戶戶送外送專員頻道 Deliveroo Rider News Channel
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Exclusive Privilege for Deliveroo Riders 🥳

We are excited to announce the exclusive adidas discount* for Deliveroo riders!

Starting 1 Jul until 31 Jul 2022, simply present your Deliveroo Riders id with your original identity card to enjoy a) 40% off on regular priced items or b) upon spending $2500 or above to get 50% off on regular priced items at the following designated adidas stores.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us through Rider website.

Click here for more information.

*Terms & Conditions apply

我哋好興奮同大家宣布, 戶戶送外送專員adidas專享優惠*!由2022年7月1日至7月31日,戶戶送外送專員於指定 adidas 店舖出示戶戶送外送專員編號 (看以下圖示) 及其身份證明文件正本,即可尊享購買正價貨品 a) 6折優惠或 b)滿$2,500或以上 5折優惠。



Did you know…? Your free accident insurance🛡

Your safety is incredibly important to us. You’re covered by Deliveroo’s free accident insurance whenever you work with us and for up to 1 hour after you’ve logged out. With this insurance you can also receive supporting income if you’re unable to work following an accident.

Whenever you’re on the road, please make sure you always put your personal safety first.

You should never work if you feel unsafe, and you can always contact Rider Support for help if you’re concerned about completing an order and want to be unassigned. If you or other riders nearby are involved in an accident:

🚨1. Call the emergency services at 999 in case of emergency.
☎️ 2. Let us know only once you and any others are safe - you can call Rider Support on 5808 8726 (Mon, Wed, Fri, 3-4pm), or message us via the Rider Website.

Ride safe!

Learn more: https://riders.deliveroo.hk/en/insurance




🚨 1. 如情況危急,請即撥打999熱線,聯絡緊急服務。
☎️ 2. 喺確保你或受影響送餐專員嘅安全下,你可致電 5808 8726 (星期一、三、五,下午3-4時)通知戶戶送支援團隊,或透過戶戶社區,向支援團隊發送訊息。


了解更多: https://riders.deliveroo.hk/zh/insurance
- 各區尖峰時段⚡️閃電獎賞
- 15個特別區域獎賞,包括全新區域HKSK及HKPSW🗺



The weekly incentive plan is now updated💰
Exciting rewards including
- peak hours in-app incentives ⚡️ across HK
-15 zones specific incentives, including new zones HKSK & HKPSW🗺

Next few days and coming week weather is predicted with rainstorms . Remember to check weather forecast before going out, and don't forget your rain gear! Stay safe.

Visit the Rider Website to learn more: https://ift.tt/3yrh8
8號烈風或暴風信號現正生效 🚫
No. 8 Gale or Storm Signal is now in force 🚫


Due to extreme weather conditions, we are suspending our operations. For your safety, please go offline and stay safe. As the HK Observatory has anticipated that T8 will remain in force for a certain period, Deliveroo will not resume delivery service today. As always, please pay attention to your surroundings!



HK Observatory announced to lower/ cancel the No.8 Typhoon Signal soon. Deliveroo will resume operations once the signal has been lowered.

As a reminder, you will only start receiving orders once weather conditions improved and the No. 8 Gale or Storm Signal is lowered.

If you choose to go online, please pay attention to your surroundings, and stay safe on the road. Please contact our rider support immediately if you encounter any difficulties during your journey.
No. 8 Gale or Storm Signal is now lowered



The No.8 Typhoon Signal has now been lowered to No. 3 Strong Wind Signal. We will be resuming service. If you choose to work today, be aware of your surroundings. Stay safe on the road!
🧐‘Make this my last order’ function



Did you know ticking the ‘Make this my last order’ box in the menu bar lets us know you don’t want to be offered any more orders? When your session is coming to an end or you want to log off and head home, remember to tick the ‘Make this my last order’ box in the menu bar! Doing this means you won’t be offered any more orders after you’ve delivered your current one, so you don’t need to reject any and affect your acceptance rate.

To learn more, visit our Rider Website.
由於系統出現技術問題,導致上一週期(25/6 - 1/7)的服務費有所延誤。唔駛擔心,我哋會儘快修復。修復後會另行通知。不便之處,敬請見諒。

Due to a system error, the payment of the last cycle’s service fee (25/6 - 1/7) might be delayed. We are currently working on a fix and will let you know once the issue has been resolved. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

The problem had been fixed and payment is arranged. Please contact us if you have any question. Thank you.
How are orders being assigned?

我地嘅訂單都經由電腦系统 - Frank進行派遣。佢會根據送餐專員嘅實時位置及到達餐廳嘅預計時間去自動分配訂單。因此訂單並不能手動委派予送餐專員。即時支援上嘅委派申請亦唔會向你派遣任何訂單。請耐心等候,並毋須因此聯絡即時支援團隊。


All orders are assigned through the system - Frank, which offers orders to riders based on their live location and estimated travel time to the restaurant. We are unable to manually assign orders to riders. Requesting orders through live chat will NOT result in an order being assigned to you. Please be patient when waiting for orders, and do not send order requests through Rider Live Chat.

Click here to know more about order assignment.
- 各區尖峰時段⚡️閃電獎賞
- 15個特別區域獎賞,包括全新區域HKSK及HKPSW🗺



The weekly incentive plan is now updated💰
Exciting rewards including
- peak hours in-app incentives ⚡️ across HK
-15 zones specific incentives, including new zones HKSK & HKPSW🗺

Next few days and coming week weather is predicted with rainstorms . Remember to check weather forecast before going out, and don't forget your rain gear! Stay safe.

Visit the Rider Website to learn more: https://ift.tt/3yrh8
Exclusive Privilege for Deliveroo Riders 🥳

We are excited to announce the exclusive adidas discount* for Deliveroo riders!

From now until 31 Jul 2022, simply present your Deliveroo Riders id with your original identity card to enjoy a) 40% off on regular priced items or b) upon spending $2500 or above to get 50% off on regular priced items at the following designated adidas stores.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us through Rider website.

Click here for more information.

*Terms & Conditions apply

我哋好興奮同大家宣布, 戶戶送外送專員adidas專享優惠*!即日至7月31日,戶戶送外送專員於指定 adidas 店舖出示戶戶送外送專員編號 (看以下圖示) 及其身份證明文件正本,即可尊享購買正價貨品 a) 6折優惠或 b)滿$2,500或以上 5折優惠。



- 各區尖峰時段⚡️閃電獎賞
- 15個特別區域獎賞,包括全新區域HKSK及HKPSW🗺



The weekly incentive plan is now updated💰
Exciting rewards including
- peak hours in-app incentives ⚡️ across HK
-15 zones specific incentives, including new zones HKSK & HKPSW🗺

Next few days and coming week weather is predicted with rainstorms . Remember to check weather forecast before going out, and don't forget your rain gear! Stay safe.

Visit the Rider Website to learn more: https://ift.tt/3yrh8


戶戶送 Deliveroo 團隊
The technical issue has now been fixed. If you are still experiencing any issues please contact the Rider Support team through the rider website. We are working on the Acceptance Rate Adjustment and will update once it is done.

Thank you for your patience and we apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Ride safe,
Team Deliveroo


戶戶送 Deliveroo 團隊
The technical issue has now been fixed. If you are still experiencing any issues please contact the Rider Support team through the rider website. We are working on the Acceptance Rate Adjustment and will update once it is done.

Thank you for your patience and we apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Ride safe,
Team Deliveroo