🎵 Check out the lyrics for the song “Wait For Me” by Theory of a Deadman
#TheoryOfADeadman #WaitForMe
#TheoryOfADeadman #WaitForMe
Wait For Me - Theory of a Deadman
You are not alone tonight. Imagine me there by your side. It's so hard to be here so far away from you. I'm counting the days till. I'm finally done.
🎵 Check out the lyrics for the song “Can't Get Enough of Your Love Babe” by Barry White
#BarryWhite #CanTGetEnoughOfYourLoveBabe
#BarryWhite #CanTGetEnoughOfYourLoveBabe
Can't Get Enough of Your Love Babe - Barry White
I've heard people say that. Too much of anything is not good for you, baby. Oh no. But I don't know about that. There's many times that we've loved.