Destination B1 and B2
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Destination B1and B2
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Phrasal verbs, prepositional phrases

Break in to —
bostirib kirmoq
Catch up with — biror insondek darajaga erishmoq
Against the law — qonunga qarshi
At the age of — ...yoshda
In public — jamoat joyida
In response to — javob tarzida
In touch — ...bilan aloqada      
In your teens — o'smirlik yoshida   
Break down — buzilmoq
Come across — tasodifan duch kelib qolmoq
Find out — bilmoq, topmoq
Make up — uydirma to'qimoq, bahona to'qimoq
Pull off — tortib sindirmoq
Throw away —axlat qutisiga tashlamoq
Turn off — o'chirmoq
Turn on — yoqmoq
Unique — tanho
At last — oxirida, va nihoyat
By chance —tasodifan
In my opinion — fikrimcha

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Phrasal verbs, prepositional phrases - level B1 and B2 Quiz: @destination_test_B1_B2
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Ma'lumot o'rnida aytmoqchiman, Instagramda qisqa videolarni tarjimlari bilan sahifamda yuklab borayabman. Albatta siz uchun bu foydali va ma'nfaatli bo'ladi. Allaqachon yigirmadan ortiq videolarni tarjimasi bilan yukladim, havola:👇

Word formation, prepositional phrases

In the end
— oxirida
In the future — kelajakda
Out of order — ishdan chiqqan
Believable — ishonarli
Courage — jasurlik
Courageous — jasur
Elect — saylamoq
Election — saylov
Equal — teng
Equality — tenglik
Unequal — teng emas
Life — hayot
Live — jonli efir
Alive — tirik
Nation — xalq
Nationality — millat
National — milliy
International — xalqaro
Peace — tinchlik
Peaceful — tinch

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Word formation, prepositional phrases - level B1 and B2 Quiz: @destination_test_B1_B2
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Word formation, word patterns, adjectives, verbs

Peacefully — tinch tarzda
Prison — qamoq
Prisoner — maxbus
Shoot — o'q uzmoq
Shot — o'q uzmoq, shoot fe'lining past simple shakli
Shooting — o'q uzish
Agree — rozi bo'lmoq
Agreement — kelishuv
Disagree — rozi bo'lmaslik
Belief — ishonch
Believe — ishonmoq
Unbelievable — ishonib bo'lmaydigan, ishonarlisiz
Live — yashamoq
Shot — o'q uzmoq, shoot fe'lining past participle shakli
Angry about — ...uchun jahlda
Angry with sb about — kimdandir ...uchun jahlda
Guilty of — uchun aybdor
Accuse sb of — kimnidir ...da ayblamoq
Forgive sb for — kimnidir ...uchun kechirmoq
Invite sb to — kimnidir taklif qilmoq

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Word formation, word patterns, adjectives, verbs - level B1 and B2 Quiz: @destination_test_B1_B2
🖊 20 questions · 15 sec
Word patterns, adjectives, verbs, topic vocabulary

Punish sb for
— kimnidir ...uchun jazolamoq
Share sth with — biror narsani ...bilan baham ko'rmoq
Smile at — kulmoq
Blame sb for — kimnidir ...uchun ayblamoq
Blame sth on — biror narsani ...da ayblamoq
Criticise sb for — kimnidir ...uchun tanqid qilmoq
Forget about — haqida unutmoq
Industry — sanoat
Interview — intervyu
Leader — yetakchi
Manager — ish boshqaruvchi
Ambition — orzu-istak
Application — ariza
Bank account — bank hisob raqami
Boss — boshliq
Career — karyera
Previous — dastlabki
Profession — kasb
Retire — nafaqaga chiqmoq
Salary — maosh

╭☞ @destination_test_B1_B2

Yurutuvchi sahifasi: Instagram
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Word patterns, adjectives, verbs, topic vocabulary - level B1 and B2 Quiz: @destination_test_B1_B2
🖊 20 questions · 15 sec
Topic vocabulary, phrasal verbs

— xodim
Strike — ish tashlash
Tax — soliq
Wealthy — boy
Deserve — xohlamoq
Colleague — hamkasb
Company — kompaniya
Contract — shartnoma
Department — idora, vazirlik
Deserve — sazovor bo'lmoq
Earn — pul ishlab topmoq
Fame — mashhurlik, shuhrat
Goal — maqsad
Impress — hayron qoldirmoq
Income — daromad
Pension — nafaqa
Poverty — kambag'allik
Pressure — bosim
In addition — ga qo'shimcha tarzda
In comparison to — bilan taqqoslaganda

╭☞ @destination_test_B1_B2

Yurutuvchi sahifasi: Instagram
🎲 Quiz '📋 Vocabulary test @destinations_B1_B2'
Topic vocabulary, phrasal verbs - level B1 and B2 Quiz: @destination_test_B1_B2
🖊 20 questions · 15 sec
Phrasal verbs, prepositional phrases, word formation

In charge of — . mas'ul
Stay up — kech uxlamoq
Take away — olib tashlamoq
Take over — nazoratni qo'lga olmoq
Call off — bekor qilmoq
Give back — qaytarmoq
Go on — sodir bo'lmoq
Put off — kechiktirmoq
Set up — biron biznes boshlamoq, boshlamoq
Cut down on — kamroq bajarmoq
At the moment — hozir, ayni vaqtda
In charge — mas'ul
On business — ish yuzasidan
On strike — ish tashlash
On time — o'z vaqtida
On duty — xizmatda
Off duty — xizmatda emas, ishdan tashqari vaqtda
Reduction — kamayish
Medicine — dori
Cook — pishirmoq

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Yurutuvchi sahifasi: Instagram
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Phrasal verbs, prepositional phrases, word formation - level B1 and B2 Quiz: @destination_test_B1_B2
🖊 20 questions · 15 sec
Word formation

— egmoq, bend fe'lining past participle shakli
Assist — yordam bermoq
Assistant — yordamchi
Assistance — yordam
Beg — o'tinib so'ramoq, sadaqa so'ramoq
Beggar — gado'y, tilanchi
Boss — boshliq
Bossy — buyruq berishni yoqriradigan
Employ — ishga olmoq
Employment — ishga olish
Unemployment — ishsizlik
Employer — ish beruvchi
Employee — ishchi
Unemployed — ishsiz
Fame — mashhurlik
Famous — mashhur
Occupy — qo'lga kiritmoq
Occupation — kasb
Office — idora, ofis
Officer — offitser

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Yurutuvchi sahifasi: Instagram
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Word formation - level B1 and B2 Quiz: @destination_test_B1_B2
🖊 20 questions · 15 sec
Word formation, word patterns, adjectives, verbs, nouns

— rasmiy
Unofficial — norasmiy
Retire — nafaqaga chiqmoq
Retired — nafaqadagi
Retirement — nafaqaga chiqish
Safe — xavfsiz
Save — saqlamoq
Unsafe — xavfli
Safety — xavfsizlik
Succeed — muvaffaqiyatga erishmoq
Success — muvaffaqiyat
Successful — muvaffaqiyatli
Unsuccessful — muvaffaqiyatsiz
Die of — tufayli o'lmoq
Covered with — bilan qoplangan
Apply for — uchun ariza bermoq
Depend on — ga bog'liq
Inform sb about — haqida ogohlantirmoq, xabar bermoq
Refer to — ga bog'lamoq
Work as — sifatida ishlamoq

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Yurutuvchi sahifasi: Instagram
🎲 Quiz '📋 Vocabulary test @destinations_B1_B2'
Word formation, word patterns, adjectives, verbs, nouns - level B1 and B2 Quiz: @destination_test_B1_B2
🖊 20 questions · 15 sec
Word patterns, adjectives, verbs, nouns, topic vocabulary

Careful with
— bilan ehtiyotkor
Difficult for — uchun qiyin
Fed up with — dan zerikkan, to'yib ketgan
Ready for — uchun tayyor
Responsible for — uchun mas'ul
A kind of — ning turi
Sour — aynigan
Limit — chegara
Balance — muvozanat
Cough — yo'tal
Benefit — foyda
Cure — davo
Exercise — mashq
Slice — tilim
Affect — salbiy ta'sir qilmoq
Balance — muvozanatda saqlamoq, tenglashtirmoq
Benefit — foyda ko'rmoq
Breathe — nafas olmoq
Chew — chaynamoq
Chop — to'g'ramoq

╭☞ @destination_test_B1_B2

Yurutuvchi sahifasi: Instagram
🎲 Quiz '📋 Vocabulary test @destinations_B1_B2'
Word patterns, adjectives, verbs, nouns, topic vocabulary - level B1 and B2 Quiz: @destination_test_B1_B2
🖊 20 questions · 15 sec
Phrasal verbs, prepositional phrases, word formation

Take back —
olgan joyiga qo'yib qo'ymoq
Take down — pastga qo'ymoq
By credit card — kredit karta orqali
By cheque — chek orqali
For rent — ijara uchun
For sale — sotuvda
In cash — naqd pulda
In debt — qarzda
In good condition — yaxshi holatda
In bad condition — yomon holatda
Add — qo'shmoq
Addition — qo'shish, qo'shimcha
Afford — qurbi yetmoq
Affordable — sotib olsa bo'ladigan
Compare — solishtirmoq
Comparison — taqqoslash
Decide — qaror qilmoq
Decision — qaror
Expense — harajat
Expensive — qimmat

╭☞ @destination_test_B1_B2

Yurutuvchi sahifasi: Instagram
🎲 Quiz '📋 Vocabulary test @destinations_B1_B2'
Phrasal verbs, prepositional phrases, word formation - level B1 and B2 Quiz: @destination_test_B1_B2
🖊 20 questions · 15 sec