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#食花生等睇戲 有消息指出,今晚七點至七點半時段,大陸新聞聯播將出現「政治類重大輿情」花生 李老師不是你老師
「⋯⋯ 会议经表决,决定免去秦刚兼任的外交部部长职务,任命王毅为外交部部长⋯⋯」

經過人工智能運算,#ChatGPT 推測 Q 先生可能是一名「宦官」。

#ChatGPT 是根據一名白俄羅斯外交官對陳先生的描述作出以上推測。


“As a protocol officer for Mr. Xi, Mr. Qin was exhaustively punctilious, said Pavel Slunkin, who was a Belarusian diplomat involved in arranging a visit by Mr. Xi to Belarus in 2015. During the visit, Mr. Slunkin said, Mr. Qin called at around 2 a.m. and asked to immediately go to a museum that Mr. Xi was scheduled to visit, so Mr. Qin could recheck every detail of the plans, including exactly when the music would strike up as Mr. Xi walked up some stairs.”

Source: NYT
2055 尚真樓停車處1 EU
『唉,唔知 “chutzpah” 中文點寫呢


今日WSJ社論: Hong Kong’s John Lee Is Persona Non Grata at APEC
1723 怡和街 香港免稅藥妝店對出1 EU停 2軍裝落地正在截停搜查一名市民
1700 #黨鐵 大堂1軍裝向A出口行
1253 皇后大道中東方錶行對出1警車
1320 皇后大道中周大福對面2軍裝正在對一名市民作截停搜查
1815 尚德附近設有RB
1815 寶順路2罐裝
1156 皇后大道中周大福對出1咖啡仔
1158 華人行對出1鐵騎
1405 置地廣場 3/F 4軍裝
1135 德輔道中萬邦行對出2軍裝
1200 皇后大道中豐樂行門口對出1咖啡仔
1200 皇后大道中馬莎百貨門口對出2軍裝
#Doublespeak #1984


‘The lawyers were told to avoid mentioning “adverse changes” (不要說 “不利”) in China’s economy and to describe it as “evolving.” (試說 “演化中”) Instead of saying that the country’s administrative and court proceedings can be protracted, (不要說”法庭及行政程序可以玩死人”) they were advised to point out simply that China’s legal system is different from other jurisdictions (試試說 “同常理有啲唔同”). And rather than saying that laws and regulations in the country can change “without notice,” (不要說 “失驚無神”), the guidance was to use wording about how they could change “from time to time (試試說 “適時有更改的地方”).

Source: WSJ
1900 銅鑼灣道有巴士死火 附近一帶現時出現大塞車 向東行現須轉入電車路

“When bad folks have problems, they do bad things.”




AND “I don’t want to hurt China, but I’m watching.”

Source: Guardian
1400 百德新街Donki對出1 EU停泊有閃燈
1840 百德新街Donki對出1 EU停泊
2100 尚德巴士總站出口1 EU
1708 #黨鐵 A出口對出地面3軍裝