Hungry all the time? Snacks, daily fresh fruit as well as drinks provided at the office
• Flexible working hours, home office and 28 vacation days 
• Enjoy more than 50+ different sports with Urban Sports Club: We subsidize your membership with more than 20 € per month 
• Need to relax? Join virtual meditation classes twice a week
• A company pension scheme (Betriebliche Altersvorsorge), which we support with 20 %
• Enjoy yearly company retreats to exciting European cities and other (virtual) team events, such as Lunch & Learn, Tech Lunch, Female Empowerment Forum, CEO Talks as well as our yearly Summer- and Christmas Party
If you are interested in the position or have some questions please contact me @Alyona730
Публикатор: Alena
Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
#вакансия #DevOps #офис #Berlin #Germany #relocate
🌏DevOps Engineer
💶Salary 65 000- 80 000 EUR annually, Gross (before tax)
📍Location: Berlin, Germany
💻Experience: DevOps 4+ years
Conexao Recruitment
Your Responsibilities:
• You will drive cloud automation efforts, improving development tools and environments according to Cloud Native principles
• You will introduce cloud technologies that support the evolution of DS's banking platform running on AWS
• You will contribute to building the development infrastructure used by internal product teams, and drive different automation projects with regard to the latest technology
• You will research, assess, implement and maintain new technology solutions in our platform
• Together with the rest of the team, you will set standards, establish guidelines and share best practices in order to ensure continuous learning and improvement
• You will provide stable automated solutions for our internal customers to speed up product testing and delivery
• Nurture teams to strive for test automation and quality assurance throughout the development process
• You have a university degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Information Systems or related fields or equivalent practical experience
• You are a DevOps engineer with a background in software development (backend or frontend)
• You are familiar with deployments of microservices and serverless functions in AWS
• Proven professional experience in cloud software development using Amazon Web Services
• You are comfortable with scripting languages like Bash, Python, and Groovy
• You are experienced with building automation tools on Java/Python (experience with Go is very nice to have) 
• You have proven hands-on experience with modern CI/CD tools, Terraform, Docker, Kubernetes, and Helm
• You are comfortable participating in technical and architectural discussions
• You are an open-minded and creative team player willing to continue improving our culture
• You have great English communication skills
• Relocation and visa support as well as a relocation reimbursement
We offer:
• Personal training budget of 1,700 € and four full training days per year
• Free choice of hardware
• Virtual German language classes 
• Hungry all the time? Snacks, daily fresh fruit as well as drinks provided at the office
• Flexible working hours, home office and 28 vacation days 
• Enjoy more than 50+ different sports with Urban Sports Club: We subsidize your membership with more than 20 € per month 
• Need to relax? Join virtual meditation classes twice a week
• A company pension scheme (Betriebliche Altersvorsorge), which we support with 20 %
• Enjoy yearly company retreats to exciting European cities and other (virtual) team events, such as Lunch & Learn, Tech Lunch, Female Empowerment Forum, CEO Talks as well as our yearly Summer- and Christmas Party
If you are interested in the position or have some questions please contact me @Alyona730
Публикатор: alex
Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
#вакансия #devops #fulltime #relocate #germany

Город и адрес офиса: Штутгарт, Германия
Формат работы: офис
Занятость: полная
Зарплатная вилка: 60000 - 100000€ до уплаты налогов в год. Указать "чистую" зарплату не могу - слишком много параметром (федеральная земля, налоговый класс, церковный налог, наличие детей, ...), но помогу расчитать для каждого конкретного случая. Налоговый калькулятор:

Описание вакансии: Наша компания является крупнейшим онлайн-игроком на европейском рынке онлайн-продаж индивидуально сконфигурированных окон, дверей и сопутствующих товаров.
В данный момент мы ищем новых коллег, в частности, DevOps-инженера в штугтартский офис.

Основная задача:
Поддержка и развитие текущей облачной инфраструктуры (AWS / Kubernetes / Terrfaform) компании.
Все остальные задачи производные и сопутствующие.

Стек, с которым работать и с которым желательно иметь опыт:
- Terraform
- Kubernetes, Docker, Rancher, Bitwarden, GoCD, Vault, Harbor
- Python
- Grafana / Loki

- опыт работы со стеком или с его частью
- хороший английский

Что мы предлагаем:
- неограниченный по времени контракт, что позволит быстро (во всяком случае еще совсем недавно позволяло) получить Blaue Karte
- помощь в релокации (обсуждается отдельно с успешным кандидатом, но обычно это визовая поддержка если надо, перелет для вас и семьи, квартира на первые три месяца)
- гибридная модель работы 2 дня home-office, 3 дня в офисе
- свободный выбор рабочего железа
- конференции, митапы (когда позволит ограничения по короне)
- офис в центре Штутгарта
- стандартные мелочи вроде кофе, фруктов, пиццы по понедельникам, здоровой пищи по средам и барбекю с пивом по пятницам

Полное описание вакансии:

Название компании: Neuffer Fenster + Türen GmbH (

Контакты: телеграм, или
Публикатор: Alena
Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
#Вакансия #DevOps #офис #Berlin #Germany #relocate
🌏DevOps Engineer
💶Salary 75 000- 80 000 EUR annually, Gross (before tax)
📍Location: Berlin, Germany
💻Experience: DevOps AWS and containers experience 4+ years
Conexao Recruitment
Your Responsibilities:
• Designing, building, testing, delivering and supporting fully fledged web services or applications.
• Working with engineering teams on design & implementation of new rollouts.
• Working with engineering teams on design & implementation of large scale systems.
• Analytical skills to determine what is going to break and when.
• Automating post deploy smoke/integration tests to test and validate production changes.
• Acting as an advocate for adoption of best practices in system design and automation standards.
Competencies we are looking for:
• Strong work ethic, self-motivation and good organisation.
• Willingness to work in a fast-paced, dynamic environment.
• Team-player.
• At least 4 years experience with AWS and containers.
• Experience with Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, building CI/CD, GitOps.
• Good knowledge of AWS.
• Development/scripting skills (Golang, python or bash).
• Previous experience and willingness to work on the on-call basis.
• Knowledge of Packer, Ansible, MongoDB, PostgresSQL, JVM, Kafka, and RabbitMQ is a plus
We offer:
• 27 holidays p.a.
• Flexi-time (where possible)
• In-house massages
• Urban Sports Club (subsidized membership)
• Weekly online Yoga, Zumba classes and Back course
• Calm App & Mindful Movement
• Online German language class (A1) or Babbel subscription for all other levels (6 months)
• Free access to Blinkist library
• Learning & Development programs with external and internal trainers, and digital offers
• Leadership training via the ‘Leadership Circle’ series
• Career development plans
• Relocation support (visa and registration)
• Company pension (15% company contribution)
• Cooperation with Berlin nursery (“Kita”) chain (no guarantee for free spot)
• BVG ticket discount (5% discount for annual BVG public transport ticket)
• Free account on our dating platforms
• Employee discount program in collaboration with hundreds of brands
If you are interested in the position or have some questions please contact me @Alyona730
Публикатор: Dmitriy
Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
#вакансия #relocate #germany
Company: Limehome
Location: Munich or remotely (Ремоут только после релокейта - чтобы оформиться в найм, а не как фрилансер)
Role: Senior DevOps Engineer

+5 yrs of DevOps experience

Full Job Description

How we work:
At limehome, we welcome innovative thinkers and big dreamers who don’t shy away from questioning the status quo. We encourage our limehomies to host with heart and shoot for the stars in a company culture that provides a better place for people to grow, have a lasting impact and fun together.

Our software powers everything from running our limehome OS, guest applications for a fully digital customer check-in/out experience, to managing housekeeping operations.

As a Senior DevOps Engineer, you will build a resilient infrastructure to achieve the best experience for our customers, keep our systems secure and our customers' data safe. We are a proud serverless first company.
What we have built recently:
Infrastructure as code: AWS account setup through AWS Cloudformation stacks.
We use Grafana dashboards to visualize CloudWatch metrics and monitor them & combine CloudWatch/ EventBridge and Lambda to get alerted via 3rd party tools such Slack.
What will keep you challenged:
You setup and enhance our infrastructure monitoring and proactively maintain our serverless first stack (internal tooling for logging, alerting, monitoring etc.).
You audit and secure data and assets, own the security of our various cloud systems & development environments, and enable the teams to follow secure development patterns.
You support our engineers with infrastructure questions and recommendations.
You are a communicator for the whole tech department when it comes to newly introduced changes and how to adopt best practices with continuous automation.
You strive to minimize the risk of issues or outages, but also rapidly respond to production issues with a cool and calm attitude (with the prospect of implementing periodic on-call shifts).
What we're looking for:
You graduated in software engineering or a similar field.
You have 3-5 years of work experience. A background in a startup or another fast-paced environment is a plus.
You have worked with cloud providers like AWS and distributed systems (micro services / event driven) before and have basic coding experience in a modern language (i.e. Typescript and Python).
You are a creative thinker and have a problem-solving mindset – You constantly challenge the status quo and want to come up with innovative and elegant solutions to improve engineering delivery and output to stay ahead of the market.
What is the limehome Tech Stack:
At limehome we run everything on AWS, check out our tech stack to learn more!

We're designed to stay because:
Hybrid office model: whether in our beautiful office or from home.
Get equipped: choose between a Windows or a Mac.
Freedom to innovate: take on challenging projects from day one to build the best PropTech Start-Up together.
Growth and Development: through constant feedback, peer reviews, and exchanges with a focus on your development.
Oneteam: through our transparent company culture with team stand-ups, regular All-Hands, and suite events (Summer, Wiesn, Christmas).
Everything for our limehomies: with a focus on your physical wellbeing (Urban Sports Club), to your mental wellbeing (Nilo. health), or even staycations in one of our beautiful limehomes, and many more suite benefits. Join us and find out! ;)
Who we are:
limehome is “designed to stay” - a digital hotel concept. Through our Tech DNA and with our fully digital-enabled guest journey, we make stays more enjoyable for those who want to change their way of travelling, living and working. We offer high-quality and comfortable suites in more than 90 locations in Germany, Austria, Spain and the Netherlands – but this is just the beginning. Apply now to make an impact and bring the hospitality industry into the 21st century!
Salary: €70-80K/year,gross