#AndThenThereWereNone #無人生還
根據《華爾街日報》Lingling Wei 報道,調查牽涉「生活問題」也是「国安問題」:
“The officials were further told that the probe found that Qin had engaged in an extramarital affair that led to the birth of a child in the U.S., two of the people said.”
“The investigation is continuing with Qin’s cooperation, the people added, and it is now focusing on whether the affair or other conduct by Qin might have compromised China’s national security.”
報道還指出习禁評上周在一個關於貪腐問題的高層會議上,說出一句Google Translate難以翻譯的金句:
“You people, you either eat and drink yourselves into the grave, or die between the sheets.” (Google Translate 翻译为 “你們這些人,要么吃喝入墳,要麼死在被窩裡。”
根據《華爾街日報》Lingling Wei 報道,調查牽涉「生活問題」也是「国安問題」:
“The officials were further told that the probe found that Qin had engaged in an extramarital affair that led to the birth of a child in the U.S., two of the people said.”
“The investigation is continuing with Qin’s cooperation, the people added, and it is now focusing on whether the affair or other conduct by Qin might have compromised China’s national security.”
報道還指出习禁評上周在一個關於貪腐問題的高層會議上,說出一句Google Translate難以翻譯的金句:
“You people, you either eat and drink yourselves into the grave, or die between the sheets.” (Google Translate 翻译为 “你們這些人,要么吃喝入墳,要麼死在被窩裡。”
1950 天后巴士總站對開2豬1衝停泊
1950 興發街公共停車場4衝3豬停泊
1950 1戰術巴士經過英華中學向中央圖書館方向行
1950 2白8藍 PTU 沿着興發街左轉入高士威道向維園方向行
1950 興發街接近維園位置2軍裝著戰術背心企
1950 天后巴士總站對開2豬1衝停泊
1950 興發街公共停車場4衝3豬停泊
1950 1戰術巴士經過英華中學向中央圖書館方向行
1950 2白8藍 PTU 沿着興發街左轉入高士威道向維園方向行
1950 興發街接近維園位置2軍裝著戰術背心企