Cute Laune Festival
311 subscribers
20 photos
1 video
4 files
17 links
Celebrate Cute Laune with us from June 13-16th 2024 on a beautiful castle 1,5hrs from Berlin with a pool, sauna, jacuzzi & Funktion One Soundsystem. A Festival by friends for friends.

More info:
Download Telegram
Call for Cute ART: Audio and/or Visual

Hey Cuties 💘
Are there any of you who would like to show their Art of any kind?
It can be an installation, a performance, paintings or any other art you've created.

If you have any questions or requests, please let us know.

Happy to show the creative work of the cutie community!
Cute greetings 💘🏰🌳🏝️


Call für Cute KUNST: Audio und/oder Visuel

Sind welche unter euch, die Lust haben bei der Cuten Laune ihre Kunst zu zeigen?

Dabei sind der Kreativität keine Grenzen gesetzt. Es kann eine Installation, eine Performance, Malereien oder andere Kunstarten die ihr kreiert habt.

Bei Fragen schreibt uns gerne!

Wir freuen uns die Kreativen Arbeiten der Cutie Community zu zeigen.

Cute Grüße 💘🏰🌳🦋🌈
Cute Laune Festival pinned «Liebe Freund*innen der Cuten Laune! 🏰🌈 (English version below) Bald ist es wieder soweit: Vom 13.–16. Juni 2024 beziehen wir wieder das einzigartige Schloss Schönow in der Nähe von Berlin. Gemeinsam mit Euch planen wir ein Programm aus Workshops, Bewegung…»
Dear cuties 🦄

feeling holiday-ready? 🏖️ Just a little more than two weeks to go before we take over our favorite castle for the most magical weekend of the year 🏰🌳♥️🌞🏕️

NOW is the time to secure your spot (if you haven't yet), invite your dearest friends, get your sauna towel, dancing shoes and swimsuit ready for an unforgettable weekend amongst the cutest people in the castle, park, pool, sauna, jacuzzi, great hall, billiard room and of course boiler room! 🔊🧖🏊🌞🏖️🌳🧘🌈

Head over here to secure your spot & invite your favorite cuties now 👉

Dear cuties! Wowieee – only very few cute laune spots left. Make sure to pay your contribution in order to secure your spot after registration 💌💸 let us know if there are any problems or if you can’t afford it right now, but would still like to come!

Also PLEASE don’t forget to vote this week! It’s very easy – also daily at every Rathaus in town. ♥️♥️♥️ we don’t wanna party in a neofascist Europe!

Wie viele Cuties sehen wir heute in der Sonne an der Siegessäule? 🌞💖

Stay tuned for some artist announcements and cute information later today / this weekend!

Only five days to go and we‘re almost fully booked!!

Hi Cuties in wenigen Tagen kommen wir im Schloss Schönow zusammen. Wir haben euch alle wichtigen Infos zur Anreise und eine cute Packliste vorbereitet. Dieses Jahr wird das Deko Thema: Cute Universe. Packt also gern passende Deko, Makeup und Outfits ein, wenn ihr mögt. Aber keine Angst: es wird keine Kostümparty und gibt keinen „Kostümzwang“.

Hi Cuties in a few days we'll all meet at Schönow Castle. We prepared all important information on how to get there and what to pack. This year the festival's theme is "cute universe". So pack related decorations, makeup and outfits if you like. Zero pressure of course!
Let's bring some light, warmth and cuteness into this world! 🌈♥️ We're expecting 27 °C on Saturday, so you can dive into the brand new pool in front of the castle 🏖️🦋🌞🌳🌾🏰 this is your very last chance to secure your spot & remind your cutest friends (we're almost fully booked) 👉
💖 Prepare for Lift-Off! 🎆

Our adorable spaceship is prepped and ready for an out-of-this-world journey! 🚀 Join us as our brilliant interstellar musicians embark on a cosmic adventure, bringing you tunes that are as cute, buzzing, and varied as the galaxies we'll explore. Strap in, stargazers, and get ready for a celestial symphony that will take your breath away!

Get ready to dance among the stars, float on melodies, and experience a space jam like no other. See you in the cosmos, where music and magic collide! 👩‍🚀🎵

Cosmic Travel Tips! 🌌

Feel free to use this galactic group to offer spaceship seats in your vehicle or to form an interplanetary train crew. It’s just a short lunar stroll from the train station to our launch pad! Don’t forget to download the local star map or take a screenshot of the route, as reception in Schönow’s orbit is very poor!

Safe travels, fellow space adventurers! 🌠🪐
Dear cuties and red giants, here are your pulsar time table and extraterrestrial awareness tips for the upcoming space exploration.

Gravity wells cause distortions in the space-time continuum resulting in slight shifts in the workshop schedule. The boiler room satellite is not affected by this! 💞🛰️

Please bear in mind that interplanetary spaceships from launch pad Berlin only leave every two hours (see info sheet pinned to this channel) and that it gets cold in the castle’s orbit after solar-eclipse! 🌚

Spread love and kindness throughout the cute universe! 💖💜♥️
Dear Cuties, it was an absolute blast the past days. If you forgot to pay your bar donations in cash, you can send it to us via PayPal or bank. PayPal:
Banküberweisung: Dominik Häring DE50120300001019291432
🎬 Cute Videos/photos

Did you take some videos and photos of our cute universe?

It would be amaziiiiing if you could upload them here until Wednesday 👇


Upload them to Wetransfer and send it to:

If we have enough, we'll make a cute video out of them. 😍

Mucho love 🫶

P.s.: If you have questions, feel free to contact Joelle.