Dinar Dirham koin (DDKoin)
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Kepada Semua Stakeholders Yang Dihormati,

Berapa banyak anda sayangi aset anda? Adakah anda mengharapkan harga DDK untuk melambung tinggi? Adakah anda mahu projek DDK berjaya? Jika YA, maka apa yang boleh anda lakukan sebagai stakeholder untuk MENAIKKAN harga DDK? Ini memerlukan kerjasama daripada SEMUA DDK Stakeholders! ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿš€


๐Ÿ’ฅ Harga yang lebih tinggi HANYA boleh berlaku apabila permintaan BELI dilakukan di GE, ๐Ÿ˜ŠโœŒ dan BUKAN melalui P2P.

Jadilah stakeholder yang bijak dan semoga berjaya! ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ‘โค๐Ÿ‘Œ

[Peluang Dagangan Arbitrage]

Definisi Teori Penentuan Arbitrage (APT) adalah model harga aset pelbagai faktor berdasarkan idea bahawa pulangan aset boleh diramalkan menggunakan hubungan linear antara pulangan yang dijangkakan aset dan beberapa pembolehubah makroekonomi yang menangkap risiko sistematik.

DDKoin menyenaraikan secara terbuka dalam dua Pertukaran Global (GE) yang Simex (Syarikat awam yang disenaraikan AS) & DobiTrade (syarikat berasaskan China). Berdasarkan statistik ini terdapat kemungkinan besar para Pemegang DDK dan pengguna teknologi ini melakukan perdagangan Arbitrage kerana perbezaan harga dari setiap platform dagangan ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘ Anda boleh Beli Rendah di platform Simex dan Jual dengan harga yang lebih tinggi di Dobitrade. Mari ambil lampiran sebagai contoh:

Beli DDKOIN dari Simex: $ 13 x 100 unit = $ 1,300

Jual DDKOIN di Dobitrade: $ 14 x 100 unit = $ 1,400

Keuntungan: $ 100 ๐Ÿ’ฅโœŒ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿ”ฅ (Dalam masa 24 jam)

Arbitrage merujuk kepada pelaburan bebas risiko atau dalam konteks ini adalah strategi perdagangan yang mengeksploitasi ketidakcekapan dalam pasaran.

Pagi ini terima wassap dari CEO PROJECT, ada berita baik yg dibisikkan.

Daripada pertemuan ini, saya boleh berkongsi cerita walaupun tidak bersama business trip berkenaan.

โœ”๏ธcoinranking.com adalah platform terawal penyenaraian pertama ddkoin sebelum CMC. Di platform inilah Ddkoin mula berada dlm carta koin dunia.

Dari sinilah, komuniti mulai belajar macamana nak check realtime price, graph trading and lihat trading volume sebagai rujukan.

Hingga kini masih ramai yg belum manfaatkan coinranking.com kerana terlalu kemaruk dgn harga ddk, sedangkan lupa nak nilaikan nilai sebenar ddk.๐Ÿค‘

Coinranking dot com sama dgn ke dgn CMCโ‰๏ธ

CMC atau coinranking sebenarnya sama je asalkan DDK listing dan datanya decentralized boleh dilihat sebagai rujukan.

Cumanya CMC adalah tempat tumpuan kesemua coins project utk disenaraikan.


โœ”๏ธ Dlm coinranking terdapat melebihi 7000++ coins dlm dunia tersenarai dan ddkoin adalah salah satu yg ada di dalamnya dalam Top 100 dan tidak pernah terkeluar dr carta tersebut sejak disenaraikan.

Kenapa ddk masih bertahan dlm Top 100 sedangkan harganya rendah? Kenapa dengan harga dan mengapa tidak lihat dari sudut pandang nilai ddk itu sendiri?

Co Founder coinranking.com juga mengaku bahawa ddk bukan sembarangan coin. Sebab apa dibilangnya begitu? ๐Ÿ˜Š

Di luar sana ramai yang tidak tahu bahawa Coinranking juga terkejut dgn volume ddk community yg melebihi 200k seluruh dunia dan mereka minta tips business dari CEO & master Founder bagaimana usaha yg telah dilakukan sehingga kejayaan seperti ini.

Bos Coinranking minta tips drp master founder dan CEO project ddk? Biar betul โ‰๏ธ

Begitulah orang luar, orang jauh, lebih tau menilai kehebatan(bukan utk dipuji) projek ddk dan idea master founder ddk.

โœ”๏ธDalam pertemuan itu juga, mereka berkongsi idea dan bertukar pendapat utk mendapatkan lebih kerjasama yg baik utk masa hadapan utk meningkatkan kepercayaan komuniti DDK dan juga promosi๐Ÿ‘

Kesimpulannya utk listing coin, tak semestinya CMC sahaja, Coinranking.com pun boleh, janji datanya tepat dan project 100% decentralized & open-source.

โœ”๏ธSelepas ini akan byk lagi listing platform akan senaraikan DDK ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’ช

Jangan menilai ddk dari segi harga hari ini tapi pandanglah nilai ddk pada masa depan.

Kita boleh berbangga dgn ddk, bukan projek kampung tapi gahnya mulai tersohor dlm platform koin spt Coinranking dan CMC.
Salam Hello Hi,

Berikut adalah jawapan terbaru dari CMC mengenai bekalan beredar DDKOIN -


"Pemberi sokongan kami telah menunjukkan bahawa permintaan anda telah diselesaikan, sila ambil perhatian bahawa mungkin diperlukan sedikit masa untuk perubahan maklumat bekalan yang dapat dilihat di laman web. Perubahan biasanya diproses dalam masa 72 jam.

Sila juga faham bahawa kami mempunyai rubrik penggredan kami untuk mengira bekalan beredar, yang digunakan di seluruh papan untuk semua syiling yang disenaraikan di laman web kami. Kami tidak hanya mengambil angka dari API kerana kami mempunyai skema perhitungan yang berbeza.

Menurut rubrik kami:

Bekalan Beredar adalah perkiraan terbaik bilangan syiling yang beredar di pasaran dan di tangan awam.
Jumlah Bekalan adalah jumlah duit syiling yang wujud sekarang (tolak sebarang syiling yang telah dibakar secara sah).
Max Membekalkan penghampiran terbaik jumlah maksimum syiling yang akan pernah wujud dalam seumur hidup cryptocurrency.

Akibatnya, kami tidak menganggap token yang dipegang oleh pasukan, diperuntukkan secara peribadi kepada pelabur besar atau dimanfaatkan untuk kegunaan masa depan (pemasaran, program limpah, pembangunan ekosistem dll) sebagai sebahagian daripada bekalan beredar kerana mereka tidak pernah ada secara teknikal awam. Ini tidak kira sama ada token "dikunci", boleh diniagakan, atau akan diedarkan pada masa akan datang. Inilah sebabnya mengapa kami menjejaki alamat supaya kami boleh mengemas kini maklumat pembekalan yang dinamik secara dinamik sebagai aliran token ke dalam edaran.

Dalam kes anda, bekalan sirkulasi semasa anda mengira kepada lebih kurang. 1,710,000 DDK, seperti rubrik penggredan kami. Ini akan dilihat di laman web kami tidak lama lagi "- CMC-

Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif DDK Blockchain
Salam Hello Hi,

Here is the latest reply from CMC regarding the circulating supply of DDKOIN -


"Our support rep has indicated that your request has been resolved. Please note that it may take some time for the supply information changes to be reflected on the website. The changes are usually processed within 72 hours.

Please also understand that we have our own grading rubric to calculate circulating supply, which is applied across the board for all coins listed on our site. We do not simply take the figures from APIs because we have a different calculation schematic.

According to our rubric:

Circulating Supply is the best approximation of the number of coins that are circulating in the market and in the general public's hands.
Total Supply is the total amount of coins in existence right now (minus any coins that have been verifiably burned).
Max Supply the best approximation of the maximum amount of coins that will ever exist in the lifetime of the cryptocurrency.

As a result, we do not consider tokens that are held by the team, privately allocated to big investors or put away for future use (marketing, bounty programs, ecosystem development etc) as part of circulating supply because they were never technically available to the public. This is regardless of whether the tokens are "unlocked", able to be traded, or will be distributed in the future. This is why we track the addresses so that we can update the circulating supply information dynamically as tokens flow into circulation.

In your case, your current circulating supply calculates to approx. 1,710,000 DDK, as per our grading rubric. This will be reflected on our site shortly" - CMC-


CEO of DDK Blockchain
Ilmu utk makcik2 dan pakcik2 mlm ni

Kemusykilan ttg DDKOIN

1. Mainnet tu untuk apa?

Mainnet tu tempat kita bercucuk tanam dan mengeluarkan hasil. Tanam DDKoin dapat hasil anak DDKoin. DDKoin mengeluarkan hasil sebulan sekali.

2. Kenapa perlu ada akaun:

- Mainnet

Yalah. Akaun Mainnet ni mcm tanah kita la. Kalau takde tanah, nak tanam DDK kat mana? Atau lebih tepat, mcm bank akaun kita la. Segala maklumat ddkoin ada di situ.

- Simex
- Dobi

Simex, dobi tu tempat kita jual hasil tanaman td. Mcm pasar lah.. Tp pasar kripto. Global Exchanger lagi. Cth: Jual ddk dpt btc..

Kenapa dlm Simex ada DDK/BTC, DDK/ETH, DDK/USD, dalam Dobi ada DDK/BTC, DDK/ETH, DDK/USD, DDK/USDT

Ya. Simex dan DOBI kan pasar Tmpt jual beli kripto, takkan ada 1 je barang jual kat pasar kan.. Mesti ada byk..Lain pasar lain barang yg dijual walau kadang ada yg sama jugak kadang 2 tu..

Yg famous mcm bitcoin semua pasar ada jual. Jadi mcm ddk tu kita blh jual dan dpt btc, jual dpt eth, jual dpt usd, usdt..

- Remitano

Ini tempat untuk kita jual dan beli kripto menggunakan wang fiat (mcm ringgit dan rupiah). Katalah kat pasar kripto td kita dah jual 10 ddk utk dptkan Bitcoin, kita dah ada btc. Kat Malaysia blm byk premis yg terima kripto dalam urusniaga masing2. Jadi utk cairkan crypto kita gunakan local exchanger iaitu remitano.. (Dari alam maya nak kembali ke alam nyata) Utk kita kat Malaysia lah.. Kalau kat Indonesia diorg guna Indodax utk tukar btc ke fiat money..

3. CMC tu apa pulak?.

Kita tanam pokok untuk keluarkan hasil.. Nak tau hasil tanaman kita bermutu atau berkualiti ke utk didagangkan dalam pasaran Antarabangsa kenalah masuk CMC..

Kat situ baru kita tau kualiti produk kita tu kelas A kษ› kelas B kษ› Atau takde nilai kษ›..produk terbaik mesti duduk dlm carta 100 ke bawah dlm CMC Jadi setakat hari ni DDKOIN dah masuk dlm CMC dan kedudukan kita kat tangga 1158 kalau tak silap.. Sbb ada data yg CMC blm masukkan lagi. Kalau dah masuk nanti, kedudukan dlm 200 ke bwh.. Kalau ikut coinranking.com kita dah rank 83 dari 8183 coin satu dunia.

To those who have been involved since the inception of Bitcoin in 2009 or the beginning of the understanding of Bitcoin and Ethereum when DinarCoin was created by DinarDirham DNC is used as Crypto Asset for which we have pegged the current gold price in February 2016.

We have learned the difference between Crypto Asset and Crypto Currency ...

We have learned the difference between POW and POS or DPOS ...

We also learned about PASSPHRASE technology why it is much better than our normal PASSWORD use in most of our daily application ...

We've actually learned a lot about crypto currency or blockchain technology since 2016 and thank God we are on the right track for success.
I believe, most of us all began to recognize Token or Digital Coin when we first introduced DinarCoin, which was developed from ERC20 Ethereum Token technology and switched to the new protocol technology in early 2018, ERC223, which can be seen here:

Our first version of DNC smart contract:

https://etherscan.io/token/0x016dcbef5fa51f354064d505288f3908d84b6411 = DNC First version from blockchainLab UK (http://blockchainlab.com/). This is our FIRST and INITIAL version of providing the Crypto Asset among our early 100 users. co-developed by famous Ismail Malik. Founder of ICO CROWD magazine: https://www.linkedin.com/in/blockchain/

Our Development on Second contract of DNC:

https://etherscan.io/token/0xac27d299e2c1106daf33bc0971b7b97b96287493 = This is our second version of DNC created by Loi Luu (Founder of Kyber Network) & Hrishi from NUS Singapore.

Our Third DNC smart contract:

https://etherscan.io/token/0x34094acd5d62f0b9a17aeabf3c6992677ed5484b = This is our latest DNC โ€‹โ€‹smart contract based on our own internal staff Mr Hampley.

To promote the DNC we have created an initial coin offering or called an ICO. Our Private-ICO ETPS has also been trained and trained to use Bitcoin and Ethereum to make DNC sales and purchases. Not only that, many have even started betting on Token Exchange on some of the publicly available exchanges here: https://coinmarketcap.com/rankings/exchanges/
2) I strongly agree with the recent move of New Malaysia under the leadership of YAB's father Tun Dr Mahathir with the Pakatan Harapan line to bring Malaysia into a technologically advanced country. Creating crypto currency and token exchange regulatory guidelines is very welcome because without the guidelines, it would appear that mushrooms are crypto piggyback programs that do not produce actual products from blockchain or crypto currency and are solely DUIT oriented. Many try to take advantage of this crypto currency phenomenon with programs that provide DAY returns from mining? supposedly the return from mining facilities will provide income. Accept the fact that "Mining is obsolete".

Didn't you realize that this MINING is absolute and FUTURE of crypto is not having BURN ENERGY, WASTE RESOURCES of electricity. FUTURE of CRYPTO is green energy, democratic protocol, decentralize and distributed consensus among participants and NOT only control by certain mining farm or any mining organization for its hashrate.

3) The MIGRATION process applies to all Pre-order MODE users called "NATIVE COIN" called DDKOIN or DDK is a process that is shared by any crypto currency or Digital Token out there. The concept of understanding Pre-ICO, PRE-ORDER, or PRIVATE ICO is often misunderstood because without someone understanding this technology it is difficult to understand. This technology is new, the ICO itself has never been further explored as it is still a FRESH and REST technology for all involved. While new, you can see just how fast the ICO technology has grown and how well the market has integrated it with decentralized and distributed nature:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=ac1P3GXkFxc (Graphical view to view project ICO growth distribution from 2014 to 2017)
DDKOIN has been a provider of crypto currency technology using the DPOS protocol supported and used by more than 10 countries. All communities have been taught to play a leading role in delivering basic knowledge and education on blockchain and crypto currency technology since the onset of migration in June 2018 and continue to this day to ensure that individuals who want to join the industry MUST know first hand what products they buy, and what are the concepts and technologies brought by DDKOIN. In addition, the DDKOIN community has established a regional educational network through the establishment of a TD (Trusted Delegate) that has been appointed through a Singapore-registered company as a legal entity that has undergone a rigorous screening process and must have several criteria to qualify. We do not want the DDKOIN community to be bought with MLM MONEY GAME MINDSET, or based solely on profit. We want EDUCATION to be the ultimate goal for every event and meetup held by DDKOIN members. The existence of the Token and Digital Coin exchange regulatory guidelines at the same time allows the public to know and become more familiar with real cryptocurrencies. Finding out the advantages of buying and storing cryptocurrencies includes knowing what the risks involved in this cryptocurrency are.

The List of Trusted Delegate can be found here: http://announcement.ddkoin.com/pdf/Latest_list_of_DDK_Trusted_Delegates.pdf

4) With the Malaysian government's step in establishing these guidelines, it has made SIGNAL clear that Malaysia does not want to miss out on being part of IR 4.0, the new revolution we are experiencing today in several developing countries of the world and sadly, when we looking at and studying in educational institutions in our country has not yet fully implemented the IR 4.0 module and learning to benefit our students who are still using the conventional module as we all know that it does not help in the field of work after they have completed their studies.
We have taken the initiative by establishing partnerships with several PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES as third parties to gain recognition from academicians and at the same time collaborating to create joint activities such as BLOCKCHAIN โ€‹โ€‹HACKATHON, INNOVATION CONTEST, INTERNSHIP PROGRAM and several other partnerships for the benefit of all involved.

One of the UNIVERSITIES in Malaysia, once issued a JOURNAL to us. This JOURNAL is provided 100% by Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) as a result of the research by Professor Prof. Dr. By Design by Mahamud (http://repo.uum.edu.my/profile/ruhana).

The journal can be read from here: https://educationandawareness.ddkoin.com/arai/uum_journal_blockchain.pdf

She has begun her research and understands the platform we have created since early 2017. At the time, I was engaged as a speaker to deliver a keynote entitled BLOCKCHAIN โ€‹โ€‹& CRYPTO CURRENCY to lecturers from UUM and several other invited universities. Indirectly, this collaboration is direct with the DEAN Faculty of the School of Computing UUM opening up and developing ideas as students and lecturers are already familiar with IT and coding technology and have recently discovered that BLOCKCHAIN โ€‹โ€‹and CRYPTO CURRENCY technologies are largely OPEN SOURCE at the same time provides a fast and wide opportunity for them to learn and innovate from this technology.

Blockchain Technology Seminar (UUM, Kedah Kedah) = https://www.facebook.com/yanie.laling/media_set?set=a.10154697579083517&type=3

icoFA 2017 (International Conference on The Future of ASEAN) = https://www.facebook.com/yanie.laling/media_set?set=a.10154983340408517&type=3


In October 2017 we also participated in a competition organized by UiTM and the University of Switzerland. By bringing BCMY.
io's multi crypto wallet product, we have won first place in the "International Track" category and have qualified for Malaysia to come to Switzerland to compete with European and World countries. While in Switzerland, we received 4 out of 30 other competing companies.

You can see some pictures and articles about it here:




In conclusion, collaboration with educational institutions has long been a key part of our efforts to ensure that education and education are key to this new industry project. I believe that one day, all the universities in Malaysia and the World will make this new technology a highlight in the next few years as we no longer want to be left behind in the evolution of IR 4.0 where we are a little late in learning from technologies like TCP. / IP, Internet protocol, internet explosion and Digital application in the 90s and early 2000s.

5) Again I want to ask as in Point 1 above. What is the meaning of the guidelines issued by the Government of Malaysia? What is the advantage for all of us from the beginning who have been diving in and understanding the concept of this technology since 2016?

One question to ask, based on the guidelines to be issued for TOKEN exchange, and the DIGITAL COIN created by the government ..... which blockchain will be used by the market when Malaysia and other countries will also EMBRACE this technology in future?

Is Bitcoin ... Colored Coin?

Is Ethereum ... Smart Contract ERC20..ERC223?

Or DDKOIN ... DAI Interchain?

Did you know that DDKOIN is called UTILITY TOKEN instead of SECURITY TOKEN?

What makes DDKOIN known as UTILITY TOKEN such as LEGAL OPINION DOCUMENT is published by LEGAL FIRM LAW & TRUST International (https://lawstrust.com/en/ico/pravovoj-status-kriptovalyut) which you can see about DDKOIN here: https: / /ddkoin.com/documentation/legal-opinion.pdf

DDKOIN is known as UTILITY TOKEN because DDKOIN is designed to be a 100% OPEN SOURCE crypto currency project and will have a DAI that is DDKOIN ASSET ISSUING mechanism that allows anyone with no PROGRAMMING knowledge to create TOKEN or DIGITAL COIN or whatever LOYALTI POINT ASSETs that live on DDK Address and require DDKOIN liquid to perform these TOKEN transactions.
DAI is one of the projects that will be ready by the end of the year for all of us to benefit from. Anyone can and can create their own tokens and assets (Easily use (DDK WEB-EASY COIN CREATOR INTERFACE) while creating a more competitive crowdfunding and ICO market in line with the government's move to issue these Token and Digital Coin exchange guidelines.

Every Token and Digital Coin creation using DAI technology is a transaction running on blockchain and it is decentralized and distributed through 201 DELEGATE from 10 countries, thus creating a powerful and powerful CONSENSUS for any TOKEN or DIGITAL COIN alive decentralized & distributed over the DDK CORE NETWORK network.

More info about DAI INTERCHAIN: https://ddkoin.com/documentation/DDK_Asset_Issuing.pdf

WHITEPAPER of DDKOIN: https://ddkoin.com/documentation/DDK_Whitepaper_V1.2.pdf

BLOCKCHAIN โ€‹โ€‹EXPLORER MAINNET for DDKOIN: https://explorer.ddkoin.com

Founder DDK
Arai Bin Ezzra

Contact to me: +84989574998 Whatsapp

One of Surface latest initiatives in order to increase the demand of DDKoin especially among existing DDKoin-holders.

Surface take a step forward by planning on a collaboration with a supermarket (can't reveal yet) in order to supply basic needs and merchandise *using DDKoin as a medium of payment*.

Now, you can buy your groceries and goods with us. We make it easier for you as you don't have to exchange your Staking Rewards to fiat money anymore but use it directly to get your necessity!

A lot more advancement/surprises will be announce soon. STAY TUNED

Dengan rasa suka cita, memperkenalkan kepada anda salah satu inisiatif Surface untuk menaikan 'demand' DDKoin terutama dalam kalangan pemegang sedia ada.

Surface telah mengambil langkah seterusnya dengan merancang kerjasama bersama satu pasar raya (akan diumumkan kemudian) bertujuan untuk membekalkan barangan asas/ barangan dapur dengan *menggunakan DDKoin sebagai medium pembayaran utama*.

Anda dapat membeli keperluan asas bersama kami dengan begitu mudah menggunakan hasil 'staking rewards' bulanan tanpa perlu menukarkannya kepada wang ringgit!

Lebih banyak kemajuan/kejutan akan kami umumkan. Stay tuned๐Ÿ˜‰

Nurul Insyira (Surface Team)