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This just in... a new study shows that masks did *WORSE* than nothing against Covid-19.
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Janet Yellen's Comments on Abortion Reveal the Left's Eugenicist Ideology: Candace Owens

"So when they're talking about that economic [impact], if [this decision is] allowed to be implemented [and] people just start having babies, they are talking about people that they deem to be undesirable and unfit, which will place a burden on finances. And so, I actually find her to be the most honest about this, and I encourage people to go look through history and understand that that's their concern. You're not a desirable person; they don't want you being born. That's the answer."

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URGENT: Stop Global Governance—The Vote to Give Total Power to the WHO Takes Place In 2 Weeks

Michele Bachmann:
"This authority that they would be given would impact 99.4% of all the people in the world... The WHO would have decision-making authority to intervene into the United States' government policy and any nation of the world without our permission. For instance, the lockdowns where you see 26 million people today locked down in Shanghai, China... the WHO would have the authority to be able to impose that here in the United States for whatever pretext they want. They don't have to show data; they could do this. What this does, bottom line, is it creates a platform for global governance, global governance through the WHO."

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Consumer prices spiked 8.3% from last year.

"Hotter than expected"

Overall CPI: +8.3% since last year
Gas: +43.6%
Electricity: +11%
Meat, Poultry, & Fish: +13.8%
Milk: +14.7%
Eggs: +22.6%
Coffee: +13.5%
Used Cars: +22.7%
Airline Fares: +33.3%
Real Average Hourly Earnings: -2.6%

When the White House bogarted our name #GlobalCovidSummit to meet virtually to discuss pandemic response, we knew it would be propaganda for vaccines and The Great Reset.

Tomorrow Biden plans on holding another one to prepare and instill fear ahead of the midterm elections. To stay ahead of the impending misinformation that he and his cronies will spew, we, the REAL Global Covid Summit, held a presser at Del Bigtree’s studio.
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The Shift Towards Brazen Totalitarianism: "Shut Up and Get in Line!"

CJ Hopkins:
"I feel like the overarching message of the last two years has been coming from power has been 'Shut up and get in line because we're the ones running things, and we can do this to you any time we want!' It's a more brazen totalitarianism than I've ever experienced from the West in my lifetime, and I can't help but see it as a message."

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Steve Scalise on Biden Border Crisis:

"This has to end. Joe Biden needs to do his job, secure our southern border, and protect America’s national security."

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"Something's Happening" With Reproductive Health While the CDC Dismisses It as "Female Hysteria"

Dr. Robert Malone:
"It was being asserted by the CDC and the medical community that all these women [who] were reporting these variations in their menstrual cycles [were hysterical]. Some of them had the onset of menses in postmenopausal women. That's often a sign of cancer. And long delays in menstruation. All these things are pointers that there's something going wrong with the ovaries, because the ovaries drive menstruation... The lipids [from the shot] seem to go to the ovaries... They're getting concentrated there. Something's happening, and no one's interested in investigating it."

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Rep. Matt Gaetz: "We are sleepwalking into a war, and the American people are left in the dark. "

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Reporter: "You're being called ultra MAGA.."

Rep. Elise Stefanik: "I am ultra MAGA, and I'm proud of it."

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Polish Embassy in Moscow was attacked and doused with red paint. Three men poured a bucket on the plate of the diplomatic mission and splashed from the can on the window of the guards.

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Spiking the Football and Declaring Victory: Just as the Narrative Started Collapsing, Putin Cured COVID

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr:
"They simply changed the subject at a time when the entire ideological factual basis, propaganda basis, was collapsing. The vaccines don't work. They don't stop you from getting infected. They don't stop the spread of disease. Side effects are horrendous. The lockdowns didn't work. The masks don't work. The social distancing didn't work, and natural immunity is 10 times as strong as vaccine-induced immunity. All of this factual infrastructure for everything they told us is now exposed as a lie, and what did they do? They changed subjects."

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TODAY AT 7pm EST! Returns For Our 28th epsiode!! On Today's Midweek Ride We Will Be Covering how The left will act about Roe V Wade outcome, Billionaires pushing poison on babies, foxnews against 2000 mules, 40 billion to ukraine, Ufo's, and MUCH MUCH MORE!!!

Find The Live Stream Here!




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Jim Jordan nails it 🔥🔥defund the Ministry Of Truth.

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Lauren Boebert Completely Stuns Opposition and Rips Biden's 'Ministry of Truth' Czar to Pieces

"America calls her an expert on disinformation, probably because she tells lies all the dang time. Nina said that President Trump would embolden ISIS. Well, he defeated it. Nina said the Hunter Biden laptop from Hell was a Trump campaign product. Nina said that concerned parents who wanted a say in their children's education were pushing disinformation, and Nina said big tech should censor the Wuhan lab leak theory because it was, you guessed it, disinformation! Nina doesn't seem to have a good relationship with truth and will surely use this board to silence Americans."

H/T: @ChiefNerd, @BennyJohnson

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☄️The Senate is set to vote this afternoon on whether to advance legislation that would codify the right to an abortion established in Roe v. Wade into federal law.

☄️Senator Manchin is planning to vote ‘no’. They do not expect to get the 60 votes needed but plan to move forward with the vote.

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No Such Thing As 'Mild' Myocarditis: The Evidence Is in the Athletes - Dr. Robert Malone

"The heart doesn't heal; it scars, and when it scars, it forms little areas that are electrically irregular... That electricity and how it circulates is crucial for the heart to contract in a harmonized way that makes it effective, and if you have little areas of scars in your heart, this can cause irregularities in electrical transmission, and that can set off things like ventricular or atrial fibrillation, particularly ventricular fibrillation, which causes sudden death. And if you have small scars and you have somebody under high performance stress, let's say a high performance athlete functioning at the peak of their capability, they can suddenly get ventricular fibrillation and drop dead."

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URGENT: Stop Global Governance—The Vote to Give Total Power to the WHO Takes Place In 2 Weeks

Michele Bachmann:
"This authority that they would be given would impact 99.4% of all the people in the world... The WHO would have decision-making authority to intervene into the United States' government policy and any nation of the world without our permission. For instance, the lockdowns where you see 26 million people today locked down in Shanghai, China... the WHO would have the authority to be able to impose that here in the United States for whatever pretext they want. They don't have to show data; they could do this. What this does, bottom line, is it creates a platform for global governance, global governance through the WHO."

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Rep. Moolenaar: "When we will no longer called the current covid public health as an emergency pandemic."

Fauci: "I don't think you're going to see all of a sudden one day there's going to be a declaration that the pandemic is over. It will likely be that it is no longer in the 'pandemic phase'. Right now we're not there."
