David Avocado Wolfe
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Supercharcoal C60 fullerenes neutralize viruses. This has been known for at least a decade. Here is a brief summary of the Russian research: https://www.technologynetworks.com/immunology/news/knocking-out-viral-infections-with-fullerene-324249 As mentioned previously on my Channel, I've been on C60 for 5 years this month. I have sampled material from every lab in the world that I could buy from. My latest C60 product is the world's best in quality and purity. You'll know once you try it. Like nothing else in the category: http://bit.ly/C60-SuperConcentrate
The most naturally occurring fullerene is C60.
Carbon 60 molecule is the same structure as a football! 20 hexagons and 12 pentagons because that pattern-shape is tough enough not to break when kicked!
18.7 MB
I am reading an interesting book entitled: Virus-Mania! Published in 2007. A fascinating book with a refreshing perspective. Heavily referenced. Steve Jobs taught me to "Think Differently." You'll be thinking differently after reading this book! This free book is a gift for you to check out! Anyone can download from right here on my Telegram Channel!
This is the cover to the book.
The Reishi-HempRoot-DandelionRoot-WildRaisin-Horsetail-Labrador Spring Water Tea we have on the Wood-Burning Stove right now...
Forwarded from Yoeri
So bad, it’s good.
InfoWars chimes in. Are all these a synchronicity? Patents on CoronaVirus, Bill Gates Pandemic Convention in Oct 2019, Film: Pandemic released in January 2020, Inovio Vaccine Funding, and 5G launching in Wuhan? You decide: https://youtu.be/I5sWlwnMXTA
11:11 EST
Winter is Over! For most of us in the latitudes of the Corona Virus scare (30-45 degrees north latitude), TODAY is the Equilux: the Day of Equal Day and Night or Equal Light and Dark. Today is the actual transition from Winter to Springtime here in the North. For example, have a look at Toronto today: Equal Day and Night. If you live further north, like at the 50th parallel, your Equilux is March 17th. For those in Miami, the Equilux was yesterday. Only twice a year, are Day and Night equal. Today is one of those days! Enjoy St. Patrick’s Day!
(March 16, 2020)
for Corona Viruses and Your Immune System
Please PRINT for Easy Reference.
Get Prepared. Be Prepared.
I have simplified the Protocol down to the Absolute Essentials.

Coated Silver (http://bit.ly/CoatedSilver) #1 Recommendation and most powerful and portable AntiViral:
•Take one drop of Coated Silver with water each day.
•If you feel any respiratory infection coming on, diffuse a single drop of Coated Silver into your humidifier, essential oil diffuser or use a nebulizer to breathe in Coated Silver particles. Coated silver will not clog these systems. A good ratio is one drop of coated silver to 8 oz. of distilled or reverse osmosis water (use the purest water you can access)

Iodine: A couple hours from when you take Silver, take Iodine. Lots of great iodine products on the market. I just met with Dr. Group at www.globalhealingcenter.com and his iodine is phenomenal: Detoxidine.

Medicinal Mushrooms: Utilize the full power of medicinal mushrooms such as Chaga, Reishi and Turkey Tail in all forms especially Tincture. I have been taking these as tea, powders, tinctures and capsules. Tinctures (alcohol) are the most effective way to utilize medicinal mushrooms against corona viruses. I have been mostly fasting on SuperMushroom Protein while following the protocols I have outlined in this document, to keep my blood sugar stable while getting in powdered medicinal mushrooms: http://bit.ly/SuperMushroomProtein

Nettles: Excellent AntiViral and high on my list against Corona Virus. Take these in as freshly made nettle juice or in tea, powders, tinctures and capsules.

Kohlbitr Activated Charcoal (http://bit.ly/BestCharcoalEver): Our Kohlbitr activated charcoal is encapsulated in tapioca capsules (vegan, no starch, no cellulose). Take Activated Charcoal with EVERY meal you do not prepare yourself. With ANY disturbance in digestion, food poisoning, etc. take up to 8 capsules of Activated Charcoal. I normally take 1-5 capsules a day. If you are new to Activated Charcoal, only take 1-2 capsules a day; if you take more watch out for its binding effects which can cause constipation. We almost always eat a flu instead of “catch” a flu. Eating is the primary way people become susceptible to infections. Activated charcoal capsules are usually 400-500 mg per capsule.

SuperConcentrate C60: C60 SuperConcentrate is a potent AntiViral! http://bit.ly/C60-SuperConcentrate. This month (March 2020) marks 5 years I've been on C60. I have sampled material from every lab in the world that I could buy from. My latest C60 product is the world's best in quality and purity. You'll know once you try it. Like nothing else in the category: http://bit.ly/C60-SuperConcentrate
Supercharcoal C60 fullerenes neutralize viruses. This has been known for at least a decade. Here is a brief summary of the Russian research: https://www.technologynetworks.com/immunology/news/knocking-out-viral-infections-with-fullerene-324249

SuperHerbs: Keep your immune system strong with: other tonic herbs including: Astragalus, Green tea, Marshmallow root (great as a tea!), Schizandra, etc. For Superherbs, please Contact or Register as a Customer at DragonHerbs.com and you can save 15% by using the Code: WOLFE2020 (Remember: you must register as a Customer, call them or actually go into their two stores in Los Angeles. If they give you any trouble, tell them David Wolfe sent You and said you get 15% off. They will honor that!

Herbs work! Yet they only work if you take them. My recommendations: Garlic (and Garlic extracts), rosemary, ginger, echinacea (occasionally)

Minerals: Zinc. I usually get my zinc from black foods which have been proven to contain significantly more zinc.
Plant Extracts:
•Quercetin: This AntiViral super compound is found in all fruits and vegetables I have ever researched! It is a yellow flavonoid. I take this as a powdered extract. Dosage will depend on brand.
•Coconut Oil: Daily take use some Coconut oil and it’s derivatives (MCT, monolaurin, Lauric acid). Lauric acid in these products dissolves and interferes the lipid coating of corona viruses.

Amino Acids:
Lysine: Lysine is not only effective against herpes, it is effective against all viruses. Daily (on an empty stomach)

Vitamin C (5000-6000 mg per day). Seek out the Lypo-spheric vitamin C brands.
Vitamin D (10,000 IU’s Daily). Best Vitamin D product ever is here: http://bit.ly/D3K2Q10

Serrapeptase (a supplemental enzyme that dissolves corona viral coating). Take 5-10 mg, preferably on an empty stomach twice a day.

Go Organic! Avoid GMO food which disables your coating of friendly and defensive bacteria (micro biome). The chemicalized food of civilization cannot be trusted.
Skip meals and consume more Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juices, Blends and Soups. Avoid foods that can putrify and lower your immune system, especially too many starchy carbohydrates and too much protein. Eat less. If you experience any digestive upset or food poisoning, immediately take Activated Charcoal.

Recommended Physical and Mental Exercises and Processes:
•Yoga: Practice yoga at home. Avoid hot yoga rooms for a couple months.
•Deep Breathing (take 30 deep diaphragmatic breaths each day). We know oxygen is vital, but did you know that carbon dioxide is a powerful medicine? So slightly hold your breath with each inhale to drive the carbon dioxide deeper in before releasing it. This is the simplest and most effective exercise you can do each day to protect your body and nourish your immune system. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/11/24/buteyko-breathing-method.aspx
•Bowel cleansing (enemas or colonics): The less waste in your system, the stronger is your immune system; its that simple.
•Maintain emotional poise and a positive mental attitude: spend time with family, study, read, watch educational videos, set goals and Have The Best Day Ever anyway!!

*Short List of My Related Products*

KOHLBITR. The Best Activated Charcoal Ever: http://bit.ly/BestCharcoalEver

C60 SuperConcentrate is a potent AntiViral! http://bit.ly/C60-SuperConcentrate

Coated Silver: Natural Mineral Antimicrobial. Stronger than Colloidal Silver: 20,000 ppm

SuperMushroom Protein: Contains 6 immunological Medicinal Mushrooms plus hemp, pea and goji berry protein: http://bit.ly/SuperMushroomProtein

A good point to clarify: there are three stages of preparation and protocols for infectious agents:
1. Preventing infection
2. Initial stages of infection
3. Full blown infection
(Reminds me of Lymes Disease strategy)
Prevention is always best.
The Initial stages require decisive actions and the specific protocols (above) which covers Steps 1 and 2.
Now onto Stage 3, if someone has the full blown symptoms and 106 degree fever and can’t breathe, then we have to be careful about bombarding the body with all kinds of immune stimulants. At that stage we go ONLY to the basics: warm salty Chaga broth, ozone bubbled thru olive oil and breathed in, Coated Silver diffused into the living space so it can be breathed in, vitamin D, vitamin C, Enemas, Earthing and PEMF treatments (pulsed electromagnetic field treatments) so as to avoid overwhelming the immune system with too many stimulants causing a cytokine storm. At the Step 3 cytokine storm stage, no elderberry syrup, no echinacea, no garlic, no astragalus, (basically no immune system “uppers”), etc and no over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen or Cortisone (https://www.thelocal.fr/20200314/coronavirus-french-health-minister-issues-warning-over-anti-flammatories)
David Avocado Wolfe pinned «WOLFE CORONAVIRUS PROTOCOL (March 16, 2020) for Corona Viruses and Your Immune System Please PRINT for Easy Reference. Get Prepared. Be Prepared. I have simplified the Protocol down to the Absolute Essentials. Coated Silver (http://bit.ly/CoatedSilver)…»