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"FlipNpik has moved to Ethereum, the Foundation of Web 3.0"

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Please visit our updated Website and read/download our latest Whitepaper

Official exchange listings will be shared only by us or the exchange itself, don't listen/follow any rumors or speculations and more importantly do not click unknown links.

We will be updating the community/website DURING the ongoing ICO (From September 25th till December 31st) about important developments.

Alive Casino

#AliveCasino works extensively to follow all industry best practices, to stay on top of #security issues as they develop, and to offset the potential exploitation of zero-day #vulnerabilities ⚔️
📌 A message from Crypto Circle X (CCX) to our dedicated community and investors.

After our last board meeting, the decision was made that Crypto Circle X (CCX) - @CryptoCircleX_Official will make a strategic change in the direction of our ICO marketing strategy. Therefore, we will be extending the Pre-ICO project time for 30 days starting September 17th.

We will ensure that our ICO will reach its full potential and our cryptocurrency exchange will be around for many years to come. During this time, we have decided to extend the Pre-ICO period to focus on increasing the Crypto Circle X (CCX) brand awareness by furthering our social media presence. We will be focusing on the following areas: Reddit, Medium, Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube. While we are doing this, it will be business as usual and all aspects will continue as normal.

The white paper will detail use cases, which will enhance and go into more details about specific sections and be more explanatory. Everyone can understand each section with easy to understand wording, of what our product and features will have to offer.

During this time, we will be focusing on Crypto Circle X (CCX) brand awareness. Brand awareness is the level of consumer consciousness of a company. It measures a customer's ability to not only recognize a brand image, but to also associate it with a certain company's product or service.
Our telegram chat has increased to over 40k users over the past few weeks and due to the overwhelming support from social media. We have started to implement 2 different programs that will benefit everyone who supports the Crypto Circle X (CCX) brand.

1. Our Daily Trivia quizzes, that occur at random times, that allow members to participate in questions pertaining to Crypto Circle X (CCX) with a chance to win CCX tokens for answering 5 questions correctly.

2. A Meme making contest that will be judged by our moderators and the person who has the winning Meme will be awarded CCX tokens.
We will be implementing other ways to interact with our audience in the future. So be sure to check these out and there will be more ways to win as well in the future. Please don’t hesitate to leave us feedback for any suggestions or concerns.

The increase in time to the Pre-ICO period will affect the Road Map. So we will have to adjust some of the time frames, with the CCX Token as well as the Crypto Circle Exchange. This will only change some of the details on the Road Map and not impact the vision of Crypto Circle X (CCX)

We have been actively looking to increase the number of partnerships, Public and Private, and will be continuing to do the same, moving forward. Also, we will be pitching the Crypto Circle X (CCX) brand to prospective venture capitalists and private investors to increase our capital for investment back into the ICO project.

Crypto Circle X (CCX) will begin hosting AMA’s written and video sessions, on many different platforms, twitter, medium, youtube, and other social media forums, where our team will be answering any and all your questions regarding the Crypto Circle Exchange and CCX project..

We would like to extend a big heartfelt thank you for your support! With the all the community growth Crypto Circle X (CCX) is seeing and the marketing/advertising strategies we will be implementing. The success of the ICO will easily be achieved with the help of our great core team and leading cryptocurrency advisors, Crypto Circle X (CCX) is on its way to bring the most advanced Crypto Exchange on the Blockchain!
Thanks Satoshi Nakamoto! BitMEX Advertises on Front Page of The Times 10 Years Later

The Bitcoin Genesis Block
The global financial crisis of the early 21st century is famously a key motivating factor in the development of Bitcoin by Satoshi Nakamoto. Famously, when the Bitcoin genesis block was mined on January 3rd 2009, a bit of text was embedded into its coinbase:

The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for bank

Today at 18:15 UTC time or 1:15PM EST will mark the exact 10th birthday of the Bitcoin blockchain. The address which received the first mining reward, and therefore the first 50 bitcoins, has received an additional 16+ BTC over time. In Bitcoin and most Satoshi-codebase cryptocurrencies, the recipient or founder cannot spend the first mining reward due to the way the code was originally written. Thus even if Satoshi were to emerge and want to spend these coins, he would not be able to do so.

At time of writing, it had received a microtransaction with “1HappyTenthBirthdayBitcoinxvYeM9e” as a change address. The actual sender is probably the owner of 3H7itJUKrZ4bMagoArQRgWVjKGRdCqz6hp, which received the majority of the change outputs from the transaction (around $400 at time of writing).
Satoshi Nakamoto’s Deflationary Bitcoin As An Answer to Fiat Money
“It’s very attractive to the libertarian viewpoint if we can explain it properly. I’m better with code than with words though,” Satoshi Nakamoto said on November 13th, 2008, discussing his Bitcoin whitepaper.

In a later e-mail, after the blockchain was up and running, Satoshi explained:

You could say coins are issued by the majority. They are issued in a limited, predetermined amount. […]

[I]ndeed there is nobody to act as central bank or federal reserve to adjust the money supply as the population of users grows. That would have required a trusted party to determine the value, because I don’t know a way for software to know the real world value of things. If there was some clever way, or if we wanted to trust someone to actively manage the money supply to peg it to something, the rules could have been programmed for that.

In this sense, it’s more typical of a precious metal. Instead of the supply changing to keep the value the same, the supply is predetermined and the value changes. As the number of users grows, the value per coin increases. It has the potential for a positive feedback loop; as users increase, the value goes up, which could attract more users to take advantage of the increasing value.

Bitcoin has been both embraced and rejected by Austrian economists of various stripes, for varying reasons. Either way, it certainly fits the model of a deflationary currency and solves several of the problems of central banks and fiat currencies.

However, there is some legitimate argument that perhaps Satoshi was only using a means to prove the date the blockchain was actually founded. There is some degree of speculation on all this. Indeed, block #1 was not mined until six days later, leading many to believe that the first block was saved from a test-run of sorts.
Anyway you look at it, no one could have predicted that the Bitcoin experiment would have transformed into a $50 billion market force in 10 short years.
Happy New year ! Hope you will all keep your resolutions until 2020

#FlipNpik #BuyLocal #App #lovelocal #FNP #local

Official exchange listings will be shared only by us or the exchange itself, don't listen/follow any rumors or speculations and more importantly do not click unknown links.

We will be updating the community/website DURING the ongoing ICO (From September 25th till December 31st) about important developments.

Bitcointalk: is powering the future of cybersecurity with artificial intelligence and the blockchain to protect against current and next-generation cyber threats.

As cyber threats are growing at an exponential rate, modern cybersecurity solutions are reactive, outdated, and ineffective. The vast majority of threat data is controlled by large corporations and governments, making it difficult and costly to build next-generation solutions that improve protection. Recent advances in artificial intelligence based threat protection are promising, but the solutions are almost exclusively deployed to large corporate applications, which puts the technology out of reach of the people who are most vulnerable to attacks. is taking a new approach to AI-powered threat protection. Utilizing big data, artificial intelligence, and the blockchain, combined with a decentralized peer-to-peer threat protection platform, will change cybersecurity as we know it and make next-generation solutions universally available. will empower and incentivize developers and companies to create the next generation of cybersecurity through the HEROIC. com Ecosystem, which includes an open threat intelligence exchange called HEROIC Arc Reactor, a unified security management platform called HEROIC Guardian, and a Research and Development environment. The motivation for collaboration within this Ecosystem will be incentivized through the blockchain and the use of’s cryptocurrency, the HRO (pronounced hero).

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✔️ @heroicdotcom
Alive Casino

The Alive Casino is the world’s first cryptocurrency casino to offer a virtual reality gaming experience.

The Alive Casino is named as such because, as both a company and an organization, everything is about “keeping things alive.” First and foremost, the casino is, of course, a business, but it is also a living, breathing community. The Alive team endeavors to, as its mission, create a living, thriving, and secure gaming alternative for gambling enthusiasts. The casino’s chief objective is to operate in such a way that allows online casinos to occupy a greater share of the gambling market. This goal will be achieved through two key strategies: first, by following only transparent practices, largely through Blockchain technology, and second, by enabling a real human experience for online players through effective social media and a VR gambling experience.

Q1, 2018
Market analysis Alive Project design Website design
Q2, 2018
- Software provider partnership agreement - ICO Website - Whitepaper release
Q3, 2018
- Exclusive sale - Kickoff development of the casino platform - Private Sale - Casino platform video prototype MVP Hold Wallet
Q4, 2018
- Pre-ICO - Testing phase of the platform opens for the community - ICO - MVP Multi Wallet
Q1, 2019
- Official launch of the Alive Casino - Exchange listing - Kickoff development of new VR Games
Q2, 2019
- Hold Wallet release - First profit distribution - Begins the construction of the Live Games Studio
Q3, 2019
- Profit distribution - Equipment set up in the live games studio - Hiring and training of the Alive’s dealers
Q4, 2019
- Profit distribution - Final stage of the live games studio - Introduction of Alive’s dealers and staff members
Q1, 2020
- Profit distribution - Testing and launch of Alive Casino’s live dealer games
Q2, 2020
- Profit distribution - Integration of the Multi Wallet system


Token - AL
Platform - Ethereum
Type - ERC20
PreICO price 1 AL = 0.04 USD
Price in ICO 1 AL = 0.09 USD
Tokens for sale - 250,000,000
Accepting - ETH
Soft cap - 10,000,000 USD
Hard cap - 30,000,000 USD

Now’s your chance to get in early - The registration for the Exclusive Private Sale will open very soon! Follow✔️🔜